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Just wanted to pop in and say hello!


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Thank you for the warm and welcoming hellos and questions.


I got wrapped up in school and survival and just got out of the habit of visiting daily. I've had a hard time juggling it all; for instance, we are doing Middle School Chemistry this summer when we should have done it last year.


Our eldest, Aaron, had his wedding in May. Neither he nor his wife finished their degrees, and I think money is starting to get tight.


Our other boys are okay -- challenging, really. They still love Minecraft, but when I kick them off, Nathan has been devouring Agatha Christie after I followed Susan's recommendation for him to read Murder on the Orient Express. Ben enjoys figuring out by ear video game songs. The rest of their time is spent fighting, it seems. They enjoyed a couple summer camps too.


I've been working out daily and focusing on eating well for me -- gluten-free, practically grain-free, and not only am I more than ten pounds heavier than last year, I haven't dropped a pound despite my summer vigilance. I am happy to say I can now run for 40 minutes straight. My TSH is finally stabilized, but I just had adrenal testing last week. I'm awaiting the results. I also have a repeat ultrasound next month to check on an ovarian cyst.


My husband and I are still together (and will continue to be so). We are in survival mode, and honestly, I just have no fond feelings. But, it is what it is, and I really don't want to dwell on it. :)


Aside from focusing on my health this summer, I've been wrapped up in genealogy and preparing for the school year. :)

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So you were trying to gain weight~or lose it?

Lose. I'm 15 pounds heavier than I wa 5 years ago. I've lost some throughout the years and gained it back when not vigilant, but it seems since my Hashimoto's, I have been unable to lose. In fact, I'm gaining.

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But are you gaining inches? If you have increased your exercise that much, I would assume that you are gaining muscle which does weigh more than fat. That's why really fit people can be very compact but actually weigh more than a BMI chart says that they should.

Yes, my clothes fit more tightly.


But, I am also starting to track my food intake because it's so easy to go over and not realize it. And, I'm back on a strength-training routine because really, in a day, a drop of 300 calories is not that much. I think I'm just going to focus on increasing my muscle mass as well as cardio. Now that the boys are older, I find I'm not moving in general as much, so I'm sure my muscle mass has diminished which is horrible for a person with Hashimoto's. I spend a lot of time sitting, and I need to work on this.

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