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Anyone else hate video tutorials?


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Am I the only person out there who really hates to have to sit through a video to learn something, and would much rather have some nice descriptive text and some well-selected pictures or screen-shots? 

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I hate video instructions *except* for when it is showing how to do something and it takes less time to show it than to explain it.  Eg. changing the blade in my utility knife.  THAT was a useful video.  Learning to tat.  THAT was a useful video.  Much better than written explanation.  But for most things...bah humbug!!!!!

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Oops replying on my phone, messed up. Meant to add no, you are not the only one and yes, I can't stand them! The website provider our homeschool group uses has them for everything related to the website, all done very meticulously and in great detail. But when I need a quick 30 second answer, I do not want to search through 8 videos of 10 minutes each to find it. Has the simple user manual gone the way of the dinosaur? I sure do miss it!

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I generally prefer to read most things (like software user manuals), but when it comes to making and repairing things, I prefer the visual.  When I can SEE how the guy in the video took apart the washing machine or the iphone, I can see the little details that he may not have thought important enough to mention, so I know which way up the little dohicky goes when it comes time to put it back, or how hard he needs to pry to get the case open, or whatever.  When I watch sewing videos, like Jalie's tutorials for how to sew particular patterns, I can see how much to stretch the neckline casing or how to hold the fabric together for the tricky tiny bits.  (Jalie speeds up the boring/repetitive parts, so I can still see how it's done without having to spend as much time watching as it would take to actually do it.)

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But I think it's primarily a generational gap (I'm sure there are exceptions, of course). I think older people would rather have the text, younger folks prefer the videos. Again, on the whole.


I'd be curious how this holds up in a poll at the hive.


I'm not sure it's a true statement.



OP, you aren't alone.

The thing about text is I can skim the parts, or completely blow past them, that I know and get straight to the part I need help with. That's much harder to do in a video.

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YES!  They are so ridiculously slow!  And if they are for something you can do on the computer, I would rather DO IT WITH THEM, but can't because they are ON THE COMPUTER.


I like Ted Talks, though, especially the ones with little or no visuals, because I can play them in the room where I am simultaneously doing something utterly boring, like sorting mail or decluttering and they keep me occupied enough to stay on task.

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Sometimes I find them extremely helpful.  Sometimes they go too fast.  Sometimes I cannot understand the "English" the person is speaking (especially people in India).  The ones I watch are usually related to computer hardware or software. Sometimes about how to Root a phone or Flash the Firmware on one.  I remember one I watched, probably 4 or 5 times, about how to modify the WordPress Theme I was using on a web site, to get it to look the way I wanted it to look. Outstanding video, but there were a lot of tiny details to absorb and it went by very quickly.


Watched a great one, about when a car won't start and you get that clicking noise. Probably it's the Solenoid, but it could be caused by a bunch of different things, ranging from a loose cable, to an engine that is seized and needs to be replaced.   "EricTheCarGuy" on YouTube if you have an issue with a car...

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It depends. I'm a visual/kinesthetic learner, so if the text instructions need to be "turned into pictures" in my head, I much prefer a video or text with pictures.


Often, though, videos are filled with way too much backstory, just like the pinterest recipe blogs. In that case, they are just as annoying.


One note of interest: I rarely to almost never watch a news video clip online, and will skip the story if there is not a written component. I much prefer text for that type of information.

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It depends. For mechanical stuff like replacing the ice machine motor, changing the clothes washer's computer board, or switching out a stand mixer's gear shaft housing (all things I've done), I highly recommend videos. Pictures aren't enough.


Also, knitting and crotcheting. I taught myself to knit decades ago, but could never learn crochet. A few internet videos were all I needed to learn

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I'm with you! I want to be able to leave the instructions at the step I'm on and refer to it when needed, or then come back when I'm done. With three kids and the rest of life that could be many days later. I get sick of having to fast forward past the lame aside about the sea lions (or whatever).


Whew! Glad to get rid of that angst I've been carrying.

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If there isn't a transcript, I didn't understand it anyway so why bother?




I thought it was an age thing. I have nightmares about nobody understanding anything I saw and not having any books and not being able to turn off the flashing noise machine.

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Depends on the topic.  I never would have been able to learn to crochet from a book.  But, show me, and I get it.  I may skip ahead if you show me more than once, but no drawing would be as good as showing me.  I can follow a pattern.  I don't need you to show me every stitch.  But, tactile things that require complicated physical steps?  I really like video format.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Me!  I thought I was the only one.  Everyone seems to just adore linking to videos for everything.  I'd rather read a description with some pictures.  If a blog/website only has a video, I often just click away and keep looking.


An example is for bullet journals.   Really??  You're showing your notebook/calendar/planner.  Does that really need to be a video?  Why?  So we can see you turning pages?  

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I don't like feeling committed to watching the whole thing. What if it turns out to be 15 minutes long? Who's got that kind of time lying around? Written instructions i can come and go as the whim strikes. Obviously I grew up before the "pause" button was invented.

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Depends on the topic.  I never would have been able to learn to crochet from a book.  But, show me, and I get it.  I may skip ahead if you show me more than once, but no drawing would be as good as showing me.  I can follow a pattern.  I don't need you to show me every stitch.  But, tactile things that require complicated physical steps?  I really like video format.


Yes! Crochet or knitting are among the few times I prefer a video tutorial to written instructions. I especially like that I can search for a left handed version so I don't have to turn the instructions around. What I hate though is when watching a video about a particular stitch and the person spends too much time on a different stitch. For example, if your video isn't about double crochet don't make me watch you do an entire row of double crochet while you explain the stitch (put the hook through, pull up a loop, etc.) over and over again. Show me the stitch that's in the title of your video please. :) 

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I hate the "Hi guys!" and almost Stepford wife-like manner of speaking in so many YouTube tutorials, but in general I find them useful.

"Stepford wife-like" is EXACTLY the phrase I've been looking for to describe a few YouTubers I have been watching lately, but I couldn't come up with it on my own, so THANK YOU! :)


I enjoy watching video tutorials, but if I need the information in a hurry, I would much rather read it than have to sit through a long video. Some videos are brief and concise, so I'm fine with those, but so many of them take forever to get going... "Hey guys, it's me! Sorry I haven't posted any new videos in a while but my allergies were acting up and my cat had a lot of hair balls and my bff from high school was here for a visit... and I just repainted my apartment so I'm going to give you a little tour... oh, and I just got this great new eyeliner and..." So then I have to go search for another video and hope that one tells me what I need to know. It can get annoying when I'm in a hurry and need to know how to do one simple thing!

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Me! I thought I was the only one. Everyone seems to just adore linking to videos for everything. I'd rather read a description with some pictures. If a blog/website only has a video, I often just click away and keep looking.


An example is for bullet journals. Really?? You're showing your notebook/calendar/planner. Does that really need to be a video? Why? So we can see you turning pages?

But they're super-special pages! And she used washi tape and Gelly Roll pens and some stickers to decorate them! Nobody has ever done that before now! And she's so enthusiastic!!!


I can't stand it either.

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it depends


I am very wordy online, but I feel like if it's a tutorial you should kinda cut to the case and then feel free to add more info at the end. Or talk while you work so people can see what they want to learn. Have you ever watched YouTube on the TV and misplaced the remote? Oh my gosh LOL. I didn't know people could talk that long about organizing their fridge.


I do like seeing things on video, like if someone is building something.

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I've got limited bandwidth (at most 5G per month, usually we try to stay under 1G) so I basically swear off almost all youtube videos. That said, I also generally find them way too time consuming. There is the odd thing though that is nicer to learn from video.

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I hate the "Hi guys!" and almost Stepford wife-like manner of speaking in so many YouTube tutorials, but in general I find them useful.





I like video tutorials that actually get to the point. I find I just skip the first 1/3 of the video to get to anything worthwhile. 

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"Stepford wife-like" is EXACTLY the phrase I've been looking for to describe a few YouTubers I have been watching lately, but I couldn't come up with it on my own, so THANK YOU! :)


I enjoy watching video tutorials, but if I need the information in a hurry, I would much rather read it than have to sit through a long video. Some videos are brief and concise, so I'm fine with those, but so many of them take forever to get going... "Hey guys, it's me! Sorry I haven't posted any new videos in a while but my allergies were acting up and my cat had a lot of hair balls and my bff from high school was here for a visit... and I just repainted my apartment so I'm going to give you a little tour... oh, and I just got this great new eyeliner and..." So then I have to go search for another video and hope that one tells me what I need to know. It can get annoying when I'm in a hurry and need to know how to do one simple thing!


Yes, THIS!!!  I already know what your videos is about because that's what I searched for, and that's what your title says, and that's what your description says.  I don't need you to spend 5 minutes introducing what your video is going to be about.  I also don't care about why you did the video, or anything else.  Just get to the point.  

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I hate video instructions *except* for when it is showing how to do something and it takes less time to show it than to explain it.  Eg. changing the blade in my utility knife.  THAT was a useful video.  Learning to tat.  THAT was a useful video.  Much better than written explanation.  But for most things...bah humbug!!!!!


This is my feeling.  I do often find video tutorials hard to sit through. Talking takes a lot longer than reading. There are some things, however, where just seeing it done is much better than a text explanation, even with a few photos.  For me, that is often going to be repair things, but also sometimes things like ukulele tutorials.


TBH, I think that in many cases, the problem isn't the format so much - it is that the tutorial is too much irrelevant talk and not enough focus on the task.  In my experience it's typically much better done on real television where they have trained editors than on places like youtube or even videos for homeschool learning.

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Are there any particular videos that people have found that they think are well done?  My coauthor and I are often asked when we are going to do some videos to go along with a book we wrote (on the stock market).  We met with a video editor earlier this week and are trying to find examples of videos we think were done well, and in our subject area we are having trouble find something.  We were surprised, thinking there would be a lot, but we will find 2500 in a search and most of them are horrible  So, how do you search through the weeds?

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I hate the "Hi guys!" and almost Stepford wife-like manner of speaking in so many YouTube tutorials, but in general I find them useful.


Oh yes!  I shudder when I hear the "Hi guys, it's ____ here!"  Oh yuck.


I prefer to read over video, but I do see their usefulness for visual people.  DS and DH use them all the time.  I just have to leave the room when they do.   :leaving:




ETA!  Wait.  I do love watching the Primitive Technology channel on youtube.  That's not really the same thing, though.  :)

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I often prefer videos.  I am a visual learner.


However, if things are clearly laid out and not wordy, I can get it easily.


What I hate is using 1000 words to say what I could have said in 50.  


I am a right, left, North, South type girl.  Don't spend 20 minutes explaining that when I see the BP station on my right, or oh, wait, did they take out that one?  Well, look to the left and see if the McDonald's is still there, if it is, then take a left there, but if you see a Cracker Barrel and a stip mall, you have gone too far, so look for the Alpine Air as you are driving, that will mean you are almost to where you need to turn.  I don't remember the name of that street though, so pay attention.  But you also will see a McCalister's Deli before you get there, or oh wait, they put in a new building so you can't see it clearly, but look for it anyway.


So then you go about a half mile I would say, or maybe a little less, you will see........and then another 20 around the bend instructions......


I swear, the above is what I always get.  


Drives me BATS!


Just give me the address and I will figure it out.  


Before GPS, I needed "Go North on Smith street, go 1 mile, take a left (West) on Garringer Street" or I would get completely lost.

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