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S/O Who purchased something from Amazon today?


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Reading all the responses in the 'no rush Amazon shipping' thread got me thinking about how Amazon has become such a fixture in my life, mainly because of the Prime two-day shipping option. And sure enough I did buy something today from Amazon, a kindle daily deal book for $1.99. How about you, WTMers, did you Amazon today?

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Not today but in the past week.lol a hint... Refilling the first aide kit.

Abarat our other copy is literally falling apart and dad's boyfriend wants to read it
Steri strip bandages
Blue tooth adapter to go from pc to xbox controller
Conan wrap
Gauze pads


And...this week so far

From Up on  Poppy Hill movie

Replacement charger for Nabi

Telfa bandages

Small portable batery for my cell phone to keep in my car (tired of my phone dying watching my daughter cheer)

Waterproof spray for a backpack.

Rubber corks for carbonated bottles.

LIquid chalk markers


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Is it bad that I can't remember? I know I ordered something either yesterday or today, but either I'm on Amazon too much, or the days are running together, and I'm not sure...


At any rate, I ordered a Lego: The Hobbit set for us to build when we finish reading the book. I'm thinking I may just steal the Thorin minifig for myself!

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Basket ball hoop for my toddler (sooooo much easier than driving to Toys R Us)


a book (or two... maybe three, but I think one)


and replacement lovies for the same toddler who has started carrying his around everywhere, making me dread impending loss. Hoping rotating works out.


I have other stuff in my cart - these were just the things I pushed the button for today :-)

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The instant pot has been in my cart for months and months. I watch the price to back and forth so often and still don't pull the trigger.


Me too. I'm thinking maybe I'll get it for Christmas. I'd love to hear reviews from anyone who gets one. I'm wondering about the 7 in one option to make yogurt.

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The instant pot has been in my cart for months and months. I watch the price to back and forth so often and still don't pull the trigger.

Me too! I finally did today. I was looking at another slow cooker because ours is getting wonky, and I figured I might as well get the Instant Pot! I hope it comes early enough on Saturday to try something in it! :)

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I did. Since dd is starting algebraic type stuff on math and not understanding it, I bought Balance Benders from Critical Thinking Co. It helped DS a lot, so I figured it would be good for her.


I also got a package from them - a brayer and some ink. We're doing printmaking in art.

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I try not to use Amazon if I can help it these days.  The company pays very little tax in the UK, through various legal but (to me) rather sneaky means, so I'd rather support companies that do pay tax.  The last two purchases I made were through the website of a high street book shop, and a UK online-only classical music company.



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I bought the Instant Pot directly from the company with a coupon from Hip Pressure Cooking (it was $10 off) that made it less than Amazon; I'm not sure it's cheaper anymore but their current coupon is $50 off $174.95 or something.



I was using it for a while but haven't lately. Maybe with the cool weather? Hmm


Warning: the gasket (rubbery thing) holds smells. I wrote to the company and they admitted it does that and suggested I buy another one (and swap depending on use, I guess). None of the soaking and cleaning ideas I had really worked; after making some vege stew, it really smelled like onions and spices. I don't have this problem with other pressure cookers; not sure what that's about. Just wanted to mention it.


I got sick of Amazon's slow shipping and have been ordering from Barnes & Noble instead to avoid the $35 orders (because I am a member) and because they charge tax, which helps me out at tax time. I also buy occasionally from Book Depository and buy a fair amount used. Anyway the last order I bought from Amazon was free shipping but shipped much quicker than usual! I was surprised.

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