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Just for fun - what food do you hate that it seems like everybody else loves?


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Hershey's kisses  :leaving:


Hot dogs

Baked beans

Raw onions


Any kind of peppers, including "sweet" ones (which are bitter rather than spicy)

Asparagus, turnips, beets, yellow squash, most greens, probably several other veggies


Avocado, unless doused in lime juice first

Cilantro, coriander, anise, cardamom

Some kinds of pie (blueberry, cherry, rhubarb)



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Mayonnaise. *shudders*

Oh this. As a kid I hated clearing the table or doing dishes if there was anything mayo related. I still remember gagging just wiping off the rim of the jar before I could put it away. I got over the gagging just being around it working at Burger King as a teenager but those big industrial size containers of mayo about did me in my first week or so.


I can now eat something that has had the mayo scraped off of it and I might eat tuna salad with a tiny bit of mayo once a year. I still cannot share a meal with someone dipping fries in mayo.

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Yellow squash, eggplant, *and* zucchini can all have texture problems for me.  So slimy if cooked a certain way.  I hated them all for years until I realized that the texture problem goes away if cooked other ways.  The squashes roasted, or stir-fried, I'm fine - need to be cut thick and still a bit crunchy.  Any of them in lasagna, or eggplant in moussaka or as eggplant parm (breaded/fried, smothered with cheese and tomato sauce).


Ratatouille is like all the things with the slimy texture mixed together in a pot.  Ewwww.


I agree with how the squash must be cooked, but I can still only do it with zucchini.  So, I guess, of the 3, I only like zucchini, and only zucchini with strict cooking instructions.  It's really good grilled, though.

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I used to have A LOT of food issues.  But I think I'm down to not eating okra, carrots, and fruit pies.  I'll eat the crust but not the mushy fruit unless it's rhubarb but that's not actual fruit is it?


I don't like lamb or venison (I will eat if hidden in a stew) the flavor is just weird to me.


That green bean casserole thing everyone eats at Thanksgiving- until this past year I made it for DSD.  Turns out if you use fresh green beans it doesn't turn in to a mushy disgusting mess.


My main problem isn't flavor it's texture and if it's not supposed to be mushy (like fruit and veggies) but is mushy, I can't eat it.

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Olives of any kind.  


99% of donuts or similar sweet desserts like Baklava.


Raw Sushi, Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Muscles, Conch.


Sweet Tea or Cold Tea of any kind.


Coffee of any kind.


Raw tomatoes on salads or by themselves.  I can tolerate them (sometimes) on sandwiches or burgers.




Strawberries, though they're one step below because I can eat good ones.  I just don't like them.  I don't even want to touch the items above even to be polite.

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Bananas. Raisins. Dates. Melons.  Grated coconut.   Creamed anything.  Sweet or fruity sauces on meats (looking at you, ham).  Mayo (except the bare minimum to hold together tuna salad) I eat dry sandwiches or use mustard only.  Honey. And I dislike most frosting/icings.  My dd, who loves baking cupcakes, brings my un-iced ones.  Me for the cake with just some powdered sugar dusted on top at most.

Cold cereal and milk. How can people eat that in the morning?


And don't put anything in my milk chocolate! 

Edited by JFSinIL
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Ketchup on a hot dog


Ketchup on or in anything.  I had forgotten that one.  I really don't get its popularity.  I love mayo, most mustards, and the less sweet BBQ sauces, but ketchup?  No thanks.  It's only for those who need to corrupt the flavor of fries and other foods. 

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Potato salad just they thought of cold potatoes covered with mayo with sweet relish makes me queasy.


Deviled eggs have same reaction of queasy.


Prepackaged cold cut lunch meat. Now I can eat freshly cut boars head lunch meat but not prepackaged.

Edited by lynn
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Cheesecake even though I have a terrible sweet tooth

I don't like cheesecake or ice cream, or any other dairy product, for that matter. The number of people who think I'm crazy or lying or defective in some way is stunning. It's just as well, because i'm lactose intolerant. but if i mention that, people try to sell me on lactaid. I'll pass. 

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My list could be even larger this is just stuff people usually like of the top of my head. I can be pretty picky.


Potato chips

Pork bacon (do not eat pork but even when I did I do not like the texture or taste of it)


Fruit pies


Chocolate cake




Dark chocolate



French toast


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Yellow squash, eggplant, *and* zucchini can all have texture problems for me. So slimy if cooked a certain way. I hated them all for years until I realized that the texture problem goes away if cooked other ways. The squashes roasted, or stir-fried, I'm fine - need to be cut thick and still a bit crunchy. Any of them in lasagna, or eggplant in moussaka or as eggplant parm (breaded/fried, smothered with cheese and tomato sauce).


Ratatouille is like all the things with the slimy texture mixed together in a pot. Ewwww.

I am the same way. I like really eggplant parm because it isn't soft and slimy but I do not like how squash and zucchini is usually cooked.

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Oysters/clams/mussels in the shell. People always look like they're enjoying the hell out of them and all I can think is EWWWW! Also, chicken wings and ribs (beef or pork). Too much work for too little meat, plus it's fatty meat. I'm Jack Sprat. I eat no fat (on meat). It's gross. 


Dh doesn't like melon of any kind. He says he wishes he liked watermelon because it's a "fun" food.

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So many..





Ranch/Salad dressing in general




Bell Peppers 


Potato & Pasta salads of all kind just ewww


I forgot Soup like all soup I hate broth so that ruins most.  The texture of creamy ones usually bothers me so I've pretty much given up.

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Olives. They are foul and ruin anything they are in, even if they are picked out the left behind juice taints the dish. 


Ketchup has always been pretty meh for me, even as a kid. 


Oh, boiled peanuts are horrendous. The foulest texture e.v.e.r.

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Whipped cream. I am truly amazed that other people are able to eat it without gagging. The texture is so vile to me that I feel slightly nauseated just typing this!


Sweet tea. My hatred for this one is mostly because no matter how much I emphasize the "un" when I order unsweetened tea, there's at best a 50/50 chance that I'll get what I asked for. That stuff is so sweet it's like slightly-tea-flavored syrup.


I don't like soda pops either. Carbonated syrup!


For me, it is barbecued anything. I hate barbecue sauce of any kind.


I hate barbecue sauce too (again it's that too sweet thing - I don't want meat to taste sweet!) but I love barbecue!


ETA: OP, just curious if you have tried a mustard-based BBQ sauce. I like those a lot more than the tomato-based ones. But when barbecue is done right it doesn't need sauce. It's perfection on its own!

Edited by Greta
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I hate coffee and don't like tea.


Bitter vegetables and greens.


I'm a super taster, I think.


Yes! When I first read about super tasters here a few months ago, I read up on it and decided that was me. I'm a picky eater but my youngest is way worse than I am. Here's my list:


coffee (but coffee ice cream is okay)

cruciferous veggies (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage)


many other veggies--eggplant, spinach (raw okay), green peppers (red okay)

fish or seafood

potatoes other than thin fries or potato chips

most melons (watermelon is okay)

most alcoholic drinks

"casserole" type dishes, especially those made with canned soups

and actually most canned soups taste way too salty for me since we've been on a lower sodium diet the past few years.

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Oh yeah, and milk. I hate milk unless it is loaded down with chocolate.


And I won't eat most fish.


Eta - ribs. I don't get the appeal of ribs, beef or pork. Its like chicken wings on a larger scale. Lots of work, lots of fat, messy, and very little meat. Just not worth it to me.

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Ketchup. I despise ketchup. I will not eat anything with ketchup. 


I also don't like white rice, but am able to tolerate fried rice. Yellow rice..meh, I don't hate it but prefer not to eat it. But white rice is yucky. Not gross like ketchup though. 


I also hate peas, but I don't know that other people like them much either. 

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Birthday cakes


Oh yeah! I don't like most cake. A good, rich, moist chocolate cake made from scratch, okay. But the typical cake from the grocery store or wherever, yuck. I especially despise the frosting. I love my homemade buttercream, but the stuff on store bought cakes is disgusting and tastes like chemicals. 

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Funny how so many said olives! Whats weird, it that I adore most olives BUT will NOT eat the sliced olives they put on pizza or subs or whatever. I don't know why, but I SWEAR they taste different. Totally different. Can't figure out how that works, but they are different. 


I like more things than I did when younger, but I think that is my taste buds getting less sensitive. I'm a super taster and as taste buds die off things like coffee become more palatable. 

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American birthday cakes (those sheet cakes with frosting)

anything restaurants call "homestyle" cooking

fried chicken

casseroles made with canned soup

velveeta cheese

hamburger buns, wonderbread and the like




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Hot dogs and almost all types of desserts/sweets



I'm curious.  Do you (or have you always) lived in the USA?  The reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine adopted internationally and the children that were adopted at older ages never developed a taste for sweets. The child that was adopted younger (2ish) absolutely loves sweets despite not eating many until after his adoption and subsequent moving to the states.  

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