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Does the sound of chewing make you want to barf/punch things?


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The sound of someone chewing in close proximity to me never bothered me--I really never even registered it as a sound--until a few years ago. One day my oldest was sitting next to me at the table; we were both reading and eating in the quiet kitchen, and suddenly, the sound of chewing penetrated my brain and I wanted to both barf and yell at said child! Since then, I've found it bothering me on a regular basis, and it makes me irrationally angry  :confused1:  I usually have to get up and go into another room. Sometimes, if it's really quiet, the sound of my own chewing does it too  :willy_nilly:


I'm asking because we're trapped in a hotel room at the moment, and the same child is eating a piece of rye bread--across the room!--and making my stomach turn. Is that weird?! Do people have irrational reactions to other sounds?

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Not me, but apparently this is a known disorder called misophonia.  Ordinary noises can bother a person inordinately.  I know a person who has this, and when other people chew, talk during movies, or mow their lawn down the street, it bothers this person a LOT.  You can google it but I don't know if there's much you can do about it except play background music. HTH!

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Oh my, yes! I can't stand to hear other people chew. I am amazed at how loud people can be eating the quietest of foods. Ugh! I regularly leave the room when my husband snacks. I'm constantly telling my son to chew more quietly. Ugh. Bleach. Gross. Fingernails on a chalkboard annoying. Ick. Gag.


I guess I'll stop now.

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Not me, but apparently this is a known disorder called misophonia.  Ordinary noises can bother a person inordinately.  I know a person who has this, and when other people chew, talk during movies, or mow their lawn down the street, it bothers this person a LOT.  You can google it but I don't know if there's much you can do about it except play background music. HTH!


Oh, how interesting! I've never even heard of this! Thankfully it doesn't affect my everyday life--I only notice it when someone is close to me and the room is quiet. But I'm always surprised at how angry it makes me, even though I know that makes no sense. And I do get annoyed when people talk during movies and play their music loudly, but I've always assumed that was because I was raised to think it was pretty inconsiderate of others (and my parents kept a pretty quiet house, in a quiet neighborhood). Noises like construction or gum snapping or lawn mowing don't bother me.


I just did a quick Google search, but I'll have to do some more reading about it. Thanks!

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Oh, this is me too... except not the 'barf' part! Listening to people chew, drink and eat has bothered me for a long time. It got worse when I had kids. The slurping and lipsmacking and swallowing!!! What's funny is I annoy myself as well - some foods can't be eaten quietly and it drives me nuts! We'll, at least we aren't alone. I don't think anything can be done about it. I just try to ignore and be thankful that my kids are actually eating something instead of complaining about it.

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Oh my, yes! I can't stand to hear other people chew. I am amazed at how loud people can be eating the quietest of foods. Ugh! I regularly leave the room when my husband snacks. I'm constantly telling my son to chew more quietly. Ugh. Bleach. Gross. Fingernails on a chalkboard annoying. Ick. Gag.


I guess I'll stop now.

Me too. If my kids do that at the table I make them leave the table. I cannot stand it. I make exceptions for colds that turn them to mouth breathers or some meals eaten with braces, but otherwise expect them to take a bite that can be eaten with their mouth shut and don't make extra noises about it.

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Yes, if it's quiet and someone is eating it can make me very irritated.   Not ill, just annoyed.  My family are not sloppy eaters and are not doing anything wrong; it's my problem.  


Just last night it was very quiet as we were finishing dinner and at one point my husband's eating sounds made me jump up to start doing the dishes.  I couldn't stand it.   I find it weird that it makes me angry! 


Unrelated but what the heck: I also can't stand the feel of someone's breath on my face.  It's not a matter of bad-smelling breath, but the feeling of breath on my face.  Ugh.  Even when my kids were little and I snuggled them to sleep I couldn't stand it if their breath hit me in the face.



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The sound of someone chewing in close proximity to me never bothered me--I really never even registered it as a sound--until a few years ago. One day my oldest was sitting next to me at the table; we were both reading and eating in the quiet kitchen, and suddenly, the sound of chewing penetrated my brain and I wanted to both barf and yell at said child! Since then, I've found it bothering me on a regular basis, and it makes me irrationally angry  :confused1:  I usually have to get up and go into another room. Sometimes, if it's really quiet, the sound of my own chewing does it too  :willy_nilly:


I'm asking because we're trapped in a hotel room at the moment, and the same child is eating a piece of rye bread--across the room!--and making my stomach turn. Is that weird?! Do people have irrational reactions to other sounds?

Yes.  It also started just a few years ago I had never noticed others chewing before then.  It just makes me angry/irritated not barfy.

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Ugh. When we snuggle up I get really annoyed if my dh or dc breathe on me too. My dh laughs at me for telling him to quit breathing on me at night. "Yes dear. I'll just roll this way and stop breathing. Sorry being alive has annoyed you dear." Smart alec. *roll eyes* ;)

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Not me, but apparently this is a known disorder called misophonia.  Ordinary noises can bother a person inordinately.  I know a person who has this, and when other people chew, talk during movies, or mow their lawn down the street, it bothers this person a LOT.  You can google it but I don't know if there's much you can do about it except play background music. HTH!

Wow I didn't know this.  I definitely must have misophonia because lots of normal noises bother me.

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Ha - this post made me laugh!  I don't mind those sounds, but I do have one child who is like this.  She never brings it up (out of politeness to those around her), but I often see her subtly covering her ears or moving into another room.  For her, chewing sounds = gross.  She is grossed out by so many things, that she has admitted to me that she is not sure how she will handle it if her someday-children ever throw up.  And that wasn't meant to be just a funny comment by her; she really is concerned about that!

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Ugh, I don't want to punch people, but I have been known to make an excuse to leave athe room for a few minutes when it gets particularly bad. It just makes my hair stand on end. When I'm pregnant, yes, it makes me want to barf. With some food it really is unavoidable, but that doesn't make it bother me any less, lol. We are not cows, so I'd like not to sound like it.

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Yep. Always been this way. Chewing and swallowing noises make me angry! I hate them! I try to always have some kind of background noise going when we are eating. And like a pp said, sometimes even my own chewing or swallowing noises have the same effect.

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Yes, I have been this way since I was a little girl. It's sort of embarrassing because I have a hard time acting normal (conversing, smiling pleasantly) when nasty chewing is going on. I feel twitchy and like I want to scream/leave. I feel badly because I am sure I am on my kids' backs about their chewing more than I should be...

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Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in this (though I'm sorry it affects so many of us). I'm really grateful no one in our house does chew with mouth open--I can only imagine how I'd react *shudder* I was doing some reading on the misophonia and general sensory defensiveness, and I guess I can say that (probably like most people), I do have some sensory defensiveness (touching polyester and some other synthetic fabrics actually makes me a little queasy), I can't stand when music or a TV is on when people are trying to talk to me (or even to each other), the chewing thing etc. I guess we all have some weird stuff, huh?


Thanks everyone.

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My son has this (misophonia). It's only family that bothers him though - he can eat with his barbarian teen friends with no problem. He wears ear phones at family dinner, and he gets up and flees as soon as he can. Being around his younger sister at all seems to be irritating, but I don't know if that is because of some noise (breathing!) or just because they are being cranky siblings.


I've read that it can worsen as you get older, and other noises can get added. I hope that isn't the case for him. I actually had it towards my husband when we first got married, and then it just kind of went away. It still bothers me some when everything else is quiet and he's chewing loudly, but I no longer want to leap for his throat like I used to lol. I know it is really irritating for my son when any of us eat, and anyone chewing gum is painful for him.

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In the last couple of years I've become sensitive to eating noises, but I don't feel like I want to barf. I do feel pretty irritated, but not angry. My husband and one of my sons inhale and slurp when they eat, usually because they take bites that are too big or try to eat hot food to quickly. They also slurp coffee. Not to mention that my husband's teeth now clack when he chews after getting a crown. I love to make and eat soup/stews, but It has become very trying to sit and listen to everyone eat it. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like with just me and dh at the table when the kids are gone. I think we will have to eat in front of the tv to save my sanity.


I have a friend who has misophonia and she is on meds for it. She gets fly off the handle angry.


I also don't like random, no purpose, whistling. If you are going to whistle a tune, whistle a tune, don't just make whistling noises, or drumming, or beat box noises. Dh can not get it in his head that this bothers me.

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I also don't like random, no purpose, whistling. If you are going to whistle a tune, whistle a tune, don't just make whistling noises, or drumming, or beat box noises. Dh can not get it in his head that this bothers me.


I kind of always thought this annoyed everyone, no? It's so interesting to see how different people perceive things. Reactions I've always thought of as completely normal may not be, really. See, now I need to ask about the music/talking during movies thing. 

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The sound of someone chewing in close proximity to me never bothered me--I really never even registered it as a sound--until a few years ago. One day my oldest was sitting next to me at the table; we were both reading and eating in the quiet kitchen, and suddenly, the sound of chewing penetrated my brain and I wanted to both barf and yell at said child! Since then, I've found it bothering me on a regular basis, and it makes me irrationally angry  :confused1:  I usually have to get up and go into another room. Sometimes, if it's really quiet, the sound of my own chewing does it too  :willy_nilly:


I'm asking because we're trapped in a hotel room at the moment, and the same child is eating a piece of rye bread--across the room!--and making my stomach turn. Is that weird?! Do people have irrational reactions to other sounds?


Yes,... but it never used to bother me either. Same with whistling. I never noticed it before, but now it's like nails on a chalkboard.  My dh whistles under his breath (like a whisper whistle) and it drives me batty.  I wonder if it has something to do with getting older.  Stuff that didn't used to bother me now grates on me.

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My kids and I go crazy, literally flinch and cringe and want to snap.  Dh doesn't even notice.

I had to train them early on to never say anything about it to someone, rather to remove themselves from the proximity or hum to themselves.  It really, really, bothers us and I don't know why.

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Oh, how interesting! I've never even heard of this! Thankfully it doesn't affect my everyday life--I only notice it when someone is close to me and the room is quiet. But I'm always surprised at how angry it makes me, even though I know that makes no sense. And I do get annoyed when people talk during movies and play their music loudly, but I've always assumed that was because I was raised to think it was pretty inconsiderate of others (and my parents kept a pretty quiet house, in a quiet neighborhood). Noises like construction or gum snapping or lawn mowing don't bother me.


I just did a quick Google search, but I'll have to do some more reading about it. Thanks!


Construction noises and mowing don't really bother me either, unless the are happening at odd hours.  Mow your lawn at 6am and I will be silently cursing you.  Do it on a regular basis, well then....




Oh, this is me too... except not the 'barf' part! Listening to people chew, drink and eat has bothered me for a long time. It got worse when I had kids. The slurping and lipsmacking and swallowing!!! What's funny is I annoy myself as well - some foods can't be eaten quietly and it drives me nuts! We'll, at least we aren't alone. I don't think anything can be done about it. I just try to ignore and be thankful that my kids are actually eating something instead of complaining about it.

I annoy myself as well.  Drives me crazy that it drives me crazy.  :)




Yes! My dh doesn't chew with his mouth open, but we say his ears have amplifiers in them. He chews so loud!!


Oh, my gosh!  Yes!! I say this to dh all of the time.  Seriously, do some people have internal speakers?



In the last couple of years I've become sensitive to eating noises, but I don't feel like I want to barf. I do feel pretty irritated, but not angry. My husband and one of my sons inhale and slurp when they eat, usually because they take bites that are too big or try to eat hot food to quickly. They also slurp coffee. Not to mention that my husband's teeth now clack when he chews after getting a crown. I love to make and eat soup/stews, but It has become very trying to sit and listen to everyone eat it. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like with just me and dh at the table when the kids are gone. I think we will have to eat in front of the tv to save my sanity.


I have a friend who has misophonia and she is on meds for it. She gets fly off the handle angry.


I also don't like random, no purpose, whistling. If you are going to whistle a tune, whistle a tune, don't just make whistling noises, or drumming, or beat box noises. Dh can not get it in his head that this bothers me.

Whistling drives. me. crazy.  I really want to punch people.  If you tap, beat box, make unneeded noises then I can not be responsible for my actions toward you. 

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Interesting how many have said that hearing someone chew gum bothers them. Oddly enough, that doesn't bother me at all. Nor does crunching. It is the soft food mushy smacky noise that I cannot stand. Along with gulping when swallowing. My dh drives me crazy when he drinks anything. He breathes into his cup while drinking and then gulps loudly. Drives me crazy! (Did I mention that it drives me crazy?)  :)

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Whistling drives. me. crazy. I really want to punch people. If you tap, beat box, make unneeded noises then I can not be responsible for my actions toward you.

This is why I can.not watch basketball. The squeak of the shoes and the constant thump, thump, thump of the ball o_O Drives me crazy!


After 45 years I've finally learned to leave and not say anything when someone starts eating ;) but woe is you, if you follow me, with your food!

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Interesting how many have said that hearing someone chew gum bothers them. Oddly enough, that doesn't bother me at all. Nor does crunching. It is the soft food mushy smacky noise that I cannot stand. Along with gulping when swallowing. My dh drives me crazy when he drinks anything. He breathes into his cup while drinking and then gulps loudly. Drives me crazy! (Did I mention that it drives me crazy?) :)

This!! I have noticed, with my kids, that bananas are the very worst. I have to hide when they eat bananas. It is so stinking gross. And ODS gulps super loud when he drinks. I didn't know it was possible to make so much noise while drinking. It's insane.


I also am sensitive to many other noises like ticking clocks, the dog licking itself, and exhaust fans. I get crazy stressed out and I often don't realize it until the sound stops and I can breathe again.

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Why yes, yes it does.  Seems like it's a recent thing I have to block my ears it's so annoying and amplified.  The very strange thing is that I am deaf in one ear but chewing sounds are extrememly louder than other sounds.  Weird huh?

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My dh.  He's always been this way, but it has gotten much worse over the years.  There are evenings when he leaves the dining table because it's bothering him so much.  It grates on his nerves, and he gets so on edge you don't want to be around him.  He works with a man that is always chewing on something: ice, celery, carrots, anything crunchy.  Dh finally was able to move several cubicles away because it was affecting his ability to concentrate on his work.  It's real.  Telling the person to deal with it or learn to live with it doesn't help either.

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Yes. Any environment in which I can perceive people chewing irritates me, can make me feel something close to rage and frequently makes my stomach churn. Those TV commercials where people are biting into things? GAK! I cannot watch. Also churn-worthy is people eating food that is inherently messy; chicken wings, corn-on-the-cob, sandwiches that leave condiments on their faces.... :ack2:


Incidentally, this is also why I DETEST chewing gum/bubble gum! 

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This is why I can.not watch basketball. The squeak of the shoes and the constant thump, thump, thump of the ball o_O Drives me crazy!


After 45 years I've finally learned to leave and not say anything when someone starts eating ;) but woe is you, if you follow me, with your food!

 You are the only other person I've ever heard say this, I cannot watch basketball, or have it on within earshot.  The squeaking drives me nuts, which in turn makes my dh think I am nuts.  I will have to tell him there is another person in the world with basketball intolerance.

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Yep.  I can't stand it at all.  No chewing noises.  No mouth noises at all.  I cannot tolerate someone eating a banana (even myself!) within earshot.  It literally makes me queasy.


I can't stand that kissing noise, either.  I have to concentrate hard to block it out.  

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I have not read replies, but yes, it's actually so bad for me that I eat meals in a separate room from my family. It actually makes me wretch and shake and get very very angry. I actually went to the doctor for it and found out it's an anxiety and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. I went on anxiety meds (I literally wanted to hurt my family) and it's 98% better now...but it also helped a TON of other things I didn't realize was a problem.  Now that I'm on them, I feel soooo much better and my marriage is safe (it wasn't safe before...mostly b/c of the chewing..oh yeah, and my husband's breathing, etc). My husband is very anti med...especially for anxiety, depression, etc. and HE actually asked me to go to a doctor because I was out of control. I'm so glad I did.

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Yes, I have been this way since I was a little girl. It's sort of embarrassing because I have a hard time acting normal (conversing, smiling pleasantly) when nasty chewing is going on. I feel twitchy and like I want to scream/leave. I feel badly because I am sure I am on my kids' backs about their chewing more than I should be...

Me, too. As far back as I can remember!


I hate leaf blowers. Stupid lazy obnoxious unnecessary machines.


Mowing and weedeaters don't bother me.


But I hate leaf blowers.


Preach it, sister! Both dh and I *despise* leaf blowers!! Our neighbor uses his weedeater with a blower attachment that is just as bad as the actual blower. We use a broom and it freaks everyone out! We have had more than one neighbor offer to lend us their leaf blower. 

No, but the sound of flip flops flopping bugs me. 


Me, too. The 'flapping' is annoying, but what annoys me more is when they don't pick up their feet. I want to scream at those who scrape around the stores "PICK YOUR FEET UP!!!" One day, I am sure I will just snap and do it!!


I also am sensitive to many other noises like ticking clocks, the dog licking itself, and exhaust fans. I get crazy stressed out and I often don't realize it until the sound stops and I can breathe again.


Yep----I can handle being in a noisy environment, but any of the noises you mentioned (and the chewing from the OP) will send me off the deep end. I laughed at the exhaust fan.... I hate when dh uses ours while cooking. He has it on all.the.time even if it isn't necessary. Arrrgghh!


 You are the only other person I've ever heard say this, I cannot watch basketball, or have it on within earshot.  The squeaking drives me nuts, which in turn makes my dh think I am nuts.  I will have to tell him there is another person in the world with basketball intolerance.


There are three of us now! I visibly cringe and people wonder what is wrong with me. Heaven help me if we are in a store like Best Buy and it's on all.of.the.TVs!! I have to leave.


Add in sloppy kissing for me. I can't stand movies where you can hear them suck face. It makes me want to crawl right out of my skin.


Now, THAT makes me want to barf! I think that's the new thing in movies, too.... Twilight comes to mind as the 'oldest' one I remember hearing it in, and now I hear it in all of them! Yuck!! I'm like "really? who kisses like that in real life?"


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