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Were you homeschooled?


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My sisters were.  One homeschooled high school and eventually graduated from a pretty famous law school (not going to say the name).  She was the youngest in her class.  She basically unschooled high school and started at a community college.  My other sister homeschooled for part of middle school/high school and then transferred to a private high school.  She is a BSN and is getting her nurse practitioner's degree right now.

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No, public school all the way through.  And I'm actually grateful for that.  While I believe (hope!) that homeschooling was the right choice for my daughter's education, it absolutely would not have been for me or my family situation when I was growing up.  That's why I'm not an "everyone should homeschool!" evangelist.   :001_smile:  Homeschooling is great when it's the right fit.

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No, and I don't think I'd ever even heard of it back in the 70s and 80s.  I would have loved it as a student, because I enjoyed learning but was often bored in school. Everything was super easy for me until I reached more challenging classes in high school. I would not have enjoyed having my siblings for classmates, however, as we didn't get along. And I don't think my mom would have enjoyed teaching us, even those she was a certified teacher. So the dynamics probably would not have been positive.

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No, I went to private school for 1st (because I didn't meet the age cutoff for 1st, but could already read fluently), then public for 2-8, then parochial for 9-12 - and then public Uni.


I was taught a lot at home, though.  My mom taught me German and Spanish (took German 3 and Spanish 2 1st year of high school - she started me on German at 7 and Spanish at 12 - plus she sent me abroad four times, three times to Germany @ 9, 11, and 17, and once to Mexico @ 15).  And in 7th grade when I was completely bored by math in school, she convinced the school to let her teach me from an 8th grade text she bought - the ps teacher gave me tests.  Really, I just taught myself from the book, but I was very grateful.  Then in 8th I the school let me and a few other kids teach ourselves Algebra from a book, since they didn't offer it as a class.


My mom also brought us on lots of other trips - we spent 3 months seeing the US when I was 13 - and to museums all the time.


She was a ps teacher.   She was totally horrified when I decided to homeschool; took it as an affront to her profession.  I pointed out that I felt like 90% of what I learned before high school I felt like I learned from her or from trips/field trips she'd sent or taken me on outside of the school, so actually that's a big part of what made me decide my kids could do better without the 6-hour timewaster in the middle of the day...

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No. I had neighbors who were though and wanted to because I was bullied and struggled in school. I would never have happened tHough because the reason I was struggling is because my mom didn't care at all about my education (could skip school, get failing grades, and even drop out-my two younger sisters dropped out and never graduated), and she sure as heck wasn't going to homeschool me. ;)

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Public school and latchkey, very free range. My dad was a teacher but can't teach me anyway. He gave up and outsource afterschooling before the parent-child relationship was soured.


Hubby is public school and free range but not latchkey as there are grandparents home to let him in.


My kids classes are all outsourced so hubby and I aren't doing the teaching.

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Nope. The closest I got was taking a virtual public school class online once in high school. I did know a couple families who homeschooled off and on, though.


I would have been much happier if I had been homeschooled. School was a nightmare for me.

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No. Public school k-12. I am old enough to predate no child left behind and I can honestly say I had a fantastic public school education. I always thought nclb (or as we used to call it, no over privileged white child left behind) was the final nail in the coffin of what used to be a great public school system.


I had never even heard of anyone homeschooling until I had my first and started looking into education options. Homeschooling only came onto my radar because the people we bought our house from homeschooling. I thought they were nuts.

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No. Public school k-12. I am old enough to predate no child left behind and I can honestly say I had a fantastic public school education. I always thought nclb (or as we used to call it, no over privileged white child left behind) was the final nail in the coffin of what used to be a great public school system.


I had never even heard of anyone homeschooling until I had my first and started looking into education options. Homeschooling only came onto my radar because the people we bought our house from homeschooling. I thought they were nuts.

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No, I attended public school and was a latchkey kid. I had no idea that homeschooling even existed.


I loved public school - really, really loved it. I remember the joy I used to feel at the end of August when I knew that school would be starting again soon. Just pure joy. 

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I was! Grades 1-12, starting in the second year homeschooling was an option in our state. My mom had to keep scrupulous records, and we met with a supervising teacher for an hour every week. The vast majority of people we came across had never heard of homeschooling, so there were endless questions and concerns and doubts of our success and proper socialization (and my mom's sanity, lol). It was definitely a counter-cultural move at that point. Homeschooling is so much more mainstream now!


I loved being homeschooled - tailored learning, ability to go on rabbit trails and learn things in more depth, so many great books, more time in nature and for other activities. I love that I'm able to share that same opportunity with my children as well.



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Technically I guess I was homeschooled for most of 1st grade.  We moved to Africa and the missionaries sent their kids to boarding school, but you weren't allowed to board there until 2nd grade, so I did what they used to call Correspondence school through something, maybe Calvert?  But most of what I remember about it was my mom handing me books and telling me to go do them.  Not much actually instruction.


After that?  No.  I went to private school.

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Yes through second grade. Third through twelfth grades took me to eight different schools, four public, four private, in five different countries.


Those homeschool years were by far the least stressful of all my school years!!

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Husband yes (started in 83'), but not me. Given that I was in the California public school system it's a wonder I'm even literate :lol:


(Joke, obviously)

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Public schooled all the way until 10th grade when I started attending an "independent study" program basically for juvenile delinquents, which was by far the most enjoyable compared to regular school. I basically homeschooled myself for those last 2 years of high school through that program. 

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And I think it's a sensitive issue for my mother.  Because I homeschool my kids, I think she thinks I wish I had been homeschooled.  She once said, very defensively, "It just wasn't done back then.  I didn't know anything about it!"
I do not wish I had been homeschooled.  Maybe in another life.

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No. Went to public K, our tiny church school through 6th, then public 7th-12th. And home schooling didn't really exist then--never heard of it, never encountered any home schoolers through 12th grade.


If my mom had been inclined to teach us, I think she could have given us an amazing education. But she was already overwhelmed with 4 kids and appreciated her alone time--don't think she would have signed up for home schooling. She was once a high school English teacher and she is the one who taught me to write. She would mark up my rough drafts for me and that is how I became a good writer--not any public school instruction.

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I went to ps through 11th grade, then was home schooled my senior year.  Weird, huh?


My parents would have done it earlier, but were too scared.  This would have been in the late 80's.   I have 3 younger sisters and they pulled all four of us at the same time.  Big adjustment, but I loved it.  

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