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What is your dream job?


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Traveling the world - then perhaps offering travel advice either in person or in writing.  I've no desire to be a TV travel host, but if their lives were as they seem on TV (no filming schedules/issues as IRL) it would be fun.  


There are very few places I wouldn't want to go.  I'd love to have a passport with stamps from oodles of countries and take the time to really see what they are like rather than just visiting the tourist destinations and heading home.

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Travel agent.


I absolutely love to travel- and I love, love, love planning my friends vacations for them. I love giving restaurant recommendations.... All of it.


I often think about being one when I'm an empty nester... But I don't know if there are many openings/need for travel agents.


But I enjoy the heck out of it, and I'm really really good at it :)

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Traveling the world - then perhaps offering travel advice either in person or in writing. I've no desire to be a TV travel host, but if their lives were as they seem on TV (no filming schedules/issues as IRL) it would be fun.


There are very few places I wouldn't want to go. I'd love to have a passport with stamps from oodles of countries and take the time to really see what they are like rather than just visiting the tourist destinations and heading home.

We must be related ;)

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It doesn't matter if you have the education for it, the pay would meet your needs, there really is a market for it,.........just list what you would like to do.


I came up with a few:


"porter" for elderly dementia patients (saw this job listing today) where you just go and visit with them, help with a few very simple tasks (but no personal care or lifting), push their wheelchairs to activities, etc.  I love interacting with the elderly and for several years I was the cook at a nursing home and often had my serving window open so that I could interact with the dementia patients on that wing.


Medical social worker/advocate for parents with children with special needs----basically go with them to appointments, help them navigate the physical hospital, etc. but also the coordination of various specialists, accessing services, understanding the medications, etc..........but much more personal and involved than most hospital social workers that see you for just a few minutes.


Therapeutic riding----working with special needs kids and horses..........ok, I do that here now at home with our own horses and kids but it is costing me money, not making me money


Support person for foster/adoptive parents.  Not a social worker or therapist, etc. just someone who has been there, done that and can help them access services and let them vent away

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Right now or later?


Right now I am doing what I want to be doing (homemaker and at home mom) though I wish I had room for a garden.


Later though when the kids are biggerish?


CFO for a large community foundation. Definitely could happen.


Sharp tongued political commentator. Definitely won't happen- having kids young precluded me from the political groundwork necessary.

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Before homeschooling, I had my dream job. I taught music and science at a Lutheran K-8 school with the most marvelous faculty and staff whom I adored. We loved the children, they loved us, and we accomplished much and without a lot of policy nonsense.


Now my dream job would be something that could be done by internet/Skype so I could live out of my backpack and travel, travel, travel. I could easily ditch the house and most of what is in it in order to be free!

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Honestly? A stay at home homeschool mom. I'd like money for all my dream curriculum, travel, tutors, etc., but I want to do this. With 7 kids.



Me, too. This is what I have always wanted to do. 5 kids is enough for me though :) If I'd started earlier, I'd have 7. 


I've been extremely fortunate that I have had all of my dream jobs, save one. I took time off to spend time with the kids, but when I go back, I will be in crisis intervention. I have my eye on an abuse advocacy position that will be a good reintroduction into the field. Eventually, I want to pick up shifts as an inpatient Psych Tech. I know that's a strange choice, but I've done it before, and I like it. 

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Anthropologist focused on textiles.  This would require that I travel the world not only to study ancient fibers and textiles in museums, but I would also drink tea and have conversations with women around the world (and I say women because it seems they are the ones involved in fiber arts).

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There are enough of us who desire travel that it could get kind of interesting if we banded together and went places (allowing for our own schedules once there).  I'd be very interested in the chat/writings afterward to see everyone's "take" on the places.


That could make quite the travel information packet.  Suppose they would sell?

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My dream-why didn't I pursue this when I was younger-job would be professional Arabian horse photographer.

I have drooled for years over glossy, gorgeous images in horsey journals of impressive steeds in action. In my pro photo days, I did a lot of people and horses...just never made the jump to glossy ad types. I probably lived in the wrong state and with young sons couldn't travel much. Sigh.


My second dream job would be successful romance writer, ala, Nora Roberts. I did give that a few years of effort and I don't have what it takes. Sigh.


My third dream job would be house rescuer--this one I may pursue as a part of my real estate career. I LOVE beat up homes--so much potential to fix and find them a new family to love.

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You know when you go to a museum and see a really great educational and interactive exhibit? I'm thinking like at the Indianapolis Children's Museum where they have this huge area devoted to a specific culture for kids to explore, it used to be Egypt and now it's China. I would love to be one of the people who designs and sets up things like that. And of course I would need a travel budget to go along with it, because there would be a lot of research necessary, not to mention the collecting of the authentic decor.


If I could do anything that's what I would want to do.



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Right now this is my dream job , but like others above I would love to have more $$ for extras, household help.


But, if we are talking outside the home, then I had a dream of opening a day school for girls. Small, intimate and kind of a homeschool, but not obviously only 1 family.

At one point it looked like I might not be able to have kids and might be single, so I was thinking about opening this classical private school for girls (I even had picked out this cool 1920s house to get and fix up) where each one had instruction tailored to them and got them ready for college, tech school ,etc. Girls would be assigned days to help with lunch, everyone would help with the garden, we would have special nights at the school for projects, etc. Kind of a cottage school.

But then I proved all the doctors wrong and had 4 kids :laugh: .

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I'd open a one-room school for creative kids who have a passion that they can't pursue because of PS. It might be academic or it might not be. Math, music, carpentry, whatever. They'd get a reasonable academic education (at whatever level they're capable of) and free time to pursue their interest (s). Basically mimicking homeschooling, but for people whose parents can't or won't homeschool them. Boarding would be available, tuition/room/board would all be means tested to something reasonable. It'd be near a research university so that students with academic interests could find mentors, but with land and near a rural area so that students whose interests require space (rocketry, agriculture) could have room to experiment. 

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I thought I had my dream job as a teacher, but more and more it's a nightmare instead of a dream. :) 
I'd rather be a SAHM and raise my daughter, instead of letting someone else raise her during the day. 

Fantastical careers? 
I always wanted to be an archeologist (or more likely, I wanted to be Indiana Jones). 
I've also wanted to be an ice skater, a singer, an actress, etc. I'm just a dabbler, apparently. 

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I'm actually doing the work of a dream job for me, but to make it really, really dreamy, I wish we were living on the road or living on a boat on the water. My work could be somewhat conducive to that.    There are cons to that, though, so I'll just keep living the dream here. 


I'd love to manage a small restaurant. Our town could use some Greek or Indian food and a great little building just came available.  There's no way though.  I'm happy doing what I'm doing (see below).

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Doing what I do now with more petrol money is the ideal.


After that, I'd like to work under a woman called Amanda Henry who studies the plant foods early hominids ate. I watched an interview with her last night. Food, history, human evolution. They are the best fun topics ever!

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School teacher, accountant or archaeologist...If none of those panned out (need a degree for all of those), I would want to help people that are poor(?), in poverty (?)...I'm not sure of the exact words without offending people (especially on a board this size).  My SO has always said if we win the lottery, I can go through with my dream of having a multi-functional building to help out people.  Probably will never happen, but hey, it's nice to dream.

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Professional student-living in one of those off-campus apartments that has a cafeteria, a pool, fitness center, and Maid service.


Seriously, there are SO many classes I would love to take, if it weren't so expensive. Not to get a degree, just to learn.


In my freshman year, there was a widowed lady (she seemed like a grandma to me then) who had done exactly that-sold the house, took the proceeds and her husband's insurance and pension, and gone to school. She'd always wanted to go to college, but hadn't had the chance, she didn't want to be alone, and she didn't want to be in a senior's complex with elderly adults-she preferred being with young people. She was in my Modern history class, and it was so neat to hear her input into things she'd lived through.

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