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I'm having a lousy week...

Rose in BC

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Lots (not so good) has transpired with my ds who left July 4th to find his birthmother. He left there and went to live with my niece and her family. Well that ended....badly. We're trying to figure things out but he's not coming back home for now. We haven't seen him for 7 months.


My eldest ds with a mild intellectual disability and hasn't really done much academic school for a couple of years, told me last night that he wants to work toward getting grade 12. Yay! But totally overwhelming given his serious learning disabilities. And I work full time. (Homeschool is the only option for him.). So I'm scrambling to put something together. (He's been working this year which has been a lifesaver for us...keeping him busy.)


And my fibromyalgia is in severe overdrive. It's so discouraging. I have a business trip next week...I hope I improve before then.)


Just feeling sorry for myself.

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Thanks everyone. My boy has reactive attachment disorder (RAD). What happened at my niece's is typical RAD behaviour. She has three young children so no way could he stay. They really tried hard with him.


Right now he's in a youth shelter, in same community as my niece, (social services facility) while they figure out how to help us. My niece, nephew and sister (and families) live there and are staying in touch with him. He's been there ten days.


It's just now how I imagined life would be.

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Thanks everyone. My boy has reactive attachment disorder (RAD). What happened at my niece's is typical RAD behaviour. She has three young children so no way could he stay. They really tried hard with him.

Right now he's in a youth shelter, in same community as my niece, (social services facility) while they figure out how to help us. My niece, nephew and sister (and families) live there and are staying in touch with him. He's been there ten days.

It's just now how I imagined life would be.

Have you been out there to see him yet, Rose?


All of the upheaval must be so hard on him, whether or not he caused many of his own problems. He must feel absolutely lost. :(

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No we haven't seen him. He has refused all contact from us. No phone, no texts, nothing. We sent birthday and Christmas gifts and got no response. We've come to accept this maybe how it'll be for a while. It's heartbreaking. Sometimes I grieve like its a death but then I hang on to hope that things could change in the future.

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You are an amazing human being to keep trying and keep caring and not give up on any of your kids.  Your road has been such a hard one, but thank goodness your kids have you, however difficult and dark things may seem right now.  You are giving all of them a chance, which is more than I can say for what they might have had otherwise.


I have friends who are raising their grandsons because the biological parents cared so little for their own kids that they abandoned them repeatedly, stole from them, and the mother even clawed her own 7 year old on the back right in front of me one truly horrific afternoon...then laughed about it as he bled (she did not have custody but had been allowed to move back into the house).  The only reason those kids have a chance is because someone else stepped in to raise them, even though the road has been a hard one, just like you did with yours.  Where would your kids be if you hadn't been there?  Someday, hopefully, you will see the positives you have wrought.


Big hugs. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Praying for you and your family and hoping your health improves.  Best wishes.

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It's true, we have not given up. While he won't accept our love directly now, it's become almost a full time job to advocate for services for him, from afar. And that's not easy. Every day I'm on the phone trying to find a place for him to land, and heal. It's harder now that he's not with family because before at least I had almost daily reports. But I do know where he is and he's safe and actually liking it. He won't be there long though. We are hoping we can find a treatment centre....I'm sure since he left his mental health has deteriorated.


My boss told me I looked tired today. Hmm hmm....between this situation and my other special needs child and trying to give my dd the attention she deserves....and aging parents....wow, what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. (While homeschooling :).)

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