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My child right now (share yours)

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No photo, but my child is in the kitchen right now searching for a snack and singing at the top of her lungs.


This is our first day "back to school" after a 2-week roadtrip. It looks like it's going to be a looooonnnggg day with lots of reminders to refocus.....

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Let's see, dd10 is finishing her turn on the Wii, dd2 is waiting for said turn to be done so she can watch her dora movie. ds11 is getting dressed to head outside to play, and ds6 is waiting for me to finish with the computer so he can have a turn.


We have a field trip today so I am not doing lessons with them this morning. I am going to spend the next 2 hours cleaning the house while they rotate between electronic toys and outside before we leave.

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DS#1 is prowling the kitchen for a snack in an attempt to put off his last assignment, pre-algebra. I don't know why the procrastination, (although I have come to the conclusion that 13 year old boys are the definition of the word) he's good at it and gets it done in a reasonable time period.


DS#2 wanted to do his Wii fit routine but hadn't started his new reading assignment - the abridged edition of "Man in the Iron Mask". I know, I know...not supposed to do abridged. But, it wasn't high on my list of classical books to read unabridged and this copy fell into my hands. He was supposed to read one chapter. He must be completely engrossed because he's been at my feet reading for over 30 minutes!


DS#3 just begged to write paragraphs and short-stories instead of doing his lesson on possessive pronouns. Who can resist pleas of any child willing to write? I'm a softy and gave in.


DH is sitting next to me at his laptop - working from home - He wants you all to know that he is astounded at the number of topics we manage to chat about in a single hour! He insists this a woman thing!


Faith (having fun on the board instead of attacking Mount Laundry and cleaning the bathroom)

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The 17yo is in his Potter's School economics class.


The 13yo just finished her Potter's School French class (which begins at 6:45am) and is staring off into space.


The 4yo is still sleeping at 8:38am!:D

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7yo son is in bathroom making no noise (oh no)

10yo son is taking last Friday's spelling test (we went skiing and played hooky on Friday). He stopped test to kill a spider.

13yo dd is reshelving about 30 books that got "deshelved"this weekend, just caught her reading a chapter book when she was supposed to be prepping for her (last Friday's) spelling test

15yo dd just finished correcting last Friday's Adv Biology study guide and has been hard at work for an hour. Thank you, dd!

17.5yo dd is asleep tho she has tons to do, AWANA Youth group tonight and 2 appts. this afternoon which will steal 4 hours of her schoolwork time. (she makes her own sked.)

47y11m Mom - up since 630a; ordered natural foods online (due this morning), about to order door fr Home Depot for my office in bsmt that is getting finished); breakfasts all made and mostly cleaned up, unfortunately jammies still on Mom; shower to occur after I give 2 spelling tests


Determined to have a Christ-filled day!


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This is a fun thread!


Dd9 was sick Friday & Saturday and recouperating Sunday. She feels she is still "sick" and needed a sick day from school. I agreed, on the terms that she naps today as she didn't get much sleep for two nights. She is currently playing Super Mario Bros. on the Wii. I'd take a picture but she is frightful looking :lol:


Dd15 is upstairs listening to her Bible for MFW AH&L while cutting out a skirt pattern for her co-op class next Monday.


Older dd and I are tired from watching the Oscars last night. ;)

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We do school @ the library on Mondays.


Student #1 (9th grade) - Reading the Bible for Bible Study Sampler from Sonlight Core 100.


Student #2 (9th grade) - Reading Peace Child from Sonlight Core 100.


Student #3 (7th grade) - Reading History of US from Sonlight Core 100.


Student #4 (5th grade) - Reading Om-Kas-Toe from Sonlight Core 3/4


Student #5 (5th grade) - Absent


Student #6 (kindergarten) - On break from writing site words and doing flash cards.


After I hit "submit reply", I going to do some Hooked on Phonics with Student #6 and then go over a "how to study for your next biology test" with students #1 and #2.

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Hmmm. Never did a photo on this forum before. Hopefully it works. We talked about fingerprints, then I let him use my scrapbook ink pads to make fingerprint art.


Bleh. Can't get it to pull the picture from Picasa. But it's on my blog now.


art.jpg Ha! I win!

Edited by Ritsumei
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How lovely. :)


My two older boys are at their karate class with their dad for their evaluation and belt ceremony.


My young snot faucet is missing the belt ceremony. Instead, he is sitting next to me reading about Bud. "Look at that! Bud has the nuts! Bud sits in the hut." (He's also wiping his nose with the back of his hand, but that just isn't quite as picturesque. Ew. So...no picture.)



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DD5 and 6 are on the front porch making cool things out of "junk" (recyclables). There was some talk of a purple elephant. They also have the electonic keyboard out there, playing Jingle Bells.

dd13 just finished dictation and spelling, joined her sisters for a moment, then just asked me where the rake is(?) Next she gets a turn at the computer to try to download some songs from iTunes-an exercise in frustration, seeing as how we have dial-up.



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My kids are playing school LOL.


I asked the 9 year old to read to the 4 year old while I took my shower - standard stuff at our house. I can hear them in the next room over; the 9 year old is asking the 4 year old to narrate back to him whichever story they just read :)

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It's March 8th and my girls are outside in bathing suits experimenting with the physics of the garden hose and various kinds of tubing etc. with holes and without. I think it's around 70 degrees. At this exact moment, they've built a waterfall with the garden hose over a tree limb and running down the "climbing wall" from the swing set.


Lots and lots of squealing with delight.

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My dd 12 is waiting for me to get off here and do math with her. My ds 8 is waiting for me to be done with sister's math. He is currently flying his lego plane all around the house and everynow and then stops by to explain which guns are for which purpose and making lots of flying noises. I guess that is imagination 101. We will do math and la with him in about 30 minutes. :) Ruby

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Mine is getting ready for school. We start in 10 minutes. Normally we start at 10am, but today I got a short backrub in exchange for starting late. His idea and on Monday mornings I'm a softie, plus I needed a kink worked out in my shoulder.


Mine will offer me backrubs when he doesn't want to go to bed. :D



Mine is eating a brownie and reading The Mysterious Benedict Society.


I want to be at your house.



DS13 is doing a load of laundry.


I need to know more. At what age did your ds start doing laundry. My 9 yr old folds laundry. When can I take it up to the next step? :tongue_smilie:

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Mine are outside trying to build a fire pit (daddy's idea). We are waiting for daddy to get home from work so that I can take the oldest to the doctor. She has developed a nasty case of poison ivy on her face. We got history reading, phonics/spelling and grammar done before I called it a day. I'll be taking the reading/narration to do while we wait at the doctor's and after the doctor we'll try to get math lessons done with dd10 & dd7.

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My ds has been busy all day making bunnies out of clay. He is also listening to, "The Willoughbys"--and laughing out loud at this silly story!! He is complaining that he cannot work in the most scrumptious, odiferous room in the house--that it is making his mouth constantly water! We have banana choc chip cake in the oven and chicken stroganoff in the crockpot!

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