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For Fun: What do you put on your fries?

What do you put on your fries  

  1. 1. What do you put on your fries

    • Salt only
    • Salt and pepper
    • Ketchup only
    • Spices and ketchup
    • Spices and mayo
    • Spices and mustard
    • Spices with a combo of mayo and mustard
    • Spices with a combo of mayo and ketchup
    • Spices with a combo of mayo, mustard and ketchup
    • Something else

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Ah, what can't you put on fries?? :D


I usually do salt and ketchup. I also sometimes dip them in ranch dressing instead of ketchup... seasoned fries are particularly good this way!! If I have barbeque sauce or honey mustard for chicken or a sandwich, I will sometimes even dip them in there.

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Now I'm hungry. DH walked to the Chinese restaurant down the street so I'm waiting for dinner. :drool:
We're just off to Happy Hour at a pub down the street. Do kids outside of Portland know about Happy Hour?
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If they're fast food fries, I need lots of salt.


If their restaurant fries then honey mustard (my favorite) or occasionally ranch dressing.


At home we use real potatoes and use salt, olive oil, and herbs.

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I hate ketchup, mustard, and mayo. Overall I'm not a big fan of the usual condiments. :)

I like my curly fries (or sweet potato fries) dipped in sour cream mixed with seasoning salt. Yes, I know it's weird. ;) At Arby's (the only place I order fries, because I can get curly ones) I eat them with cheese sauce.

Now, if chili and cheese are available... well then... I'll likely have my fries with that. But in general, I don't order fries anywhere, and I only make curly fries or sweet potato fries at home. I just don't care for regular ones. :)


ETA: Oh, and at CFA I eat them with Chick-fil-a sauce. :) And I forgot to mention, if I can get spicy fries, I'll take those...plain. But they're inevitably not spicy enough. At Five Guys (which I don't much care for, anyway) I went back and asked for more seasoning so many times they gave me a whole cup of it. :lol: I still couldn't make them taste good...

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My first choice is to mix mayo and BBQ sauce, after that would be either one of those separately, after that I would get creative. I don't eat Ketchup but I would consider Ranch, nacho cheese, McDonald's sweet and sour sauce, other condiments that aren't ketchup, mustard or relish.

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