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If you could outsource anything with your early elementary kiddos, what would it be?


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I've told my daughters that I will have their kids one day each week to give them sort of a "Mom's Day Out." As they start homeschooling, I'd like that day to include things that overworked home school moms don't ever REALLY want to do at home - you know, the messy stuff.


What would that be for you as a busy mom? What are the things you would like someone else to tackle once a week with your kids while you went out and ran errands?

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Art. Music. Science experiments. Crafty stuff. I wound up throwing a half folded origami bird across the room in frustration last year so..,yeah..that kind of thing.


Also the kids might enjoy writing for someone else - if you take on a writing project with them they might get different feedback and have the benefit of a different approach as well.

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I was thinking of that type of thing since it is usually what gets put on the back burner. I'm sure while they are younger it'll be play-doh and crafts, but as they get a little older, I'd like to do more in-depth things like science experiments and history projects that of course tie into whatever they are doing at home.


I think it is more of a selfishness than a gift to them; I really miss home schooling. ;-p



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Feeding them. That's one thing I'm going to miss this Fall - the school district not feeding my kid breakfast, lunch, and snack.


Not that that helps answer your question much, but I find it a lot easier to teach my kids than to feed my kids. I'm so fed up with food.

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I think I would outsource fun stuff to a grandma. I'm not sure you would really want to be the person making the kid do a dreaded subject. So, art, music, games, crafts related to things they are studying, a unit study you are interested in, field trips, etc. I'm sure you will all have a great time.


I would love for my mil to teach my kids to knit, crochet, etc. She is very crafty. If my mom lived closer, I would love for her to play different games with my kids. She has much more patience for young children's games than I do.

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We outsourced science to a "science school". Wholly informal at the young ages, then more school-like when older. The teacher was a professional science teacher, talented at conveying her energetic enthusiasm to the children. Her facility was overflowing with wonderful resources which I never, ever could have afforded for just my own family.


Art, also. I am a musician, both trained and self-taught (depending on the instrument). Art and I simply stare at each other, unable to communicate.

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Art, music, science experiments. The kind of stuff I dread because it means getting out a bunch of stuff and getting messy. Also, once I had more than one child and a relationship with my mother, I really appreciated having an extra pair of hands/eyes along for field trips.

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 Music, Art, science experiments. Maybe some foreign language practice or fun educational board games. I would love someone else to read-aloud to my kids too since I never feel like I do that enough. Maybe nature walks too. Basically any of the more relaxed stuff that I convince myself we don't have time for. ;)

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First on my list would be art also. Then projects like the ones from SOTW activity guide or science experiments. I do NOT want to make a bronze helmet after phonics and math with a first and second grader!


What are your talents? I would love for my kids to learn about what interests their grandparents, be it gardening, cooking, whatever. My mom is going to have an ASL class for my two and two other children from our church starting after Labor Day. Everyone is looking forward to it.

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Meals, meals, meals.  I dream of the day I can hire special chefs - it would take many - and be relieved of all of their feeding-issues guilt.  It takes up so much of my  head space and time, and still, things don't get better.  The only thing I can control is the severe allergies issue.  Those are a walk in the park next to the other issues. There.are.no.answers...and I don't do well with that.

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Not once a week, but I have hired a homeschooled pre-teen to listen to my then new, struggling readers read out loud.  After going through it once, it was torture to listen to the halting reading.  I modeled what I wanted (when and how to correct while keeping it fun) and I would have a cup of tea:). 


This is truly brilliant.

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Definitely art. If my own mom had lived closer and lived longer, I would have loved for her to teach my girls to sew, knit, and do needlework because she was great at all of it. And while I can do the basics, I just never have time to teach them.


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Foreign language if you are fluent in any.  Otherwise, I'd ask your daughters what they would most appreciate your doing...  that way you won't take away what might be the most special thing they want to do themselves.  How old the kids are and what they are learning also makes a difference.  There may be things they have to do daily...or not.


If your daughters don't have a choice, and the children don't have anything they especially need, I'd work it out with the kids to make it a special and memorable bonding with grandparent time.  And it would not have to be the same each week.

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I'd actually love to do English and writing, but that'll be down the road a bit. ;-p. I know I want to do lapbooks with them that tie into their other work as they get older. I loved doing those with my kids.


I'll definitely talk to my daughters, but I'm sure they'll be in for Granny doing all the messy stuff. Y'all have given me a lot of awesome ideas!

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SCIENCE. Right now it is outsourced to the magic school bus.

I LOVE science. I just hate little kid science. So much prep. I don't do prep. 


Art is another one. It just doesn't happen, I'd love to do it, but I just... dont. 

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Cooking, sewing, and art. Those are the things I'd like to do but they always get put off for lack of time. Well art we do get to, but not as often as DD would like. Maybe some of the fun, one-off science experiments. Like the stuff you'd find on pinterest that I am never organized enough to integrate into our science curriculum.

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I've told my daughters that I will have their kids one day each week to give them sort of a "Mom's Day Out." As they start homeschooling, I'd like that day to include things that overworked home school moms don't ever REALLY want to do at home - you know, the messy stuff.


What would that be for you as a busy mom? What are the things you would like someone else to tackle once a week with your kids while you went out and ran errands?


You are an angel of mercy!!!  How I would love to have my mother available to do this!!!  I would vote for science first and foremost, along with hands-on math things.  Then followed by that, arts/crafts.

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Cleaning! I know that's not what you had in mind. Honestly anything is helpful, but I think what's best is of the person teaches the stuff they are good at and love. So if you're an art person do art, if you are a book person books, if your a science person make it science. Etc Etc

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There are so many possibilities!  


Math GAMES, art projects, field trips, poetry tea, baking projects, complicated craft projects, a special read-aloud...  


How fun!  I would love to do this for my children one day as well.  :-)  (Yes, I'm already thinking about all the fun I'll have with my grandchildren... lol)



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I've told my daughters that I will have their kids one day each week to give them sort of a "Mom's Day Out." As they start homeschooling, I'd like that day to include things that overworked home school moms don't ever REALLY want to do at home - you know, the messy stuff.


What would that be for you as a busy mom? What are the things you would like someone else to tackle once a week with your kids while you went out and ran errands?


Actaully, I'd rather pay someone to clean my house and do my laundry while *I* got to do the fun stuff with my kids.


Unfortunately, this has never been an option.  :huh:

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Science experiments & projects or art. :) What a great gift to give your daughters!


Oh, how different we all are! I dreamed of these when I thought I'd homeschool.


For me, a musical instrument that I can't play and a foreign language with a native speaker. Technique is so important.


Actaully, I'd rather pay someone to clean my house and do my laundry while *I* got to do the fun stuff with my kids.



Agree 100%. 

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