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Backing in to parking spots


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Apparently, I missed the meeting where everyone decided that the cool, modern thing to do is to back into parking spaces. EVERYONE is doing it now. I sort of get that it decreases the odds of hitting someone when you back into a space then pull out to the moving traffic. (This is the best explaination I could think of. Feel free to enlighten me.) However, for the love of all that is decent and holy, PLEASE do not back into a space if you lack the skills to do so efficiently. I really wish they'd have separate licensing requirements for driving mondo big vehicles . I'm not convinced everyone currently on the road would pass that test. I get that there is a learning curve, but it would be really nice if people would puzzle this out before hitting the road then annexing part of my parking space.


I think I'm finished now.

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Yeah, what is with that? I would think trying to back a gigantor SUV into a tiny parking space would be harder than just backing it out when you're done.


What pisses me off is when people in said SUVs, to ensure that no one scratches their precious paint job, park over the place where the lines cross in a double parking row, thus taking up four parking spaces. Yes, their vehicle won't get accidentally scratched that way, but it makes everyone that walks through the parking lot want to scratch it on purpose.

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This made me laugh. Not at you, because i feel your pain regarding lousy parking practices. I laughed because i thought of Dh who has serious parking skills. He can, and does, back anything into any spot, in one, try perfectly. I'm amazed. I, on the other hand, will be sticking to pulling into spots the conventional way, for my sanity, as well as for the safety of all surrounding vehicles. :D

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I would probably fail if I had to properly back into a parking space, even while driving a smart car! :lol: Sometimes I practice by backing into the garage but only if dh is around to watch. Anytime my vehicle is in a parking spot facing out it is because I pulled through the spot behind it.


Curse those crazy drivers you encountered today! :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

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Yeah, what is with that? I would think trying to back a gigantor SUV into a tiny parking space would be harder than just backing it out when you're done.


What pisses me off is when people in said SUVs, to ensure that no one scratches their precious paint job, park over the place where the lines cross in a double parking row, thus taking up four parking spaces. Yes, their vehicle won't get accidentally scratched that way, but it makes everyone that walks through the parking lot want to scratch it on purpose.

This looks like a better way to get you're point across without doing something illegal.


*Removed picture per SWB request.

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My husband always backs up into parking places and the garage. He has since we've been married. I've never asked why. It's so normal for him, and he is a pro at it. It's definitely safer (though always have to look around vehicle to double check) when having children and pets around the house or parking lots.

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This looks like a better way to get you're point across without doing something illegal.




When I see this it makes me wish I had a really, ugly, old, beat up car. I would park it so close that the driver would have to get in the passenger side and crawl over to drive the car.


I don't like parking next to people so I park at the back of the parking lot. I mainly do this so I can swing my doors open all the way and not have to worry about hitting another car. I also like to take my time with unloading my purchases.

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This morning I drove to the library in our 12 passenger Chevy Van. I went toward the back of the empty parking lot and backed into a parking spot. In a tight parking lot I find it so much easier to pull out a van rather than back out a van. The parking lot fills up as the morning goes on and I appreciate the ability to quickly pull out.


Backing in is easier to me than backing out in certain circumstances.


So that's why I do it.

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I love to back into parking spaces but I know the dimensions of my car well, have a vehicle where I can see very well out the back window and have backed into tight spots for years.


I had a driving instructor who always joked that we all needed to practice backing into tight spaces so we could quickly leave if we had to...apparently it stuck. :) :)

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Actually in Singapore, I would have to do both parallel parking and back in parking during the driving test to get my driver's license for manual driving. That was like late 80s.

Most of the cars there do come with the "beeping sensors" though so backing in was not too difficult.

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I have a back-up camera in my Explorer, so backing into spots is fun for me. And I can do it perfectly and quickly. But I only do it in a few places, and only if I'm not holding anyone up.

I've had the car for almost a year and a half, and the camera is still like a new toy. I am easily entertained. :p

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It is a driver safety training point.


When pulling into an area, you are the most visible. Imagine you are driving down a street with playing children bounding around, and then into your own driveway. When you are pulling into the neighborhood you are usually quite visible, driving down the street. A continuation of the idea of 'an object in motion, stays in motion' If you pull into your driveway front first an park, then you must back out.


When you are the stationary object that is just getting started into motion, you are the least visible. If you are the car backing out of the driveway, the people and cars driving down the street have to anticipate your movements.


If you back into a parking space when you are the most visible to the general populous, you are decreasing the likelihood of hitting something or getting hit when you pull out.


If you wait to back out when you are the least visible, you are compounding the issue.

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I mostly use "pull-thrus" in big lots. If I park far enough from the store, I can almost always get a pull-thru.


I am a very good backer-upper and parallel-Parker when I need it.


My hardest parallel park was at an airport. I had to park against a cement wall on the driver's side. If I got too close, I couldn't open the door; too far and I was in a driving lane. It's different doing it the opposite way you are used to.

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I will own up to hogging two spaces if there are no handicapped spots open when my son is with me. I almost want to make a sign that says " Don't hate me. I need side wheelchair access." I've only had to do it once.


I say, go for it! Even if you were a mom with a couple of small children struggling with a huge stroller I wouldn't have a problem with you taking up a couple of spaces. It just happens that usually when I have witnessed the driver of a car taking up two spaces it is ONE person. Give me a break! One person, one spot.

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I really wish they'd have separate licensing requirements for driving mondo big vehicles . I'm not convinced everyone currently on the road would pass that test. I get that there is a learning curve, but it would be really nice if people would puzzle this out before hitting the road then annexing part of my parking space.


I think I'm finished now.



I've told the story here before of being asked to move my own car (that I was parking at the time) so that a tourist could get his enormous 4x4 into a parking space. If you can't park the thing, don't hire the thing!



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I back into spaces all the time. It's actually easier to back into small spaces and I back onto my narrow wonky drive. I hate reversing off it though because visibility is hindered by a hedge. Maybe people hone their reversing skills more here because the roads are narrower so you can't get away very well without the ability to reverse down a lane on a steep hill with a ditch either side to find a passing place for a tractor.

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It is a HUGE thing to do in Europe. I swear more than half the cars parked in the parking houses are backed in. Of course the parking spots in Europe are about /_/ <- this big, so it takes forever for people to back in. I get very impatient waiting for them to back in. I never back into a spot. I suck at backing up, unless it's pulling out of a parking spot. I have a back up camera (greatest invention ever for cars), and now drive a sedan (I drove an SUV before-with a back up camera!), but I still suck at it.


BTW, James Bond has mad parking skillz. He can park anything, anywhere. He says it's because he's had to work with al those huge military vehicles, so a car is nothing.

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When I see this it makes me wish I had a really, ugly, old, beat up car. I would park it so close that the driver would have to get in the passenger side and crawl over to drive the car.


I don't like parking next to people so I park at the back of the parking lot. I mainly do this so I can swing my doors open all the way and not have to worry about hitting another car. I also like to take my time with unloading my purchases.



Ha! That was the first thing I thought of too, and I DO have an ugly old beat-up car :lol: I think I'll start carrying chalk in my car instead though :coolgleamA:

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I think I'm a pretty good backer-upper, but I prefer being able to pull thru so the car ends up as if I backed in but I don't have the (very slight) hassle of actually doing it. I'm lazy.


But I have to say that peoples' parking habits don't even make my pet peeve list. Maybe I don't get out enough.

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You have to be able to back in to pass your driving test here. I spent several lessons politely explaining my why back in theories -- my favorite was why not just drive through. I still don't back in often because I generally seem to end up driving places where I have to park on the street.


The reality is you can get into super tight spots from odd angles in one go. Dh does it all the time. The only problem is we may be parked but can't get out of the car, 2 inches each side.:lol:


It isn't so hard after you figure out the "formula" for your car. Lots of online directions. In very basic terms you pull up to the spot, three parking lines up, adjust side view mirrors so you can see markings, start with one a half turns to the wheel, watch mirrors for the lines and go. My instructor had pieces of electrical tape strategically placed on his car that needed to be alligned too.

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I will own up to hogging two spaces if there are no handicapped spots open when my son is with me. I almost want to make a sign that says " Don't hate me. I need side wheelchair access." I've only had to do it once.



You totally should make a sign and keep it in the car. Put it in the windshield when you have to do this.

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I'm not cool. Promise. I back in (unless I pull through to avoid backing in) when possible, w/ the possible exception being when I am at Costco (have to load my stuff in the back). I never take two spaces, so let me defend my parking habits:

A family member worked for a utility company and drove big trucks for work. It was mandatory for him to back in. He was taught at work that people are more aware of you as you pull into a parking lot (and therefore parking space too) than when you leave.

When I went from driving a little 4 door sedan to a big butt Chevy Astro van years ago, I was terrified that I would plow over a child in that thing, so I started backing in to park. The habit stuck. I make no apologies for my attempts to be as safe as possible and not hurt anyone. smile.gif I try to be considerate and not make others WAIT for me to back in. I will often park farther (or is it further?) away and pull through so people don't have to wait for me.

And lest I sound as if I am sanctifying myself, I will say this: I don't make 3 point turns (in general, not just parking). I make 33 point turns. *blush*



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DH and I have wondered this too. The only thing I can come up with is that there is a huge demand for valet parkers, and everyone is practicing. If you do it in one smooth movement, great. The delightful soul in the Target parking lot who kept pulling in and out to adjust, now she needs to just stop, or do it on the far edge of the parking lot where she's not creating a backlog of cars and pedestrians.


I blame the backup cameras now in many cars. (Though they're awesome and I love mine!)

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I will own up to hogging two spaces if there are no handicapped spots open when my son is with me. I almost want to make a sign that says " Don't hate me. I need side wheelchair access." I've only had to do it once.



Do you do this? Because at Costco yesterday there were NO handicapped spaces left. I parked in Siberia in order to have unloading space and my son still had to scoot across the van getting out and getting back in later. And by the time we got out from shopping even the spot next to us had been taken and we only barely could get his chair up next to the van. I was very close to having to leave my son in a busy parking lot, back out my van into the traffic lane and then load him.


I totally get that there are lots and lots of perfectly legitimate reasons to need and use handicapped parking but PLEASE, don't take the last spot if you could possibly manage not to. Some of us have serious logistical concerns!


Rant over :)


When I'm alone I gladly park far away so I can pull our van through two spots and be pointing out when I leave. I could always use the extra exercise anyway :)

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I found your post hilarious. My DH backs the boat and trailers around like they aren't even there he's been doing it so long. That said he struggles to get my Suburban between the lines if he parks it forward, but backing in he can do without a problem. It makes no sense to me.

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My husband backs into parking spaces. He also backs into the garage. He thinks it helps him to leave more quickly and conveniently. However, he pulled out from a restaurant parking place after backing in and wasn't able to see so he hit someone passing by so I'm not thinking there is any advantage here. Also, he has a back-up camera on his car. In addition, we have a large driveway which allows for turning around and pulling out into the street without backing out of the driveway.


I don't understand the appeal, either, OP.

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My husband is a back-in parker. He says anyplace where there are kids around (which is most places we go), it is safer. That's why he does it. But, his car is a little thing.


I also think that poor rear visibility in some SUVs makes backing almost necessary. Have you ever been in a Nissan Rogue? Can't see out the back for jack. Mistubishi Outlander? Looks like it has a big back window but it's a trick, the sides of the back are opaque.

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I always look for a "get-away" parking spot (does anyone else call it that?) so I pull in and it looks like I backed in. I do it because I hate backing out of parking spots. My DH, however, always backs into parking spots. I wouldn't care except that he doesn't turn on his turn signal and what always ends up happening is he passes the parking spot he wants and someone behind him starts to take the spot by pulling in forwards and then my DH gets all ticked off at the other driver, because apparently the other driver is suppose to know that my DH was going to take that spot. :huh:

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Hmm...I haven't noticed this trend here; but now that I'm aware of it maybe I will! I pull through spots sometimes and can parallel park most cars pretty well. I've been driving a Mini since November though and it's great for most parking situations... I haven't been parallel parking much because I can go nose-in to most spots. BUT, in a row of cars in a lot, it can look like the spot is free if my Mini is parked there. I've seen a couple of times people starting to pull in thinking the spot is empty and abruptly stopping when they see there is indeed a car parked there. I try to park a little further back in the space, but worry that one day someone is going to pull in quickly, not be able to stop in time, and smash into it.

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I always back in or pull through. I currently drive a tiny car that could almost fit two in a space. I got into the habit when I drove a massive conversion van and the city we lived in at the time was known for young children of sue happy wack-a-doos running wild in parking lots. But then, I am not the type to drive around a parking lot searching for a close space. I park in the first pull through space I find and if I can see the building from there I call it good. I only miss the space when I do not use my mirrors otherwise I park better backing in then many do pulling in.

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I'm REALLY bad at backing into parking spots, so I rarely do it. I prefer to pull in forwards. My absolute favourite is getting a pull-through so I don't even have to back out. I drive a fairly large van (Toyota Sienna), and even with the back-up camera I still kind of suck. I have good driving skills otherwise, but I just know that parking lots are my nemesis. :laugh:

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I often take 2 parking spots on purpose.

I will also back into a lot or, more likely, pull forward into the slot in front, because in general I avoid backing out of more than my own driveway whenever possible.

I do try to do it further away from where most of the cars are parked.

Know why?


Because I cannot tell you how many idiots park their freaking car so close t my 12 passenger van that I literally cannot open the doors to get my kids in and out. And my kids are twig skinny!


Because I have a 10-15 foot blind spot behind my van for anything lower than 4' tall and stupid freaking people walk behind moving vans without a care in the world for their life or the life of their kid running through the parking lot, but being a decent human, I still have zero desire to squish them accidentally.

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This made me laugh. Not at you, because i feel your pain regarding lousy parking practices. I laughed because i thought of Dh who has serious parking skills. He can, and does, back anything into any spot, in one, try perfectly. I'm amazed. I, on the other hand, will be sticking to pulling into spots the conventional way, for my sanity, as well as for the safety of all surrounding vehicles. :D


This sounds like my husband. Also parallel parking. I learned it just enough to get my license, and have never done it again. I call my husband a show off! LOL

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It is the Smith Driving Method used by many companies for safe driving and parking. Pipeline workers, coal mines, hazmat trucks, etc train their drivers and I believe it is OSHA mandated



:iagree: Dh used to teach Smith System and it was a major focus of the program.

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