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Everything posted by Heart_Mom

  1. Pam, yes! My daughter LOVES birds. She has been passionate about then since she was a little girl and just recently, we finally acquired two birds as pets for her. She would love to spend a year in a serious study of birds! :)
  2. My daughter will be in 8th this year. I was considering Apologia Biology at the local co-op, but I'm not sure it's the best choice for this year. My daughter learns easily, but hasn't done a rigorous science course yet. Do you know of an avian science course that would be appropriate for an 8th grader and would be rigorous enough to prepare my daughter for taking biology the following year? Thank you!
  3. I've been very pleased with TT. My 9th, 7th, & 4th graders are using it and my younger children are using Horizons.
  4. Thanks for that explanation! I've been intrigued by Bullet Journals, but this was the missing piece. :)
  5. That's a great feature! I'm using Google Calendar on my laptop, so I don't think they have anything like that for the web version.
  6. I really LOVE this idea. One question: How do you handle future tasks? For instance, if I need to remember to bring something to co-op on Friday morning, how could I use a Bullet Journal to remind me?
  7. Do you keep your to-do lists in the "Tasks" section? I'm curious because I use Google Calendar for appointment and reminders, but not for to-do's.
  8. One of my four loves math. He's doing Horizons 1st grade.
  9. This would be very frustrating to me. I don't understand why people will sometimes take no precautions to avoid exposing others to whatever illness is going through their home ... especially a stomach bug!
  10. I second the pumice stone. I actually use mine on my heels while I'm in the shower, then lotion up with Eucerin after my shower. This makes a huge difference when I'm consistent with it.
  11. I just ignore posts like that, and if someone adds me to a group without asking me, I just leave the group.
  12. If you have purchased Barton Level 3 in the past few years, could you please message me? Thank you! ***edited to add: My question was answered, so I don't need any more help. Thank you! :)
  13. Your schedule sounds fun! Did you only do formal math two days per week? And did you continue this schedule through high school?
  14. I like to keep up math and writing in some form. So in the summer, my children will do those things about 3 days per week. I'm not really looking for them to progress, just not lose skills. I know for child who is finishing K, that if we don't do a bit of reading and writing over the next 3 months, that it will be like starting over in August. I hope to add some games in there too! :)
  15. I didn't have a FB account until a few years ago, but I got one so I could keep in better touch with my sisters. I do love that aspect of it, but it's a time waster for me. I just get sucked in and spend too much time there. I really don't want to delete my account, because checking in once a week is not a problem. Here's my solution: I asked my husband to change my password for me. So now, about once per week, I ask him to put in the password, I check it for a few minutes, then I log out. Otherwise the draw is too strong to hang there when I should be doing something else.
  16. Thank you. This is helpful. I think I need to remember that while Horizons is designed to have all the extra thing in the TM, that not all math programs even have those. And if I need to drill addition facts later, it's no biggie. I think my ideal would be to add math games in instead of doing so much drill. Thanks, Jeanne! :)
  17. You all are helping me to better appreciate my current stage with all my kiddos here. It's so nutty here sometimes, but also so wonderful ... so full of life and bubbling over with fun and activity. This was the reality check I needed today.
  18. Thank you! I hadn't thought of that. Is it designed to be fairly independent even at the 1st grade level?
  19. Any other thoughts? I'd especially like to hear from other people who used Horizons Math mostly just from the student workbooks. Thank you! :)
  20. I didn't get to read the previous replies, but my father-in-law lives with us. When he was having trouble keeping weight on, his doctor prescribed oral Megace. It's helped him to gain the weight he needed and keeps up his appetite so he's actually hungry at meal time.
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