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Do you consider yourself 'caught up on laundry' if..


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It's all clean, but piled waiting to be folded or only when it's all clean, folded and put away?


*staring at the mountain of laundry awaiting my attention* (but hey, it's all clean!)

Only when it is all clean, folded and put away.

A tip: Recruit at least 2 kids and tackle the laundry right after it comes out the dryer, set a timer for 5 minutes to have it folded and 5 minutes to have it put away.

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I'm caught up when everything that is clean is folded and put away.   But that does not mean everything we own is clean. That is an impossibility as there is nearly always going to be something dirty.


So in addition to the above, I consider myself caught up if everyone has something to wear the next two days, there are clean towels (bath and kitchen) to use the next day, and fresh-enough sheets on the beds and/or clean sheets to put on the next day if necessary. 


I honestly am baffled by anyone who considers themselves behind on laundry if there is anything in the hamper/basket/pile on the laundry room floor.

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Right now I say I'm "caught up" if all loads that need to be washed, have been washed and dried. So there may be clothes or towels dirty, but not enough to make a load.  But I don't truly consider this to be caught up. I don't feel good about it until they're put away. So I might say to DH "I'm finally almost caught up on laundry" when the last load goes into the dryer. But I know I'm not truly close because there are 6+ loads sitting on my bed in need of folding. So then I drag myself back there and stare at piles for a while. They either get worked on (yay me!), or put into baskets and set aside.


I spend so much more time every day digging through baskets and piles to find the clothes we need than it would take to just put them all away as they come out of the dryer. It's ridiculous. Wednesday night I spent an hour folding clothes and I still didn't finish. But I felt I did a ton, so I haven't done anything since....oops. So now I have the remaining two loads that didn't get put away, a load in the dryer, a load in the washer (uh, restarting that now), and 2 loads that need started.


I hate laundry. I will be completely honest and say I cannot wait until my kids are big enough that I can assign it as a chore. I would rather scrub a toilet.

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I fold it immediately as it comes out of the dryer.  How does clothing not wrinkle to heck otherwise?


I've never pulled it out and piled it up.


yep, that's what i don't get either. Take item out, fold, put on stack. Normally I use a clothes line: take off, fold, put in basket.

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Only if it's out of the dryer, folded, and put away. I never ever allow laundry to sit in a basket longer than an hour or it gets wrinkly. Wrinkled work clothes equals cranky husband! I finally have a good system down. I throw in a load after supper and fold when I'm watching TV at night in my bedroom. It doesn't feel like work if I'm watching TV.

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Get someone to make you (or make it yourself) the laundry basket dresser from Ana White (http://ana-white.com/2010/11/laundry-basket-dresser). Put it right next to your dryer. Assign baskets to each family member and if there are extra baskets, assign those to towels or whatever. If you are creative, make labels, laminate, and hang them on the baskets with those ring-thingies.


Then, fold clothes as you remove them from the dryer and place them in the appropriate basket. Repeat until the laundry is finished. Tell your family members to come and put their laundry away when you're finished. If they do, great. If they don't? Meh, who cares - at least it's finished. If they have to make a trip to the laundry room in order to get dressed every morning...well, then that's their choice. :0)


At least that's how laundry gets done around here. The only exception is socks and underclothes. They'll go in a basket and I'll fold them later.

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Only when it's put away.  That's why, when I was homeschooling 3, we had a laundry day where in laundry was the only chore other than the daily maintenance stuff.


ALL kids bring all the laundry down and sort it

start the first load

school the kids

move laundry along

school the kids

the second the buzzer goes off ALL children and mom drop what they're doing and help put the laundry away

move the laundry along

school the kids

the second the buzzer goes off ALL children and mom drop what they're doing and help put the laundry away

move the laundry along

school the kids


make a super simple lunch like sandwiches served on papertowels (just like at Subway)

put dinner in the crockpot


the second the buzzer goes off ALL children and mom drop what they're doing and help put the laundry away

move the laundry along

school the kids

the second the buzzer goes off ALL children and mom drop what they're doing and help put the laundry away

move the laundry along

school the kids

the second the buzzer goes off ALL children and mom drop what they're doing and help put the laundry away

move the laundry along

repeat until all laundry is done and put away


eat dinner on paperplates





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Only when it is all clean, folded and put away.

A tip: Recruit at least 2 kids and tackle the laundry right after it comes out the dryer, set a timer for 5 minutes to have it folded and 5 minutes to have it put away.

Help is key!

I usually wait until I have two loads ready to hang/fold/put away and call the kids to help. Goes much faster!

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Only when it is all clean, folded and put away.

A tip: Recruit at least 2 kids and tackle the laundry right after it comes out the dryer, set a timer for 5 minutes to have it folded and 5 minutes to have it put away.


I recruit often.(ok, delegate...LOL) It's been a hectic busy week here this week, though!

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clean is good. I currently have clean clothes on my floor, they've been there a few days. I have 3 more loads to fold & get put away today (older 2 do their own). Folding & putting away is my most hated chore... I am barely domesticated.

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I consider laundry an ongoing task, not one that has an end point, so I don't have a definition for "caught up".


My definition of "not behind" is simply that the 3-load family hamper is less-than-full, and the "tower" of nested clean (full) laundry bins has less than 4 baskets, and everybody has at least 2 pair of clean undies (aside from the ones on their body).


Therefore, your status would be "not behind" if there are less than 4 clean loads, and if they are tidily contained/piled somewhere where they don't bother anyone. (Assuming that no one is running out of underthings.)

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No. I'd rather have dirty clothes than depressing piles of clean stuff to put away staring at me. I hate laundry.

Best laundry experience of my life was the apartment I had without a washer where we used a wash-dry-fold service.  It was expensive but glorious.  Give them bags of dirty laundry, come back 2 days later to pick up clean folded laundry neatly stacked in bags.  Heavenly.

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Clean, folded & put away, all baskets empty.


However, now that we live in an apartment and share one small washer & an under-performing dryer with everyone on the floor, I am officially never done.  And of course we have to pay for the "privilege" of using them  :thumbdown:


It is hands-down my least favorite part of living in the city.



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I fantasize about one of those family closet/laundry rooms some days.


I've been trying to figure out how to make that work. We have a nice size laundry room. It fits the washer/dryer, upright freezer and smaller chest freezer, the vacuum, cat box and still has cabinets and storage for cleaning supplies. I don't have anywhere else to put the freezers. The smaller one isn't in use right now so we might be selling it soon.


A family closet thing has always been on my want list!

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I am rarely done but....


If there are no visible dirty laundry piles and no forgotten wet smelly moldy load in the washer, I'm doing good. If you can't find what you're looking for on the closet or the dresser, it's probably in the dryer. If me or the resident adult kid needs the dryer and it isn't empty, there is a designated place to put it until the other adult has time to fold.


That's not a pile of laundry behind the couch, it's where ds's Army gear belongs until we finish decluttering dd's  leftovers and find a nice dresser for his room.



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