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Does your husband answer his cell phone?

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Yes. I am the one who has a problem in this department. I have "noise issues" so my ringer is almost always off. He gets po'd when I don't answer b/c he knows my ringer is off. I can only hear the vibrate if I'm close by & I'm often not.


BTW, our doorbell is disconnected too.

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If I'm calling and he isn't at work or finishing up a call with someone else, he answers. If he's at work he doesn't usually answer his cell, but he will call my cell from the office line or text me later in the day when he sees a missed call. If it's an emergency (like letting him know that our 3 year old swallowed a wingnut :001_huh:), I'll call his work number. I do that so rarely that he knows it's important if he's getting a call at work.

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Generally, yes. If he's in a meeting or somewhere he can't talk, he'll usually text me right away to see what's up. I don't call without good reason though.

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Well almost always,,,,yes! Which means,at the dinner table, getting kids ready for bed, even walks out of church at times, to answer it. He works for a government agency, and HE thinks he needs to answer the phone~ALL the time!!! It drives me nuts! His job pays fo his Droid and Ipad and he is aLWAYS on them, playing games, reading the news or following sports. Id LOVE him to loose it! Hesalso the ype, in one of those RARE moments he leaves his phone at home, he will turn around to go get it, even if we are 30 min away from home........:-(

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Rarely. But, he checks his phone throughout the day and returns my calls.



That. My dh is often traveling. He usually texts or calls me when on the tarmac, right before they are told to shut down.


My dh also loves texting when he has time. He is a very fast and awesome typist. I cannot say the same for moi. I have a terrible reputation of 'never' answering my phone. This is not fair, as I am often where I need to make sure my phone is silent. My crime is that I often forget to turn it back on.

Edited by LibraryLover
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He doesn't keep his phone on him while he is working b/c it isn't safe (he is a machinist), but if he notices a missed call he will call me back right away. If I call when he isn't at work, he answers every time, no matter what, b/c he knows it is important to me. He also calls me during each of his breaks, at lunch and in the afternoon. I did the same with him when I worked out of the house or I'm gone for whatever reason.

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Well almost always,,,,yes! Which means,at the dinner table, getting kids ready for bed, even walks out of church at times, to answer it. He works for a government agency, and HE thinks he needs to answer the phone~ALL the time!!! It drives me nuts! His job pays fo his Droid and Ipad and he is aLWAYS on them, playing games, reading the news or following sports. Id LOVE him to loose it! Hesalso the ype, in one of those RARE moments he leaves his phone at home, he will turn around to go get it, even if we are 30 min away from home........:-(


Oh my.

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If he's available, yes.

But I certainly don't expect him to always be available.


If *I* don't answer,he tends to get panicky and calls and texts me repeatedly. :glare: I understand how he might worry, since I'm usually available, but I have been known to do things like go to the bathroom, bathe children, and mix ground beef by hand! :tongue_smilie:

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If *I* don't answer,he tends to get panicky and calls and texts me repeatedly. :glare: I understand how he might worry, since I'm usually available, but I have been known to do things like go to the bathroom, bathe children, and mix ground beef by hand! :tongue_smilie:


:lol: Same here.

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Yes. I am the one who has a problem in this department. I have "noise issues" so my ringer is almost always off. He gets po'd when I don't answer b/c he knows my ringer is off. I can only hear the vibrate if I'm close by & I'm often not.


BTW, our doorbell is disconnected too.




He answers every time. I get texts that say, "Are you home? Why aren't you answering your phone?!"

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Yes, if he has it with him. He can't bring it in to work.


Same here. Dh works on a military base. No phones with cameras or removable sd cards are permitted inside his building. He leaves it in the car when he gets to work. If I need to reach him during the day, I call his desk. If he's there, he answers. If not, he calls back when he gets the message.

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Most of the time, with a few exceptions.


He doesn't answer when he's driving, and if it's an emergency he expects me to leave a message.


I don't call him when I know he's in meetings. He's self-employed now, but when he worked a 9-5 job, I didn't call him unless I texted first and made sure it was a good time.


Other than that, he answers anytime he has a signal and hears his phone ring.

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