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What is the least healthy dinner you let your kids eat? (if it involves real food, you aren't allowed to post here LOL)


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Tonight, my dds are eating one of their favorites.  Plain pasta with garlic salt and olive oil.  


MMMMM..... flour, water, oil and salt.   :blushing:  I figure that sometimes, you just gotta let them live a little!  

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Ooh, next time I'll make her do that. Fruit = healthy, right ? :)



Totally!!! I also make sure to slather on a bunch of butter before the Nutella. If I am eating this for dinner, it is because I am utterly exhausted and I want to pack in as many calories as I can in the least amount of effort.

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This isn't common, but once or twice a year, usually when I have raging PMS and anemia and crave chocolate like crazy, we skip dinner or have a slice of pizza and a junk food movie night.  Full on Gilmore Girls style grab $30-40 of junk food and eat & watch movies until we're sleepy.  It always involves gummy candy, potato chips, chocolate, and ice cream.

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I have this thing where if my kids get a lot of candy I prefer they just eat it quickly than spread it out.  Also, I'd rather them eat the candy and nothing else than force them to eat a regular meal and stuff themselves with candy on top of that. My reasoning might be nutters, but yep, that is how I think.


Not saying this is by any means a regular occurrence. 


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Last night after swimming lessons I fed my child McDonald's French fries and a single apple sliceðŸ˜

She was utterly thrilled:)


We are vegetarian, she is enormously picky, and so something like that is pretty rare...in my defense, I am exhausted! I am 13 weeks pregnant and who knew that five years between pregnancies would make such a huge difference?!

Something tells me there will be a few more poor meals in the next few months:(

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Isn't butter paleo or something ? I think you should patent the Nutella diet.


I must confess that we were snacking on homemade kale chips earlier. I made up for it by giving ds two minute noodles with peas for his lunch...


I think the butter has to come from organic, grass-fed, heritage breed cattle, raised in the perfect harmony of the Irish country side in order to be paleo.Or something like that...


Oh and it must cost $47.99 per pound. ;)

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I have this thing where if my kids get a lot of candy I prefer they just eat it quickly than spread it out.  Also, I'd rather them eat the candy and nothing else than force them to eat a regular meal and stuff themselves with candy on top of that. My reasoning might be nutters, but yep, that is how I think.


Not saying this is by any means a regular occurrence. 


We've never done candy for dinner, but I have the same basic philosophy. The quicker the candy is eaten, the sooner it's gone.  It wins me coolness points and relieves me of days of begging.

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Potted meat mixed with mayo on white bread was the least healthy dinner I ate growing up. I ate it often.


Anything fast food is my least healthy go to for a quick non-real food meal for my kids. This is a couple times/month on average. (except it is every night when they visit grandma for a few days without me twice/year.)

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Sometimes, maybe once/year, we go and get a big ice cream cone, shake, or sundae for dinner.  Kids can have "real food" when they get home, but it's totally up to them.


DD hates McDonald's protein entries and french fries so will get a strawberry milk shake.  Sometimes she'll snag some apple dippers, but not always.


Kraft mac-n-cheese…the bright orange kind.  Sometimes I'll serve it with something green (broccoli, peas, etc.)…but sometimes that's it.  Or we'll do an orange dinner and have carrots and ranch too. 


I don't consider noodles with garlic, butter/olive oil, and parmesan unhealthy.  We can do so much worse. :D



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One time earlier this year I did fish sticks, dino bites and tater tots for my sons and my niece and nephew.  We needed something fast and had a little of each of those.  That was a weird meal for a weird day.  


Plain pasta?  That's a standard for my picky eater.  Like as in at least 2x a week that is what he eats (with fruit, raw carrots and sometimes olives on the side).  He might deign to try a meat ball or bit of chicken or fish that is in everyone else's sauce/dish.  

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Does butter and sugar on a heated tortilla count?  Oh that was me, not the kids...hmmm...how about the night DH let the kids eat Fruity Pebbles and drink canned, super sweet, fake lemonade for dinner...?   :ack2: Does that count?


(and by the way I have no issues with cereal for dinner...but is there anything in Fruity Pebbles you can actually live on besides the food coloring and sugar?)

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Chex Muddy Buddies


Ya'll are a bunch of overachievers.  ;)


Nah. Brotherman can open the cans by himself, and he holds them while Babyman sits on the table and they take turns.


Or they would if I ever allowed such a thing. Which of course I never would. Certainly not. :w00t:

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Corn dogs.  Some nights that's our dinner. One box of doggies and dinner's done .... it's probably the most processed, unhealthy thing we eat for a meal.  I do try and put some redeeming value to it by serving it with cole slaw (our version is just cabbage, mayo and garlic salt) so there's that, but yeah.  Corn doggies. 

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Rarely but when in a pinch, I let my kids eat anything they want to make with bread, along with some token fruit and maybe some milk or yogurt.  Miss A prefers cinnamon toast and barely acknowledges the presence of the fruit.  :P


Today we had to go to 3 different places after school (2 doc visits and soccer practice).  They had Doritos for their after-school snack, chicken nuggets and apple slices between doc visits, and leftover birthday cake after we got home.  One of them also ate some watermelon.

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At my house the lower the rate of nutrition in a meal the closer it is to shopping day LOL


My kids are terribly picky eaters ...one is just picky with a will of iron and one has actual medical issues. After 8 years of battles...if my kids eat anything I call it healthy lol.


We eat a lot of hotdogs... i don't think you can get nitrate free in Australia..I just ignore that.


chicken nuggets...with nothing else.


Plain rice...cause they hate sauce.


DD eats Ramen every day for lunch and I celebrate because that is a step up in cuisine for her.


DS2 eats peanut butter toast for breakfast, PB sandwiches for lunch and PB crackers for snack MOST DAYS...wont eat anything else. PB is good right?


I let my kids eat candy for dinner one night ( it was a kids birthday and they weren't real hungry for dinner) .which caused a storm of vomiting ...won't do that again LOL. DD has a sensitive stomach and DS has blood sugar issues ...so now I try not to let sugar be a main feature in our meals. LOL


Whenever I give my kids a garbage meal I always justify it by thinking..."well this is better then what the starving kids in Africa eat". I know..terrible.

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One thing?  You limit this to one thing?


Which is worse, el cheapo frozen pizzas, pop tarts, McDonald's, boxed mac & cheese, hot dogs, ramens, or various sorts of potato chips?


We had an assortment of choices for "quick" coupled with "who cares about health today!"


Even when we go out we have options.  We're just as likely to do pizza buffets or poutine (if in Canada) as anything with a remotely healthy aspect to it.


I'm not of the belief that humans need to eat healthy diets all the time.  We have our share of healthy, of course, but then there are those "other" times.


No regrets!

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For breakfast once a 3x a year we have Birthday pancakes-with whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips, and a cherry. Yikes. Talk about a sugar high!


Lunch or dinner 1-2 a month-

Hot dogs or frozen pizza from Costco.


I usually give them a vegetable on the side to make me feel better lol.

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When I'm pregnant, which I am now, food is not my friend, and cooking ends badly. So we eat a lot of terrible foods that I would never serve otherwise. 
Regulars on my menu:

Hot dogs-the bad ones

Velveeta-Rotel type nachos-I try to dress them up with lettuce, olives, fresh tomatoes, etc, but there is no making up for the nasty chemical cheese

Boxed mac n cheese

Pasta with canned sauce
Frozen dinners

Veggie burgers

cold cereal


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Banana splits for dinner

Popcorn for dinner

French fries for dinner

Hot dogs full of nitrates with boxes macaroni and cheese

The occasional fast food.


On your birthday you have the treat of choice for breakfast. Cake, ice cream, pudding pie, anything goes.

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