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What color hair is this?


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We've never known what to call it.  Every time my dd has to fill out a form that asks, we go through the same questioning!   :D  Her latest form gave her the choice of:  black, brown, blonde, strawberry blonde, red, auburn, white.  That actually gave more options than other forms, but we still didn't know how to answer it.



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It looks a lot like my dds hair which is a dark strawberry blond.  As they get older, it gets darker.  We used to put blond on everything, but now they are starting to check the brown box.  There isn't usually a "really light brown with a red tint" box...lol.  

Just don't be like my husband.  He used to be platinum blond as a child.  Now he is very firmly in the light/medium brown category, but still considers himself blond.  He argued with me for an hour that Bradley Cooper has blond hair.  Because his color perception is warped.  

Edited by The Girls' Mom
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Kinda like my youngest dd, depending on the light, she had reddish tints, but if you look close, her hair is several shades of blonde/brown intermingled. She notes dark blonde/light brown if she has to pick. DMV called her blonde. I call her hair "gold".

Edited by JFSinIL
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I can't tell in the lighting..maybe snap a pic out in natural sunlight?


Well, she's gone for the day now, but here are a couple other parts of pictures I have.  It seems to change a little depending on the season and light!  





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Okay, I'm really curious. On what type of form do you have to note her hair coloring?


My first inclination is to say red, but a sunlit picture would be helpful. Her hair is gorgeous, regardless!


Thanks!  Well the most recent form is a visa to live abroad for the year.  It seems like there's some form at least once a year that asks for hair color though!

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First pic is impossible to tell. In the bottom photo, I'd pick auburn, but it's hair. I'm assuming this isn't some security clearance thing, so close enough is fine.


Ha, you're right -- close enough is fine!  It's more for our own curiosity.  :)

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What color was it when she was a little girl?  My hair is a hard-to-name color, but not as pretty, and my stylist says I'm a blonde even though I'd *never* call myself a blonde.  Something to do with having light blonde hair as a little girl.  


But I'd go with auburn or brown, and call it good enough!


It's beautiful.

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What color was it when she was a little girl?  My hair is a hard-to-name color, but not as pretty, and my stylist says I'm a blonde even though I'd *never* call myself a blonde.  Something to do with having light blonde hair as a little girl.  


But I'd go with auburn or brown, and call it good enough!


It's beautiful.


It was kind of an orangey/light brown.

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It's really hard to tell in that lighting, but I would probably have gone with blonde and assume it's turning to a light "brown" (using that loosely, for form purposes).  IIRC, the DMV recently gave me choices of blonde, brown, black and maybe red.  Auburn is far too specific for most forms.

Edited by wapiti
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Ha, you're right -- close enough is fine!  It's more for our own curiosity.   :)


It's strange they ask for them on a visa. What if you change your hair color during the time you're there? 


I always wanted auburn hair. I got strawberry blonde. :)

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In the first outside picture it looks auburn, the second looks like a medium brown. Pick whichever she likes better :)




My hair (thanks to color from a bottle ;)) is very similar to the first outside picture. I think of it as auburn, although mine is probably just a wee bit more coppery. The second picture I think would be fine to call brown. Plus brown is easier (common on applications and forms). So I'd probably just go with that.

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It looks like my hair when I was younger which also seemed to change color depending on season, light, and color I was wearing. I always called it brown but some people said auburn. Now, it's darker though it's currently lighter than normal with quite a bit of red in it. Just not quite as much as when I was a kid.

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It's strange they ask for them on a visa. What if you change your hair color during the time you're there?


I always wanted auburn hair. I got strawberry blonde. :)

I always wanted strawberry blonde and got auburn. I tried to have it dyed sstrawberry blonde and it turned peach. It was awful.


Edited because my phone posted all by its little self when it rang.

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One of my daughters has hair that is similar in color.  When she was born, we called it copper.  She has individual hairs on her head that are red, brown, and blonde.  For simplicity's sake, we usually say it is red.  When she was littler, she called it orange -- because her hair color is actually closer to her orange crayon than to her red one.  :)

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We have this problem with hair color for 4 of the 5 kids since it changes with the season & varies with age. However, we only have blonde & brown to deal with & not the extra auburn/red stuff. So far, we've gone with the color they had during their youth. I'm afraid it won't hold, though. (DD#1 identifies as a blonde & dislikes blonde jokes for that reason. Her hair is golden right now, but goes toward a light brown in the deep winter. She might end up a brunette with a blonde complex.)

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