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Do you let your kids have snow days off?


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Where we live, yes.  We get snow maybe once a year for a day or two.  Some years we have a bit more, some years we don't really get any at all.  So I let them enjoy it while they can.  I like having the day off the watch the snow and drink hot cocoa.  If we moved to a place where there was a lot more snow it would be different.

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Yes, we do. It happens about once a year for a day. On the rare occasions it has been more than one day, the first day is off and the rest of the days are afternoon only so he can play with the neighborhood kids in the morning. Usually everyone is bored/tired by afternoon, or the snow is melting, so it works out well. 

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We used to when the kids were younger and wanted to play - we lived in a place that got a good snow once every two years or so, so it was a novelty.  Now they don't care as much, but I find it difficult to get out of the "snow day" mode so we have a light day but not a complete day off.   We take breaks to shovel the sidewalk and driveway, too. 


I don't regret letting my kids have snow days when they were younger, or taking a lighter day now. In the big picture of life those days here and there have no large impact but the kids remember the fun of going out to play in the snow.  I suppose if we lived in a place where there is snow all winter it wouldn't be a big deal.

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Dd normally gets snow days off, primarily so she can go sledding with her cousins who live a few blocks away (our backyard has a lovely long slope down to a creek, perfect for sledding). She didn't get today off because (1) we took yesterday off for an IKEA run to update her bedroom, (2) the windchill made it too cold to be outside to play, and (3) there was no way the boys could safely get here.


Tomorrow I think she'll do a light day (one math, one science, English, history) before sledding in the afternoon, assuming the windchill is above 10 degrees.

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Depends on how much snow we have.  If it's been a dry year, we'll take the whole day off.  Otherwise, if we've had a good snowfall, I let them play in the snow, build snowmen or whatever, come in for hot chocolate, then do an abbreviated school day.  Then there are the times we just cuddle around the fire with hot chocolate, a good book, and call it a good day.

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Goodness, no! We have snow 6 months out of the year. We would never get school work done. :laugh:  


Actually, we do take 'fun' breaks throughout the year but they aren't always 'snow days'.  They happen throughout the year for various reasons. Today was dd's 16th birthday. We had a skating lesson and the rest of the day was a day off.  We do that sort of thing periodically.

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I did when they were younger.  I might let them off a little tomorrow if the neighbor kids want to play in the snow for a while.  Bur, not now that they are older with serious extracurriculars and more difficult school work.   We also used to take off for really nice days too.  I am more likely to do that now than take off for snow.  They don't expect it anymore.

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Once we have enough snow for the kids to build and play with, I let them have half a day after they have done the basics of their schoolwork. The rest of the year, they only get breaks that we have already planned in. Snow days are pointless around here really, if we did that we wouldn't do school for half the year. I've never known my dh not to go to work no matter how nasty the weather.

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HeeHee!  Both of my children had to go to college before they had a snow day!  I used to tell them that if they found snow in the house between their bedroom and the schoolroom (that wasn't put there by them!!), then there would be a snow day.   Fortunately, there never was.


Lest anyone thing I was a total meanie - we get a LOT of snow here, and they always had long breaks to be outside enjoying the snow.



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They can have time off if they actually go out and play in it. Usually, it turns to rain within a couple of hours here so I've learned to let them go out right away. Now that they are older, my daughter often opts to stay inside and do school ; ). They have a good view of the snow from the schoolroom so don't feel too sorry for them. But if the snow lasts longer than 2 - 3 days (very rare, once every five years), I would let them off until they were tired of playing in the snow. After about the third day, they are usually less enthusiastic.

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We purposefully work ahead so the kids could declare their own days off.  They earned about one day a  month of the school year and sometimes stored them up to use several in a row.  They had control over when to use them so sometimes it was for a snowy day, random  sunny day in early spring, or a video game release day ;0)  LOL


My kids could choose to follow the public school calendar and have off the same scheduled snow make up days and various other school holidays or we would plan to skip those and add time to both Christmas and Spring break, which is what they usually chose.   We would take 3 weeks at Christmas and 2 weeks at spring break. 

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It depends. It's rare that we get a lot of snow here in Oregon, so mostly it's just a dusting in the morning. So I try to give them the morning to go out and play and sometimes we do schoolwork in the afternoons.

I rarely follow the school schedule because I like to take off when we want to, not necessarily when they do.

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No. However, I will shift the time of our school day to allow dd to go out to play for a while before school in the fresh snow or to take advantage of a short lived one. But once she has come back in, shed her snow gear, had a bit of a rest and a warming snack, then it's back to the salt mines!!!


By doing this, we often get finished with our school year one to two weeks before the public schoolers get out for the year. We joke and call those balmy days in late May our "snow days". :coolgleamA:

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if snow isn't something they see very often, snow days are off.  if snow is a common occurance - they can wait until afternoon.  here - my boys would love to get snow. . . .  after 1dd returned from four years of college in upstate NY, and it snowed . .  she ran outside yelling it wasn't supposed to snow here.  (guess she got her fill of snow. .. . )


we've had exactly part of one morning this entire winter.  maybe 2 inches?

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My boys are always pushing for snow days off. Our former state didn't have snow so this is really cool for us.


I'm always tempted to say, "Yes! Have a great day!"


What do you guys do?




No, but if it ever did snow hare we would have the day off. we do have heat days off.


if the thermometer reaches 40 oC we stop school for the day. we do not have airconditioning. it only gets to 40 oC for a handful of days in the year. My brain shuts down at about 39 oC and I am sure the kids do too.

 we school year round.

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