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What's your least favorite household chore?


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I'm on day 2 of a 3 day of a house cleaning marathon.  I'm putting off my least favorite chore- cleaning out the refrigerator.  I absolutely hate it.  It always makes me feel guilty, too, when I have to throw away food I've accidentally wasted.  What's your least favorite chore? 

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Well, if you base it on the frequency at which it gets done, I'm guessing that dusting would top the list.


I hate emptying the dishwasher, so my dh does it.  


Clearing off my dryer (my worst "hot spot") must be high on my hate list as well.  


So I guess we can't trade off with each other, because I don't like those, either. My designated dishwasher emptier leaves for college tomorrow, so I suppose I'll have to do it myself from now on.

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For sheer volume?  Laundry.  Otherwise laundry would be o.k.  I don't really like putting it away once it is clean and folded, though, which really seems silly but there you go...


For actual something that I really genuinely hate doing, cleaning baseboards and cleaning tall ceiling fans, just like Critterfixer.  hate, hate, hate.  nails on chalkboard hate.  sitting in an ant bed naked hate.  No idea why.  :confused1:

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Do you heat a cup of vinegar and let it stand for 15 minutes w/ the door closed? That helps.

No! I have not tried it. I am so going to try it this week. Really. Hubby knows how horrible I find the task so resolves to do it for me...but for some reason he sees this as a monthly or semi-annual task, lol. Uh, no. At least weekly dear:)

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Guest inoubliable

Do you heat a cup of vinegar and let it stand for 15 minutes w/ the door closed? That helps.


Water and some lemon juice works well too. I like the smell of that better. :)

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Cleaning bathrooms. This crazy house has five and a half baths. Seriously! Who needs that many bathrooms?


I hate the yuck and the dog hair and the grunge involved.


Your dog obviously needs to go outside and not claim any of the bathrooms. He doesn't need that many.


I seriously hate cleaning toilets. It hurts my hand to use the scrubber handle.


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My least favorite cleaning job?  I used to say bathtubs, but with the invention of Tilex, that has gotten a lot easier.


So now I think I'll go with cleaning the basement.  It stinks, there are critters (and critter poo) and spiders (and spiderwebs), and most of the crap down there is garbage that the hoarders won't let go of.  I did finally clear a path to the furnace and water heater.  I keep telling myself I'm going to clean a little each week and get it done someday.  Ha!


I also dislike cooking, but since I do so little of it, I don't know if that counts.

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Cleaning my kids rooms when they are between the ages of about 2 to 8 yo.....because if they need help, that means it is scary bad in there.  LOL 



For everyday, normal chores, putting away laundry is the worst.  Don't mind sorting, washing, or drying it, I hate putting it away. 

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Frequent chore….folding and putting away laundry.


Occasional chore….the 'fridge.

Yep, folding.  I hate folding, which is silly, because it doesn't take me that long!  I can stare at the basket of clean clothes for days before working up the discipline to do a 10 minute job. 


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Good grief, all of them!  I hate cleaning (though I like vacuuming).  I hate laundry with the heat of a thousand suns.  Unfortunately, I also hate a messy house.  Boo.  Right now my house is more than a mess.  It's a complete disaster.  I hate moving.  Why do we have so much stuff????


Vacuuming. I get vacuum cleaner rage. So I sweep instead.


I should come visit.  I love vacuuming.  I have no idea why, but it relaxes me.  I have a deep and abiding love for my Shark vacuum.


Frequent chore….folding and putting away laundry.


Occasional chore….the 'fridge.


While I hate cleaning in general, laundry is the WORST!  I hate laundry.  Hate, hate, hate, HATE laundry.  HATE IT!

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Umm, everything?  I like having a clean house but I loathe actually having to clean it.  The only domestic task I really enjoy is hanging out the wash.  Something very satisfying about pinning clothes up and having them merrily swaying in the breeze.  

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Dishes. Everything we own goes in the dishwasher. I don't buy dishes that won't. I don't mind doing laundry at all as long as I don't have to put it away. I have this weird vision thing where I can't see things that aren't organized and my husband's clothes are always a mess so I can't put his clothes away. I do the laundry and fold it but he puts it away.

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I don't much care for housekeeping, but my kids have assumed the chores I most dislike so I'm in a pretty good spot right now.

I wish I could say the same for them. Now they understand why I hate the chores I hate.


It's called THEIR NASTY TOILETS. And now they each have their own, and they each get to CLEAN their own.

I thought I hated toilets, but turns out I just hate cleaning toilets of little, gross kids!


I like to vacuum and sweep, I find both to be relaxing somehow.  I zone out, my brain gets a break.

I don't mind dishes or laundry, both feel productive to me.

I get such a satisfying buzz from scrubbing the refrigerator! I love that job.


If I had to pick something, I'd say my least favorite chore is yard work.

My kids do the pool, lawn and weeding.

That leaves me to clean gutters, wash windows, sweep the patio and steps, and keep the garage organized/clean.

I'm not local to the area I live in. It's either stupid hot or nasty cold, so being outside is never very comfortable.

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