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My apologies


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Dear Fellow Boardies,


I must apologize for my post on 20 May. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone or brought anyone trouble. Especially Aslana.


I have no excuse for my behavior. If I had stopped to think I would not have proceeded as I did. I allowed myself to be sucked into someone else's drama and issues. That is on me, and I apologize for it.


No, I'm not saying whose drama and issues because that isn't important. I'm hoping the sucking in wasn't done with nefarious intentions, just bad judgement all the way around. Please don't PM me asking who. Actually I'm shutting down my PM box effectively immediately. I fully take the blame for my own actions.


Also, effective immediately is my self-imposed board break. The timing for all this is just perfect. Perhaps I was destined to make a fool of myself so publicly this week. I have several medical issues I need to deal with. I also need to get my house in order, and there is work to be done on my property in order to put in a garden.


Again, I apologize for my behavior. There really was no good reason for it.


I hope to be back in the fall. Definitely in time for round two of Boardies Helping Boardies in November. Until then,



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I didn't see it but nevertheless, I forgive you. It's difficult at times to control one's reaction to things posted on board. May you have a blessed break. And as Milovany said, please do visit us on the fb group. Love you!

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((Hugs)) I just signed on to the General Board and saw this. I haven't been very active on here, so I don't know what happened. Nevertheless, have a blessed break, and say "hello" to us Orthodox folks when you have time. May Our Great Physician grant you restoration to health and vigor that you may give thanks back to Him.

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I agree with Cat. Sorry to see you leave for a time, especially under these circumstances. But I hope the break gives you the time and space you need to take care of things, especially health-wise. You will be missed! :grouphug:

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:sad: Oh, we'll miss you terribly! I hope the break refreshes you and you get all the things taken care of that are weighing on your mind. Feel better soon!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Well, if it was the post where she was outed, you did me a big favor. I got so upset in a thread that I was involved in with her and now it just all makes sense. It made me feel so much better.


I hope you feel better about it soon, whether it was that post or something else. I've certainly had my moments and wanted to leave forever. Unfortunately I seem to be addicted to this place.

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:grouphug: I am (as usual) in the dark about whatever kerfuffle may have occurred, but golly! It couldn't have been that bad! (This is like logging on and finding out that Jean in Newcastle posted a stream of f-bombs- and I know you wouldn't do that, Jean, but that's exactly my point- it just couldn't happen!)


Couldn't we coax you back into the hive with a batch of cupcakes and some hunky guys in kilts? *sigh* If not, know that I will miss your posts!

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