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Who wants to see my baby? :) Pictures in thread.


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Now introducing the newest homeschooler.  John Andrew.  Born 10/30 and he's been with us since we got to the hospital about 3 hours after he was born.  Birthmother is a doll and did a great job of baking him.  He was full term and she never smoke or drank.  We *heart* her so much for giving us this blessing. 


Please don't quote ... I will be taking the pictures down eventually. 


Also I have a few questions since it's been awhile since I've had a newborn.


What do I do with the small flannel receiving blankets I've been given as gifts?

What about the small "pretty" cloth diapers - not the cotton prefold kind but the kind that have things embroidered on them and aren't really appropriate to be diapers?

What are your absolute favorite baby items?








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Congratulations!!!  He's adorable!  Use the receiving blankets to swaddle.  My favorite baby item is Hyland's Teething Tablets!  They dissolve quickly in the mouth.  Good grief they saved us a lot of sleepless nights.  I also love their Bumps and Bruises tablets (they keep kids from bruising when they fall or bump into something), and Gripe Water if there's colic, excess gas or extreme fussiness.


Indy was 8.5 when Han Solo was born, so having a newborn was shocking.

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congratulations! he is a beautiful baby!


I used my pretty diapers. you spend so much time changing nappies you might as well have pretty ones! and I love receiving blankets. you can never have too many. keep one in the car, in the stroller, in the diaper bag, on the floor wherever you might want to set him down, etc. and then turn them into pretty diapers!


favorite baby item, hands down, was my wrap.

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Beautiful pics! Congratulations to the whole family!


I always found the store-bought receiving blankets to be too small, but I made my own a bit bigger that I used for nursing privacy or having a relatively clean surface to lay baby down on floor, especially when out of the house (preferred quilts for floor time at home).

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The smaller receiving blankets that are too small for swaddling are perfect as burp cloths (I liked them better than actualy burp cloths because my kids knew to spit up just beyond the end of the regular burp cloth it seemed lol).  They are good to tuck into the diaper bag to lay on the floor for diaper changes etc too.  The decorative diapers you still use, but then you take pictures and post for other cloth lovers to ohh and ahh over.  You could use them as diaper covers too if they are thinner ones.

As for favorite baby items, definitely with my youngest my favorite item was my wrap.  I used that thing for years.  got her nice and snug tied to me and went about my business schooling the others, doing chores etc.

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Awwwwwww. :001_wub:


And I can see that he's bookish already. ;) :001_smile:


Fave baby items? Sleep sacks. (Not fleece ones, but cotton ones -- either lightweight ones for summer or heavier, quilted ones for winter.) Mustela baby products smell wonderful too.


Enjoy your new little guy. What a sweet baby! And I'd say he's quite lucky to have your beautiful family too.

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Congratulations! I remember bringing home our newborn daughter like it was yesterday ...17 years ago. We picked her up from agency....we left office thinking ...no, knowing we'd won the lottery!


That's fascinating because I keep telling people I feel like I won the baby lottery.  I wonder if that's just a feeling that comes with adoption.

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Oh, you lucky, lucky thing! He is precious!


I would use the pretty diapers, but maybe I'm not picturing the right thing. I used cloth dipes and I had All-In-One's and prefolds. The AIOs were "pretty" because the outside is the cover. 


The blankets for swaddling. 

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Look at that hair - I had a bald baby - he has hair now.  :lol:

The receiving blankets should all be used for whatever they come in handy and when the kid is in his twenties, you can still wipe the dog's paws off with them.


Best kid equipment: The "Ouch Mouse". It is a fabric mouse with a pouch (should have been a kangaroo!) and a plastic ice cube is stored in the pouch. We kept it in the freezer on a lower shelf and whenever my ds bumped his head, he darted for the fridge and screamed : "Ouch Mouse."



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