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So lately I've taken to leaving less and less make-up or none at all on when I leave the house. I didn't wear much to begin with or anything. I guess being a busy, home schooling, wife and mother sometimes is enough to make me want to simplify the everyday things. Sure if it's date night..ha ha never...I will get dressed up for my hubby! I have even taken to a shorter haircut and let the natural wave do it's thing! No more flat irons!


What's your preference?

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When I was in my 30s, even early 40s, I felt OK without make-up, DH even said I looked better. But now, at 48 yo, I feel as though I need all the help I can get :001_unsure:. I rarely even leave my bathroom of a morning without make-up on; as a friend of mine always says, you wouldn't want to scare the kiddies, would you ;).



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I try to cover any blemishes/spots with concealer at the bare minimum - many days that's all I get to. I wear lip balm to my lips from chapping, but not gloss or color.


Even if I do get "made up" I don't look all that different from when I don't - it's just a light foundation rather than spot cover, miniscule amount of blush and some neutral eye shadow.


I don't ever wear mascara/liner or lipstick - don't even own them. My natural lashes are very dark and thick, so I don't see the need, and lipstick tends to chap my lips or wear unevenly, so I prefer the balm.

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I look better with a touch of makeup....so moisturizer, mascara, eyebrows, blush, and lip balm.


Plus I've developed a desire to look more polished when I'm out...so nice top, good jeans/skirt/shorts, nice shoes, and great earrings.


No hair at the moment, so a really cute cap, too. Even during these awful chemo months, people have told me I looked healthy and vibrant. Not bad.


Simplify, but don't abandon. :D

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I look like I have a sunburn without make up, so I always wear it. I get a lot of comments when I don't. Even people who KNOW I have this problem will ask if I have a sunburn and then argue that they think I do. :glare:


So I wear it unless I'm hiking with DH in the middle of nowhere.

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I will at least wear foundation and mascara, make sure my hair is neat. That is for quick runs to the dollar store and Piggly Wiggly. If I am going to be out longer I will put on full makeup and fix my hair.



I could get away with less while in my 30's but now I'm mid 40's, I need a little more help to look like I just didn't crawl out of bed...

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I would love to be able to not wear makeup, but I am just not happy with my skin.:sad: It's very sensitive, and I always seem to have these little bumps all over-very frustrating & upsetting.


I do try & get by with as little as possible, though, so I will either put a tinted moisturizer on, and lip gloss, or a little bit of mineral makeup & gloss. I never used to wear mascara-didn't have to start until I was in my 30's, now my lashes are so sparse, I need to. But, if I am just throwing on a baseball cap (which I do a lot), I don't wear the mascara.


Ladies who don't wear any, what is your skincare routine???

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I've never been a big make-up wearer even when I worked full time in offices. Every so often I get the urge to wear some (usually when I just had my hair cut so spent an hour looking at myself in a mirror thinking "AACK") but I usually forget within a few days. It's just not something I even think of unless I'm going out somewhere special. I'm 42 so it's probably too late for me to change now.


I did just get my hair cut in a nice shorter style because I thought my long straight heavy hair was making me look older. It's very simple which it has to be since I never even dry my hair much less straighten it.


Dh likes that I'm low maintenance, and appreciates that I'm fine with him being casual too. Since our usual activities run to camping, boating and fishing low maintenance is a good thing.


My skin care routine consists of washing with wipes and using clearasil if I get break-outs. Sometimes I'll use a Neutragena clear skin wash on my face in the shower. That's basically it. I'll put on sunscreen if I'm going to be outside for a long time.

Edited by dottieanna29
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I look like I have a sunburn without make up, so I always wear it. I get a lot of comments when I don't. Even people who KNOW I have this problem will ask if I have a sunburn and then argue that they think I do. :glare:


So I wear it unless I'm hiking with DH in the middle of nowhere.


:iagree:Same here :glare:. I would LOVE to not wear make-up, but I tire of explaining it's not a sunburn. I very rarely go out without tinted moisturizer and a light dusting of powder.

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I keep a little makeup kit in my purse, and if I feel like it, I'll use some mascara and lip gloss when I get in the car before taking off. I use mineral powder when I'm going out somewhere "important", but never just around town. My skin is also pretty terrible, but I've found that it does better when I leave it alone and let it "breathe".

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:iagree:Same here :glare:. I would LOVE to not wear make-up, but I tire of explaining it's not a sunburn. I very rarely go out without tinted moisturizer and a light dusting of powder.


Clinique has THE best powder for red skin! It looks light yellow but it is SO transluscent and lasts forever.

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At most, I put on foundation for everyday. Most days I pull my hair back wet and put mousturizer on. I am generally headed to dance class, make up when I sweat makes me break out and my hair goes back more smoothly when wet.

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It depends on the day. I will go without when I am busy. I prefer to look more put together. My dh says I have a natural beauty. I think he just sees me as I used to look when I was younger. :)


My youngest son thinks I should not wear any makeup and save time for cooking him breakfast. Not gonna happen. LOL

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I used to not wear make-up at all unless it was a special occasion, but I like to wear it every day now. I don't wear a lot (just powder, blush, eye liner, mascara, lipstick), but I do wear it every day and put it on right after my shower in the morning. If I don't wear it, especially some color on my lips, I look very washed out.

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I stopped wearing makeup even before I became a SAHM. I never got over the feeling that I was playing dress up with mommie's things. I always felt ridiculous with makeup on my face. If people want to judge me as being lazy or uncaring, they can kiss my big toe. :)

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I have worn quite a bit of makeup for most of my adult life. My dh has always said I didn't need it. Now that *I* am more comfortable with not wearing it, I will always get a comment about how tired I look, I think because people are so used to seeing me in it. :glare:

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I usually don't wear makeup to walk the dog or exercise early in the morning - but this is before my shower. Otherwise, I consider myself not fully dressed without it. I try to look as natural as possible with how I apply it. Whenever I have been caught without it (like an emergency trip to the grocery store and I didn't have time), people tell me I look tired. That said, my makeup routine takes me 5 minutes or less. With the hair, it is curly and I have to live with that, so I let it air dry. Sometimes, I get around to straightening my bangs, but not every day.

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I love makeup. I wear it almost everyday. A couple times/year I run to the store without makeup on.





I really want to wear makeup and fix my hair, but I have to make a choice, do I want my kids to look cute or me, because it just isn't going to happen for everyone :001_smile:

Oh, that's an easy choice for me. I always choose myself.:D The kids are cute enough on their own. I can live with DS wearing his shirt backward and DD having a bit messy hair.:tongue_smilie:

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All natural..I mean really..in the olden days I fell for the marketing...but having 'lived' a little more...I find it unnecessary and I would rather spend my money on something else...about once a year for maybe 3 nights I will put make up on (on a cruise)...I will put sunscreen on, but like someone else said, I swim 7 days a week, on the treadmill 5 days a week and outside in the dirt with horses...if I am walking out of the house clean and exfoliated..(of all the dirt) it is a good day.

I like my eyelashes the way they are, all that putting muck on and washing it off weakened them, they're now strong and black..I do like lipstick, I think I own 3 tubes of them...but mostly to moisturize my lips, if I use Burt's Bees it seems to moisturize for an hour then gone, they have long lasting lipstick that is very emollient and with as much 'nature' as my skin gets, I need that..and I do use sunscreen...my face is outside so much I just have that natural sunkissed glow most days...winter, I look pale but who cares :) I feel good and that's all that matters.

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It really depends on where I'm going. Some places I go in the city it's actually better not to stand out, iykwim, frumpy can be safer. I always go makeup free to the gym.


I definitely wear some to church and work, simple but polished. Same if I know I am going anywhere I am going to be seen by friends of my kids - heaven knows the price of embarrassing a teen child!!! Date nights I do the full treatment.

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Clinique has THE best powder for red skin! It looks light yellow but it is SO transluscent and lasts forever.

Yes, that's what I use. It makes a huge difference for me.


If I'm just around the house or grocery shopping, I will wear powder, blush, and lip gloss. I may wear a little eye shadow. For church or special outings, I wear base and full eye makeup. I don't wear a ton of makeup, though. I try for a natural look.

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I don't dare leave without putting my face on (unless I'm going out to exercise.)


One time at a conference, I woke up and my roommate looked at me and said, "Make-up sure does a lot for you, doesn't it."


Sigh. It was rude on her part, but confirmed what I'd suspected all along. Just not quite confident enough to arrive in public without it!

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I don't dare leave without putting my face on (unless I'm going out to exercise.)


One time at a conference, I woke up and my roommate looked at me and said, "Make-up sure does a lot for you, doesn't it."


Sigh. It was rude on her part, but confirmed what I'd suspected all along. Just not quite confident enough to arrive in public without it!

You know, I think it's whatever people get used to. When people wear makeup all of the time, they do look different without it.

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