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Title pretty much says it all.


I'm watching Travelers on Netflix and have enjoyed it so far. It's not too intense or stressful, and I have enjoyed this take on time travel.


My other favorite show right now is The Crown on Netflix. It's more modern time period than I usually like for that type of show, but I love the actors and I find it fascinating.


What am I going to do when I run out of shows? Sell me on other tv shows, especially if they are newer.

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Roswell! It's fun and the music and styles throw me back to high school in the biggest way :D


We also just finished Psych. What a seriously wonderful, well cast show that was! It's on our all time favorites list now.

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My kids generally choose the shows....


Series of unfortunate events

Forged in Fire (LOVE)

Shaun the Sheep

Horrible Histories

Clone Wars animated cartoon


Can you tell that my kids at home are 15 and 21yo?


I also like Timeless and the antique Roadshow

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Finished Sherlock


In the middle of dr who.. still in love with it.


That's about it. I tried to watch and like - once upon a time, but meh. So redundant.


I'm more the type that likes to watch a single movie, and less on series. I don't like to get all emotional attached to character or shows. I'm so weird like that. It bothers me to have strong emotions during shows. I don't mind movies, because they are over and done with, move on to the next.

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I watch mostly on Amazon Prime, or on cable on-demand.


I just started watching Doctor Who about 6 weeks ago. Lots of episodes when I need binging.

The Man in the High Castle


Mercy Street season 2 just restarted, but I haven't caught it yet

Homeland just started up again, saw the premier

Waiting for The Amazing Race to restart

Various baking competition shows

rewatched bits of Pride and Prejudice, just because


Before that,


Inspector Lewis



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Finished Lemony Snicket, The Crown on Netflix.  Waiting for more Stranger Things and Orphan Black to return. Meanwhile:

Marvel Agents of Shield



Speechless (oh my gosh this is GREAT!)

The Middle

House Hunters International


Oh, and in the middle of sixth season of Charmed as I need my brainless fun in the evening when the gray matter turns off, since I finished (again) Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


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We have one more episode of Sherlock on the DVR.


On Netflix, we just finished The Empire of the Tsars. We finished The Crown a few weeks ago and really enjoyed that one.


We're keeping up with Victoria and started Secrets of the Six Wives just this past week.


We also record all of the assorted tiny house shows to watch in the evenings.


When I am hanging out alone and looking for lighter stuff, I watch The Good Place and The Real O'Neals on Hulu.


Oh, and I signed up for a free month of The Great Courses streaming service. I have been watching the series about great churches of the world, and we are watching one about classical music (30 masterpieces or something likeep that) together.

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I'm watching:


This Is Us (Love!)


Blue Bloods (We are a LEO family and while my DH hates cop shows - not at all realistic he says - this one has a big focus on how the life and politics of it effects the family, and portrays it fairly accurately in my opinion.)


The Amazing Race (This is one of my all time favorite shows and I'm watching all the past seasons on Hulu 🙂)


Alaskan Bush People and Alaska the Last Frontier (DH's shows but I don't mind watching with him.)


My TV watching is not particularly deep, mostly just fun. 🙂

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As a family we're watching the final season of Grimm. That and The Walking Dead are the only tv shows ds still watches with us.


Dh and I -

Rizzoli and Isles - Hulu has all but the final season

Murdoch Mysteries - AcornTV

Bosch - Amazon - It's a bit dark so we only watch now and then

Vikings - Amazon

We recently finished Republic of Doyle on Acorn


Me -

I was working my way through all the old Murder She Wrote episodes but it's not on Netflix anymore, or anywhere else as far as I can tell. It was my mindless filler show so I'm not too disappointed.

Tommy and Tuppance: Partners in Crime - Acorn TV - not the recent one with Jessica Raines but an older version from the 80s.

Mar de Plastico - Netflix - This is a Spanish crime drama with subtitles. I'm not sure if I'll continue. It's a bit over the top with both the acting and the story line, rather soap opera-ish. Maybe that's normal for Spain. I'll give it a few more episodes.

Finished The Crown a while back


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I also just finished Travellers on Netflix. It was by the guy who did Stargate, which was why I tried it. I liked it. It reminded me a little of Continuum, though I definitely liked it better and thought its plot was probably better thought out (that show got way tiresome).


Dh and I are still finishing season 2 of The Man in the High Castle. Love, love that show.


In terms of things airing now, the show I most look forward to popping up on the queue is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I have a total Rachel Bloom crush at this point.

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I'm always watching the Arrowverse (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow), which just came back from mid-season break so yay!


I recently started Merlin, so I'm only on season 1 of that. I like it so far.


Anxiously awaiting new Doctor Who.


DH and I have been watching Speechless.


I made it through season 5 of Game of Thrones then got sidetracked with other shows, so I might go back and get caught up on that one. 


I kind of want to start Prison Break because I love Wentworth Miller. 



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Man in the High Castle


Baskets (Zach Galifinakis...not sure about this one.  LOL)


Series of Unfortunate Events (love it!)

Black Mirror

My mom is begging me to watch Victoria on PBS, lol

A few friends are telling me to try You're the Worst

I'll be watching Big Little Lies based on the book by Liane Moriarty

We liked Fargo; totally binged the first season

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


My dh will come home and describe a show, ask me, "Does that sound good to you?" and when I say yes he tells me good, let's watch and oh, he's already watched most of the episodes.  ARGH!!

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Legends of Tomorrow


Chicago Med and Chicago Fire

Criminal Minds


waiting for the new season of Deadliest Catch

waiting for more Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage

re-watches of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly are apt to break out at any moment for any of us

Hawaii Five O (the new one)

love and re-watch on occasion Leverage, Psych, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Don't Trust the B*tch in Apartment 32, Burn Notice

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