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Are you sending Christmas cards?

Do you send Christmas cards?  

  1. 1. Do you send Christmas cards?

    • Yes - card only.
    • Yes - card and photo(s)
    • Yes - card and letter
    • Yes - card, letter, photo(s)
    • Yes - online or email version
    • No
    • Other - I like marshmallows in my cocoa.

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Yes. My friends all still send photo cards of their kids, and I really enjoy seeing pics of everyone's kids, even if we don't stay in touch a lot the rest of the year.


I ordered mine pretty early this year, which was good because a week later we were dealing with Sandy, basement issues, etc. We used TinyPrints this year.


I don't know how to vote because I don't write a "letter" but I do handwrite something personal on every card.

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We enjoy doing our photo card and letter. We have copies in a photo album from our 20+ years of marriage and we all love reading through the album every year. Our letter is more funny than braggy, sometimes poignant in the tough years. Dh loves photography and usually manages to get a nice family portrait. He adds a greeting in photoshop and we just get 4x6 prints--very cheap. Family and friends say they love getting them, we love doing them, so yeah, we'll continue with the tradition.

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I send cards with a photo and a note (sometimes) ever other year or so. I always send them USPS.


This year I am making a point of sending cards because I appreciate the post office! I really like this year's Christmas stamp.


I think cards in the mail is a nice tradition...I hope it comes back somehow.

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I used to send cards with photo(s) and a letter. Now that I blog regularly I just don't feel like rehashing everything in a letter. It is also very cost-effective (and time-efficient) to get the photo cards printed. I take our own photos and often design the card (collage/quotes/etc.). So I send a photo card with greetings and our blog address printed on it. I voted card and photo, even though the photo *is* the card. :)

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We only send the odd card these days to a couple of older relatives usually with their gift. A second class stamp costs 50p now, it's just too expensive to send the long list of cards we used to send. We give cards to people we see though.


I am not that fussed about recieving them and I think they are a bt of a waste of money and resources really. Half the time they have glitter or shiny metal bits on them so they can't go in our recycling. They alos have a habit of containing brag letters from distant relatives that I barely remember the names and haven't met. I just don't see the point.

Edited by lailasmum
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I stopped a few years ago. I actually had planned on doing something this year since I had expected a new address, but things are just too crazy now at the end of the year. I used to get a lot more when I sent them and now I hardly get any. It makes me kind of sad, but it is very expensive.

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Other. I would like to send cards. I would like to send cards every year. Some years, I even get cards to send...


And now I have a pile of boxes of cards because there is a flaw in my plan somewhere between the getting and the sending.


And I do love marshmallows in my hot chocolate. :)

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I have photo cards in my cart at Vistaprint. Getting ready to hit submit and wondering if people are still even sending cards. I get less and less each year and I miss seeing the cards. So, what does the hive say?

I send them. Lifelong habit, but rarely reciprocated these days. I used to get 30-40 a year and tape them all up. Now it's 5-10 and most of them are from businesses!

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We starting sending e-cards through Smilebox two or three years ago. I love doing it this way. It's very inexpensive compared to mailing cards, and takes less time to throw together. I usually upload 7 or 8 pictures to go with the card, which is more than I would send by mail.


Do people open online stuff?


I never do.

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I like getting Christmas cards, but I never send them. Honestly, most of the people I know are on Facebook, which kind of renders Christmas cards obsolete. I get a card and think, "Wow, what a great picture! And it was equally great when you posted it on Facebook right after you got it." The letters don't usually add much either if the person is active on Facebook. I probably should send cards to people like my grandma and certain others who never get on the Internet to see my blog.

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I LOVE getting cards and so I send them, despite the hassle. A few years ago I thought about stopping, especially to people who I only interract with via Christmas card. However, I realized that even though I'm not really close to them anymore, I do like to hear from them at Christmas and find out that they are doing well.

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I like getting Christmas cards, but I never send them. Honestly, most of the people I know are on Facebook, which kind of renders Christmas cards obsolete. I get a card and think, "Wow, what a great picture! And it was equally great when you posted it on Facebook right after you got it." The letters don't usually add much either if the person is active on Facebook. I probably should send cards to people like my grandma and certain others who never get on the Internet to see my blog.



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Please send them.


I do, every year. And every year, we get fewer and fewer back. And every year, I get sadder and sadder that no one can be bothered to keep in touch in even that small way.


Please don't leave the people on your list feeling like I do.


I think about you every year when I am doing my Christmas cards on our drive. We drive through Orlando on the way to see my family, and I always wish I could put one in the mail to you, even though you wouldn't have a clue who we are. Your posts are one of the reasons I keep my Christmas card list big each year.


I love getting Christmas cards. I love sending Christmas cards.

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I send personalized cards with our photos printed on them from the place I order them from, but not a ton. Probably 20/30 total. And I try to get them for free. I got 10 free that were even mailed and sent out free with a coupon code. I also got 10 free cards from another company with a coupon code that were mailed to me and that I have to send out myself. I have some people I send to every year, and then I get a few extra so that if I get a card from someone I can send a return card.

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I'm sending off cards along with our family photo in a package that includes all the gifts for dh's family that is across the U.S. So no additional postage for each card for the 10 families there.


To my friends, they will get an email version. My siblings and my parents will get snail mail. So this year I will still send them but am able to send majority without paying the postage.

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Other. I would like to send cards. I would like to send cards every year. Some years, I even get cards to send...


And now I have a pile of boxes of cards because there is a flaw in my plan somewhere between the getting and the sending.


And I do love marshmallows in my hot chocolate. :)


This is me. We do usually send out a few. Most years I'm ecstatic if only a couple have a January postmark. Then I do something even sillier. I buy boxes of cards in those after-Christmas sales, as though next year I'm really going to need more cards. I'm pretty sure all of our non-religious friends have received the same card three years in a row because we still haven't finished that box of cards.


My aunt has kids around the same age as mine. Every year she sends out a beautiful card with pictures of her family. Let's count the dozens of ways she is more on top of things than I am. She sends out cards that arrive before the holiday. She has pictures taken for those cards so that they are ready. She schedules the appointment with a photographer early enough to have photos to use for her cards. She has already done at least the first step for her Christmas cards before I've figured out what the kids will wear for Halloween.


Sometimes I feel bad that my kids will look back and realize how not "together" their mother is. We also have a Christmas tradition *ahem* of buying one of the last trees in the tree lot, every single year. I keep telling my husband that one of these years all the trees will already be gone, but we've squeaked by with some poor, scraggly, unwanted leftover trees so far.

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Do people open online stuff?


I never do.


That's what I was wondering. I never open e-cards. I also don't read blogs (too much to keep up with). Oh, I don't do Facebook either. :D


So, yes, I do send cards because I have many people that I truly only communicate with at Christmas.

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Normally I send a fun family letter--all the crazy high points of the year (not the bragging, the hysterical life with 6 kids stories), but I don't know if I'll get it done in time.


My FIL does this.


I usually do the picture cards but I don't have a SINGLE picture of us together yet.

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I send out a photo card with the kids' pictures on it. I used to send a letter too but due to various reasons I stopped doing that.


Most of our Christmas card recipients are relatives. Some of the older folks don't use the computer much and they seem to enjoy receiving the photo cards.


Every year, though, we receive fewer and fewer cards.

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Looks like I'm behind the times (like usual!). This will be my first year EVER sending cards and I'm going to do one of those picture cards. DH is trying to dissuade me but I'm excited about it because I love getting them and figured I should send one out.

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I love writing Christmas cards and sending them. I used to hand-write a note in every card, but a few years ago finally gave in and wrote a Christmas letter, but made sure it was only half-page long! We have lived in many places over the years, and I love keeping in touch with old friends.

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A story from my family. Elderly relative asked bachelor member of family to mail out a large quantity of Christmas cards. He put them in his trunk. Christmas got busy. He never mailed them. Forgot about it altogether.


Old aunt dies the next summer. Around Christmas, bachelor opens his trunk and sees stamped envelopes. And he mails them......


After some heart palpitations from many family members, folks realize who is responsible, and stop trying to fix him up with anyone. :)


I can only imagine the horror and hilarity that was delivered in this one decision.


So...I am a no vote on the card thing. (Ya think?)

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