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Who else is effected by the Target Security Breach?


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We got an email from our bank that said they had increased security on all of the affected accounts.

Ours too. And we've already had to deal with having our account hacked once this year and they were right on it, cancelled our old cards, and refunded the money.

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I took action on my various cards. Hopefully, that is all that becomes of it.


But oddly, in the middle of the night last night and first thing this morning I got two calls from two seperate international numbers. My husband researched it and they were both numbers with a Vietnamese country code. I did not answer either but my mind immediately wondered if it somehow had any correlation.

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WOW... I better check our bank account... I just found out my sister has been hacked in many ways.. And alot of Face book posts are about these same issues... God help us all.  As if Christmas and heating bills were not bad enough on the wallet... not for us this year, but I have shopped at Target for shoes and thankfully used cash... I did buy some spoiled cheese... that is not looking so bad now.  

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I can't believe I escaped the issue.  I checked both of my cards and I haven't used them there since September on one/ October on the other.  Whew! I am in Target all the time, but must have paid with cash the past few times or the didn't have what I needed. 



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DD and I went shopping Black Friday and she uses her Target Red Card debit card almost daily buying food while she's at work.  I've been checking the account every day (it's a joint account for her and I) and so far nothing has been unusually.  Except for the day after my paycheck goes in, there's never very much money in the account.


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I had used my debit card once during the time period. As soon as I found out I cancelled my card. Our credit union is good that way--if you want to cancel your card for any reason they'll do it.


BlueTaelon, I hope you get your money back! We had our credit card number stolen around this time last year and it was a pain--just the timing of it, that is. Our bank was great about it. But the big problem with that one was that the company that had the breach didn't make it public until well after people had already been affected. It wasn't as large a company as Target but still, it's supposed to be known for great customer service. Grrr! :glare:

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We only used our credit card at Target in that time period.  I've been checking for odd charges, but see nothing.  I'm glad no one in our household used a debit card.


I would guess, though, that these numbers are going to get sold for months to come.  The worst of it may not come for some time.


And who will be responsible?  If us cardholders don't have to pay the charges, does it fall on the merchants who accept the bogus numbers?  Will that result in a lawsuit against Target?


In the end, though, it'll be us paying, via higher prices.


I would have thought Target could have had better protection in place against this sort of thing.  I'm guessing they weren't even the ones who figured out what was happening (unless it was via bad charges on Recards).


I'm actually surprised no one is suggesting we boycott Target because of this mistake.  If they're going to be handling our credit card info, they need to be a little more secure.


We've had this happen with smaller companies, but I'm a lot more forgiving of that.  They just don't have the resources that Target has.

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I'm actually surprised no one is suggesting we boycott Target because of this mistake.  If they're going to be handling our credit card info, they need to be a little more secure.


We've had this happen with smaller companies, but I'm a lot more forgiving of that.  They just don't have the resources that Target has.


Believe me its crossed my mind! I will be sending them a letter explaining my disappointment and wariness to shop at their store again. I don't go there very often as it is so not a major loss to me but it is aggravating.

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I definitely shopped there with my debit card during that period.

We dragged our butts to the bank on Saturday (with kids in tow) and waited for 2 hours to get new cards. Ugh.

But, better safe than sorry!!


We will be changing out habits, and only using our cards as debit at the bank for cash, and as credit anywhere else. The bank recommends it.

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Has anyone figured out if our actual bank account numbers are in jeopardy through the RED debit cards? I know we had to give a check when signing up for the RED debit card, which has my bank account number on it. I've already ordered a new bank debit card, and have been trying (unsuccessfully) to cancel my RED debit card. I really don't want to close my entire bank account, but would in a heartbeat if it's at risk.

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There goes all faith in my bank, they had the nerve to tell me that if my card was involved I would have been contacted! All I can do is file a dispute, in the mean time I don't have access to my money unless I write a check and my checks (I never write checks except to pay the rent) are not local so not accepted at the grocery store and my acct has been drained so I don't have any money to begin with!

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The lawsuits are already beginning:



This is supposedly how they did it:

"The thieves managed to grab the key details for so many cards by getting malware on to the computer systems at the checkout desks in almost 1,800 Target stores in the US. It is still not clear how the thieves managed to get their malware on to the systems.


The thieves had access to card data read at the tills for almost three weeks, said Target in a statement released after it realised it had been under attack."

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There goes all faith in my bank, they had the nerve to tell me that if my card was involved I would have been contacted! All I can do is file a dispute, in the mean time I don't have access to my money unless I write a check and my checks (I never write checks except to pay the rent) are not local so not accepted at the grocery store and my acct has been drained so I don't have any money to begin with!

If it were me, I wouldn't depend on a dispute -- I'd be on the phone all day making a very cranky pest of myself. When they hung up on me, I'd call back.


I'd do the dispute too, but only as a back up. That could take weeks. Even if it does all work out in the end.


Is it a local bank, or a big chain bank?

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Has anyone figured out if our actual bank account numbers are in jeopardy through the RED debit cards? I know we had to give a check when signing up for the RED debit card, which has my bank account number on it. I've already ordered a new bank debit card, and have been trying (unsuccessfully) to cancel my RED debit card. I really don't want to close my entire bank account, but would in a heartbeat if it's at risk.


  Here is my thinking on the redcard debit.  I think it is actually a better situation than using a bank-issued card, because you cannot use that redcard anywhere other than Target.  On top of that, you have to enter the PIN everytime you use it, and they have stressed that PIN numbers were not affected.


I went online and changed my PIN at Target's website- I clicked on "manage my redcard" and followed the various steps there.  I shopped at Target once during the affected time, and that is my only transaction with the card.  We're still going to be monitoring things closely just in case, but I don't feel as if we're in a high-risk situation.


I'm also following the conversations on Target's facebook page, and someone who spoke with customer service added the helpful comment that the representative told them that the information stolen via any redcard debit was only the redcard account numbers- not the linked debit account information to go with it. 

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The lawsuits are already beginning:



This is supposedly how they did it:

"The thieves managed to grab the key details for so many cards by getting malware on to the computer systems at the checkout desks in almost 1,800 Target stores in the US. It is still not clear how the thieves managed to get their malware on to the systems.


The thieves had access to card data read at the tills for almost three weeks, said Target in a statement released after it realised it had been under attack."

Wow! Do they have a list of which stores were compromised, or is that all of them?

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The best thing to do is to get your card canceled and get a new card number. I can't believe JP Morgan doesn't just issue new cards instead of penalizing the customer by limiting their access to money.


We've had our CC used for $2000 worth of purchases. We think the card info was stolen from one of the gas pump readers. The card issuer canceled the card immediately and gave us a new card.

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There goes all faith in my bank, they had the nerve to tell me that if my card was involved I would have been contacted! All I can do is file a dispute, in the mean time I don't have access to my money unless I write a check and my checks (I never write checks except to pay the rent) are not local so not accepted at the grocery store and my acct has been drained so I don't have any money to begin with!

Wow! A few years ago, dh's debit card was compromised (we knew a bunch of people in our area affected in the same way around the same time, but I'm not sure how his number was taken). Our bank actually called dh and said, "you are in X location, and your wife is with you, correct?" Dh said yes. The bank told him that someone took $300 out of an ATM in New Mexico(?) using a fake card and was denied when they tried again. They immediately cut off our cards to that account, sent us new cards overnight and our money was back in our account within 24 hours.

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The lawsuits are already beginning:



This is supposedly how they did it:

"The thieves managed to grab the key details for so many cards by getting malware on to the computer systems at the checkout desks in almost 1,800 Target stores in the US. It is still not clear how the thieves managed to get their malware on to the systems.


The thieves had access to card data read at the tills for almost three weeks, said Target in a statement released after it realised it had been under attack."


Target needs to post a list of the affected store locations.


So far we have had no fraudulent activity but I have too much last minute shopping to do to change it today! We keep a slim margin in the debit account, anyway, so they wouldn't get much. Most is in an unattached savings account and transferred as needed. 


I will be changing account numbers soon. My bank has initiated nothing on this matter - guess I'll have to share with them my opinion on that! The real bummer is that I almost NEVER shop at Target, but went in three times during the affected period. That's probably the most I've been in Target in the last three years!

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It doesn't look like we shopped there during the indicated time period. I just went online to check our balance at one of our banks, and they had a banner across the top about the Target situation. When I clicked on that link, it had a message about how they were monitoring things and had put an extra layer of security into place. It also suggested that we be diligent to monitor our account, and assured us that we would not be held liable for any fraudulent activity as long as we report it in a timely manner. 

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The best thing to do is to get your card canceled and get a new card number. I can't believe JP Morgan doesn't just issue new cards instead of penalizing the customer by limiting their access to money.


We've had our CC used for $2000 worth of purchases. We think the card info was stolen from one of the gas pump readers. The card issuer canceled the card immediately and gave us a new card.


The email I recently got from Chase (J.P Morgan) said that customers affected will be receiving replacement cards in the coming weeks.  The limits are a temporary, but I feel for anyone out of country.  They cannot access funds via overseas atms, just banks.

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Wow! Do they have a list of which stores were compromised, or is that all of them?

The BBC article says "almost 1800 stores". When I look up how many Target stores there are in the US, I find something like 1623.


So, I'm guessing "all" is the answer.


Still no fraudulent charges on our card -- although in checking I've inadvertently discovered which stores my husband is buying Christmas presents at (and I thought we'd agreed no presents!)

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I shopped during that time but I'm not cancelling anything.  The bank has added extra layers of fraud detection, we monitor our own accounts fairly frequently, and Target is offering free fraud protection as well.


It's such an incredible pain to change cards because I have so much auto-withdrawn for bill pay.  I'm more comfortable just taking my chances.  Plus, I know from experience that if anything does happen the bank will refund the money the same day and then I'll deal with the new card.  I just don't want to do it until I have to. 

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I have a dumb question--is getting a new card/number for a credit card the same as closing an account and opening a new one? The card that is comprised is one that we use to get credit toward principal payments for our mortgage. It's not worth identity theft, but I've been dragging my feet to cancel because of it; I don't want to have to start over with points or not be able to get the same deal again--it's saving us some big bucks. The bank is taking extra measures, and the account is very easy to monitor, but I really want a new card with new numbers.

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I have a dumb question--is getting a new card/number for a credit card the same as closing an account and opening a new one? The card that is comprised is one that we use to get credit toward principal payments for our mortgage. It's not worth identity theft, but I've been dragging my feet to cancel because of it; I don't want to have to start over with points or not be able to get the same deal again--it's saving us some big bucks. The bank is taking extra measures, and the account is very easy to monitor, but I really want a new card with new numbers.


No, having the card reissued is not the same as canceling it. If you have anything automatically billed to the card you would have to make some changes as the number would be different, but the account is the same (limits, points, rates, etc.)

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We used debit in that time frame. I ended up cancelling cards just to be safe because banks and credit card companies do not always do what they say they will do in cases of fraud. I also did not want to risk late fees or penalties for all of our auto-pays. I spent about a half hour checking auto-pays and switching them to a card we did not use at Target before cancelling.

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My dh would have been affected but he just had to have his card reissued because it was stolen by hackers who hit Bojangles right before they announced this.  They tried to make a really large purchase but the bank caught it before it went through.


We are going to start using cash, this is just the tip of the iceberg, methinks....



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I did shop there, but only with a credit card.  So far, no problems.

My husband spent $5 there on Black Friday but I haven't seen any fraudulent activity on the account.


I had my credit card replaced without asking, apparently part of some other breach, during the summer. Bleh.


By the way, at that time, I had autopays or whatever go to the new card, no problem, and two times much later, I had returns on that account, and they transferred over fine.

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I talked to my bank this morning. My husband used his card and it was on their compromised list and they have already sent a new card. I had them terminate his old one now instead of waiting till the new one arrived because we have college financial aid money arriving in the bank account in another week and so I didn't want to take any chances. 

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I used my credit card at Target about three times during that period, and wouldn't you know...  I had fraudulent charges on it totaling over $10,000 from some company called LuvRocks out of California!  I found it myself when checking online last week, and immediately called my credit card company.  They could see that the charges were fraudulent because of all the "testing" charges (charging small amounts at first, then moving on to bigger and bigger) and immediately cancelled my card.  Some charges were still pending and they were able to block them.  The rest they will credit to my account, but I need to fill out all the paper work.

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DH just got a call that some idiot tried to charge $38k worth at a Home Depot in FL. That charge got declined (what individual has a card limit that high?) and his bank immediately sent him a fraud alert. It's a pain in the neck to have to get a new credit card, but at least it wasn't a debit card that got compromised.

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