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What popular food places do you not like?


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Discussions yesterday about Five Guys and today about Chik fil A got me thinking.


I don't like either one of them.


I don't like Trader Joes either. For the life of me I can't figure out the fascination. I used to live minutes away from one and only went if I ran out of milk or eggs. One just opened where I live now and I walked around with an empty cart. I tried to find something to buy :)


I'm not such a food snob that fast food is below me. Culver's cheese curds are the best!



Tell me I'm not alone.

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Most of them.  :P


I only like a few, which is kind of sad if you know how often I buy fast food.


I also don't like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.  I got used to a small healthy grocery store in my area, and all the other ones seem so gray and dusty.  Now my store recently expanded, and I don't like it as much any more either.  I guess I am just a grouch.

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You all are just plain wrong about Trader Joes!!!!  Blasphemy!  :)


I really don't like McDonald's, Burger King, or any of those fast food burger joints.  I don't remember the last time I ate at one.  (But, I do remember my first pregnancy CRAVING a Whopper at Burger King.  Weird!!)





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I don't much like fast food (including more upscale fast places) either. In particular, Chipotle and Cafe Rio irritate me.  The only hamburger I have ever eaten in my entire life that I liked was in a little town in Mexico and it really wasn't much like a hamburger.  I like Noodles.


Also, Aldi's.  People here kept raving about it so when I lived in a place where they existed, I visited one but was completely unimpressed. I also don't get the love for Trader Joe's.  It's better than Aldi's, but I don't miss it. Whole Foods is the worst. And I don't like Costco much, but it's better than Sam's Club. I like it when there's a BJ's around, but usually I don't go to warehouse places. I love Winco and every Asian grocery I have ever been in.

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Chipotle, Aldi's, and Costco. Our Costco is unimpressive. I don't know if it is smaller than other costco's or just takes the leftovers. It hardly has any organica and the produce section is just blah. They do sell my butter in bulk so once a month I go and get that. I might not renew my membership later this year.

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I don't like McDonald's.  Nothing in that place is worth eating.


I hate Burger King.  All the ones around here are filthy and disgusting.  I don't see how they haven't been shut down.


I don't like Arby's.  Their roast beef sandwiches with that slimy cheese has to be one of the nastiest things ever concocted.


Bojangles is also gross.  I got a chicken biscuit and a coffee there.  Everything, even the coffee, tasted like rancid cajun seasoned grease.  Blech.



I don't like Aldis.  Ours is dirty, full of angry people, and it isn't laid out well.


Don't get me started on Wal-Mart.





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it would probably be easier to say which ones I do like.


but none of them are chains - they're all stand alones.  (well, except for Costco . . . ;p)


oh - I do like dq for blizzards or cold-stone for ice cream, but that's probably not what you meant.


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I don't get the hype over In-and-Out Burger. Their burgers are just ok and their fries are terrible yet their lines are always absurdly long. There's one near my local Target and it doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, the place is mobbed.

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I get sick on the salads at McD's, and I swear there is something that is physically addictive in some of their food. Can't prove it, but one day they will discover what it is, and you will all remember what I said....Mwahahahahah....


I do like Chipotle and Chick-Fil-A.

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My dc love CFA, so that's almost the only place we go for fast food. I like Chipotle becase it actually has stuff I can eat (vegetarian).


I don't really like other fast food places (burgers or pizza). I don't like Chili's. Or Applebee's. Or Ruth Chris.


Not into Aldi's or any of the big box stores.

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KFC. Except every year or two I all of a sudden really crave it. Then I eat and and remember why I don't like it. Oh well.


I don't LOVE most fast food places but can find something enjoyable enough at most places. And I do love our Aldi, but that's because it is crazy inexpensive and our local one is well-kept.

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I don't like Applebee's and similar chains (Ruby Tuesday, Friday's). Well, I used to like Red Robin but haven't been to one in years.   I do like Chick-Fil-A and my Costco and Aldi are terrific. 


Whole Foods - the customers in the ones around here turn me off. They are very snobby and oblivious to people trying to move around the store.  People meet their friends and block the aisles chatting.  Yet once I spent more than 30 seconds trying to find nondairy cheese and a woman behind me got all "other people are trying to shop too!" with me.  Once a cashier sneered at me because I didn't bring a bag.  Sorry, I hadn't planned to be grocery shopping.  But, fine, happy to take my business elsewhere.


The other day on another thread I saw a mention of Burgerville, the PNW chain. I sure miss Burgerville.  One in a while I crave a good burger and I haven't found a really great one here in the Philly 'burbs.


Chipotle's menu confuses me.  I think it's Chipotle.  One of those pseudo-Mexican places.   Not Baja Fresh.


ETA:  Starbucks and their burnt coffee!  Don't get the love for that either!

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I like Trader Joe's and Chipotle and that's about it. I'll get a Starbucks on occasion, but the closest one is over a half hour from here, so it's not a regular occurrence. I dislike fast food restaurants and on the rare occasions I get anything from one, I get sick to my stomach almost immediately.

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Well, as mentioned on the allergy thread, I have a severe wheat allergy, so my choices are limited.


About the only fast food restaurant I like is Chik-Fil-A.  I can get fries there.


I don't like Chipotle, McD's, BK, most others.


Not a fan of Aldi's or Trader Joe's.


I have never been to a Starbucks.

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I've never been to Chipotle, either. I thought I was the only one!


I never liked Applebees. Things on the menu would sound good but then just be bleh. We did have one near our house, though, and went occasionally for convenience, and I eventually found a couple of things that I can eat. I like their Asian salad. The shrimp are fine.


I admit that I kind of like McDonalds, but only their chicken sandwich, not the burgers. I don't care for Burger King, but I do like Wendy's.

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I don't like McD's, Burger King, or Bonanza.  I do like Subway, and when we lived in a place that had Chik-Fil-A, I liked them, as well as Popeyes (years and years ago).  DD loves KFC and Subway.  Not crazy about Dunkin Donuts, but I do like Tim Hortons on occasion.


We really don't like many fast food places at all, and we hate soda--too sweet and doesn't quench your thirst..

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I don't like McD's, Burger King, or Bonanza.  I do like Subway, and when we lived in a place that had Chik-Fil-A, I liked them, as well as Popeyes (years and years ago).  DD loves KFC and Subway.  Not crazy about Dunkin Donuts, but I do like Tim Hortons on occasion.


We really don't like many fast food places at all, and we hate soda--too sweet and doesn't quench your thirst..


You still have Bonanza?  I miss Bonanza.  One of the few places to get a reasonably priced steak.

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Chipotle, Taco Bell, and Fazoli's all have something I can eat. That's basically it.


Forget the burger joints. Even if they did have a salad, the veggies are sad and it's covered in cheese and meat. Somehow a sad veggie and mustard sandwich at Subway never seems to say "meal" to me. Panera also has very few things that I can eat. Basically one sandwich and a soup or two. The sandwich gave me GI upset so that was that and I haven't been back since. It's kind of slim pickings on their bread and bagels since many have dairy. Salad? More cheese, meat, and eggs and I pay the same price even if I ask them to leave it off. Burger King has a veggie patty, but there's dairy and/or eggs in it so that's out.


Trader Joes is too crazy busy and the parking is a nightmare, but their raw cashews are really cheap so that's about all I get there. Whole Foods has several things I can't get locally so we go there once every few months. Aldi isn't bad. I'll also pass on any store that requires I have a membership to shop there.


I like Starbucks well enough and they have soymilk so I can get a latte and skip the icky almond milk most of the independent places use. Plus, with their stars I earn free drinks and lets face it, they had me at free. It's an occasional thing, though. I usually do coffee at home.

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I WANT to like Five Guy's...but it makes me ill every time I eat there, so I don't. I also don't like Burger King. Or Red Lobster...or Red Robin...I'm sure there are others. ;)


ETA: Scrolled through some of the posts above and came up with more: Sonic, Taco Bell, Cracker Barrel...

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I get queasy just thinking about all that grease at Five Guys. I ate there once. That was one too many times. Also, McD's, BK, CFA, Chipotle, Applebees, Quizno's (are they still in business?), Subway, Longhorn and Outback. Oh, and Taco Bell, which dh and ds both love. Blech.  I like Wendy's okay.


If I have to grab fast food, I'd rather it be Wendy's than somewhere else. If I have to eat at McDonald's I get a fish sandwich. I can't eat any of their burgers or chicken. There's just something weird about the taste of both. The fish sandwich isn't a better choice, it's just something I can eat there and not gag. I do like their iced coffee though. 


I've never been in Trader Joe's but I do like Aldi so I suspect I'd like TJ too. I don't get the appeal of Whole Foods. 


ETA: Oh yeah, Sonic. I don't get the appeal. People were so excited when Sonic finally came to our area. I tried it a few times. I didn't hate it but - meh.

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I love Taco Bell.  Just adore that classic crunchy taco.


I don't consider it Mexican food.  I spent my formative years in San Jose, CA so I've been exposed to a lot of Mexican food. There is American Mexican, Real Mexican, and Taco Bell.  Yes, it is in a class by itself.

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Yeah, totally forgot to add Taco Bell to my list.  I used to love it.  Then I switched to a mostly whole food/cooked from scratch diet.  We stopped in at a TB while on a road trip.  I swear every single thing we ordered smelled like vomit.   :ack2:  I couldn't eat it.  

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I think I've hit an age where I just don't like crap food anymore. I have VERY diverse taste buds. I could enjoy ANYTHING for a while there, but once I hit 40, I no longer had a cast iron stomach. Now I feel not-so-great and dissatisfied if I attempt something like McDonalds. I do love Chipotle and a Trader Joes, but as my metabolism slows and my appetite shrinks, my body has become more selective. I think my days of enjoying packaged ramen, twinkies, and Taco Bell are LONG gone.


I don't 'get' Starbucks. Maybe it makes sense as a coffee drinker, but I don't like coffee. The mark-up on their teas is so insultingly high that it's hard to enjoy them. I go fairly often to be social, and I like the taste of the hot chai, green tea frappe, and the hibiscus drink, but I can make them all at home so cheaply.

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My mother used to take my son and I there when he was little. They had a huge selection but not much flavor. Ds loved it because it was the one place he could have never-ending slushies and soft serve cones with rock hard gummy bears on top.

And Taco Bell sucks. I went there for the first time last year while visiting ds at school. I told him to get me tacos, and I swear they were neon colored red/orange. Nasty.


I thought for a buffet place the food wasn't bad.  We just got seated close to the bathroom and it had a very strong bathroom cleaner smell so that was a big downer.  I would have protested, but the place was insanely mobbed so I might have had to wait forever for a new seat. 


We went there at the request of my younger kid for his birthday.  He loved being able to pick stuff and eat cotton candy and stuff like that.  So it worked out.

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Buffalo Wild Wings is horrible here.  Never fails, we get extremely poor service (once we waited for 45 minutes with a handful of servers looking at us in the mostly empty restaurant), or the food tastes like it sat under a warmer for 20 minutes, or both.  Not to mention they try to pack it more full of tvs than people, so you can't enjoy either conversation or the game.

We prefer not to eat out at all here.  Finding a decent restaurant can be a challenge.

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I can't stand Five Guys.  I don't get Trader Joe's either.  I don't like what I can eat at Chick-Fil-A (which isn't much when you have Celiac - before I was diagnosed I liked them much better).  I've never liked Arby's.  Chipotle is okay, but I don't particularly love it.  Everyone in Texas raves over Rudy's.  I can't stand it.  I much, much prefer Smoky Moe's or Bill Miller's.  I hate Starbucks.  Now, granted, I don't drink coffee, but everyone tells me their hot chocolate is amazing.  It takes like slightly watery chocolate.  It's gross.  Sonic I like because the one by us is very accommodating about very thoroughly washing the milkshake machine before making my daughter's and my shakes.  And if you go after 8, the shakes are half price making it a bit less than $10 to get really good shakes for all 6 of us.  That's all I get from them.  Well, milkshakes and, rarely, ice.  Sonic ice is addictive.

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