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1 minute ago, SKL said:

I too agree with limiting testing for various reasons.

I think that as far as false security, the other side of it is that knowing how widespread it is in mild/asymptomatic form, how fast it spreads, and how long the incubation period is, it seems futile to try to avoid getting it if you've been out and about at all since it started spreading.  Unless a person is or has to work in-person with a vulnerable individual, it seems more logical to just assume you have a mild/asymptomatic case and act accordingly.

I think so too.  When all of this is finally over, it would be interesting if a blood test would be available that shows which of us actually had it without even realizing it!

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Dh had hoped to top off groceries yesterday. He had gone last week but shelves were not well stocked. He went to two stores yesterday and struck out. He said there was corn starch and rice flour left in the pantry staples section. I guess we are just going to ride it out. Hopefully in the next few weeks people will calm down and stores will re-stock?


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3 minutes ago, J-rap said:

I think so too.  When all of this is finally over, it would be interesting if a blood test would be available that shows which of us actually had it without even realizing it!

They have been looking for antibodies.

The last study showed people werent developing them, leading people to believe you could be reinfected. John Campbell mentioned yesterday that immunity may develop and that perhaps those early studies had people who were in biphasic disease ie they weren’t done being sick yet.

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News link https://www.wired.com/story/fda-approves-the-first-commercial-coronavirus-tests-in-the-us/

Daily tally link mentioned in the news https://mobile.twitter.com/COVID2019tests

“FDA Approves the First Commercial Coronavirus Tests in the US

Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche and medical-device maker Thermo Fisher collectively have nearly 2 million tests available, with more to come.

... Both tests received approval on Friday, less than 24 hours after the companies submitted their applications to the FDA. “This action today shows our agency’s dedication to working around the clock to review and authorize diagnostics during this public health emergency,” FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said in a statement.

Officials from Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical giant, say the company has 400,000 tests ready to be shipped and plans to manufacture 400,000 more per week. Medical-device maker Thermo Fisher representatives say they have 1.5 million of their own test available, and a goal of producing 5 million per week by April. Both companies have promised their tests can turn around results in a matter of hours.

... The number of people who could be tested using those supplies will likely be lower than those figures, because people often require multiple tests during the course of diagnosis and treatment. Much also depends on the local testing capabilities wherever those tests are put to use. But together, they represent a massive improvement over the status quo. As of Monday, the United States had the ability to process only about 37,000 tests per day, according to the American Enterprise Institute, which has kept a daily tally.

Ron O’Neil, a Thermo Fisher spokesperson, told WIRED that the company is in discussions with commercial labs, like Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, to make its test widely available. Roche officials said in a statement that their company has worked with government agencies to determine 32 initial sites based on geographic need.”

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Costco’s announcement on Facebook 

“Dear Costco Member,

As the global effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, Costco is firmly committed to the health and safety of our members and employees, and serving our communities. We are closely monitoring the changing situation, and complying with public health guidance.

As many of you have noticed, we’ve experienced a surge of business during this time. As a result, we’ve taken steps to control the number of members in our warehouses and asked that members and employees practice social distancing. We’ve also reduced some services.

We’ve increased our protocols in sanitizing surfaces, including shopping cart handles, merchandise shelves, front-end belts and registers. Limits have been implemented on certain items to help ensure more members are able to access the merchandise they want and need. Our buyers and suppliers are working to ensure in-demand merchandise as well as everyday favorites are available in our warehouses.

As new information becomes available, management is keeping warehouse staff well informed so they can respond swiftly and appropriately. While the circumstances continue to change and we modify our operations as necessary, we thank you for your patience and cooperation. As new developments occur, be assured we are committed to taking care of our members and employees and to our mission of providing low prices, quality merchandise and exceptional service.

We extend our sincere thanks to Costco members and employees worldwide for their ongoing support and loyal dedication during this challenging time.

Thank you,
Craig Jelinek
President and CEO, Costco Wholesale”

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“"We are asking construction companies that our president knows very well from his background -- we're asking them to donate their N-95 masks to their local hospitals and also forgo making new orders," said Vice President Mike Pence Tuesday morning.”   https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/pence-to-construction-companies-send-hospitals-your-n95-face-masks/2256057/

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🇧🇷 “BRASILIA: Brazil confirmed its first death from the new coronavirus on Tuesday (Mar 17), as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro declared a state of emergency over the pandemic, restricting public transportation and restaurant service.

The South American country's first victim was a 62-year-old man with underlying health conditions who died Monday in Sao Paulo, authorities said” https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/brazil-first-covid-19-death-sao-paolo-12549086

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Just desperately needing to vent to people who don't know me. I live in Ontario, on a remote First Nations reservation. We had a big meeting yesterday at the Nursing Station of frontline workers  ( anyone really who deals with the public-- store manager, mental health workers, teachers, nursing staff, chief and council, etc.)   They were basically running through a list of what actions we are taking to protect people , and which departments/ people would be responsible for what.   All of that is great, and it was wonderful to hear.  

What was not so wonderful to hear, was the nurse responsible for briefing everybody either deliberately or stupidly giving mininformation or outdated information or deliberately editing what she said .  ( clearly in an effort to calm people's fears.)   As I am not First Nations, nor a health profession,  I clamped my teeth and shut up , but it was incredibly frustrating.

Examples of what I mean: 

She pointed out reassuringly that our nearby big town of Thunder Bay had no cases.   She left out that a different nearby town, did, ( which several of us mentioned,)) 

When asked if nurses coming in were being screened, she replied that they were only being screened if they had travelled internationally, otherwise-- nope.  If they have a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours and then they are free to come up.

When questioned on testing, she stated flat out that EVEN IF YOU HAD SYMPTOMS, if you had not travelled internationally, then YOU DID NOT HAVE IT.  And obviously, therefore, they would not be testing you.

She stated that there is NO community transmission at this time in Canada, even though there was literally just a news article stating that they believe Ontario is beginning to see signs of community transmission.

She stated  that there was only 1 death in Canada, rather than 4 deaths, as is actually the case.

She stated that the ONLY people who are dying are old or have pre-existing conditions. Otherwise don't worry, you won't die.  

I think what left me most frustrated was i could not tell if she was simple misinformed or actually intentionally misleading people.  

I know all this will probably seem like small potatoes to people living in bigger areas that are already facing many more deaths, but as First Nations communities are notoriously overcrowded, understocked for medical supplies, underserviced for medical needs, and that any illness tends to run through the whole reserve like wildfire, I was really, really dismayed by her responses. 

Not much i can do about it, but just really needed to vent to other people.


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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

there's one issue about testing most people might not be aware about - the CDC has required all tests to go to them for a definitive result.  

we had the first case, until recently we had the most cases (NY has overtaken that official count), we've had the most deaths. early on,  each positive was announced on the news as a "presumptive positive" - because the CDC demanded they test and only their test could claim it was a positive.


eta: we've had over 7000 tested, less than 800 positive.

A new message on our state website says that confirmation with CDC is no longer required. They've changed the "presumptive cases" category to just "positive" to reflect that change.


2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

American Dental Association and its sister group for orthodontists are recommending emergency treatment only for the next three weeks. (Dental work creates a lot of spray.)

Somewhere around the first few pages of this thread, I posted a communication from a province in China, that they prohibited all dental work except emergencies due to the spraying of many procedures. They were erring on the side that the aerosolization would put dentists at risk. This was back in January. So that information has been available for a long time...

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1 hour ago, J-rap said:

I had a dental appointment yesterday too (for something minor)...  I called ahead of time to see if I should change it, but they encouraged me to come.  When I got there (about an hour later), they told me they had just changed their policy and will only be open for emergency appointments.  That was fine with me, I think it was a good decision.  (And I only had to walk 3 blocks to get there so was not a big deal come and find my appointment cancelled.)  They said that dental work is a huge risk for spreading germs that are respiratory.

I called and cancelled a routine cleaning appointment I had for Wednesday (I go every 4 months for cleanings.). The dental people understood.

I also called and cancelled an appointment for a fridge repair guy to fix our ice maker on Thursday and he did not understand. He warned me that they’d have to send the replacement parts back if I didn’t reschedule within the week.  I said, “Ok then.”  He doesn’t get it yet. All I could think about were the infected, but not yet showing symptoms, crew members of the Diamond Princess, who went from room to room on the ship cleaning the rooms and infecting people.  A fridge repair guys is much like that, going from house to house.

A FB friend is getting her hair colored today, and I think that’s nuts.  Non-essential businesses here are supposed to shut down, but it’s not a mandate, so they don’t *have* to.  Somehow or other, she’s going somewhere or someone is coming to her to color her hair.  Such a frivolous thing to do.  

I also found out last night that people on blood thinners are considered high risk by the CDC though I’m not sure why.  My dh is on blood thinners.  He told his boss today and his boss will let him work from home.  I’m so grateful that he has a job that allows him to work from home, and a compassionate boss.  Though, just last week, his boss thought this was all hooey.  Glad he turned around over the weekend.

Edited by Garga
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32 minutes ago, Katy said:

A friend in Iowa just forwarded me an announcement that they're closing down a bunch of stuff too, through the end of the month.  Gyms, senior centers, etc.  Closer to Pennsylvania than the Bay Area.

Governor Reynolds - Iowa

"Gov. Kim Reynolds issued a state of public health disaster on Tuesday, forcing the closures of establishments across the state.

Beginning at 12 p.m. and extending through March 31, all restaurants and bars will be closed to the public. This measure exclude food served by carry-out, drive-through or delivery.

The measure also closes fitness centers, theaters, casinos, senior citizen centers and adult day care facilities.

Reynolds’ declaration requires mass gatherings of more than 10 people to be canceled or postponed."

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Update from Israel:

324 cases, up 26 from yesterday.  No deaths yet.  Today the government called for what is being described as a 'voluntary lockdown.'  Apparently yesterday people were congregating on Tel Aviv beaches and the Health Ministry went berserk, so here we are.  There's a long list of instructions, but basically we are supposed to sharply minimize going out of the house.  Seeing as we are living in an apartment and have no yard, I was relieved to see that there is an explicit exception for taking kids outside.  Police are not going to enforce the rules  Yet. 

There have been 39 cases in the West Bank, all but 2 in Bethlehem, which has been locked down for a couple of weeks.  The Palestinian Authority is now requiring anyone coming from abroad to quarantine for 2 weeks, and Israel has increased restrictions on Palestinians coming from the West Bank to work (far fewer can come and they have to stay in Israel). No cases in Gaza yet, thank goodness.

Dramatically expanded testing is supposed to begin tomorrow, including 'drive through' testing.  The security services are going to use the cell phone data of infected persons to track their contacts and the Israel Police are going to use location data to make sure that people are staying in quarantine.  This measure was approved on emergency grounds by the Cabinet, not the legislature, at 1:30 am and is (understandably IMO) freaking people out.

I miss our comfy house with a yard and all of our stuff, but we've rearranged this apartment to make it a bit more livable and it will be fine.  I have been trying unsuccessfully for weeks to set up online grocery shopping but have been repeatedly stymied by the fact that I do not have an all-important national ID number.  (Which is used for absolutely EVERYTHING, big and small, here.)  DS14 and I have spent hours trying to figure this out but finally gave up.  Now that we are really not supposed to go out, though, I've asked a highly competent Israeli friend to help.  If she can manage to get this set up, that will be a real boon.  




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2 hours ago, Dotwithaperiod said:


Are any of you using this tracker? This is an interview with the creator, a 17 year old kid. He’s adorable. I loved it when he said he’s been coding “for about a decade”.

Yes, I adore him. I’m a little bit jealous that this kid writes code for a disease when most people are still ignoring it as “a Chinese thing” while my kid is furious he can’t have a sleepover. Feel like I went wrong somewhere...

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38 minutes ago, NorthernBeth said:

Just desperately needing to vent to people who don't know me. I live in Ontario, on a remote First Nations reservation. We had a big meeting yesterday at the Nursing Station of frontline workers  ( anyone really who deals with the public-- store manager, mental health workers, teachers, nursing staff, chief and council, etc.)   They were basically running through a list of what actions we are taking to protect people , and which departments/ people would be responsible for what.   All of that is great, and it was wonderful to hear.  

What was not so wonderful to hear, was the nurse responsible for briefing everybody either deliberately or stupidly giving mininformation or outdated information or deliberately editing what she said .  ( clearly in an effort to calm people's fears.)   As I am not First Nations, nor a health profession,  I clamped my teeth and shut up , but it was incredibly frustrating.

Examples of what I mean: 

She pointed out reassuringly that our nearby big town of Thunder Bay had no cases.   She left out that a different nearby town, did, ( which several of us mentioned,)) 

When asked if nurses coming in were being screened, she replied that they were only being screened if they had travelled internationally, otherwise-- nope.  If they have a fever they need to be fever free for 24 hours and then they are free to come up.

When questioned on testing, she stated flat out that EVEN IF YOU HAD SYMPTOMS, if you had not travelled internationally, then YOU DID NOT HAVE IT.  And obviously, therefore, they would not be testing you.

She stated that there is NO community transmission at this time in Canada, even though there was literally just a news article stating that they believe Ontario is beginning to see signs of community transmission.

She stated  that there was only 1 death in Canada, rather than 4 deaths, as is actually the case.

She stated that the ONLY people who are dying are old or have pre-existing conditions. Otherwise don't worry, you won't die.  

I think what left me most frustrated was i could not tell if she was simple misinformed or actually intentionally misleading people.  

I know all this will probably seem like small potatoes to people living in bigger areas that are already facing many more deaths, but as First Nations communities are notoriously overcrowded, understocked for medical supplies, underserviced for medical needs, and that any illness tends to run through the whole reserve like wildfire, I was really, really dismayed by her responses. 

Not much i can do about it, but just really needed to vent to other people.


You should forward her the article about Southend, SK....

Once it gets into our isolated communities it is going to be very hard to deal with. There is a reason that they/we were priority for the H1N1 vaccine.

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42 minutes ago, Garga said:

A FB friend is getting her hair colored today, and I think that’s nuts.  Non-essential businesses here are supposed to shut down, but it’s not a mandate, so they don’t *have* to.  Somehow or other, she’s going somewhere or someone is coming to her to color her hair.  Such a frivolous thing to do.  

I was actually thinking of posing hair maintenance questions here. I am not planning a coloring for myself until at least two weeks from tommorow due to quarantining when dd comes home, but I wondered if I should make an appointment or just ignore hair maintenance for whatever duration it ends up being. I do have three boxes (so, with my hair, one application 😃) of boxed regular hair color in my bathroom closet. If the situation gets dire, I may use that. But I am also looking at ds’ too-long hair and wondering if I should just ignore it for now, have a go at it myself (I have cut my kids hair before; I can manage but it won’t be the best hair cut he’s ever had) or try to get a haircut for him at a friend’s house (a friend who is a licensed hairdresser but has never done his). 


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Dicks Sporting Goods email

“We’re temporarily changing our store hours at all DICK’S Sporting Goods, Golf Galaxy and Field & Stream locations, starting 3/17/20 (check website for specific store hours or potential closings):

 Monday–Friday: 11AM–8PM
 Saturday: 10AM–8PM
 Sunday: 10AM–6PM

Additionally, in an effort to make shopping more convenient for those who do not wish to come inside the store, we’re implementing Curbside Contactless Pickupat all our DICK’S Sporting Goods and Golf Galaxy locations during operating hours, effective 3/18/20. Here’s how it works:

Shop. When shopping online, select 'pick up in store'.

Drive. Upon confirmation of order status, drive to your store and park along the curb at the main entrance.

Call. Call the store and select “0” to speak with a teammate; share your order details.

Deliver. A teammate will deliver the order to your vehicle.

Please note: Curbside Contactless Pickup will be available in all stores, including those that are temporarily closed.”

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9 minutes ago, Quill said:

I was actually thinking of posing hair maintenance questions here. I am not planning a coloring for myself until at least two weeks from tommorow due to quarantining when dd comes home, but I wondered if I should make an appointment or just ignore hair maintenance for whatever duration it ends up being. I do have three boxes (so, with my hair, one application 😃) of boxed regular hair color in my bathroom closet. If the situation gets dire, I may use that. But I am also looking at ds’ too-long hair and wondering if I should just ignore it for now, have a go at it myself (I have cut my kids hair before; I can manage but it won’t be the best hair cut he’s ever had) or try to get a haircut for him at a friend’s house (a friend who is a licensed hairdresser but has never done his). 


Stay home. We have no idea how much community spread is going on, but odds are things are bad if so many states are shutting down.

I would ask your friend to give him a cut and dye your hair.

I gave my boys buzz cuts and I am dyeing at home. 

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“The US currently has an estimated 160,000 ventilators, far short of the 740,000 it would need in a "severe" pandemic like the Spanish flu of 1918, according to a study by the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins.” https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-ventilator-rush-faces-regulatory-logistical-obstacles-n1161651

Study link http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events/2018_clade_x_exercise/pdfs/Clade-X-ventilator-availability-fact-sheet.pdf

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57 minutes ago, Quill said:

I was actually thinking of posing hair maintenance questions here. I am not planning a coloring for myself until at least two weeks from tommorow due to quarantining when dd comes home, but I wondered if I should make an appointment or just ignore hair maintenance for whatever duration it ends up being. I do have three boxes (so, with my hair, one application 😃) of boxed regular hair color in my bathroom closet. If the situation gets dire, I may use that. But I am also looking at ds’ too-long hair and wondering if I should just ignore it for now, have a go at it myself (I have cut my kids hair before; I can manage but it won’t be the best hair cut he’s ever had) or try to get a haircut for him at a friend’s house (a friend who is a licensed hairdresser but has never done his). 


We are going without for while.  I just cancelled my cut for next week and I had to cancel my last appt in January because I had the flu.  I do color at home, but no one is going to see me except my 3 guys and they won’t be looking so great either LOL.

DS2 got his cut about a week ago.  Other DS was sick so he didn’t go.  He is now curious to find out what it will look like when it gets long LoL.  His hair is wavy so should be interesting.  DH is going without also, but I shaved his neck so he felt better.

Honestly, for the foreseeable future, I don’t think it is worth the risk.  And...when the mandatory lock downs come, we aren’t going to be seeing people anyway.

Edited by mlktwins
poor spelling on my ipad :-)
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Dare County, NC--the main part of the Outer Banks--is limiting access to the island.


DARE COUNTY, N.C. — Dare County, part of the Outer Banks, will restrict access to the island starting at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

Checkpoints will be established at entry points, and all those wishing to enter will need to present a permit.

Officials are asking that permits be displayed on dashboards to limit contact and allow entry in a timely manner.

People who reside, own property, or work in Corolla or Ocracoke, will be allowed entry.

For permit information please visit Dare County’s website.


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1 hour ago, Renai said:

A new message on our state website says that confirmation with CDC is no longer required. They've changed the "presumptive cases" category to just "positive" to reflect that change.


Somewhere around the first few pages of this thread, I posted a communication from a province in China, that they prohibited all dental work except emergencies due to the spraying of many procedures. They were erring on the side that the aerosolization would put dentists at risk. This was back in January. So that information has been available for a long time...

Good - that made is so much harder to do testing.

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2 hours ago, Garga said:

I also found out last night that people on blood thinners are considered high risk by the CDC though I’m not sure why.  My dh is on blood thinners.  He told his boss today and his boss will let him work from home.  I’m so grateful that he has a job that allows him to work from home, and a compassionate boss.  Though, just last week, his boss thought this was all hooey.  Glad he turned around over the weekend.

After seeing this, I tried to google more information but found nothing clear. I suspect it's due to the conditions that cause the blood clots and will vary by population (not all people on blood thinners have the same reason to be on them). 

Dayton, OH now has drive-through testing. You need a doctor's orders, and patients will be tested for flu first. If negative, then they get COVID testing. https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/local/coronavirus-drive-testing-begins-dayton/MHZE4hK57NOB3RIVT0HgXL/?fbclid=IwAR3BTYl_D9GO2Pj8JwB4EH5IKhRea8IG97LqTx5i6LFSx742pf2EFAQ0E-k

ETA: Cincinnati too: https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2020/03/17/coronavirus-ohio-uc-health-opens-testing-tent-corryville/5067052002/?fbclid=IwAR03HHrDhJp0XzVqJM_BRB86g91lq3tFRWHYsfQLzWMN8I-mLgEmBfoMvFk


Edited by kbutton
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1 hour ago, Renai said:

Found out that one of the hospitals in our county (Santa Fe, NM) has set up drive through testing.

what our area learned with drive through testing.  first - they removed travel/known contact criteria for testing -  so then every one rushed to be tested and the lines become hours long.  now - you have to make an appointment for the drive through testing  - and those slots fill up fast.   more hospitals/insurance systems are setting up drive through testing, so it's calming down.  

I wonder how many are being tested because of legitimate symptoms or just paranoia.  we've had 7000+ tests, with <800 cases so far.  I fear there are those with legitimate symptoms that aren't being tested.  (actually we've had some people complain about it to our local news - so I know that's happening.)

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2 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

what our area learned with drive through testing.  first - they removed travel/known contact criteria for testing -  so then every one rushed to be tested and the lines become hours long.  now - you have to make an appointment for the drive through testing  - and those slots fill up fast.   more hospitals/insurance systems are setting up drive through testing, so it's calming down.  

I wonder how many are being tested because of legitimate symptoms or just paranoia.  we've had 7000+ tests, with <800 cases so far.  I fear there are those with legitimate symptoms that aren't being tested.  (actually we've had some people complain about it to our local news - so I know that's happening.)

I have to go back and check for specifics again, but there is a criteria for getting tested. They are not testing just everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Renai said:

I have to go back and check for specifics again, but there is a criteria for getting tested. They are not testing just everyone.

I'm in WA - I think you're in a different state.

the UW did start the drive through for their own staff and students, and patients of their clinic system.  Then they opened it to other healthcare workers, first responders, and nursing home workers.  (which I fully support.)


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7 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

what our area learned with drive through testing.  first - they removed travel/known contact criteria for testing -  so then every one rushed to be tested and the lines become hours long.  now - you have to make an appointment for the drive through testing  - and those slots fill up fast.   more hospitals/insurance systems are setting up drive through testing, so it's calming down.  

I wonder how many are being tested because of legitimate symptoms or just paranoia.  we've had 7000+ tests, with <800 cases so far.  I fear there are those with legitimate symptoms that aren't being tested.  (actually we've had some people complain about it to our local news - so I know that's happening.)

In one of our counties (St. Mary's,  MD)with drive-thru testing you have to get an online prescription before getting tested.  You can't just make an appt, the dr. has to order it for you.   I'm surprised it's not this way for other areas.  

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Local area hospitals are announcing critical shortages of PPE again. 😞 

This is really worrying! Surely more masks could be produced quite quickly! I just can't believe that that is not a high priority - surely it much be in the works!

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1 minute ago, TCB said:

This is really worrying! Surely more masks could be produced quite quickly! I just can't believe that that is not a high priority - surely it much be in the works!

They were out late last week, a shipment of 10% of what they asked for from the feds arrived yesterday and they calculated their burn rate and announced they will be out on x date if they receive no more supplies.

They received 0 of the ventilators they requested.

It is extremely worrying. All non-essential procedures statewide have been put off. All dental work that is not emergent has been put off. They are rationing and reportedly reusing PPE already. I reported last week that they are saving the respirators for highly invasive procedures, so even those swabbing actively coughing patients are only wearing surgical masks.

Not surprisingly, dozens of health care workers are already symptomatic. 

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12 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Yeah. We had friends in DC who did this. “We have an Airbnb so we will be fine.”


8 minutes ago, SamanthaCarter said:

Reminds me of the wealthy fleeing the cities during the Plague. 

Gah. My parents live in that area. Eastern NC had no known cases of coronavirus...but I wonder how many of those fleeing DCers have possibly been exposed. It's such a rural area, also. Don't they realize how limited the medical resources will be, if they sicken while on this "vacation"?

Edited by alisoncooks
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2 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:


Gah. My parents live in that area. Eastern NC had no known cases of coronavirus...but I wonder how many of those fleeing DCers had possibly been exposed. It's such a rural area, also. Don't they realize how limited the medical resources will be if they sicken while on this "vacation."

Everyone is in denial that they have been exposed or that they will get this.

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I will try to be as apolitical as I can in stating this. The way that the US is handling this compared to the rest of the world highlights policy differences between state funded healthcare and private pay systems like the US.

Our state health agency has stated that it is not designed to test mass numbers of people and that that is the role of private providers. 

Our president has asked health care providers to use their own contacts to order equipment.

When you have a system designed for for-profit companies (look at the intertwining between prescription drug mail order companies and health insurers) where decisions are made to benefit stock holders and not health consumers we get into this kind of situation.

This is a novel disease which they will likely have a vaccine for in the next two years—they are just letting it burn through At a rate that will not cause societal collapse rather than really changing the health care model assumptions.

Edited by prairiewindmomma
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Because I don't think people in this thread will laugh at me, I have a couple of questions about mail and groceries. 

For regular mail, I am currently leaving it in my garage.  How long should I leave it there to be safe?  I am getting rid of all the junk mail right away.  I am putting the rest into 2 piles -- to be shredded and important/need to keep.  It is not coming in my house until I feel it is ok!  I am switching bills that I like paper statements for to electronic delivery at this point.  All my bank stuff is on-line.

I have had several big boxes of stuff from Target delivered recently.  I do not need these items right away and they are non-perishable items in plastic containers (think Tide).  How long would you leave them out in the garage to feel safe not wiping them down?  I want to conserve my wipes.

I do not need groceries for a bit but, when the $&(% really hits the fan, would you feel safer going to shop yourself with a mask and gloves (either early in the morning or late at night before they close) or have it purchased and delivered to your front porch?  Groceries would not include any fresh fruit or veggies (I don't want to buy stuff that people are handling that way) - this is whether I go shopping or have them delivered.  Either way, items would be wiped down before coming in my house.

I feel so stupid even asking these questions.  I never thought in a million years...


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3 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I will try to be as apolitical as I can in stating this. The way that the US is handling this compared to the rest of the world highlights policy differences between state funded healthcare and private pay systems like the US.

Our state health agency has stated that it is not designed to test mass numbers of people and that that is the role of private providers. 

Our president has asked health care providers to use their own contacts to order equipment.

When you have a system designed for for-profit companies (look at the intertwining between prescription drug mail order companies and health insurers) where decisions are made to benefit stock holders and health consumers we get into this kind of situation.

This is a novel disease which they will likely have a vaccine for in the next two years—they are just letting it burn through At a rate that will not cause societal collapse rather than really changing the health care model assumptions.


Hoping this virus will be the impetus for a healthcare revolution. It is well past time. G-d help us until then.

TCB, Stella's daughter, Plum's DH, and prairiewindmomma (do I have those all correct? my sincere apologies if I got people confused), and everyone else in harm's way right now, thank you for all you are doing.  

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