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Please Pray for DD...


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... and so many others.

Dd is an RN in TN, and she texted me that they are literally having to make life and death decisions right now because their hospital is at max capacity for Covid patients and intubation and vapotherm. Earlier this week, the hospital had a wing’s tank literally run out of oxygen and they lost some patients. 

She originally signed up to work a cardiac floor but has been moved to a Covid unit almost every shift. She is so tired. She is so burdened. She is so angry at people not taking this seriously. 

She lives almost 3 hours away. I wish we were closer even though we can’t be together in person. I could drop off homemade food and such. 

I know this is just one story among so many. Thank you! 


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I'm so sorry to hear that. Will do my part, using my spiritual path, for her & you/your family.

If I may say so, I hope you really encourage her to take part in counseling or some other form of emotional support work during or after this. I really think a *lot* of HCW's are going to be dealing with PTSD post-pandemic, as well as the need to unravel their shock & anger at the callous disregard of so many of their fellow citizens & leaders.

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That must be so hard on your mama heart. Your dd has my deep respect and gratitude for being on the front lines in a terrible situation. I am not a HCW, but I also get angry when I hear people being non-chalent about the crisis simply because it has not affected them personally. 

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On behalf of you dd, thank you for what she’s doing. When my mil was hospitalized before she passed from covid, she had wonderful, compassionate care. I know it’s hard, but it matters so much to families to know that their loved ones are being held when they can’t be there.

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Praying for your dd. I can't even imagine what it must be like being in a hospital that runs out of oxygen. 😞 Our medical workers aren't thought about enough when we make our covid related decisions every day. We all assume that health care is available and waiting for us.

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3 hours ago, Happy2BaMom said:

I'm so sorry to hear that. Will do my part, using my spiritual path, for her & you/your family.

If I may say so, I hope you really encourage her to take part in counseling or some other form of emotional support work during or after this. I really think a *lot* of HCW's are going to be dealing with PTSD post-pandemic, as well as the need to unravel their shock & anger at the callous disregard of so many of their fellow citizens & leaders.

Yes, I think counseling would be a good idea at some point. 

Tell your dd that we are thinking of her and sending her all the prayers of strength we can.  All the health care workers are the true heros.  

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Holding your daughter and your own broken heart in the light.


And please do thank her, on behalf of all the patients and their families.

1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

On behalf of you dd, thank you for what she’s doing. When my mil was hospitalized before she passed from covid, she had wonderful, compassionate care. I know it’s hard, but it matters so much to families to know that their loved ones are being held when they can’t be there.

This is so true.


I am really concerned about the toll this virus is taking on health care workers.  NPR did a sobering piece last week about HCW leaving rural hospitals that have long been hard to staff even before COVID. Between the stresses of the work inside the hospital, and the disdain and outright hostility of people in the community outside the hospital... they're burning out and leaving their region/the profession.

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I am praying for your dd. I am in tears reading your post and am so sorry she is going through this. I am an ICU RN and struggle with what is happening too. I haven’t had to deal with running out of oxygen yet but that is the kind of scenario I dread. The anger is hard to deal with. Praying for you too as you walk through this with your daughter.

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1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

Yes, my BIL is also in counseling. But I will also encourage you to be available to talk to her especially if she has a hard shift. 

One thing DH has done is told BIL to call him any time he needs to talk and it has been mostly after a hard shift to process the pent up emotion. He has small children and is semi isolating from his wife and family to protect them and that has taken a toll too on both him and the family. He does not share much with his wife because she is having a hard time with handling more of the family responsibilities since he is not available like before as well as being scared for him.

There is a 6 hour difference between us and the UK and initially BIL was mindful of not calling DH at odd times. But it has increased in frequency because he just can't handle it and immediately after a particular hard shift he has called DH sobbing from the parking lot. In turn, DH has had a hard time with that because he feels helpless. 

I am sorry to be graphic, but it takes a toll on the family even if they have counseling. So encourage your daughter to journal and be a safe person to talk to her if possible and be aware you too will face something because it makes you angry and helpless. 

For a different reason, my late sister needed to talk things out like this.  I reminded her that if she ever got the answering machine to feel free to talk and fill it up if she needed to.  Even leaving a message was helpful to her.

It's so great that your dh does this for his brother.

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Adding my prayers, too, Amy. I have friends who are nurses/doctors/health care workers, and it's just mind-boggling what all they are all facing. I'll add your daughter to my prayers for them as well, and you. I cannot imagine the burden of this. Big, big hugs. 

(also, maybe look into Door Dash or similar to send her yummy food; it won't be homemade, but maybe you could find something similar to what you'd make....?)

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