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Dh thinks I'm crazy-are you this way too?

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Dh thinks I am way over the top about germs-I say it's not just me!


So, here are a few examples:


When he/me mops the floor, I want the mop rinsed in the laundry room sink-which is right off of the kitchen-convenient, right? He thinks it's silly and doesn't understand why. Um, we have pets and who knows what on the floor, I think it's more sanitary to use the laundry room sink. Invisible particles can get in the air.


When we make sandwiches or wash fruit, I think it should be done on a plate or towel; he just puts whatever it is on the counter. Now, the counter should be clean, but.... We have a cat that likes to jump on the counters. Am I crazy for not wanting the food up there?


When we empty the vacuum or hand vac, I think it should be emptied into the garbage can in the laundryroom, not the one that is sitting next to the sink/counter. Again, what is flying up in the air when it's being emptied?


And here's a biggie: We live out in the country, and there are tons of mice (as well as other creatures) all over, especially in the yard. We have a big sandbox that we cover with a tarp, but some of the ties broke and dh hasn't replaced them. We had found mouse nests in the box. This year, in the fall, the tarp wasn't even pulled over the box, so it's been left to the elements. I think we need to dump all of the sand and replace it with new. And, get a better system to cover it. Dh doesn't think the sand needs to be replaced. (HELLO???)


Okay, so I know this sounds like a big rant, and believe it or not, I do love dh & appreciate his help, but-Am I asking too much, or am I crazy here?:confused:

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I'm not really a germaphobe, so I'm w/ your dh on most of the issues. I wouldn't freak out over any of those things. (Think of it as helping to build your immune systems. ;))


However, I would dump the sandbox sand & replace it. And, I would try to keep it covered when not in use.

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Nope, you are not crazy. I would want to do things the same way as you and yes, my dh would probably think I'm going overboard. I would just do it as I wanted and let dh do it as he wanted (I'd actually be thrilled if dh would do any of those things!) and try to not let it bother me. Just figure you are building up the children's immunity. :)

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I'm not really a germaphobe, so I'm w/ your dh on most of the issues. I wouldn't freak out over any of those things. (Think of it as helping to build your immune systems. ;))


However, I would dump the sandbox sand & replace it. And, I would try to keep it covered when not in use.



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I'm not really a germaphobe, so I'm w/ your dh on most of the issues. I wouldn't freak out over any of those things. (Think of it as helping to build your immune systems. ;))


However, I would dump the sandbox sand & replace it. And, I would try to keep it covered when not in use.



Except I am somewhat of a germaphobe. Maybe you could read about specific bacteria/virus and find out which ones are realistically dangerous.

I'm not so worried about what's on my kitchen floor, but MRSA scares me.

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The only thing I'd do differently is that I wouldn't care about the sandbox. But, then, I never had mice in our sandboxes. The mice never would have survived our kids. :D I also never covered our sandboxes. I'd rather let the rain and sun wash and fry the sand. I'm thinking that the mice love it because it IS covered???


What I did for sandboxes (and all outside play) was to keep a pump bottle of hand soap on the back of the kitchen sink, and when dc came inside they had to wash their hands. I found that if I had them wash in the kitchen, the hands always came out cleaner than if they went off to the bathroom where I couldn't see them doing the actual washing. :glare:

Edited by ksva
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I'm not at all a germaphobe in everyday life (I do worry about resistant infections often found in hospitals, etc).


The first three situations you mention wouldn't bother me at all.


I would change the sand in the sandbox. :001_smile:

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Dh thinks I am way over the top about germs-I say it's not just me!


So, here are a few examples:


When he/me mops the floor, I want the mop rinsed in the laundry room sink-which is right off of the kitchen-convenient, right? He thinks it's silly and doesn't understand why. Um, we have pets and who knows what on the floor, I think it's more sanitary to use the laundry room sink. Invisible particles can get in the air.

My Home Comforts book says only food and dishes in the kitchen sink.

When we make sandwiches or wash fruit, I think it should be done on a plate or towel; he just puts whatever it is on the counter. Now, the counter should be clean, but.... We have a cat that likes to jump on the counters. Am I crazy for not wanting the food up there?

:ack2: Yeah, cats walk in Cat Boxes.

When we empty the vacuum or hand vac, I think it should be emptied into the garbage can in the laundryroom, not the one that is sitting next to the sink/counter. Again, what is flying up in the air when it's being emptied?

I guess I empty the broom vac in the kitchen trash,but I only sweep the kitchen floor with it. If it was the whole house vac I would be outside.

And here's a biggie: We live out in the country, and there are tons of mice (as well as other creatures) all over, especially in the yard. We have a big sandbox that we cover with a tarp, but some of the ties broke and dh hasn't replaced them. We had found mouse nests in the box. This year, in the fall, the tarp wasn't even pulled over the box, so it's been left to the elements. I think we need to dump all of the sand and replace it with new. And, get a better system to cover it. Dh doesn't think the sand needs to be replaced. (HELLO???)

I think it's a biggie too,but, I live where people have come down with hantavirus(which is airborn), so mouse stuff freaks me out!

Okay, so I know this sounds like a big rant, and believe it or not, I do love dh & appreciate his help, but-Am I asking too much, or am I crazy here?:confused:

I don't think you're crazy.

After posting I noticed my avatar. I'm wearing rubber gloves. LOL

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Okay, so I know this sounds like a big rant, and believe it or not, I do love dh & appreciate his help, but-Am I asking too much, or am I crazy here?:confused:


I don't think you're crazy and I don't think you are asking too much.


Of course, this is coming from me, who secretly panics if I leave the house without my little bottle of hand sanitizer... ;)



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I am NOT a germaphobe. Frankly, my house is pretty unclean. It's often untidy, I don't dust often enough, and I disinfect RARELY. We almost never get sick, and as long as I have half an hour to run around before company comes over, I'm okay with it.


Knowing whree I'm coming from, as an anti-germaphobe - I am SOOOO with you on this. I usually make sandwiches on a plate because I don't know what germs might be on my counter (and I don't have a cat!). If I DO make sandwiches on the counter, I wipe it down with a Lysol wipe first (I just bought there - love 'em).


Rinsing out your mop in the kitchen sink? Does he KNOW what's on your floors? He wants you to wash your dishes (and your hands) in that?


Lesson learned on the hand vac - thin dust flies EVERYWHERE when I empty mine. My hands feels gross afterwards. I sure wouldn't want it on my counter.


The sandbox.... um, ew. Just ew.


I'd keep some disinfecting wipes handy (have I mentioned that I love them?) and give him some room on the first 3 - tell him he can do it his way, but you want him to wipe down the area around it after. Meh, maybe since it creates more work he'll just change how he does it. But in the interest of compromise, I'd give on those 3 to get the sand changed.

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I'm that way too. We've had some run-ins with some nasty and hard to treat parasites that made me a lot more aware of this stuff. Prior to that I would have felt differently. I couldn't get my hubby to remember about putting food we'll be eating on plates instead of counters. I put a dishtowel on the counter and change it frequently. He seems more likely to set things on that as it's no more trouble than putting it on the counter. I still prefer a plate and he more often remembers that too as I think the towel reminds him.


The sand definitely needs changed! I don't think that part is over the top at all. Two different specialists (w/ my son and the horrible parasitic infection) told us to immediately get rid of outdoor sandboxes.

Edited by sbgrace
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I agree with you on everything!! Sometimes I think that men are clueless when it comes to germs, safety, etc. Let me tell you what my husband tried to do. Our kitchen sink was clogged up. He needed to plunge it to get it unclogged. He was going to use the plunger that we plunge the toilet with!! Ewwwwww!!!!!! Yes, I stopped that one and he was irritated and didn't understand why he couldn't do it.

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Okay, as for the sandwich making with no paper towel or plate underneath - this is one of my pet peeves. Not only for germ reasons. If one places a paper towel or plate under the sandwich, one not only has something with which to transport said sandwich, it reduces or eliminates the need to wipe crumbs (and jam and whatever else) off the counter after after the sandwich making process is completed.


I need a sign for my kitchen.

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Agreeing with you on all of them. I admit though, in actual practice, we get a little lazy about where the mop goes and occasionally I'll set food on the counter (even though I know it is a bad idea). However, the vacuum canister - that thing gets emptied outside, right into the garbage can that goes out to the road every Monday morning. No way will I empty that disgusting beast in my house!

And yeah - that sand has to go.

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I'm not big on germs at all, but I'd do it your way just as a matter of course. I wouldn't freak out or anything. But who makes sandwiches on the counter? It's not about germs to me. It's just easier to not have to clean the counter as much. And dirty things don't go in my kitchen sink. My former roommate is a guy and he totally agrees with that. If you've been working in the yard, for example, you wash your hands in the bathroom, not where we clean dishes and prepare food.

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I'm not really a germaphobe, so I'm w/ your dh on most of the issues. I wouldn't freak out over any of those things. (Think of it as helping to build your immune systems. ;))


However, I would dump the sandbox sand & replace it. And, I would try to keep it covered when not in use.




Most of the stuff totally wouldn't bug me, but I wouldn't want my kids playing in poo. ;)

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I'm like you, but I don't think the first items are too critical. Do it your way but don't nag your hubby when he does it his way.


However, the sandbox would be non-negotiable for me.


About two years ago our local science museum had a special display in the kids section about how many larvae and parasites live in sandboxes. Gross :ack2:

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I don't understand washing the mop in the sink. Do you mean you don't want him using a bucket? Girl, if he is mopping don't complain!


I don't put food directly on the counter either. I don't even allow pets on counters. I don't think I would correct my husband about it.


Yes, emptying the vacuum is dusty, but let him empty it in whatever trash can he wants to.


Mopping, vacuuming, and washing fruit are what I call, "One person jobs." They don't need a supervisor suggesting the best way to do it. Be glad he is willing to help and let him do things in his own way.


The sand is the only thing I would speak up about. Ew.

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silverware on the table in restaurants. I always rest mine on a napkin or plate.

Once I showed my husband the busboy going from table to table with that same funky dishrag, he understood why.:lol:

The funky dishrag is soaked in a bleach solution, so while it doesn't thrill me, I'm ok with it. What does bother me is the salt & pepper shakers. I have occasionally been in a restaurant where I have wanted to put a little salt on fries or a burger. I don't want to touch that nasty salt shaker that 50 or 500 other people have touched, and then pick up my food. The person who touched the shaker before me could have had who-knows-what on their hands {shudder}. :eek:

'Course, I'm also seriously skeeved out when I have to sign my name using that little electronic pen thingy when I pick up my rx's at the pharmacy. :ack2:

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I am NOT a germaphobe. Frankly, my house is pretty unclean. It's often untidy, I don't dust often enough, and I disinfect RARELY. We almost never get sick, and as long as I have half an hour to run around before company comes over, I'm okay with it.


Knowing whree I'm coming from, as an anti-germaphobe - I am SOOOO with you on this. I usually make sandwiches on a plate because I don't know what germs might be on my counter...


Rinsing out your mop in the kitchen sink? Does he KNOW what's on your floors? He wants you to wash your dishes (and your hands) in that?


The sandbox.... um, ew. Just ew.


:iagree: on all counts. Thankfully, I only asked my dh once about rinsing the mop in the bathroom instead of the kitchen sink and it was never an issue for him to do so. He's always changed the vacuum bag outside, in fact, I think he's a tad cleaner than I am. I'm the silly one that will change the bag inside, though not in the kitchen. If we had to dump into a trash can, well, that may be enough to make me drag my lazy butt outside with it. We would agree on changing the sand, simply because even a small amount of cat-introduced sand is enough to make my daughter break out (and we have a cat, two dogs, and a bird- so not for lack of building up immunity). If dh knew mice had been in it (we also have mice), he wouldn't think twice about changing it (he's done a lot of cleaning up after mice at his work).

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Now, the counter should be clean, but.... We have a cat that likes to jump on the counters. Am I crazy for not wanting the food up there?




This is one of the most significant reasons I will never have a cat in my home.

Even my dog, who stays on the floor where animals belong, isn't allowed in my kitchen.

I also have an issue with baseball caps and mitts, backpacks/purses, stacks of library books on my kitchen counters. Yuck.


Even though I prohibit pets and dirty stuff from the kitchen, I still make sandwiches, cut veggies, etc. on cutting boards. I have quite a collection of small, easy to reach cutting boards, so nobody has a reason not to use one. :)

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Golly - I didn't think I was a germ-a-phobe, but I agree with all of your points. I don't have a laundry room and have emptied my mop bucket in the kitchen sink, but then I disinfect the sink. Now I clean the floors with a steamer so it isn't a question anymore. I always put something on the counter to make sandwiches, and I don't have a cat. I empty my sandbox every couple of years mice or no, but then again where I live mice carry the plague.


One thing I do that you didn't mention - when I cook meat, I change spatulas after the meat is done before I add anything else to the pan. The spatula touched the raw meat. :ack2:

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One thing I do that you didn't mention - when I cook meat, I change spatulas after the meat is done before I add anything else to the pan. The spatula touched the raw meat. :ack2:


I do that too--or wash it.


Of course, I grew up in a home where my mom would chop things anywhere and give leftovers "the sniff test". :glare:


I have had "the stomach flu" less times in my entire adult life than in one typical year of my childhood. It's a wonder I survived (We weren't financially destitute either...). :tongue_smilie:

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Nope, you are not crazy. I would want to do things the same way as you and yes, my dh would probably think I'm going overboard. I would just do it as I wanted and let dh do it as he wanted (I'd actually be thrilled if dh would do any of those things!) and try to not let it bother me. Just figure you are building up the children's immunity. :)




In the past I would have worried about the sandbox, but now I live where everything is a sandbox (near the beach) so now I don't worry about it.

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I'm not a germophobe; I grew up on a farm, ran around barefoot in the cowpen, had mice in the house I grew up in (and at various times: a bird and a raccoon and gerbils and guinea pigs and cats and dogs and, at one point, 3 goats lived in the house, too). We filled calf feeder buckets in the kitchen sink, so I doubt that washing out a mop would bother me.


Now that I am grown we don't have any of those critters living in the house--nasty little cat feet on the counter would gross me out, but, then, I never could understand how people with animals in the house can let their pets' dirty behinds all over their furniture. (I don't recall the goats ever getting on things and we could tell when they were about to pee so we were ready with a can).


The stuff inside the vacuum bag was somewhere to begin with and probably gets stirred up anyway before it gets into the vacuum so I doubt that I would be too concerned about that.


The sandbox--what makes you think the new sand you are going to get is going to be "clean"?

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:iagree: Germphobe here. I've taught my boys to wash their hands so often that they actually developed skin problems from it. The doctor didn't say to wash less, but did suggest a milder soap. All of the things above would have been an issue for me. I understand the immune system building argument, but I still think it's gross.....:tongue_smilie:

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Ok, apparently I am the only person who thought, "You want clean dirt?" Of course, the rest would not bother me at all. I wipe my counters regularly and my cats are not allowed on them. I clean (with bleach if neccessary) the sink when I am done using it for anything other than dishes and the stuff from the vacuum cleaner that you are putting in the garbage was previously all over your house. I am almost a serious anti-germiphobe but I do realize that I am weird. :001_smile:

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Ok, apparently I am the only person who thought, "You want clean dirt?" Of course, the rest would not bother me at all. I wipe my counters regularly and my cats are not allowed on them. I clean (with bleach if neccessary) the sink when I am done using it for anything other than dishes and the stuff from the vacuum cleaner that you are putting in the garbage was previously all over your house. I am almost a serious anti-germiphobe but I do realize that I am weird. :001_smile:



You are not weird. The only weird people I know are germiphobes...:D

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But, what grosses me out more, is to go to friends house and watch food prep go on. ICK.

No kidding. Or see how people put away left overs. One time one lady took the little bite of leftover salad from someone's plate and put it into the big bowl of "clean" salad. :blink: Another time this kid kept going to the frig and just....touching the watermelon, which explains why I threw up later that night after eating said watermelon.

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I would replace the sand. Kids have gotten sick playing in contaminated sand.


I would disinfect the sink the Flylady way, by filling it with very hot water and 1 cup of bleach, and leaving it to soak for an hour, if anyone cleaned a mop in it. Then I would scrub and rinse the sink with cleanser.


I never put food directly on the counters because of germs.


I clean door knobs, appliance knobs, closet knobs, drawer knobs, and cabinet knobs and then spray them with Lysol to help prevent colds & flu from being spread. Same with phones and keyboards.

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'Course, I'm also seriously skeeved out when I have to sign my name using that little electronic pen thingy when I pick up my rx's at the pharmacy. :ack2:

:ack2: :eek: Great. Thanks. I never thought of that. Now, I can't unthink of it. There are seriously sick people at the pharmacy. I think getting colds and such are great for your immune systems; that's what its for. But, if they needed to go the pharmacy, it probably wasn't for for sleeping pills like me. :D Wow. Maybe I am a germaphobe.

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I am not a germaphobe but I agree with you on every point.


I have these silicon cutting boards...it is just like a flat sheet and I really love those and use them to make sandwiches and such.


I think the sandbox is the worst part. That has to be changed!!



There is a House episode where a kid gets a nasty parasite from a sandbox. ew!

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