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PronghornD last won the day on January 20 2023

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  1. I am bad at helping in a kitchen, like when church ladies gather to put out a meal of some sort. I am fine if someone just sets me in a corner and assigns me to peel potatoes or something. But if I have to figure out what needs doing and do it, I am totally bewildered. I am in awe of all the useful people who scuttle about getting things done without any guidance whatsoever.
  2. Here's a question to ponder and maybe calculate. If a person has a limited amount of rabbit fencing to make a rabbit-free zone in their garden, which shape gives the most area/perimeter. Would a circle be best? That might look nice in the center of the garden. Or should I make a square? Or a triangle? No, I am not making an octagon, but you could vote for that too!
  3. My father and stepmother had the remains of a farm when my father died. The fields had been sold off but pastureland, home, farm buildings, and woods remained. My father had seven children and three stepchildren and no will. My younger sister had built an additional home on the land, and when she built that home, she took out a life insurance policy on my father. When he died, the others of us each received something like $11,000 from that policy in exchange for giving up our rights to the land. It may be too late in life to afford a substantial insurance policy on your parents, but this worked out pretty well.
  4. As a tutor, I had a student whose course videos were not working for an asynchronous class. It was hard to get fixed. I had to complain directly in the end, and the teacher fortunately listened to me. I think she said no other students complained. In many of these online courses, the teachers really end up just being graders.
  5. I just use the new top sheet AND the old top sheet at the same time. I figure it keeps the blankets cleaner to have a doubled top sheet on the bed. And in warm weather it gives another option for temperature regulation -- one top sheet if it is quite hot, two if it is less hot.
  6. I used this method with an adopted child with attachment issues. I think we called it "Circles of Love." Maybe googling that phrase will give the OP information.
  7. I slept on my tummy for years. Then I had posture issues and had to sleep on my side. I had to have physical therapy to be able to sleep on my tummy again. So, if you have trouble, check your posture!
  8. I use blue-light-blocking sunglasses for two hours before I want to be asleep. I read before bed. I have a dark bedroom. I use a sleep mask. I try to go to bed on time -- going past 12:30 a.m. generally results in insomnia. I wear a light nightgown so that I can stick my feel out from under the covers to cool myself during hot flashes. I try not to eat near bedtime or talk on the phone. I live in a quiet neighborhood and the carpet seems to absorb the sound of the television from the living room. I have my alarm go off at seven every morning to strengthen my biorhythms. Generally, I sleep pretty well with the above measures. Once in a while I take melatonin, but if I'm all wound up, it doesn't do a thing.
  9. We've had one of those around. Still lots of bunnies! I think their reproductive rate exceeds the bobcat's appetite.
  10. Thanks. We did include the fees. As a music major, my kid had very little in the way of books, though.
  11. Update: With further investigation, it appears that the 1098s only are required/intended to be used for educational tax credits. More than one source we have found says that we can actually use our own financial records to determine how much of the scholarship received is income. So, we are subtracting the tuition from the scholarships received and probably using that number as income. It is ridiculous how hard this stuff is to figure out! A college giving a full-tuition scholarship to a student should not be allowed to record tuition being paid (we paid nothing, so this is just them moving their own money about or pretending to!) prior to the scholarship being dispersed!
  12. I think this is a good idea, but my husband does not like it. I think we'd need new 1098s for 2019-2023, which the university may or may not be willing to do. And then I'd have to get my husband to redo all the taxes. (He's the one familiar with the software.) Or we'd have to pay someone. I haven't paid anyone to do taxes for years. I wonder if how much we'd gain if we paid someone to redo five tax returns to avoid $1700 in taxes.
  13. Ours is too, and I am the original poster. The tuition payment for the last spring semester of college shows in the fall of the previous year. The scholarship shows in the following semester. That leaves our kid with $20,000 or so in income for the spring semester of 2023, with no corresponding tuition payment in that year. The problem goes all the way back to 2019, when this kid started college. We did not notice it, but that first fall semester, the 1098 showed two semesters worth of payment on the 1098 but one semester of scholarship. And, of course, since our child had a full tuition scholarship, we did not pay tuition at all. Oddly, the college is saying they paid the tuition before the scholarship was dispersed.
  14. So, no one else has had this problem? I guess our kid went to the wrong school!!!!
  15. Has anyone had trouble with the last semester of college for their kids' taxes and scholarships? Our child had a full tuition scholarship. So, the tuition payment for that last spring semester is listed as being in 2022 and the scholarship payment is listed for 2023. That makes for a taxable income of $20,000+ for the first half of 2023. Has anyone had this problem and solved it? It appears it goes way back to freshman year's taxes, when they must have counted the payment for fall semester and spring semester in the same year, even though they'd only gone to school for half of that year.
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