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Trends that need to die


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I agree. What I hate is that all science seems to get overshadowed by technology and engineering. What about botany and biology and chemistry? It's soooo focused on engineering. My son wants to be an engineer so it's not like I am anti-engineering or technology but gee freaking whizz. Could we throw in an anatomy or genetics class? A botany camp?


Of course my son is at enrichment classes right now as I type this...writing and philosophy. He's a science nerd but he loves language and words too and is a 4 time school (well, homeschool program) spelling bee champion. Imagine.

I would like to hear about opportunities for botany and biology and chemistry....my son loves biology but all the jobs he hears about gearing up for are tech and engineering.

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I'm sure this trend is here to stay but honestly, I'm sick of kids media characters taking root in every category of merchandise ever conceived to go on a store shelf.


We don't need Minions on vitamins, Kung Fu Panda toothpaste or Frozen anything. Geesh, its obnoxious.



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Yeah, I used to be up on the latest teen terms, but have not worked in 10 years....I am going back next year, so I may be back up to speed very soon.....do I want to be?


No you don't, but I'm guessing you won't have much of a choice. ;) By the time you're back next year these ones will be culturally irrelevant anyway. Surprisingly, the new batch coming up is less obnoxious. Although "AF" as a superlative seems to have some staying power.

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I'm sure this trend is here to stay but honestly, I'm sick of kids media characters taking root in every category of merchandise ever conceived to go on a store shelf.


We don't need Minions on vitamins, Kung Fu Panda toothpaste or Frozen anything. Geesh, its obnoxious.


On that note, we were at Disneyland last month and I officially hate it now.


I wasn't a huge fan before, but I could tolerate it.  But now they're changing all the names of everything to suit their current movie franchises.  So I hate the Disney trend of RUINING EVERYTHING that was just fine in this world. Like my non-franchise fruit chews, my plain jane toothpaste, and the one stupid thing at the stupid park that I actually liked: Tom Sawyer's Island.  Boo, Disney!


*But I can't blame the companies, there's obviously a market for these things!

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It's happening in the Chicago area.

Once a trend is on the coasts and in Chicago, it will radiate out until the entire country is covered. Usually though, it will start to go out of fashion on the coasts and in Chicago when it is everywhere. I recall, living in Kentucky that people there were doing the huge bangs thing like a decade after it was the trend in coastal cities.

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I would like to hear about opportunities for botany and biology and chemistry....my son loves biology but all the jobs he hears about gearing up for are tech and engineering.

there are definitely non engineering science jobs. I have a lot of friends who work in lab settings or for the dept of ecology or NOAA or for biotech or pharmaceutical companies. Biology is also a good undergraduate major for those entering medicine (and there are many options for medicine these days that don't require one to become a doctor). There are also applied chemistry and biology options. None of my chemical engineer friends seem to be struggling to find work.


And there's a decent market for students drawn to math. Actuaries, finance, quant analysis. For government and private companies. People forget that there are non-teaching math jobs to be found.


There's a lot of science minded kids who are told engineering and tech are their best options. depends. And best is rarely "only".

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Another trend that needs to die:


Affluent hipsters "discovering" foods generally associated with poverty, making pricey contrived dishes out of them and invariably pushing up the price of the ingredient for the people who have long eaten those foods.


Short ribs, collards, mustard greens, ham hocks, pigs feet, turnips, grits, salt pork. The list goes on.


I just about fell over when I saw the price of pigs feet recently.

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Another trend that needs to die:


Affluent hipsters "discovering" foods generally associated with poverty, making pricey contrived dishes out of them and invariably pushing up the price of the ingredient for the people who have long eaten those foods.


Short ribs, collards, mustard greens, ham hocks, pigs feet, turnips, grits, salt pork. The list goes on.


I just about fell over when I saw the price of pigs feet recently.




Short ribs are an absolute luxury now!  And have you seen the price of flank steak!?  Holy cow!

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Short ribs are an absolute luxury now! And have you seen the price of flank steak!? Holy cow!

Yes! I paid $18 for flank steak to make a batch of Mongolian beef with my younger son for his Eat the World project. That was enough for 6 modest portions. I wouldn't have parted with that much for anything but a project that had him excited to try new foods.

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Supply and demand. Capitalism. It stinks but I can imagine how higher prices are the consumer's fault

I get the market forces at play. I don't like the foodie pretention that seems to go with each passing poor person food fad. And I say that as someone who is a bit of a foodie myself. Also I don't like having someone assume I got my family recipes from some hipster food blog or that I am jumping into a trend because grits are a household staple. I grew up eating these grits people.


On the upside I can now get my favorite greens (collards) without having to drive to one store in one part of town.


It's not anyone's "fault" but that doesn't mean anyone has to like paying truffle prices for tounge.

Edited by LucyStoner
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I brought a diet coke to a meeting last week. I used to have a couple a day. Now I have a couple a year. This happened to be one of those times. Within 5 minutes three people started telling me that I was injesting poison and should be getting my energy from *insert your choice of expensive shake or kale smoothie. Being somewhat oppositional I said that I would take that under advisement, opened my drink and took a big swig. Tempted to bring one every week now. With a bag of Cheetos. And a bottle of HFCS to start doing shots of during the meeting.

Passwords for websites.

I laughed myself into a coughing fit at the idea of you doing HFCS shots. I love you!


Passwords for websites! Grrrr! Don't get me started! I can rant for a good 2 or 3 minutes all by myself sitting in front of the computer about passwords for everything. It's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I haaaaaaaaaate passwords. Hate them. My dh will call out, "What are you yelling to yourself about in there?" "Passwords! PASSWORDS!"

Edited by Garga
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I can tell you where the gray hair thing came from because we watch YouTube way too much at our house.  It got popular the second Game of Thrones did.  When girls tried to get Daenerys Targaryen's hair, it started a YouTube thing.  To get hair that platinum you not only need to bleach and tone it, you need to use purple shampoo every few weeks.  For a day or two after the shampoo your hair looks slightly pastel purple gray.  A couple fairly famous YouTubers showed how to get their platinum hair, and then did follow up videos on the purple shampoo.  A few girls liked it so much they started making it purplish gray on purpose, and that led to even more purple, and that led to pink.


I expect the trend will fade one season after the Daenerys character gets killed off or the show gets cancelled.

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there are definitely non engineering science jobs. I have a lot of friends who work in lab settings or for the dept of ecology or NOAA or for biotech or pharmaceutical companies. Biology is also a good undergraduate major for those entering medicine (and there are many options for medicine these days that don't require one to become a doctor). There are also applied chemistry and biology options. None of my chemical engineer friends seem to be struggling to find work.


And there's a decent market for students drawn to math. Actuaries, finance, quant analysis. For government and private companies. People forget that there are non-teaching math jobs to be found.


There's a lot of science minded kids who are told engineering and tech are their best options. depends. And best is rarely "only".


My husband's a chemist and works for meterological services - there are a fair number of jobs in air chemistry or the physics version, or meterorology jobs.


Also - people don't often mention geology but my friends who studied it have always been able to find work.


And there are good jobs in some of the agricultural sciences as well.

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Apparently the quinoa trend in North America is pricing it out of reach for the Bolivians who have long depended on it as a source of protein. Upside is that quinoa farmers are now making money but to every upside, there is so often a downside.


Quinoa drives me nutty - it is all the vegetarians who like to tell me how they want to be more environmentally friendly by cutting out meat, while they are scarfing their quinoa, avacado, and tomato salads in January. 

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I brought a diet coke to a meeting last week. I used to have a couple a day. Now I have a couple a year. This happened to be one of those times. Within 5 minutes three people started telling me that I was injesting poison and should be getting my energy from *insert your choice of expensive shake or kale smoothie. Being somewhat oppositional I said that I would take that under advisement, opened my drink and took a big swig. Tempted to bring one every week now. With a bag of Cheetos. And a bottle of HFCS to start doing shots of during the meeting.

We are of the same stripe. I've been tempted to put my water in mcdonalds soda cups just to watch the yuppies squirm. Nothing alarms people at park day like me openly drinking a soda. Thing is, 1/2 of probably drink it from time to time. They just secret it away in their cars.

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I really dislike the big glasses that are in at the moment.  They remind me of highschool which was just so dreadful.


I dislike it when news people say "on the ground" in order to sound hard-hitting.  "THat was Dan Smith on the ground in Cairo."  Why not just say, that was Dan Smith in Cairo"?


I have a real issue with the man-bun beard thing, but it is in part because I rather like beards, and I've known a few man-buns I liked as well.  There used to be an extremely attractive - in fact hot -  magician - the kind that wears starry robes, who did a show near the hot-dog cart I ran in university.  He was older with grey hair, in a man bun, and a beard.  It seemed right.  Now - well, he would just look like a hipster.  Maybe even the starry robes would start a trend.


A lot of the hipster stuff is getting a little annoying.  If I go out to the trendy beer spots, all I get are pickled veg stuck in a mason jar, or pints and roasted nuts served in a muffin tin.


The mean cartoons bother me.  They seem like they are trying to be Simpsons like, but they are actually aimed at kids, and aren't clever or funny.  They don't even have the visual humour of something like Bugs Bunny.  they are just a lot of stupid or disgusting mean jokes.

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Another trend that needs to die:


Affluent hipsters "discovering" foods generally associated with poverty, making pricey contrived dishes out of them and invariably pushing up the price of the ingredient for the people who have long eaten those foods.


Short ribs, collards, mustard greens, ham hocks, pigs feet, turnips, grits, salt pork. The list goes on.


I just about fell over when I saw the price of pigs feet recently.

Hipsters, do NOT mess with the price of my grits and greens!

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Short ribs are an absolute luxury now! And have you seen the price of flank steak!? Holy cow!

Flank steak went up before the hipsters came along, we talked about it a year or more ago. But I can't remember now what we decided/discovered was the real reason for the rise in flank steak.

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OH MY GOSH YES!!!! I buy my clothes on $0.99 cent day at the thrift store, but I would gladly pay $100+ for a GOOD pair of not-ugly (I gave up hope on "cute") shoes that did not make my feet hurt and are not sneakers. :crying:



Have you looked into Sabago shoes before?   They have wide shoes and even the Medium width shoes are more generous.  I suspect because they are made in America.   I remember them for cute boat shoes, penny loafers.  I don't know about these other styles I see.  They are $100 plus but not too much.  Also, these puppies last forever.  Really.  I bought three pair 15 years ago.  One pair eventually needed a respectful burial after almost daily wearing for several years.  The other two still look pretty and they've had a lot of use. 

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Sagging pants were associated with gangster rap because prison clothes are almost always issued in sizes way too large. Rappers fronting that image borrowed the look and took it to clownish extremes. That said, some variation of mild to moderate sagging has long since been embraced by a much larger subculture than those interested in gangster rap. Waist lines for many type of pants have moved from the waist to the hips.


I haven't see the clownish exteme sagging here in a long time but I hear it's still out there. Somewhere.

The sagging I do not understand and wish would go away is sagging of skinny jeans. At least with baggy pants it made some sense.

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Once a trend is on the coasts and in Chicago, it will radiate out until the entire country is covered. Usually though, it will start to go out of fashion on the coasts and in Chicago when it is everywhere. I recall, living in Kentucky that people there were doing the huge bangs thing like a decade after it was the trend in coastal cities.



I'm in the Southeast, and the lag time has diminished considerably. not sure if this is a good or bad thing

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Back when I was in jr high (early 90s) there were a lot of girls who shaved the lower half of their heads. It seemed to be mostly the "stoner" crowd that did it. I have seen a handful of women recently with the same haircut and I can't say I like the look. I don't know if it's coming back or if I just happen to have run across it, but no. Just no.

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Please say this isn't true!!!



Frozen merchandise.


I am so tired of Frozen Halloween merchandise, followed by lots and lots of Frozen Christmas merchandise, followed by Frozen Valentine's merchandise, and what is coming next??? Yes, more Frozen Easter merchandise.


I obviously work in retail. My dislike of Olaf and Elsa actually raises my blood pressure.

It was all good till they launched breakfast cereal.


I mean frozen breakfast cereal doesn't even make sense!!!

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:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


...and I say this as someone who lives in Texas where cowboy boots are common. It's just wrong to wear them with your dressy, lacey, frilly dress. Y'all. Just.don't.do.it.

I've seen them worn like this for a wedding and really liked the look. The difference is they are rarely worn here for actual work so I'm only looking at a look. I imagine if these was a trend toward wearing the farm boots we wear with frills it would seem weird.

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The sagging I do not understand and wish would go away is sagging of skinny jeans. At least with baggy pants it made some sense.

That is some staggering sagging. How is that even possible?


My boys' pants sag slightly but that is because they each are so skinny their pants slide down even with a belt. My husband doesn't sag his pants but most of my male friends do in casual settings. So do both of my brothers, including the PTA president SAH soccer dad.

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No you don't, but I'm guessing you won't have much of a choice. ;) By the time you're back next year these ones will be culturally irrelevant anyway. Surprisingly, the new batch coming up is less obnoxious. Although "AF" as a superlative seems to have some staying power.

Bruh . . . I hate "af"

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Bruh . . . I hate "af"


Fam, you giving me life, bruh is hype af rn. That's lit, your teenspeak game is on fleek. You and I together would be like #SquadGoals.



^Was that even English?! I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE! ENGLISH, DO I SPEAK IT?!



Edited by SproutMamaK
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Obnoxious teen slang. I mean when I was a teen it was cool, but now it's just annoying. ;) Thankfully the worst offenders seem to be on their way out, which is relieving because I was having to fight off the urge to get snarky every time I read or heard "Bae" "YAS QUEEN SLAY" or "____ af rn."

:lol: :lol:


As I read through here, I have other tabs open, each with a music video I have pinned on pinterest.  


Just so happened that the EXACT ONE I was listening to when I came to this comment, I had commented myself on the pin 'Girl SLAYYYYYY'  :lol:  So I didn't say YASSSSS  (though that is also on some m/v pins)  or Queen (that's one that I only reserve for specific female rappers and this girl was NOT one of them. :D )



So yeah.  That happened.  Like when I was in a hotel room with my friends last year and commenting on an m/v and said 'seriously tho, he's going lowkey hard in the paint' and they were all like  :blink:  :confused: and that one isn't even a new slang-ish thing!  :lol:

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So... my serious thought is I need to stay off this thread.  


I'm glad I got to your post.


Me, too.


Apparently, I'm extremely annoying and about 90% of my (non-personal, just, it was on clearance at Old Navy or Target) style needs to die.


At least my boyfriend doesn't have a beard, but I'd like to say for the record, I don't think men need to chop wood to have a beard. Hair grows on their faces and if they don't want to shave it off, I for one find them just as amazingly sexy either way. I like men and I like their natural faces (but also, their shaved faces).


So I'm going to leave this thread with nothing to contribute, because I simply can't think of anything that needs not to be worn, beyond, say, Nazi-oriented swastikas, but I don't think that's what Moxie meant, LOL.

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I'm glad I got to your post.


Me, too.


Apparently, I'm extremely annoying and about 90% of my (non-personal, just, it was on clearance at Old Navy or Target) style needs to die.


At least my boyfriend doesn't have a beard, but I'd like to say for the record, I don't think men need to chop wood to have a beard. Hair grows on their faces and if they don't want to shave it off, I for one find them just as amazingly sexy either way. I like men and I like their natural faces (but also, their shaved faces).


So I'm going to leave this thread with nothing to contribute, because I simply can't think of anything that needs not to be worn, beyond, say, Nazi-oriented swastikas, but I don't think that's what Moxie meant, LOL.


Fortunately, life is better this morning - enough anyway - so seeing your post wasn't bothersome, esp since I skipped to it rather than catching up to it.  :coolgleamA:


Yesterday was just the second bad day in a row.  Usually there's just one. (sigh)  Then to get on here where I tend to think people are more educated than normal and seeing some posts remind me of the things I put a stop to in my classrooms... but I expect it from teens who are learning.  I had to remind myself that since FB came about and recent politics, putting others down for their personal choices seems to have become quite ok to do rather than grade school bullying.  One sees it often with critics and Hollywood, etc (which is why I never watch the critics).


Even though I'm feeling better, I can still say there are Hive members now that I have no desire to ever meet in person. One simply can't unread things.  I'm not sure that's happened before - outside of one recent looking for colleges thread, but that was a teen (so he said), so there's hope for his future if he matures.


Such is life.  We all have our things we judge others on I suppose.  Mine might not be clothing, hair, or word usage, but I too draw a line at a point.


That said... too bad we live too far apart to get together.  I've admired what you've been doing with your family... and now I'd really like to meet you someday.  I don't care what you wear or how you do your hair.  Chances are, the next day I wouldn't even be able to tell someone those things, but I'd be able to share neat things about you.

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I dislike it when news people say "on the ground" in order to sound hard-hitting.  "THat was Dan Smith on the ground in Cairo."  Why not just say, that was Dan Smith in Cairo"?


One of my mother's pet peeves was when reporters would sign off their segment by saying something like "Reporting from Cairo, I'm Dan Smith" or something similar.  She'd always say "So when he's in Paris is he going to be somebody else?"   :laugh: 


I thought it was a good point.

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You're all going to hate me for this, but ...


STEM/STEAM everything. 


EVERY enrichment class does not need to be STEM related!  And not only that, they are almost always heavy on the engineering.  I have kids that don't care a fig about technology, engineering, or mathematics and I'm sick of everyone trying to force all children into STEM this and that. 


Go ahead and hate me now.


I love you for this.

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Flank steak went up before the hipsters came along, we talked about it a year or more ago. But I can't remember now what we decided/discovered was the real reason for the rise in flank steak.


When I moved from Oregon to Pennsylvania, I found most meat was cheaper but not flank steak.  That was in 2007.  Flank steak was about $2 a pound more than I had been paying.  Yet, roasts and other steaks were cheaper.   Weird.  We  loved flank steak but haven't had it in years.


I think I do remember when short ribs were cheap but I think that rise also predates the hipster.


I love kale and collards, and hate being accused of taking on hipster airs for eating it.   



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I'll quit wearing leggings as soon as I can buy a pair of jeans designed for a woman with actual hips. When I find a pair that fits my hips they're saggy and awful around my legs. Not an issue with leggings.


What's your waist - hip difference? Loft's curvy cuts are sized for about a 12" difference, and so are Gap's Resolution style. Old Navy has some with that difference too. I've heard that Talbot's has an even more extreme difference, but I don't know personally.


What do all of you who hate skinnies wear in the winter? I live in super skinny jeans in the winter because they're wonderful for tucking into boots, which are pretty much all I wear from mid-October until February or March.

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What's your waist - hip difference? Loft's curvy cuts are sized for about a 12" difference, and so are Gap's Resolution style. Old Navy has some with that difference too. I've heard that Talbot's has an even more extreme difference, but I don't know personally.



I think it's more my hip/leg difference that's the problem, lol. My hips need one size and my legs need a size smaller.

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The hiking trend.  Thanks to Wild and A Walk in the Woods there are more people taking to the trails.  Trails are being trashed and destroyed.  People are bushwhacking in wilderness areas and creating new trails.  Wildlife habitat is being degraded and people are crying that their little pooches are being chased or attacked.  I despise the mentality that "My dog can be off leash because she is so well trained....one dog won't hurt....etc."  Or "the trail is muddy so I had to create a new trail. I didn't want to get my shoes/socks dirty. It will grow back."  I dislike seeing candy wrappers, water bottles, and toilet paper all over the trails and waysides.   Not everyone wants to hear your Ipod and walk the trails to your loud obnoxious music.


The selfie with wildlife.  Not a good thing.


Yes, I want people to enjoy the outdoors but I also want them to practice LNT and be responsible.

Edited by ScoutermominIL
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My current trend beef is the casual cut of tops and sweaters. I like a sleeve that meets the shoulder and underarm in a tidy, tailored fashion. Dolman sleeves and offset shoulders bug me. I don't care what other women wear - and the style looks great on some women. But the current style is so pervasive that I can't find what I like:) I am thin and narrow shouldered, and prefer a fitted, tailored look.


Also, it seems like a lot of apparel adds and websites feature slouching models with bad posture. If models don't have good posture the world is clearly going to hell in a handbasket.

Edited by Danestress
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