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Do you pop your kids' acne?


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I'm not talking about constantly pestering them, but if they're, say, 11-13 or so and have occasional large whiteheads, do you pop them? My dd also tends to get large, ugly blackheads in her ears and my MIL actually gave me the tip of getting them out with a bobby pin. Dh likes to pop her acne more than I do (his mom did this to him). Is this cruel and unusual punishment or normal? It does not make her acne worse, just gets rid of the large, ugly ones.

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My kids are still little so they don't have acne yet. But I can't see myself or DH doing this. What I think I will do when we get to that point is teach them how to do it properly themselves when necessary. It's best not to pop zits (it can lead to infection and scarring) but if you absolutely feel the need to do it, there's a proper way that minimizes issues.


ETA: this board is so awesome. It's helping me prepare in so many ways. I would never have considered the issue of whether or not to pop my kids' zits. But now I have, and I have a plan. It's just one more reason I can move towards my kids' teen years with confidence. :tongue_smilie: :D

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No. My kids won't let me near their faces for that sort of thing. lol One of my kids did have a blackhead that was (literally) making me crazy. I couldn't look. The face was pristine, so it really stood out. I begged the kid to try and get it out, and they just couldn't get the right angle, and no way would that child let me try.


One day, I just knew I needed this thing off my mind, and finally took dc for a teen mini-facial. The end. :)

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No. Dd gets them occasionally on her face and we leave them alone. She already washes her face daily but when she has acne she'll cover it with a bit of concealer. Sometimes popping them can leave a scar and I would hate for dd to end up with that on her face.


ETA: My sis used to have trouble with blackheads and the dermatologist gave her some kind of tool for dealing with them. It was easy and painless, but I have no idea what it was called.

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I would do it if my son asked but I hopefully won't feel an uncontrollable urge to chase him around doing it. (And I truly hope that I don't. I am the sort to pop/pick/pull stray hairs instead of just leaving stuff alone.)

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not typically as I am trying to teach them never to pop them to prevent scarring and infection, but ds14 did ask me to pop one that was on his back and quite painful. It was huge and deep. Not quite a boil but like a bad zit headed that way kwim.

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My kids won't let me near their faces for that sort of thing. lol One of my kids did have a blackhead that was (literally) making me crazy. I couldn't look. The face was pristine, so it really stood out. I begged the kid to try and get it out, and they just couldn't get the right angle, and no way would that child let me try.


One day, I just knew I needed this thing off my mind, and finally took dc for a teen mini-facial. "Embedded' was the world tossed about. Thankfully, it's gone. It cost $40, but the main thing is it's gone, and I no longer have to look at it.



OMG! You are way nicer than we are. My kids so far have not had a choice, of course they hate being picked at. But they're still learning hygiene and part of the reason this child gets particularly large ones (especially in her ears) is that she REFUSES to scrub decently, even after years of instruction. So, this is part of the deal. Her ear ones will get large and bloody and infected if we don't take care of them (so gross!) I never thought to use a bobby pin until MIL told me about it (her mom did it to her as well, i guess) and it works really well. I figure she'll thank me someday...I wouldn't want to go around oblivious to large whiteheads on my face and if we notice them other people certainly notice them too........

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My dad called that 'playing monkey'!



I've shown my kids how to use a hot compress and gentle pressure to pop out pimples and black/whiteheads. If it doesn't pop, I tell them to leave it alone for another day and then try again. I also tell them to do it at night so their skin can recover - not just before leaving the house!


My dd gets big blackheads in her ears. I take care of those for her with a bobby pin. I can't imagine not doing it for her - no one wants to see big blackheads in people's ears.


They all use facial cleanser and it has really helped, especially older ds. At 15, his acne has almost totally cleared up.


I've always (and continue) to squeeze my own pimples and I've never gotten a scar.

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My oldest has perfectly lovely skin, but gets the occasional blackhead in a pore of his nose. I guess because he is very fair, it's soo noticeable! It makes me twitchy, I can't help it. Sometimes a face scrub will get it, but in the past...yes...I've attacked his poor nose and gotten rid of it. He can do it himself now, but just doesn't unless prompted.


I know if it doesn't bother him, it ought not bother me. I know. And yet- I just. Can't. Help. Myself.


Younger Ds once asked me to pop a pimple on his rear- had to pass on that one. That's a job for dad, or a doctor, but not me, not ever! He has almost no shame or modesty when it comes to any bodily function or the discussion of it, lol. Hopefully as he grows he will acquire some!

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My ds can get some pretty big blackheads on his back that will annoy him. I do help get those but they are very rare. My other ds had a huge black head in his ear I wanted to badly to get it looked so bad. I let it be until he asked for help, I gave him a couple of suggestions and whatever he tried worked. If there is something that appears and we are at home I might ask them to look in the mirror. I have clearsil pads and cream for the boys and gave them instructions.

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If it obviously needs draining, like a boil, we keep sterile lancets on hand (the thinnest kind, like you use for glucose monitors) that way we're not rupturing it completely and not getting germs into it. If it's small I leave it.

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Oh my, this would never even occur to me. :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: I'd be horrified if my parents had done that to me; it would have hugely violated my personal space and mortified me. For those reasons, and the :ack2: factor, I can't imagine EVER doing it to my kids. I would totally take DC to the dermatologist for it though, or even a qualified spa kind of place. I have a LOT of sympathy for kiddos with lots of obvious facial blemishes :crying:

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Seriously, can I nominate this thread for Most Disgusting Title 2013?



You can't even avoid it! There it is, and then BAM! Instant image... :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:



I don't even want to know if you guys do this, cuz NO FREAKING WAY WOULD I EVER! Besides, isn't it a bad thing to do? Scarring and all?

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Oh my, this would never even occur to me. I'd be horrified if my parents had done that to me; it would have hugely violated my personal space and mortified me. For those reasons, and the :ack2: factor, I can't imagine EVER doing it to my kids. I would totally take DC to the dermatologist for it though, or even a qualified spa kind of place. I have a LOT of sympathy for kiddos with lots of obvious facial blemishes :crying:


Seriously, can I nominate this thread for Most Disgusting Title 2013?



You can't even avoid it! There it is, and then BAM! Instant image...



I don't even want to know if you guys do this, cuz NO FREAKING WAY WOULD I EVER! Besides, isn't it a bad thing to do? Scarring and all?



Sheesh, :chillpill: !!! Y'all are so squeamish! :leaving: :lol:


When I have a zit, I pop it. Never had a problem with scarring. I certainly don't want to walk around with huge whiteheads and don't want my kids to either! And yes, I have had problems with adult acne.


At least I'm not the only horrible parent who does this? :laugh:


For the bobby pin, you just curve the bottom curvy part (not the opening) around the blackhead and push. It's like those blackhead extractors you can get at the store, but it fits into the ear better. She hates it, but it gets the job done and keeps them from getting infected. :confused1:


eta: obviously, make sure the bobby pin and your fingers are clean, I always wipe it down with alcohol beforehand.

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I'm not talking about constantly pestering them, but if they're, say, 11-13 or so and have occasional large whiteheads, do you pop them? My dd also tends to get large, ugly blackheads in her ears and my MIL actually gave me the tip of getting them out with a bobby pin. Dh likes to pop her acne more than I do (his mom did this to him). Is this cruel and unusual punishment or normal? It does not make her acne worse, just gets rid of the large, ugly ones.



No, that can cause infection and scarring.


My mom used to squeeze mine and I hated it. It still makes me mad to this day.


I just read your update saying that you don't have scars. Well, I do. Not horrible, but bad enough to bother me.


I do buy good skin care products for my kids to clear their acne as quickly as possible when it occurs. My middle dd cut back on dairy and that made a tremendous difference in the number and severity of her break outs.


Before this thread, I never heard of zits or blackheads in ears. I had no idea that people get them in their ears. That sounds painful.

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At the risk of being even more gross, would someone care to elaborate on the safe procedure with the Bobby pin for the ear blackheads? I have never heard of this before.



I am wondering this as well.


And I can honestly say I am a bit curious and zits on/in the ear. I can say I have no real experience here though when I let my ear piecing close something got into it and that was not fun and disgusting but I aside from that I just cannot picture it.

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I am wondering this as well.


And I can honestly say I am a bit curious and zits on/in the ear. I can say I have no real experience here though when I let my ear piecing close something got into it and that was not fun and disgusting but I aside from that I just cannot picture it.



I explained above.


I never knew about zits in the ear either until my child, and she gets them constantly in her ear, bless her heart. Apparently my MIL did too, so maybe it's a genetic thing? Or genetic not to wash as well in the ears? lol

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I explained above.


I never knew about zits in the ear either until my child, and she gets them constantly in her ear, bless her heart. Apparently my MIL did too, so maybe it's a genetic thing? Or genetic not to wash as well in the ears? lol


It's not related to washing. I got them from the time that I was about 12 until I was about 19 or 20. It's just the genetics you get. I got lousy, acne prone skin with large pores. At least the ears are not such a bad thing anymore, but from time to time it happens.

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See, she also HATES when I brush the tangles out of her hair. Yet after years of gentle instruction and tools to help her, she still refuses to do it herself. If left on her own, she would walk around with completely tangled hair hanging in her face, not washing her face, not brushing her teeth properly, etc. She just is not motivated in these areas. Does that mean I don't brush her hair out either (I'm sure she'd say she feels "violated" when I do, she absolutely HATES it and I am as gentle as I can be, but when her hair gets all tangled it's going to be uncomfortable to brush it out)! :confused1:

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Before this thread, I never heard of zits or blackheads in ears. I had no idea that people get them in their ears. That sounds painful.



it is painful. :( If I get them out when they are blackheads they won't get infected and turn into zits. But if I let them go too long, they turn into big breakouts and those are very painful, poor thing. :(

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See, she also HATES when I brush the tangles out of her hair. Yet after years of gentle instruction and tools to help her, she still refuses to do it herself. If left on her own, she would walk around with completely tangled hair hanging in her face, not washing her face, not brushing her teeth properly, etc. She just is not motivated in these areas. Does that mean I don't brush her hair out either (I'm sure she'd say she feels "violated" when I do, she absolutely HATES it and I am as gentle as I can be, but when her hair gets all tangled it's going to be uncomfortable to brush it out)! :confused1:


I have a tangled head kid too. I just keep sending her back to the bathroom to do it correctly or ask her "Do you want me to do it?"


Hang in there. In probably 2-3 years, she'll go to the other extreme, using EVERY drop of hot water in the shower and spending 45 minutes a day flat ironing her hair.

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Ick. No. Use apple cider vinegar on a cotton swab to dab whiteheads twice a day. They will usually dry up and fall off within a day or two. There is still a dull red mark for while, but there's no blood or dark scab caused by popping, and they don't scar.

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yes I do if they are bad. I sterilize a needle and poke a hole and push gently with a warm washcloth if they let me. Looking at whiteheads is a lot more disgusting to me then getting rid of them. dd11 had a giant blackhead on her nose that she wouldn't touch forever, and all of the creams and lotions weren't cutting it. Let's just say I extracted it, and it didn't scar or cause a problem.

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I remember being about 11 and having my first big blackhead, one of my aunts noticed at a big family gathering (I have a lot of aunts!). They and my mother bailed me up in the bathroom for what felt like ages because they just had to get it out...

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I remember being about 11 and having my first big blackhead, one of my aunts noticed at a big family gathering (I have a lot of aunts!). They and my mother bailed me up in the bathroom for what felt like ages because they just had to get it out...



:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Sheesh, :chillpill: !!! Y'all are so squeamish! :leaving: :lol:


When I have a zit, I pop it. Never had a problem with scarring. I certainly don't want to walk around with huge whiteheads and don't want my kids to either! And yes, I have had problems with adult acne.




:iagree: I cannot stand to see a pimple that is white/yellow and ready to burst. It clearly needs to be popped. I'm horrified if I get home and see I have a big yellow pimple staring at me in the mirror. Eeww. That said, I do try to let dd take care of it herself, but will step in if I have to.

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The only thing close to this that I've done is drain boils and abscesses. My kids are very prone to getting them, and unless they develop into cellulitis, if you can drain them quickly they tend to heal better with less scarring. I know everywhere says to never squeeze boils, but when my DD was in the hospital the surgeon did exactly that and she said it was the best way to check for and drain the infection. So anyway, if a boil can be safely drained by squeezing (assuming it's not a deep tissue infection) then a small pimple should be nothing.

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See, she also HATES when I brush the tangles out of her hair. Yet after years of gentle instruction and tools to help her, she still refuses to do it herself. If left on her own, she would walk around with completely tangled hair hanging in her face, not washing her face, not brushing her teeth properly, etc. She just is not motivated in these areas. Does that mean I don't brush her hair out either (I'm sure she'd say she feels "violated" when I do, she absolutely HATES it and I am as gentle as I can be, but when her hair gets all tangled it's going to be uncomfortable to brush it out)! :confused1:



This I can agree with. I have a 12 yr old that has long, long, thick, gorgeous hair. She will not brush. We go round and round about this. She would have the granddaddy of all tangles if I didn't brush her hair. I'm sure someday soon (hoping) she'll start doing a better job herself.


I still can't quite compare this to popping a pimple on someone else.

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My 6th grade picture I have this giant, disgusting white head pimple right in the middle of my chin. I never forgave my mother for letting me go out of the house like that!


Her blackheads also drive me crazy and I will beg to push them out. I have chased her down and pinned her against the bathroom door. I have also paid her $5 to let me push out her blackheads. :blushing:


I consider it part of my parental duty.

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I remember my mom doing this to me as a teen and I found it extremely invasive of my personal space. nasty.


My mom used to squeeze mine and I hated it. It still makes me mad to this day.


I remember being about 11 and having my first big blackhead, one of my aunts noticed at a big family gathering (I have a lot of aunts!). They and my mother bailed me up in the bathroom for what felt like ages because they just had to get it out...


I witnessed a friend's mom holding down a screaming pre-teen boy to pop his zits when I was a teenager and was traumatized.



:scared: :sad:

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I'm an obsessive picker. I remember making myself bleed all the time in elementary school as I picked at my scabs. I still pick my scabs, and I love popping zits. My kids aren't old enough to have them yet, but I imagine I will try to reign myself in and respect their personal space. It drives me bonkers, though, to see DH walk around with a giant whitehead. He's in the no pick camp and won't touch them, but once in a while I'll convince him to let me get at one!

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Yes, I have... but only if they allow me. No holding kids down. Usually it's the ones that hurt (like on their backs or in the ear). I have one son who will not let me near him and of course, he has the worst acne. We've tried everything over the counter (acne.org, etc.) but to no avail. Now he's just in the giving up stage and he's an adult so there's not much I can do without being an annoying nag. I think it's allergy related, but he doesn't even want to hear that.

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When I was a teen I would get those huge boil type ones around the hairline of my face, particularly near my temples. I have heaps of scars from opening them up.


I leave my children alone. the only one that I have assisted was one of my children when they were 7. they had a boil on their neck. we went to the Dr. to have it drained. A day later it swelled up again. I admit that I did go into his room as he slept and reopen it and make sure it was drained properly. He has a scar.

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