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Any funny Starbucks "name on cup" stories? I've got a couple.


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My son's name is simple...like Billy (it's not Billy). He said he's only been to Starbucks 3 times and they spelled it wrong each time.








He has a friend who is Indian and has an Indian name so he spells it every time. He usually gets a English name beginning with the same letter as his name.


And I heard about this one from my son, who saw online. The guy said his name was Marc with a C and the coffee had "Cark" written on it. (Google image "Marc with a C coffee" to see it). Now I know this one could be something someone just made up but it made me laugh anyway. Cark!

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My brother has always been a goofball, and he delights in giving the Starbucks folks a variety of names. Thus far, he has used Ralph Macchio, Solo, Skywalker and Princess Leia (when he was in with his wife), McFly, and Mantooth (points if you know this one). :D

Go ahead, Rampart! (Assuming you mean Randolph Mantooth the actor who played John Gage on Emergency!)


Or maybe he means Anchorman? Wes mantooth?


"I will take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!"

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I always give the same name - an easy-to-spell, non-gender-specific name that belongs to no one in my family.  It annoys my daughter but in our family she has the name most likely to be misspelled and that annoys her too. When she orders, she can do what she wants.

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My brother has always been a goofball, and he delights in giving the Starbucks folks a variety of names. Thus far, he has used Ralph Macchio, Solo, Skywalker and Princess Leia (when he was in with his wife), McFly, and Mantooth (points if you know this one). :D

I too am a goofball. I love giving names of famous people. My fave? Beyonce at CFA. I always add, with a serious look on my face, "It's not my real name." But the best part is hearing the employees shout "Beyonce?" followed by the diners seeing an overweight 40ish woman go get her order.


I have a friend whose brother always gives the last name "Kennedy" at restaurants (nicer than CFA, btw). He could pass for a Kennedy and enjoys the looks and whispers when that name is called and his party goes off to their table.

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And I heard about this one from my son, who saw online. The guy said his name was Marc with a C and the coffee had "Cark" written on it. (Google image "Marc with a C coffee" to see it). Now I know this one could be something someone just made up but it made me laugh anyway. Cark!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Go ahead, Rampart! (Assuming you mean Randolph Mantooth the actor who played John Gage on Emergency!)


Or maybe he means Anchorman? Wes mantooth?


"I will take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!"


I would go with Randolph Mantooth, but he is an Anchorman fan. :D

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I have a very common middle age woman's name. Think something like Michelle. They can never seem to get it right. It isn't just the spelling either. The will have Carol, Meryl, etc. Since most of the barristas are young, I now give them my daughter's uncommon name instead and they seem to at least get that correct. Lol.

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I have to remember this if I ever find myself in a Starbucks.


I frequently email myself recipes from foodnetwork.com.


I got tired of typing in my first name in the to and from box so is started creating names. I laughed when I opened my email to see that Wonder Woman had sent me a recipe. So has Snow White and Cinderella.

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I have to say that it bugs me when the Starbucks employees ask how to spell my name. What the heck difference does it make? It is an easy name, like Cathy, but with multiple common spellings. I want them to slap something on the cup and move on. This is a Starbucks cup, not a monogram or a long-term relationship. I really do not care if you use an "i" or a "y" at the end.

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I went out to lunch twice a week with my friend Ahnika for a year. She never bothered to correct the workers at the two places we frequented (Jamba Juice and Noah's Bagels) who always greeted her as and wrote her name as, "Monica." (This was 98-99, so Monica L. had made her name famous.)

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I have to say that it bugs me when the Starbucks employees ask how to spell my name. What the heck difference does it make? It is an easy name, like Cathy, but with multiple common spellings. I want them to slap something on the cup and move on. This is a Starbucks cup, not a monogram or a long-term relationship. I really do not care if you use an "i" or a "y" at the end.


I agree and when I give my last name for things that don't really matter I tell them to spell it however they want (it's not phonetic and looking at how it is really spelled compared to the pronunciation doesn't make any sense).  However, I've seen people freak out at workers over their name being misspelled.  They just can't win.

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I've never had a problem with them spelling my name, but I thought this was funny:  


The last time I was at Starbucks, I got a mocha frappuccino.  They didn't ask my name, but they wrote the abbreviation for the drink on the cup:  MF.  I took a pic and posted it on FB - "That's mocha frappuccino to you!"

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I agree and when I give my last name for things that don't really matter I tell them to spell it however they want (it's not phonetic and looking at how it is really spelled compared to the pronunciation doesn't make any sense).  However, I've seen people freak out at workers over their name being misspelled.  They just can't win.


True.  I'm not easy-going about many things, so I feel like in one of the rare instances in which I am flexible, everyone else should be as well.  Yeah, I know, not fair.


One of my daughters has a friend whose first name is Alarii.  He always tells baristas, restaurants, etc. that it is John.

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Starbucks: "what's your name?"

Me: "Kim"

Starbucks: "what??"

Me: "Kim"

Starbucks: "um, could you spell that"

Me: "K I M" 😳


I can do one better:


Them: Name?

Me: TJ

Them: How do you spell that?

Me: I'm not picky. I just usually use a T followed by a J


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The baristas at my dd's campus Starbucks are college aged, and I've never seen them deliberately misspell a name.  However, there is a new woman who must be around 60.  Last week, she asked my dd's name, and my daughter must have responded, "Um, Allie."


On her cup was written, "Amali."

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I've seen some odd spellings of my name (both at Starbucks and other places). Got a little bit better after Shrek came out... but not much. 








I didn't think my name was THAT uncommon, but apparently it is. ;) 


PS. Growing up with people singing Scotty Doesn't Know to me, asking me how Shrek is doing, and asking if I am named after Fiona Apple... happened almost every day. So it wasn't like people hadn't heard the name!

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Kathy shouldn't be that difficult other than knowing if it's with a C or a K, but I've still had Katie, Kathee, and more.


One time I tried Kathleen just to see what they'd do. I got Kathaleen.


Then I thought Kay will be easy, I'll just make Kay my Starbucks name. I got a cup with K on it.


Lately I've been saying Kat (only a few people have ever or still do call me Kat). Maybe it's a common name today because no one has gotten that one wrong. I've never even had it written Cat. I'm going to keep it at Kat, at least for a while. :)


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DD, after a long list of Ellie, Ely, Alley, etc (none of which is actually the name she uses) started saying that her name was "Elaphe"-which is the genus name for old world rat snakes. Often their attempts at Elaphe still end up Ellie, Ely, Alley....

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When we have large groups of people at the restaurant who each want a separate tab I have each person give me a name with their order. Then no one skips out on a check or accidentally gets someone else's meal that was very similar to theirs. Everyone gets the meal that they wanted and everyone pays for it, lol. I have a huge biker guy who tells me his name is Peaches every time he comes with friends for breakfast. Yesterday I had a Superman, and a Dill. James Bond makes an occasional appearance. 

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How about the time at panera when I gave them a fake name and then completely forgot that I'd given them a fake name. They called the name 3-4 times and I'm sitting there looking around like "where'd this lady go, geez". I finally realized it was mine and was a wee bit embarrassed.

Luckily they use the pagers now. Actually I usually go through the drive-thru.

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I go to Starbucks about twice a year: I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do like chai lattes.   I have yet to have them ask my name.  Weird.  


My ds, whom I refer to as Zee when I'm online, worked at SBs for about a year.  One day I met a friend there and when I got my drink, the cup said "Zee's mom" on the side.  

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Not Starbucks, but the pharmacy I go to seems to want to hear an uncommon Hispanic last name when I say my common Anglo last name. Other places often have trouble too, but usually just ask me to spell my last name. I get a lot of "oh, duh!" looks when I do that (now I tend to start spelling it right away after they ask for the name). I know I have an accent, but it's not a Hispanic accent, and people tend to understand me just fine with everything else I say, except "water"... waiters seem to have a really hard time with that one. It's like, sit down in restaurant, waiter asks "what do you want to drink?", "water, please" - puzzled look. Because there are so many beverages that sound similar to "water", no? I think it's the 'w' that trips up my last name and 'water', but people understand all the other 'w' words I say.

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I go to Starbucks about twice a year: I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do like chai lattes.   I have yet to have them ask my name.  Weird.  


My ds, whom I refer to as Zee when I'm online, worked at SBs for about a year.  One day I met a friend there and when I got my drink, the cup said "Zee's mom" on the side.  


I've also never been to Starbucks where they ask your name.


Zee's mom--I love it!

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