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Poll: What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?

What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?  

  1. 1. What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?

    • I think it is GREAT!
    • I think it is AWFUL!
    • Meh... I could go either way - don't much care.
    • Other (of course)

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I'm not there yet with a teen, but I'd like to think I'd be ok...my dh would not. I guess I wouldn't really be able to differentiate between that and ear piercing...which my girls made the choice to do already, at 3 and 6. I think I'd want to make sure it wasn't a passing thing, like she wanted it for a long time...maybe see what the motivation is (she genuinely likes the look, or is just wanting to be like a BFF or something). Curious to hear others thoughts on this.

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I have wanted a nose piercing for years, more than 15 I guess, since I've wanted one since before I was married. Just one of the tiny ones for a little sparkle. My husband finds them unattractive. I finally told him he has until I'm 40 to get used to the idea (4 more years). I'll even pierce the left side, so he doesn't have to see it when we're sitting at the table eating together. :)


For the hypothetical 13-year-old, whatevers :) I mean, girls that age and younger pierce their ears. It's a little more unusual, but become much less so.


I voted "Meh". I don't feel one way or another about it for someone else, I just know what I like.

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We have friends whose daughter had her nose pierced in 8th grade. Then they moved and she started at a new school and the piercing was not allowed. Like, not at ALL - no band-aid over it, no flesh-colored mini thing, or anything. And it was very tiny and very discreet


Just in case that may be a future issue for whomever is hypothetically thinking about it.


And just as a minor point of interest, this girl is the daughter of a spinal surgeon and a high school English teacher :D



My personal opinion is that piercings are generally temporary, so whatever.

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I'm completely full of biases about both nose piercings, and tattoos. :blushing:

Since those things appear to be trends that are here to stay, I'm trying to get over it. I still have some really strong preconceived notions about girls/women who choose those things, so I'd vote no on a 13yo piercing their nose. There's always time to choose that later on.

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I'm ok with ears, even double pierced (I have them) but noses squeem me out, sorry. I don't like to see young girls with them. I think it makes them look "hard." I can't describe it any other way. I know, it's a judgement. Just keepin it real.

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I wish she were a little older, say 16 or 17. I'd like to know she has waited a while after considering it so that it is not a rash decision that she'll regret in 6 months. If she hasn't already been begging for it, I'd ask her to wait that long before I'd take her to get it done.


I'd rather a nice little nose stud at 13 than multiple facial piercings and tattoos at 18 because she is rebelling after not being allowed to express her personality.


PS. I help my 14yo color his hair blue.

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I picked "other," because I don't know enough about it. How noticeable is the piercing when she's not wearing the jewelry? If it isn't especially visible, I don't see a problem with it.


Well, therein lies the only issue I would have with my kids getting their noses pierced at that age: you can't not wear the stud. Nose piercings close very quickly once you pull out the stud. So, on the one side, it would be a pain because they all play sports, on the other, it's not permanent like ears.

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I've always been a fan of piercings...as long as they are tastefully done. (if that makes sense/nothing huge or hideous) I myself had my first piercing (other than ears) done at 15 and ended up with a total of 8 on my body. :001_smile: The biggest reason I liked them was...well...seeing peoples reactions when they found out that I still got straight A's, was never out past curfew, worked hard, and had a great relationship with my parents.

So I say, if its small enough and she's a good kid....let her! :D

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Ok, I see I have to clarify. I don't think it's GREAT! but I don't see a problem either. A small nose stud is fine. I'm not meh, I like them, but I'm not necessarily "dancing in the streets" happy, yk?


I got my ears pierced at 10, fwiw.

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I voted "other."


I don't think it's fabulous or horrible. I had a nose piercing when I was 18ish, and wore it until 3 years ago when I started having reactions to metals.


I don't see the piercing itself as a moral issue. Diamond is almost 17, and might end up with one soon. I would not have a problem with a 13yo's piercing, but wouldn't let my own do so.


And it would also depend on *why* the child wants the piercing- does she really think they're cute, and it's just an accessory? Is it yet one more expression of rebellion and anger? Is it a bet/dare/gotta-be-like-us thing?


I would also encourage the teen to spend a day or two out with a fake nose ring and see what people's reactions are. She may be deeply hurt to find people react in horror, for example. Or pleasantly surprised by who tells her it;s cute.


My DD with purple (this week :001_rolleyes:) hair is always surprised by who hates and who loves her hair.

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I voted other. I don't think it's awful, but I don't see it being acceptable for my 12.5-year-old daughter any time soon. (We made her wait until 12 for her first set of ear piercings.)


I assume that ear piercings are more likely to get infected, so I would want to make sure that the child had impeccable hygiene and was very responsible about self-care. If those things were in place, I'd lean closer to meh than awful.

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I would consider it. I had multiple piercings in my early 20s. They are gone now and the holes barely visible. I don't view piercings as particularly permanent. A tattoo, though, is permanent, and I wouldn't be okay with that.


My DH, by the way, thinks nose piercings are pretty and he would like me to have one. And he is a pretty conservative guy...

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I'm not crazy about the idea and wouldn't let my 13yo do it, but I don't think it's the most awful thing in the world either. Thirteen seems a bit young for body modification for my own child. Around that age I'll probably let dd have her first lip gloss and I hope that will be a big deal to her...

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I voted other. My family seems to react quite badly to piercing--metal allergies, I know gold and platinum. For us it doesn't seem to matter. We all still have / had problems. For me I gave up when on bed rest and one of my 20 plus year pierced ears closed. I decided to stop fighting and give up. Two of my nieces have similar problems. The other never let herself get the ears done. My daughter does not want them. I am glad!


I have no problems with other people. My main concern would be ears first. Because I would be worried about facial scars if reactions happen.

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Meh. Sometimes it looks cute. If it was my kid, I'd definitely *want* to stop them, but it's also not a hill to die on and it's the sort of thing that I think is essentially harmless and lets a child feel like they have appropriate autonomy. Then you save the fight for an issue that really matters.

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I like the way they look and used to have one. I think they might be a bit old for a 13 year old though - it could make her look a bit too mature. It might be the kind of thing I'd hang out as a carrot for turning 16 or something like that. Though if I thought it was going to make things smoother with a particular sort of child who needs to experience the world, I might let my 13 year old do it - the potential bad consequences are ultimately pretty mild barring a nose-falling-off infection.


I would want her to be clear that they get infected pretty easily at first and take some real care, hurt more than ears if infected (IME) and you have to be really careful about touching your nose at all while healing is going on. And an infected nose can look really terrible.

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I think 13 is a little young, but I voted meh. I think I would feel much better at 16 or 17.


I really want one, and the hubby is on board, but I know it will make my mom cry. Sigh. If there's some point when I'm neither nursing nor pregnant, it's going to talk myself out of doing it.

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I would probably ask her to wait until 16 or some other milestone. If she could negotiate and convince me now was the right time, I'd let her. Because it's you that posted, knowing your story, there is no way I'd blow it off and tell her to deal with it at 18.


If this is a way she is rebelling or dealing with life then I'd discuss all the pros and cons, including the way others may perceive her, let it sit for a while, and let it be her decision.

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I voted other. For my daughter. No way, no how. She can pierce whatever she wants after she turns 18. I allow one hole per ear.


For anyone else's daughter, sure it is fine if that is what they want.

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I voted meh. My niece got one at 17 and I think it was cute. She matured out of it and removed it on her own a year later or so.


I am 33 and have considered getting a teensy tiny one. DH would be on board. My parents would freak :lol: which makes it kind of funny. They didn't like when my niece got hers and I had to calm them down. My niece also has at least one tattoo (largeish on low back) which seems far more permanent and obvious to me.


I have mentioned to DH I might do it for my fortieth birthday.


SIL has one and it is cute on her.

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I didn't know how to vote. I do not feel that it is either awful or great, but I wouldn't not care one way or another.


I agree 13 is young and would encourage my own kids to wait until at least 16 for such a decision. I would be a bit surprised if say, our 13 yo neighbor showed up with a piercing.

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!

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One of my daughters got her nose pierced on her (their) 16th birthday; the only reason she waited that long was because I told her she had to pay for it, though I was more than willing to drive her and sign the parental waiver. Two-and-a-half years later and it still looks great; I think she would look odd without it now. My other daughter had her eyebrow and ear cartilage pierced as a minor as well, and that was fine with me. I just don't see piercings as such a major thing, at least not ones that are small-gauge.


Granted, my personal examples weren't 13yos, but if the 13yo was willing to save up and pay for it AND I felt like s/he was mature enough to care for the piercing safely while it healed, why not?

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Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!


Your dd is totally adorable! My daughter prefers a small hoop in her nose, which is perfect for her, but that little stud looks perfect on your dd. Aren't you glad she chose the nose piercing rather than the stupid hipster mustache finger tattoo, a.k.a. fingerstache? Yes, that's a thing. A dumb thing.

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Your dd is totally adorable! My daughter prefers a small hoop in her nose, which is perfect for her, but that little stud looks perfect on your dd. Aren't you glad she chose the nose piercing rather than the stupid hipster mustache finger tattoo, a.k.a. fingerstache? Yes, that's a thing. A dumb thing.


My older son had a friend in the army with that tattoo. It just made me laugh when she posted that to facebook! I thought it was such a silly way to ask.

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I am actually ok with piercings, I've had a few myself. My ex-MIL of sorts is a piercer who I respect, I also have a cousin who is a tattoo artist. But 13 is way too young. I would consider agreeing to allow a mature 17 year old get one. But other than that, she can wait until she's an "adult"!

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!


I think it's adorable.


I voted "Meh," because while I prefer that my own child wait until 16 or older, I think it's fine if other parents allow it a little sooner. :)



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