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DD had so many seizures yesterday we had to go to the ER


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She woke up and didn't feel right. I was running errands and when I got home, she told me was feeling weird. Within a few seconds of saying this, she had a seizure.


From then on, she never seemed to come back to her baseline before she had another one. After her third, I called the on call neuro. He had her take some extra meds and said if she had 2 more, call him.


He thought she might have 1 more before the extra med kicked in so not to worry about a 4th...just call him after a 5 th.


Any of you who know me would know that this makes me INSANE. Waiting, feeling like I'm doing nothing, watching my DD suffer.


So, FF...she had the 4th, then the 5th. DH called the doc back and told him we're going to the ER and we want Ativan for her. DD is a mess, her head is pounding, she can't walk, she's mentally not back to herself. Then she started vomiting in the car. I wanted so badly for her to feel better my whole body hurt.


(DH took the stupid way to the hospital. Then he took the stupider way home.)


Fortunately, thank You, God, the ER was quiet. She got right into triage, then a good treatment room. Things happened really fast. They wanted a urine sample and I said no, not until she's stable. I wasn't going to have her seize in the bathroom when she was nice and safe in a bed with rails. They understood, or at least didn't act like I was a lunatic.


She was still vomiting and I still can't figure out if it was postictal stuff or if she is sick.


They examined her, started an IV, pushed Zofran and Ativan. And it worked. YAY!


She was out for a couple hours. We woke her to take her PM meds, which was kind of a struggle bc she was still groggy and her tongue was so bitten up.


After a while, when she didn't vomit them back up, she was discharged.


LIke, I said DH did take the stupider way home but she didn't vomit again so I mostly didn't say anything.


She's still asleep so I don't know how today is going to go. I'm next to her in bed right now and she is really twitchy in her sleep. I'm hoping its a normal sleep cycle and not anything else.


I hope she is OK today. Please, please, please is my prayer during times like these. Because I can't think straight to pray anything else.





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Thank you, everyone. Your kindness and prayers mean so much to me.


We don't have diastat. DD is usually so agitated postictally that we were never successful with it. Last year we were fighting to get a nasal delivery system...versed, I think... but stopped fighting when DD started having less breakthrough seizures.


Stupid, stupid, stupid, I know.

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Poor girl. :( Nothing worse than the headache/puking/confusion after a seizure.


If the Ativan works well, can she keep the pills on hand for days like this? I have a big bottle in the cupboard for both anxiety and seizures. If I start to feel an aura, I pop a couple mgs of Ativan and it usually helps. Of course, I have a good amount of time from aura to actual seizure.

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Poor girl. :( Nothing worse than the headache/puking/confusion after a seizure.


If the Ativan works well, can she keep the pills on hand for days like this? I have a big bottle in the cupboard for both anxiety and seizures. If I start to feel an aura, I pop a couple mgs of Ativan and it usually helps. Of course, I have a good amount of time from aura to actual seizure.



She was prescribed some by a doc that was covering call one weekend. We did use them but her regular doc wasn't comfortable with them and wouldn't refill because they were afraid she'd aspirate. Even tho that didn't happen with the first prescription.


It is so frustrating.


And I am so mad at myself for burying my head in the sand and thinking we didn't need a rescue med. argh


ETA: hit return too soon...I'm so sorry you know this so well on a personal level.

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Praying here. I am so happy she is getting treatment. My dd who seizes almost every day and night, many days over and over again is still waiting to see the specialist with no medications or treatments.



I am so sorry your DD is going thru this. I hope she gets seen and treated soon. Like yesterday.

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She was prescribed some by a doc that was covering call one weekend. We did use them but her regular doc wasn't comfortable with them and wouldn't refill because they were afraid she'd aspirate. Even tho that didn't happen with the first prescription.


It is so frustrating.


And I am so mad at myself for burying my head in the sand and thinking we didn't need a rescue med. argh


ETA: hit return too soon...I'm so sorry you know this so well on a personal level.


:grouphug: Doctors are so frustrating. Doubly so when they're treating epilepsy, for some reason. And then if you finally find a doctor that will let you try what you want, you have to get insurance to cover it. Argh.

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Hugs to you. We've had days like that, and then find we usually know more than the ER docs (they ask us what we think we should do). We have used diastats for years which generally keep us out of the ER. Dd's neurologist gave us a sublingual med to try instead next time--lorazepam intensol. This is just to find a different delivery method that would be easier on aides on school, not because diastat isn't effective. Phenobarb is one of dd's regular meds (pretty low dose). We double the dose when we hit a bad spell (which tend to go on 2-3 days for us.)


I know that prayer well. When you're in the middle of it all, it feels like it will never end. Praying your dd is back on track soon.

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Thanks again, everyone.


You all are really sweet.


Ali, I am going to ask about the lorazepam intensol. It's sounds like just what we need.



No kidding. You'd think your regular doctor would have mentioned it. :confused1: You should give him a stern talking to next time you're in.

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She woke up and didn't feel right. I was running errands and when I got home, she told me was feeling weird. Within a few seconds of saying this, she had a seizure.


From then on, she never seemed to come back to her baseline before she had another one. After her third, I called the on call neuro. He had her take some extra meds and said if she had 2 more, call him.


He thought she might have 1 more before the extra med kicked in so not to worry about a 4th...just call him after a 5 th.


Any of you who know me would know that this makes me INSANE. Waiting, feeling like I'm doing nothing, watching my DD suffer.


So, FF...she had the 4th, then the 5th. DH called the doc back and told him we're going to the ER and we want Ativan for her. DD is a mess, her head is pounding, she can't walk, she's mentally not back to herself. Then she started vomiting in the car. I wanted so badly for her to feel better my whole body hurt.


(DH took the stupid way to the hospital. Then he took the stupider way home.)


Fortunately, thank You, God, the ER was quiet. She got right into triage, then a good treatment room. Things happened really fast. They wanted a urine sample and I said no, not until she's stable. I wasn't going to have her seize in the bathroom when she was nice and safe in a bed with rails. They understood, or at least didn't act like I was a lunatic.


She was still vomiting and I still can't figure out if it was postictal stuff or if she is sick.


They examined her, started an IV, pushed Zofran and Ativan. And it worked. YAY!


She was out for a couple hours. We woke her to take her PM meds, which was kind of a struggle bc she was still groggy and her tongue was so bitten up.


After a while, when she didn't vomit them back up, she was discharged.


LIke, I said DH did take the stupider way home but she didn't vomit again so I mostly didn't say anything.


She's still asleep so I don't know how today is going to go. I'm next to her in bed right now and she is really twitchy in her sleep. I'm hoping its a normal sleep cycle and not anything else.


I hope she is OK today. Please, please, please is my prayer during times like these. Because I can't think straight to pray anything else.



(((Hugs))) please please please is often all I can get out too, so I understand. Praying for you all.

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