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Do you have any foods you refuse to eat because of taste or texture?

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Canned peas (fresh or frozen are fine)



Boiled brussels sprouts (adore them roasted in olive oil)

Cooked cabbage (raw is great)

Pork of any kind

Processed meats such as bologna, hotdogs, spam, etc.


Most of the above are due to both taste and texture, but a few are due to my personal "ick" factor. :tongue_smilie:

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Of the things I can eat (lots of food allergies and I am a vegetarian)...I will not eat:


Raw: onions, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, cabbage, jalapenos or mushrooms. I really like all of this things cooked though.


Radishes of any sort


Caraway, Fennel, Saffron and Anise


Strong Cheeses like swiss unless it is cooked in something.


Macadamia nuts


Really spicy foods


Ranch dressing/flavoring

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Seafood. Pretty much all of it. I think it's a mental thing. I can't even look at raw shrimp. :ack2:


Blue cheese.


Mayonnaise. It is ok mixed in something but never straight.


Undercooked meat. I can handle a little pink in my steak, but that's it.


Cold american cheese. I love a hot grilled cheese sandwich though.


My weirdest:

whenever chocolate and bread meet. I detest chocolate chip/chocolate pancakes, bread or muffins. I love nuttella, but not on bread. :auto:

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Mushrooms- taste and texture :ack2:

Pickles and fermented cabage - I can't even stand the smell of pickles

Cooked cabage- it gets too slimy.

Celery- cooked or raw. When I was a kid I hated ants on a log. I didn't even like the peanut butter. I just wanted the raisins all by themselves.

Tuna in a can- yuck. I had the hold my breath when feeding my children tuna.


I'm sure there are a few more. I used to be super picky but I have outgrown most of those in just the past few years. I can now eat most salads and foods prepared by other people.

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I much prefer homemade pudding with a thick skin on it!


Just thought I would gross you out a bit! I didn't grow up with instant pudding mixes.



Blancmange. Creme brulee. Any milk drink or pudding that has a 'skin' on it.



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Okra. I've never been able to figure out why anybody ever thought that stuff was edible in the first place. You might as well eat a live slug. Even the name of that nastiness sounds like someone gagging.


:iagree: I forgot about that one!

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Miracle Whip

Cool Whip

Anything sprayed from a can




fatty meat


ETA: I like properly cooked liver & onions.

Edited by nmoira
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Right now I have a huge aversion to corn. Generally I don't hardly eat it anyway but someone brought me a dish in early pregnancy with it in it and it almost made me sick. Otherwise I cannot think of any normal/real food I cannot eat.

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Melon of any kind. I've tried it several times because it looks so good, but I just don't like the taste. I will eat pretty much anything else. I've eaten snails and squid and alligator, but I can't seem to put a piece of melon in my mouth. How weird is that? :tongue_smilie:


I can't believe I forgot about that! I cannot eat any kind of melon, either. They smell nice, they look nice. But the texture, combined with the too sweet taste, do me in. Which I think is hilarious, because I LOVE me some sweets. :tongue_smilie: I don't like any sort of jelly much for the same reason; tastes too sweet. I mean, I *can* eat jelly, but I prefer not to. Melon I cannot eat, because there's the texture issue combined with the taste.


cooked fruit

beans of any kind, whole, refried, etc

tomatoes (raw or cooked)

onions (raw or cooked)

creamed corn

mashed potatoes

coconut (I like coconut flavored things, just not real coconut)


eggs other than medium scrambled

cooked spinach


meringue (the fact my family refers to it as "calf slobber" didn't help)

individually wrapped American cheese slices

tapioca pudding

bananas that are the least bit too ripe

nuts in any other food (except Snickers, but that took a while)



Yeah, I have food issues! :tongue_smilie: I know I am picky, but I honestly cannot help it. If I eat the above, I will gag. When I was little, my mom learned not to make me eat something I didn't like because I would throw up on the table. I wasn't being obstinate on purpose, but there are lots of textures that just make me gag.


Your story rings very true in my home. My 6yo son has sensory processing disorder. There are quite a few foods that make him gag due to texture:


Potatoes in any form except french fries

Pasta. All of it. Doesn't matter what you put on or in it, he can't eat pasta. Mac and cheese, spaghetti with sauce; you get the picture


most lunch meat (I almost seriously threw a party the other day when he tried roast beef lunch meat and LOVED it. Yay!)

Tuna fish


cottage cheese

Soup; again, all kinds


I'm sure there's more. He's really NOT a picky eater, although that list would make it seem like he is. :tongue_smilie: He eats all sorts of healthy things. He just can't do some textures. When he was small, like 3ish, we used to think his refusal to eat certain foods was an obedience issue, and treated it accordingly. However, after a few times of him gagging back up everything he had eaten with just one bite of a 'bad texture' food, I insisted that there MUST be something more to it. He was diagnosed with SPD. There were other sensory things, too (like with clothes, temperature of bath water, loud noises) that tipped us off. But I *still* feel bad for ever treating his sensory issues as an obedience issue. :(


Blessedly, he has outgrown some things. I can remember vividly the first time I got him to try a NIBBLE of grilled chicken and he didn't gag. Yay! Now it's one of his favorite things to eat!


Mushrooms- taste and texture :ack2:

Pickles and fermented cabage - I can't even stand the smell of pickles

Cooked cabage- it gets too slimy.

Celery- cooked or raw. When I was a kid I hated ants on a log. I didn't even like the peanut butter. I just wanted the raisins all by themselves.

Tuna in a can- yuck. I had the hold my breath when feeding my children tuna.


I'm sure there are a few more. I used to be super picky but I have outgrown most of those in just the past few years. I can now eat most salads and foods prepared by other people.


I used to be super picky too, but in the last few years, I actually like some things that I used to refuse to eat! Like onions. My gracious I hated onions in any form, in any amount. Seriously. Hated them. Now, all of a sudden, I've discovered that I LOVE grilled/carmelized sweet onions. Hunh. Go figure. I also can tolerate bell peppers now, where I never could before either. Funny how our tastes can change.

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Bananas and peanut butter. Both have a texture that I find, frankly, revolting. I eat peanuts and I can just about cope with banana-flavoured things (although they tend to remind me of the texture of banana) but that's as far as I can go.


ETA: I forgot about mango. It's just too much - over-ripe tasting, almost fetid.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Me too! I am fairly sure raw tomatos are poisonous. You would be amazed at the number of people who have eaten raw tomatos over the years and are now dead!




My former BIL wouldn't touch raw tomatoes because he swore the seeds would give you a heart attack. After all, his dad had loved raw tomatoes and had had a heart attack. So, there ya go! It's a no-brainer really. (I love raw tomatoes, but I'm a rebel and ain't afraid of no seeds!)


My list:

Beets - If I wanted to eat dirt, I'd eat dirt.

Liver - I've tried, I've really tried...yes, even the way *you* make it, I've tried. No.

Organ meat - Just...no.

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My former BIL wouldn't touch raw tomatoes because he swore the seeds would give you a heart attack. After all, his dad had loved raw tomatoes and had had a heart attack. So, there ya go! It's a no-brainer really. (I love raw tomatoes, but I'm a rebel and ain't afraid of no seeds!)


My list:

Beets - If I wanted to eat dirt, I'd eat dirt.

Liver - I've tried, I've really tried...yes, even the way *you* make it, I've tried. No.

Organ meat - Just...no.



Yes! I've always thought they tasted like dirt. When I say that people look at me like I have 2 heads!

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Ugh yeah...skin on puddings **BARF**


I'm not crazy about puddings anyway.


That is so funny ... I love skin on puddings and I love puddings in general! I don't have any texture problems, though ... only certain tastes that I don't love.

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Sweet potatoes-especially mashed sweet potatoes. Pumpkin pie. Tomatoes-unless they are blended in a sauce. Steamed squash-so squishy!! Any type of shell fish. Pickles-so bitter and slimy! And I will NOT eat nuts in my breads, cookies, or cakes-no way!

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I can't drink milk. Not sure where that dislike came from, but I can't ever remember drinking it. Just the thought of trying to drink it...:tongue_smilie: I can remember getting in trouble in kindergarten because I wouldn't drink my milk. I have brought myself to try yogurt a few times, but I can't stand the taste. There are very few other things I won't eat.

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My rule of thumb is I don't like the texture of things that you don't need to chew to eat: jello, raw oysters, pickled okra, pudding, etc.


My two other foods that I don't like due to texture are melons (any kind) and beans in chili. Beans are fine, but not in chili :ack2:

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I don't particularly like green peppers, but I will eat them if I have to.


I used to love liver as a child, which I realize is totally weird. But since learning that the liver is basically the toxic waste dump of the body, I don't eat it anymore.

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