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Is the blue-eyed trait going the way of the dodo?

Guest inoubliable

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Then my little blue-eyed lefty is extra special! (He's my fourth child, my only lefty thus far, and we are pretty sure he's going to remain a lefty. Funny: my mother's fourth child is also a blue-eyed lefty, her only lefty as well.)


All five children inherited my blue eyes over DH's green. One of the five got my dimples. Only our daughter got my brown hair. All four boys are blond. Not one got DH's lovely red hair (his father and his only sibling have red hair as well). One of my brothers was a blond as a kid, although it's more of a dirty blond as an adult, so I obviously have the blond gene somewhere.

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My dad had brown eyes, while my mom has blues eyes. All three of their kids ended up with blue eyes. Dh has blue eyes. All three of our kids have blue eyes. What fascinates me is that we all have different shades of blue. My youngest has almost green eyes. My middle has blue blue eyes. The oldest has grayish-blue eyes. It's weirdly neat.

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Guest inoubliable

My Da and I are left-handed blue eyed. 

My oldest is brown/black eyes, dark brown/black hair. And right handed
Middle kiddo is a mini-me of my DH - green eyes, brown hair, right handed.

Youngest is my mini-me - blue eyed, blonde hair. Right handed. 


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Everyone in this house has blue eyes. Although oldest ds has half of his one eye hazel. All 6 of my siblings have blue eyes. Three of my nieces and nephews have bright red hair and my oldest ds has literally a chunk around his crown that is a dark red and everything else is blonde (well, except for a black spot behind each ear). Lots of blonde hair and blue eyes in my family and in my siblings kids.



Three of my siblings are ambidextrous.

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Guest inoubliable


Are blue eyes really rare?


They are. Various sources say 13 - 16% of the country has blue eyes. The video mentions the Scandinavian countries having a 95% of their population having blue eyes. But in this country, yes it's rare. 

Same with left handedness. That's about 10% of the global population. And that percentage has never been much higher or much lower. A total mystery so far. I've only heard of two theories on why left-handedness remains so rare. 

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Guest inoubliable

Everyone in this house has blue eyes. Although oldest ds has half of his one eye hazel. All 6 of my siblings have blue eyes. Three of my nieces and nephews have bright red hair and my oldest ds has literally a chunk around his crown that is a dark red and everything else is blonde (well, except for a black spot behind each ear). Lots of blonde hair and blue eyes in my family and in my siblings kids.



Three of my siblings are ambidextrous.

Oooh, interesting!

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Wow, I had no idea blue eyes are rare. I grew up in an area settled by German immigrants and blue eyes were very common.  My parents and all of my siblings have blue eyes.  I've always been told that my eyes are my best feature.


My husband has hazel eyes and before we had kids, he said he hoped our kids would have my eyes.  The older two have hazel eyes, but the youngest has blue eyes.  The middle one's eyes sometimes look kind of a grayish blue.

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Oooh, interesting!


Yeah my family seems to like recessive genes and being in the minority. I have 5 bright red headed cousins with blue eyes too. The amount of assessed gifted kids amongst my relatives is rather odd too. But then, I don't think normal is ever been a word used on my family.

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My DD has blue eyes and is left handed. The boys have hazel/green and dark brown. I have dark brown and DH has blue.


The interesting thing in my family is that all the girl cousins have blue eyes and all the boys have a version of brown. My sister has red hair and brown eyes. So far her kids have not inherited the red hair.


DD is the only lefty in the extended/immediate family


In our family it seems like the blue eyes is linked to the XX gene.

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Almost all of the redheads I know have light eyes (blue, gray, or green). I think of my DS as being unusual for having red hair but brown eyes. I only know 1 other redhead with brown eyes (a girl I went to summer camp with). She was half-Irish, half-Italian.


DS gets the brown eyes from his German-American paternal grandma, and the red hair is from the Irish and Scottish sides. FIL and my dad are Irish and my mom is Scottish.

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Everybody is posting the 10% lefthanded statistic - which is just one of many statistics, which range from 2% lefthanded to 30%! I will say that, anecdotally, the children I know seem to be about 20% lefties. I really wish we would get a new study on how prevalent lefthandedness is, because I suspect that whatever number you use is, quite simply, out of date. People tend to call themselves lefthanded if they write with their left hands, but in the past (and in some parts of the world today) many children were forced or pressured to use their right hands to write with. This could skew the adult statistics strongly towards righthandedness if we rely primarily on self-identification to obtain our numbers. I really, really, really want somebody to do a study on children and get some updated numbers.


(And of course, talk about handedness often ignores issues of codominance, where somebody might use one hand for some tasks and the other for other tasks. For example, you might primarily use your right hand for fine motor skills, like using a fork or a pencil, but primarily use your left hand for more gross motor skills, like throwing a ball or yanking weeds out of the ground. Not entirely sure codominance is the word I'm reaching for there....)

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I have five blue eyes, with one red-head. (the rest are various shades of blonde)  I also have one who was born copper/auburn-that turned tow as a child. (that one's skin is more stereotypical red-haired skin than the red-head.)

one lefty.  (and one who thought about it.)

my adult sons both have red highlights in their beards.



eta: dh and I both have blue eyes.  he's a red-head and I'm blonde (my sister is strawberry) and was very light-blonde as a child.


I do have a brown streak through one eye. 

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That was interesting!


Hubby and I have brown eyes. Hubby's parents have brown eyes. So I didn't expect a blue eyed child. But we have one! My mother has blue eyes, so I knew I had to have a recessive. It turns out his mother must have a recessive blue that she passed to hubby. I was really surprised when his eyes never changed.


Hubby is left handed, and we have a left handed child. That child has brown eyes.

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My family and my husband's has no brown eyes. We're all either blue (my dh), grey or green (my self and my dd) though I've noticed with the kids they start off very blue and seem to change to grey/green as they've aged. I'm a redhead with green eyes. Lots of left handed people in the family too.

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Red-hair for me. No blue eyes in the family. No lefties. 


I have red hair but no one else in my family does (I'm an only child). When I was born it was so shocking to both sets of parents they went back and researched. They finally found a guy on one side who was a Confederate POW who had red hair (it was on the POW documentation). The other side we still don't know, but on that side my great-grandparents had left Russia during the Communist Revolution and were completely silent about any family left behind. Likely there were redheads somewhere but my great-grandparents, great-uncle and grandmother were all very dark. 


I married a Chinese-American man. I expected our kids to look much more like him in coloring. Our first was very light, with almost blond hair when he was a toddler. His hair has darkened since then but is still more brown than the typical Asian hair. Our second was dark (looked so much like his brother otherwise that my SIL called him the "Asian version"). My daughter has very light brown hair and greenish eyes. 


Genes are funny things. :) 

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None of my kids have blue eyes (2 tried to hang in there, but they did eventually change) but their cousins on both sides do. (One from both blue-eyed parents, one from both brown-eyed parents.)  I'm actually surprised by the distribution.  Well, except for the 2-blue-eyed-parents kid!


Blonde is weird in my family.  My parents, sisters, brother, and I were all born blonde.  Both parents' hair went very dark as they got older - nearly black.  All of us kids went darker as we grew up, but to various shades.  I have 2 blondes for now, but I don't know what their future holds.


My mom is a lefty, one sister is a lefty, and one of my children is a lefty. (Though she bats righty. ;) )

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