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What type of rice does your family like? I used to eat brown rice, but lately we've been stuck on basmati white rice. So, is brown rice really a lot better for you?

Brown rice may have higher arsenic levels than white.

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We have a lot of brands of Rice for sale here in Colombia and I think all of them are White.   Is Brown Rice better, health wise?  The answer to that would be interesting. We used to buy Brown Sugar, but now we use White Sugar. I would be interested in knowing if one is better than the other for health.  I hope someone with expertise on this will chime in here!  The next time I go to the supermarket I will try to remember to look to see if they have Brown Rice.

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It's true that brown rice can be contaminated with higher levels of arsenic. You can reduce the risk by rinsing the rice, by soaking it overnight, and/or by cooking the rice with excess water, rather than "just enough".

Edited by Tanaqui
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Using quinoa for a rice replacement, short grain brown, long grain brown, jasmine, basmati or adding minced vegetables to the rice as it cooks with other seasonings. I hate plain white rice but eat it when pickings are slim for other kinds of rice. So-called wild rice mixed with other rices is good for variety too.





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The problem with brown rice is that the oils in the bran and germ can become rancid fairly quickly.


I don't have space to refrigerate brown rice, and consequently, I buy and cook less of it than I would if I could surmount the storage problem.


I like brown rice.


Currently, I have basmati, sushi, Egyptian, Samba* (Sri Lankan), and brown rice in my larder.


*Samba has a super strange smell—a bit like manure when it cooks. But it actually tastes great with curry type dishes. But the smell? Oh my!



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I love basmati, but also really like wild rice (which is actually a grass instead of a rice, I read somewhere.) I recently tried black rice and like it very much as well. It is supposed to have antioxidants like blueberries. 

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I eat brown rice almost everyday. I'm aware of the possible high levels of arsenic, but I feel that the benefits outweigh the concerns. I use brown basmati for Indian style dishes and brown jasmine for Chinese dinners. My everyday rice is a medium grain brown mixed with a sweet brown short grain rice.

Edited by solascriptura
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I like brown rice, but it's not a favorite with the rest of the family to serve with gumbo, beans, etc. For those dishes I use a jasmine rice from Trader Joe's, I like the way it cooks up nicely. For jambalaya a long grain white like mahatma (is that basmati?).


Sushi rice occasionally, when I'm going to roll some.


As a side dish, I like short grain brown rice jazzed up with herbs to compliment the flavors of other items - Greek, Italian, Spanish, etc.


I guess I could add rice to my short list in the other (burned out on cooking) thread. It's pretty easy!

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This is the list of rice we have in the house. My husband is crazy about rice. He thinks this is a completely appropriate list of rice and is still looking for more varieties. It is a source of hilarity for me and the kids. And I don't even like rice that much!

Regular basmati

brown basmati

jasmine (30 lb)

brown jasmine

regular brown rice

Sushi rice

Medium grain Chinese rice

Wild rice

Sweet rice

Red cargo rice

Forbidden black rice

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This is the list of rice we have in the house. My husband is crazy about rice. He thinks this is a completely appropriate list of rice and is still looking for more varieties. It is a source of hilarity for me and the kids. And I don't even like rice that much!

Regular basmati

brown basmati

jasmine (30 lb)

brown jasmine

regular brown rice

Sushi rice

Medium grain Chinese rice

Wild rice

Sweet rice

Red cargo rice

Forbidden black rice

I love rice, that seems like a perfectly acceptable list to me!


Right now we only have about 3 kinds in the house since it's summer and I don't cook so much in the summer.  But come fall, I'll build my supply back up.

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I use jasmine for most things, Aborio for rice pudding, and some wild rice and grains mix from Trader Joe's as a seasoned side dish. I like brown rice, but you have to start sooner and my people don't prefer it. I buy the big bags of Jasmine rice at Costco or the Asian market and store it in a pet food container with a lid that seals

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I prefer brown basmati rice (but will eat all browns), DD prefers white basmati but is okay with brown basmati.  Dh prefers white instant  :ack2:  but will eat white rice that's NOT basmati (grains are to long). DS is good with all white rices and will eat the brown if it's all that's available.  Having stir fry or curry is soooooo much fun at my house.



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We cook 2-3 cups of rice ahead for the week and store it in the fridge. Mostly it's brown Lundberg but I do like white jasmine as well. My fave is wild rice which is actually not even rice but an aquatic plant from what I learned. You can season it in any direction. :)

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White basmati and jasmine rice are my favorites, though somehow I usually end up getting plain old white rice.  I cook brown rice sometimes, but that takes more planning and honestly, I don't like it as much.  I was kind of glad when I heard it had arsenic in it some years ago and that you shouldn't eat too much of it!

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I don't eat brown rice any more because I don't need the fibre.


Mostly I eat basmati or jasmine because they smell lovely. :) I ran out of the polished red. That was pretty.


I do have some wild rice on my bench. I've been wondering what I should do with it for ages. It's so expensive I feel like I ought to do something special.

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Dh prefers brown rice, and my 12 yo prefers white sushi rice. I usually cook a big batch of one type on the weekend and the other mid week, and use them through the week in various ways.


I got basmati a couple of months ago, but neither of them liked it. They don't like aromatic stuff.

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We usually have jasmine or basmati white rice.

When my kids were tots I only served brown rice as it is better for you. They never had white rice and they both hated brown rice. I finally gave up when ds was around 5 and someone had given him white rice from the Chinese restaurant. That he loved. And dh told the kids he didn't like brown rice either.

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We're gluten free so rice and potatoes are our two main starches.  We switched to white basmati rice a few years ago when it became clear that it had the least arsenic.  It also isn't enriched with synthetic B vitamins.

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