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Omicron anecdata?


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53 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Britain says 90% of patients in ICUs aren’t boosted. So 10% of them are boosted then. That’s not good news. 

Two jabs are to keep you from the hospital, three to keep you from getting sick. How quickly everything changes. 

I never expected the vaccine to be 100% perfect. I feel better knowing I have had it than if I was unvaccinated right now. It's not 100% for whooping cough either, but I still vaccinated my son for that. 


VT is making sure students have access to rapid tests before school starts back next week. No word on teachers yet though. So far this year has sucked worse than last year. No regular testing in school offered like last year. Masks are hard to find in school so teachers have started buying boxes of disposables to give to kids when they need one. The only thing that makes me feel slightly better is that so many of our students and teachers got covid in October that maybe we've reached herd immunity in our school? Otherwise, January is going to suck.

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13 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

VT is making sure students have access to rapid tests before school starts back next week. No word on teachers yet though. So far this year has sucked worse than last year. No regular testing in school offered like last year. Masks are hard to find in school so teachers have started buying boxes of disposables to give to kids when they need one. The only thing that makes me feel slightly better is that so many of our students and teachers got covid in October that maybe we've reached herd immunity in our school? Otherwise, January is going to suck.

Yeah, I'm nervous about what January will bring. I've always worn my homemade double-layer, tight weave cotton tie masks that fit my face well, but I'm going to try KN95's and N95's now. I'm not going to eat lunch in the lunch room for now either. Everyone is masked but a few students can't keep it over their nose and they don't mask when eating lunch together. 70% of our high school students are vaccinated, some boosted. I'm expecting Omicron to rip through the school anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Yeah, I'm nervous about what January will bring. I've always worn my homemade double-layer, tight weave cotton tie masks that fit my face well, but I'm going to try KN95's and N95's now. I'm not going to eat lunch in the lunch room for now either. Everyone is masked but a few students can't keep it over their nose and they don't mask when eating lunch together. 70% of our high school students are vaccinated, some boosted. I'm expecting Omicron to rip through the school anyway.

I'm also really nervous about going back. I just plain don't want to! Our school is estimated to have 75% of kids with at least one vaccine dose. Since it seems that two doses plus a booster are necessary for any decent protection, it feels like most of the kids are unvaccinated. We didn't have a ton of covid cases until recently, so it definitely could rip through the school in January. Ugh. I'm a special ed teacher and I know that at least three of my students that I spend significant time with aren't vaccinated at all. I ate lunch outside until it got too cold, and I was semi-okay with taking my mask off to eat in my classroom with my ed tech, but now... maybe I should stock up on "things to eat and drink when I get covid" supplies. 😕 




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1 hour ago, Roadrunner said:

Britain says 90% of patients in ICUs aren’t boosted. So 10% of them are boosted then. That’s not good news. 

Two jabs are to keep you from the hospital, three to keep you from getting sick. How quickly everything changes. 

Although this doesn't make it alright, it's possible that that 10 percent comprises mostly the extremely elderly and others with poor immune response. The very elderly and medically fragile were in the first cohort offered boosters.

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Just now, Laura Corin said:

Although this doesn't make it alright, it's possible that that 10 percent comprises mostly the extremely elderly and others with poor immune response. The very elderly and medically fragile were in the first cohort offered boosters.

Yes, those of us who medically fragile don’t find the data so reassuring. 

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On 12/27/2021 at 6:51 PM, SeaConquest said:

I totally agree with you. Many HCWs on Twitter are not happy about it, from what I have seen. That and the new recommendation from the AHA that we do not need to put on PPE before we resus during codes. Eff that. The very first thing you learn in BLS is that you check to make sure the scene is safe. The CDC and AHA have abandoned us and the pushback from HCWs is serious. This is one of the reasons why people are leaving. Many feel like no one values our lives anymore. They are essentially telling us to put someone else's oxygen mask on before putting on our own. Hell no.

I just told my husband this and got a glorious stink-eye directed at my words. It's insane.

18 hours ago, Ottakee said:

I am in West Michigan and our positivity rate is at over 27% right now....plus lots of people NOT testing.

Ohio is well over 30% statewide now, IIRC from the press conference today. DeWine is activating the national guard. I am also happy that he and others decided to break up the state into regional units that coordinate with each other as that helps with getting patients into beds and moving supplies where most needed. I feel like he's stuck fighting with one hand tied behind his back due to our state legislature, but he's working on this. 

17 hours ago, Kassia said:

I'm in NE Ohio - we're over 30% positivity with many people not testing.  And we're surrounded by counties that are doing worse.  My friend and her family drove two hours round trip and waited an hour to get tested today but not many people would do that.  She was actually really happy that it was only an hour wait but was disgusted that she had to go through that nearly two years after the pandemic started.  Things are way worse now than they ever were here.  I have a post-op appt. on Monday and really don't want to go.  DH will take me so he will be exposed too.  😞 

We're right behind you but not as bad (SW).

17 hours ago, TCB said:

I think there is a lot of evidence that the vaccines are preventing a lot of serious illness though. In our ICU over the last few weeks we have had 1 vaccinated person - not sure if boosted - and they were there for a few days, did not get intubated, and were transferred back up to the floor. It’s been a fair while since we lost a vaccinated person. A friends dad, extremely high risk, got Covid shortly after his booster, and he is now fine. She was extremely worried about his chances of surviving if he got sick. Anyway, those are just a few examples, and not hard data, but when you look at the numbers as a whole it is very encouraging regarding serious illness, but, of course, disappointing regarding getting infected.

Statewide, I think DeWine said 92% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated. There will always be outliers, but I am glad the stats are holding that well. 

In the presser today, DeWine asked an ICU nurse a question while also wording it to express support, and she became emotional for a moment. I am so sorry that you get so much denial IRL. We see the same thing, but at least DH isn't doing primarily ICU floor work all the time. So much trauma for HCWs.

15 hours ago, popmom said:

Wait. Omicron prevalence is 22%? Did I read that correctly? Down from the guesstimate of 75%? 

It makes me wonder how much worse it will get. Honestly, with the vaccinated (here at least) willing to meet up largely unmasked (we did, but only with relatives who are vaccinated and isolated for ten days before coming), and the unvaccinated totally not caring, I don't think the numbers we are seeing would be completely out of line for Delta alone. I think Omicron raised them, but I think we'd being seeing today's numbers in two weeks even if it were solely Delta. People are just careless where I live, and all the Christmas went on as usual.

9 hours ago, Kassia said:

You too.  It's horrible being afraid to go for medical care.  We don't want to go anywhere either.  

We have the chiropractor (no masks there!), and we can't really avoid it. It keeps two of us mobile and can't really be put off much (next week will be worse than this week, more than likely). My son also needs PT that cannot be put off longer. Then there are random appointments for braces and allergist, etc. It stinks. 

Older DS is in school PT, and I hope he continues to stay healthy. They do open big doors to the outside, have a huge classroom, and have a small class size (vocational class).

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DS is at a sports camp this week (indoors). Everyone is masked at all times and they require either proof of double vaccination or negative PCR test within 48 hours and then rapid test every 2 days. I believe that all, or nearly all, of the students are fully vaxxed although many are too young to be boosted. Coaches and staff are all fully vaxxed and boosted, and are rapid-testing every day. Cases are not even that high here yet, we are one of the few states that is still orange instead of red or purple, and my county is one of the lowest in the state. And... I got an email at 7 AM that one of the coaches tested positive this morning.  

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In less than 24 hours oldest DS has learned that the (live in) girlfriend of one of his best friends just tested positive, one of his other friends is just getting over it, that friend's two roommates have had it, and the parents of another friend just tested positive. DS was supposed to fly to NYC on Thursday to visit the friend whose GF just tested positive, but instead he's scrambling to cancel his flights. We're assuming all of them have omicron, but obviously just a guess.

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10 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

In less than 24 hours oldest DS has learned that the (live in) girlfriend of one of his best friends just tested positive, one of his other friends is just getting over it, that friend's two roommates have had it, and the parents of another friend just tested positive. DS was supposed to fly to NYC on Thursday to visit the friend whose GF just tested positive, but instead he's scrambling to cancel his flights. We're assuming all of them have omicron, but obviously just a guess.

I hope they all have mild cases that pass quickly.

Isn’t it unreal? I’ve lost count of the people in our orbit who have it right now. It’s everywhere.

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Here’s some anecdotal for you all:

I am in a newly-formed social group of 12 women. Our plan is to do an activity together every month. But I was putting out a message meant to reassure them all that if anyone is not comfortable with social activities at present, no shame on just putting it off a bit. 

So one of the women said she and her family members all have Covid (they are all vaxed). Then, another friend said both her daughters just tested positive, one Thanksgiving, one Christmas .( I do not know vax status) Another friend, who is fully vaxed and boosted, whom I know has been very cautious all along, said she had a scratchy throat, tested and had COVID. Another of her family members pinged a positive as well. None of these people know how they got it except to theorize, like from shopping, or in a co-worker’s office despite masking. 

It’s really just stunning to me. I am pretty close to resigned that I will get it within the next couple months. I’m not going to *try* to get it, but I feel like I can barely help it since I work, ds works, dh works. 

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6 minutes ago, Quill said:

It’s really just stunning to me. I am pretty close to resigned that I will get it within the next couple months. I’m not going to *try* to get it, but I feel like I can barely help it since I work, ds works, dh works. 

I feel you! Unlike many of you, I don't know anyone who has had covid... or at least nobody who's told me they have. Well, I guess I know some students, but I don't count them because I don't teach them directly. 

I have a feeling I'll know some people soon enough... 

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5 hours ago, Quill said:

Here’s some anecdotal for you all:

I am in a newly-formed social group of 12 women. Our plan is to do an activity together every month. But I was putting out a message meant to reassure them all that if anyone is not comfortable with social activities at present, no shame on just putting it off a bit. 

So one of the women said she and her family members all have Covid (they are all vaxed). Then, another friend said both her daughters just tested positive, one Thanksgiving, one Christmas .( I do not know vax status) Another friend, who is fully vaxed and boosted, whom I know has been very cautious all along, said she had a scratchy throat, tested and had COVID. Another of her family members pinged a positive as well. None of these people know how they got it except to theorize, like from shopping, or in a co-worker’s office despite masking. 

It’s really just stunning to me. I am pretty close to resigned that I will get it within the next couple months. I’m not going to *try* to get it, but I feel like I can barely help it since I work, ds works, dh works. 

That is how I feel too.  We are still going to try and not get it, but I don't think that we will be successful in that.

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Two in my household have had it within the last two weeks.  Very mild.  I’m anxious for my child that hasn’t had it and hasn’t been able to see friends over break, because they’ve all been quarantining due to cases in everyone’s houses.  I’m thankful we didn’t all get it, but it seems inevitable he will go back to school next week and either get it right away or be put into quarantine for close contact. Ugh.

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DS's sports camp just got cancelled tonight due to one of the coaches testing positive, and I'm trying to convince him to pull out of the national competition that would put him in California from the 6th to the 10th along with ~4000 other people from all over the country. I'm hoping he will just hunker down at home for another week and then fly directly back to campus and isolate for 5 days until classes start. The university is still saying classes will be in person, and they have a very high vax rate (>93% of students and staff double vaxed), but I won't be surprised if they decide to do the first couple of weeks online after all.

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Well, this is feeling absolutely ridiculous. We’ve got close family who are all positive now, in addition to the arm of our family I mentioned earlier, of which one is 96. Everyone triple vaccinated. Now it’s 5 more people, one of whom is 38 and really pretty darn sick.

Anyone have ideas on get well gifts? I’ve sent several soft throw blankets as “hugs” today, along with a “get well spoon” spoon. 



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4 hours ago, Spryte said:

Well, this is feeling absolutely ridiculous. We’ve got close family who are all positive now, in addition to the arm of our family I mentioned earlier, of which one is 96. Everyone triple vaccinated. Now it’s 5 more people, one of whom is 38 and really pretty darn sick.

Anyone have ideas on get well gifts? I’ve sent several soft throw blankets as “hugs” today, along with a “get well spoon” spoon. 



Truly. It feels ridiculous; you couldn’t have said it better. 

I feel like, “Remember that magical time in May and June, when I felt so lucky to be fully vaccinated?” I am glad my dd’s wedding was in Sept, when I still felt confident in our guests not facing a ss event. Now I feel any dinner or grouping will be a ss event. 

It’s honestly just so ridiculous. 

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23 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Well, we are testing the wastewater here in Orlando (well, orange county to be exact) and finding almost all Omicron. They are saying that samples show almost 100% Omicron here, in wastewater. So...either it just likes us more or?

In you area it probably is almost all Omicron, but in the areas that were getting an upswing of Delta in November then it wouldn’t have been such a high proportion, especially if they didn’t have early Omicron case exposure. Orlando would get way more visitors than many other places. I think the wastewater testing is a really good way to monitor what’s going on.  

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My daughter-in-law had covid in November, 2020. No one else in the household caught it, or if they did, they were asymptomatic.

She is now FULLY vaccinated, 2 doses Moderna & had her booster several months ago. She has Covid AGAIN. She states that it isn't as bad as the first time around, but she defiantly is unwell. Muscle aches, fever, cough, exhaustion.

They are in an area with pretty much equal Delta/Omicron  being found.

My son is fully vaccinated, but not boosted. He has symptoms, but tested negative.

Grandson 16 having symptoms, he is fully vaccinated, but not boosted.

Granddaughter 7 having mild symptoms and is not vaccinated.

They are not going to test the kids, but are proceeding as if they have it, and are isolating at home.

This is just crazy, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to who gets it and who doesn't.



Edited to correct spelling of omicron😁



Edited by Navymom
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The news outlets keep blaming all the cases on Omicron but if it is only 23% (or whatever that was, CDC's "new" statement about the prevalence), then can we really be sure that places that are blowing up like Ohio are just from Omicron?  I'm seeing more of the "positive swing" on some of the news outlets: "it's milder", "less hospitalizations," etc. but if only say 30% of the cases are Omicron than the rest are something else like Delta, right?   

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I suppose I need to come to peace with the idea that it’s inevitable. For all the weeks and months we don’t truly *need* to leave the house, we are coming up on an unusually busy time— DH and I both have various doctors appointments that can’t be missed (well, I’m on the fence about my mammogram) and DS is attending an (outdoor I hope hope hope) New Year’s Eve party with friends. I assume that event alone will do us all in. Which would mess up his ability to go back to university on time. Ugh!!!


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well, we just locked down hard last night.   One of the nearby reservations went from 1 person testing positive in the evening to 34 testing positive by the next morning.  Only 10 people allowed in the store at one time, no travel in or out unless there is a medical emergency, all departments going down to half-days. 

Emergency  chiefs meeting  scheduled later on today with the local health unit and pandemic doctor, so waiting to hear the results of that meeting ( where they will co-ordinate local response to any pandemic issues. .

Also still waiting to hear if the school is going back to half-days ( that way we can split the class in half and have 10 kids in the morning and 10 in the afternoon and spread them out around the classroom.) 

Not looking forward to once again trying to keep 6 year olds,  6 feet away from each other and stop them from sharing anything.  😰  On the other hand that would be better than going to zero in-person school which was a massive failure here the first few months of the pandemic. 

Edited by NorthernBeth
missing information
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re wastewater testing

2 hours ago, Eilonwy said:

In you area it probably is almost all Omicron, but in the areas that were getting an upswing of Delta in November then it wouldn’t have been such a high proportion, especially if they didn’t have early Omicron case exposure. Orlando would get way more visitors than many other places. I think the wastewater testing is a really good way to monitor what’s going on.  

Yeah, my family has been ruminating about what public policies / expenditures make sense as we slog wearily into Year 3 of this.  Our ideas thus far:

  • testing, testing, testing, easily and freely available, to anyone, no questions asked about why. Nobody who wants a test should be not-testing because it's too hard or expensive to test.
  • Vastly stepping up manufacture of N95s and free or low-cost distribution through schools/ libraries. At this point, nobody who wants to wear a high quality mask should be deterred by cost or availability.
  • Vastly stepped up requirements (OSHA in the short run, building codes for the long run) for ventilation and filtration along with public disclosure thereof, so people have information about which stores have better air circulation and filtration and can choose accordingly
  • Vax and test and mask mandates for unavoidable exposure (mainly air travel and medical facilities)
  • Continued private & public sector emphasis on treatments.  Like vaccination, this will remain whack-a-mole for as long as new variants keep evolving.
  • Wastewater testing in all large municipalities as early warning systems
  • Largescale investment in training & paying more & otherwise supporting new and existing HCW; and facilitiating cross-state credentialing of existing HCW
  • Largescale investment in medical insurance overhaul.  I haven't yet seen much analysis of either households being sunk, or hospitals being sunk, by crushing COVID-related financial stresses. But it surely is happening.  No households can afford weeks-long hospitalizations, even if the MCAB itself is "free."
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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

I suppose I need to come to peace with the idea that it’s inevitable. For all the weeks and months we don’t truly *need* to leave the house, we are coming up on an unusually busy time— DH and I both have various doctors appointments that can’t be missed (well, I’m on the fence about my mammogram) and DS is attending an (outdoor I hope hope hope) New Year’s Eve party with friends. I assume that event alone will do us all in. Which would mess up his ability to go back to university on time. Ugh!!!


Well, I know how jaded this sounds, but as of today, I feel like: I just don’t care anymore. I guess I would rather (hopefully) pick up Omicron with my triple-vaxed status and hope for the best than keep on trying to avoid it. 

As far as life gambles go, I probably have a much greater likelihood of a return of cancer that kills me than getting a deadly Covid outcome. My breast cancer stats at the time of treatment were 10% likelihood of recurrence within five years. My Covid/deadly stats are probably something like .002. (Just picking a number outta the air.) 


If TPTB start recommending a fourth jab soon, I’m not bothering. I will/would accept another booster next fall as an annual booster concept, but the firewall idea DID NOT WORK. Apparently. So. It’s whatever, as the kids say. 

I think, whatever the scientific reasons are for it not working - not enough people took the vax, for example - it’s moot. We did not firewall this pandemic; it did not work. 

Honestly, at this point, people who are still (still!) refusing the vax don’t have much, if any, incentive to capitulate now. The vaccine does not firewall Omicron. Full stop. It does not work. We who were willing to take three jabs for the team did not stop the tidal wave. There is now little benefit to being in a “smart about Covid” state; it now makes no difference that my son and his gf attend a university with almost 100% vaccination compliance. Who cares? They got it anyway! Yes, thankfully, they were mildly sick. But the university is going back to 100% testing to be on campus. Their vax compliance made no difference in spread of the virus. 

Im feeling very apathetic today. I just do not care anymore. Might as well face the music and whatever happens, happens. 

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Also, I’m sitting at my desk at work and flower-delivery folks just arrived at the townhouse across the street, where a dear, sweet elderly man lives with a person I believe to be his mother (probably in her 90s). They just delivered *three* flower arrangements there. If that dear man died of Covid…I just don’t even know. I was tempted to run over there and ask who the flowers were for and what the cards say. #nosy

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3 minutes ago, Quill said:

Well, I know how jaded this sounds, but as of today, I feel like: I just don’t care anymore. I guess I would rather (hopefully) pick up Omicron with my triple-vaxed status and hope for the best than keep on trying to avoid it. 

As far as life gambles go, I probably have a much greater likelihood of a return of cancer that kills me than getting a deadly Covid outcome. My breast cancer stats at the time of treatment were 10% likelihood of recurrence within five years. My Covid/deadly stats are probably something like .002. (Just picking a number outta the air.) 


If TPTB start recommending a fourth jab soon, I’m not bothering. I will/would accept another booster next fall as an annual booster concept, but the firewall idea DID NOT WORK. Apparently. So. It’s whatever, as the kids say. 

I think, whatever the scientific reasons are for it not working - not enough people took the vax, for example - it’s moot. We did not firewall this pandemic; it did not work. 

Honestly, at this point, people who are still (still!) refusing the vax don’t have much, if any, incentive to capitulate now. The vaccine does not firewall Omicron. Full stop. It does not work. We who were willing to take three jabs for the team did not stop the tidal wave. There is now little benefit to being in a “smart about Covid” state; it now makes no difference that my son and his gf attend a university with almost 100% vaccination compliance. Who cares? They got it anyway! Yes, thankfully, they were mildly sick. But the university is going back to 100% testing to be on campus. Their vax compliance made no difference in spread of the virus. 

Im feeling very apathetic today. I just do not care anymore. Might as well face the music and whatever happens, happens. 

Well I care, very much. I do.not.want.covid. Staying home doesn’t bother me nearly as much as potentially exposing myself needlessly. Letting go of outside engagements and obligations is *far better* for my mental health. I do not want this stupid virus.

Also, vaccinations DO work— the entire point of all vaccines is to lessen the symptoms, not to entirely eradicate the chances of getting sick. You and your son can thank the near total vax rate of his university for his mild illness, instead of him ending up hospitalized or dead. I know you know this; I can hear your frustration today. 😞 

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28 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Anyone know anyone that wears a KF94 or KN95 or N95 mask in public who is vaccinated and still caught it?

Well, my BIL, but he was also eating at restaurants and seeing vaccinated close friends/family. Is there anyone who not only wears good masks in public but also is NEVER inside with a mask off with anyone who doesn't? I mean, probably SOMEONE, but it would be incredibly rare.

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Just now, kokotg said:

Well, my BIL, but he was also eating at restaurants and seeing vaccinated close friends/family. Is there anyone who not only wears good masks in public but also is NEVER inside with a mask off with anyone who doesn't? I mean, probably SOMEONE, but it would be incredibly rare.

Yes. I haven’t been inside anywhere other than my home without a mask (KF94 since summer) since April 2020. Not once.

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1 minute ago, MEmama said:

Yes. I haven’t been inside anywhere other than my home without a mask (KF94 since summer) since April 2020. Not once.

yes, but, like I said, I bet that's incredibly rare. And even for people who don't go inside without a good mask anywhere except their own home, that would also need be true for all their household members for it to be a perfect experiment. 

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8 minutes ago, kokotg said:

Well, my BIL, but he was also eating at restaurants and seeing vaccinated close friends/family. Is there anyone who not only wears good masks in public but also is NEVER inside with a mask off with anyone who doesn't? I mean, probably SOMEONE, but it would be incredibly rare.

I am unvaxxed and have been wearing an N95 since the beginning and have never caught it. For a few months I was the only one wearing a mask at work but they went back to wearing once delta hit. I am masked indoors (except one small Christmas gathering where we all tested prior) and once indoors at a restaurant where we were literally the only patrons (order at the counter and eat at a table). For the last two weeks I have been double masking. 

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12 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Well I care, very much. I do.not.want.covid. Staying home doesn’t bother me nearly as much as potentially exposing myself needlessly. Letting go of outside engagements and obligations is *far better* for my mental health. I do not want this stupid virus.

Also, vaccinations DO work— the entire point of all vaccines is to lessen the symptoms, not to entirely eradicate the chances of getting sick. You and your son can thank the near total vax rate of his university for his mild illness, instead of him ending up hospitalized or dead. I know you know this; I can hear your frustration today. 😞 

Yes and I’m grateful for that (milder symptoms), but a lot of people, myself among them, expected that we would not get or transmit the virus once we were vaxed…surely once we were triple vaxed. 

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3 minutes ago, kokotg said:

yes, but, like I said, I bet that's incredibly rare. And even for people who don't go inside without a good mask anywhere except their own home, that would also need be true for all their household members for it to be a perfect experiment. 

This. I rarely go out, and have not been anywhere indoors outside of my home without my Happy Mask since the pandemic began, even when there wasn't a mandate. But my adult kids do go out to eat with friends or sometimes hang out unmasked at friends' homes, and of course they don't mask at home with me. If I catch it, it will almost certainly be from one of them bringing it home, not because I spent 10 minutes in Trader Joe's as soon as they opened with everyone masked and distanced.

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2 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

This. I rarely go out, and have not been anywhere indoors outside of my home without my Happy Mask since the pandemic began, even when there wasn't a mandate. But my adult kids do go out to eat with friends or sometimes hang out unmasked at friends' homes, and of course they don't mask at home with me. If I catch it, it will almost certainly be from one of them bringing it home, not because I spent 10 minutes in Trader Joe's as soon as they opened with everyone masked and distanced.

Yes, me too. My young adult/college kids are the glaring weak link. One lives with us and the other is home for a couple of days each week, and both are being only somewhat careful. I do what I can otherwise, but I'm feeling like a covid bullseye right now.

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2 hours ago, cintinative said:

The news outlets keep blaming all the cases on Omicron but if it is only 23% (or whatever that was, CDC's "new" statement about the prevalence), then can we really be sure that places that are blowing up like Ohio are just from Omicron?  I'm seeing more of the "positive swing" on some of the news outlets: "it's milder", "less hospitalizations," etc. but if only say 30% of the cases are Omicron than the rest are something else like Delta, right?   

It may be 30% over all the country. However, certain parts of the country probably have very little Omicron, balanced by other parts that have almost all Omicron. Here on the east coast, we are having unprecedented increases in most states, which I think is a reflection of the new variant. The states with a more measured increase (more similar to past surges) probably have more Delta.

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47 minutes ago, Quill said:

Well, I know how jaded this sounds, but as of today, I feel like: I just don’t care anymore. I guess I would rather (hopefully) pick up Omicron with my triple-vaxed status and hope for the best than keep on trying to avoid it. 

As far as life gambles go, I probably have a much greater likelihood of a return of cancer that kills me than getting a deadly Covid outcome. My breast cancer stats at the time of treatment were 10% likelihood of recurrence within five years. My Covid/deadly stats are probably something like .002. (Just picking a number outta the air.) 


If TPTB start recommending a fourth jab soon, I’m not bothering. I will/would accept another booster next fall as an annual booster concept, but the firewall idea DID NOT WORK. Apparently. So. It’s whatever, as the kids say. 

I think, whatever the scientific reasons are for it not working - not enough people took the vax, for example - it’s moot. We did not firewall this pandemic; it did not work. 

Honestly, at this point, people who are still (still!) refusing the vax don’t have much, if any, incentive to capitulate now. The vaccine does not firewall Omicron. Full stop. It does not work. We who were willing to take three jabs for the team did not stop the tidal wave. There is now little benefit to being in a “smart about Covid” state; it now makes no difference that my son and his gf attend a university with almost 100% vaccination compliance. Who cares? They got it anyway! Yes, thankfully, they were mildly sick. But the university is going back to 100% testing to be on campus. Their vax compliance made no difference in spread of the virus. 

Im feeling very apathetic today. I just do not care anymore. Might as well face the music and whatever happens, happens. 

Yes, unfortunately that’s where we’re all at as well. We’re in Chicago at the moment enjoying a previously scheduled trip and have even eaten indoors twice. It’s honestly done wonders for our mental health just being out and about on a short vacation. I expect us to get it at this point and just hope (and expect) our three jabs to do their job.

ETA: For the record, both my and dh’s families have been out and about maskless for pretty much the entirety of Covid and only two of them have tested positive. One was prior to vaccines and the other was in between the first two doses. Both were extremely mild. Our elderly parents (70-83) have stayed going out (and travelled) and never caught it. We’ve been the only ones who ever seriously locked down. I don’t know what the deal is but we honestly really know no one who’s had it very serious. So, that probably impacts how we feel about things now. 

Edited by Joker2
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My friend's son (11) was sick before Christmas and tested positive.  My friend and her husband both got sick (she had/has head cold symptoms, her husband had pretty severe flu-like symptoms) soon after.  They all tested positive the other day.  My friend and her husband are double vaxxed and boosted.  Not sure about their son but I imagine he's had the vaccine.

I was surprised the son still tested positive - it was a full ten days after his first positive test.  


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This is probably another thread but all the talk of "throwing up the hands" is hard.  I am among those who absolutely don't want COVID. Because of my autoimmune disease I have had serious bouts of fatigue. I know what it is like to not be able to really function. We also have ridiculously bad insurance and our deductible resets in two days.  We have had a horrible year with other medical stuff. We simply cannot afford to be sick, whether that is in the hospital or at home, etc.

My husband's boss got sick around Thanksgiving. He was double vaxxed and healthy--very cautious, and masked.  He ended up in the hospital on oxygen and a feeding tube. He has missed six weeks of work. He never needed a vent, but he was still very ill. He needs physical therapy to recover strength to do daily tasks.  We just can't afford that. 

Anyway, it makes me want to crawl even farther into my hole.  

Not to mention the plight of the healthcare workers. Ohio is slammed.  And even when we weren't "slammed" there was not really a chance to rest.

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2 minutes ago, cintinative said:

This is probably another thread but all the talk of "throwing up the hands" is hard.  I am among those who absolutely don't want COVID. Because of my autoimmune disease I have had serious bouts of fatigue. I know what it is like to not be able to really function. We also have ridiculously bad insurance and our deductible resets in two days.  We have had a horrible year with other medical stuff. We simply cannot afford to be sick, whether that is in the hospital or at home, etc.

My husband's boss got sick around Thanksgiving. He was double vaxxed and healthy--very cautious, and masked.  He ended up in the hospital on oxygen and a feeding tube. He has missed six weeks of work. He never needed a vent, but he was still very ill. He needs physical therapy to recover strength to do daily tasks.  We just can't afford that. 

Anyway, it makes me want to crawl even farther into my hole.  

Not to mention the plight of the healthcare workers. Ohio is slammed.  And even when we weren't "slammed" there was not really a chance to rest.

I honestly understand and I keep debating whether to post on this board at all anymore because of it. Our 20 year old had to go on anxiety meds recently because it’s all just become too much, though. So, a big part of our reasons for not locking down anymore is because it’s healthier for them. I just didn’t realize until this trip how much it was affecting all of us. I truly feel for those who can’t choose to relax their lockdowns due to various reasons but I also don’t think those who do should be thought so poorly of because no one knows all the reasons why they’re doing so.

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4 minutes ago, Joker2 said:

I honestly understand and I keep debating whether to post on this board at all anymore because of it. Our 20 year old had to go on anxiety meds recently because it’s all just become too much, though. So, a big part of our reasons for not locking down anymore is because it’s healthier for them. I just didn’t realize until this trip how much it was affecting all of us. I truly feel for those who can’t choose to relax their lockdowns due to various reasons but I also don’t think those who do should be thought so poorly of because no one knows all the reasons why they’re doing so.

Well I *want* to hear different perspectives— I think most people on this board do. So I hope you’ll keep posting honestly about your experience— we are all living our own little personal hells right now with this stupid virus, and it’s helpful to hear other voices. Hopefully doing so helps all of us gain more empathy for one another. ❤️

Edited by MEmama
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They were never told the strain, but we do believe my brother-in-law and sister had the Omicron variety. They came down sick just before Christmas. She didn't test positive immediately and then do so a few days later.

They noted fatigue and cold-like symptoms. She threw up once early on. I don't know if he ever threw up. She said she slept a lot and felt like crap. They both had vaccines and boosters (though I don't know how long it takes for a booster to help? I think their boosters had been fairly recent because bil thought he picked up the virus at the booster place). 

They keep changing the rules there (England) and said if you tested negative on a certain day (day 5?) then you could end your quarantine after 8 days rather than 10. She did a negative and then a positive test during her quarantine so she had to remain inside the full ten days. His ended early. I asked my dad what the heck was the rush to end the quarantine... where are they going to go since they had to cancel all their travel plans (they were supposed to come to the US for Christmas). He said my BIL was out riding his bike lol. As soon as she got out she was back at the gym lol. 

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22 minutes ago, Joker2 said:

I honestly understand and I keep debating whether to post on this board at all anymore because of it. Our 20 year old had to go on anxiety meds recently because it’s all just become too much, though. So, a big part of our reasons for not locking down anymore is because it’s healthier for them. I just didn’t realize until this trip how much it was affecting all of us. I truly feel for those who can’t choose to relax their lockdowns due to various reasons but I also don’t think those who do should be thought so poorly of because no one knows all the reasons why they’re doing so.

I don't think poorly of any household's risk-balancing exposure decisions at this point, going on two years in.  Physical risks are real, financial concerns are real, concerns about transmission to others are real, mental health concerns are real. The risk balance fulcrum will definitely be different from household to household.


I think poorly of folks refusing to mask up for short durations in public spaces. 

I think poorly of folks who dismiss the reality of, and risks of, hospital overwhelm. I think poorly of folks who dismiss HCW descriptions of their lived experience in COVID wards.

I think poorly of folks who refuse to vax or mask and then still expect equal or preferred access to still-supply-constrained MCAB and strained hospital services when they contract it.

I think very, very, very poorly of folks who angrily confront HCW, either when they access medical services for something else and are asked to mask up, or when their loved ones contract it and they don't like the COVID protocols that hospitals have instituted in an effort to keep their employees safer.

I think very, very, very poorly of folks who angrily confront people who *do* mask up.

And I wish I believed in hell, and could imagine the intentional purveyors of disinformation about this languishing in eternal torment as images of intubated loved ones laboring to breathe dangled before their eyes.



But two years in.. we're at a pivot point, where both individual households, and also public policies, face a different set of issues.

We mangled the first set; here's hoping we do better this time.

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7 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

I don't think poorly of any household's risk-balancing exposure decisions at this point, going on two years in.  Physical risks are real, financial concerns are real, concerns about transmission to others are real, mental health concerns are real. The risk balance fulcrum will definitely be different from household to household.


I think poorly of folks refusing to mask up for short durations in public spaces. 

I think poorly of folks who dismiss the reality of, and risks of, hospital overwhelm. I think poorly of folks who dismiss HCW descriptions of their lived experience in COVID wards.

I think poorly of folks who refuse to vax or mask and then still expect equal or preferred access to still-supply-constrained MCAB and strained hospital services when they contract it.

I think very, very, very poorly of folks who angrily confront HCW, either when they access medical services for something else and are asked to mask up, or when their loved ones contract it and they don't like the COVID protocols that hospitals have instituted in an effort to keep their employees safer.

I think very, very, very poorly of folks who angrily confront people who *do* mask up.

And I wish I believed in hell, and could imagine the intentional purveyors of disinformation about this languishing in eternal torment as images of intubated loved ones laboring to breathe dangled before their eyes.



But two years in.. we're at a pivot point, where both individual households, and also public policies, face a different set of issues.

We mangled the first set; here's hoping we do better this time.

This is where I am.

We had relaxed some things, but we’re tightening back up with the recent omicron explosion, but we’re not at the same level as we were prior to being vaccinated/boosted.

We are some of the very few who mask in public spaces in this area. I used to feel uncomfortable being the odd one out, but at the end of the day, I had to know within myself that I am doing what I can to help others, even if people passing by me are thinking badly of me.

But I’m not at the same level of caution as when we were pre-vaccines, and I’m also ok with that. I am doing what I can and am at peace with our level of caution at this point. It’s not perfect, but I’m at peace with it.

Edited by Garga
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10 hours ago, Spryte said:


Anyone have ideas on get well gifts? I’ve sent several soft throw blankets as “hugs” today, along with a “get well spoon” spoon. 



If they don't have one, an oximeter is pretty darn handy.  I have gifted about 10 of them so far.

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