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REALLY random ? - when you drop something...

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Sometimes cr@p, unless the boys are around.


Sometime cra@p when the boys are around and they chide me for saying a bad word. Note: They think "God Bless America" is a swear word, because that's what I say instead of the other one that starts with God when I do something really stupid.


Often, if I'm in a really bad mood, I will say bad words in French. Only my sister understands those in my house. My boys know they are bad, but don't know what they mean.

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or something unpleasant happens, what do you say? Do you say an expletive or something else?


That depends I try hard to never say a cuss when I have kids around, but I can say when the art cart came crashing down today I said "oh, sh*t" and when I burned my arm I said the F word, and you don't want to know what came out of my mouth the day I screamed at the man driving the semi that hit my ds8. I didn't even know that I knew that many bad words.


I say other things like "son of a biscuit", "flipping faddle fiddlesticks", "crap on a cracker", "good gravy" "Mother Farmer" and a few others that I come up with in a the moment of trying not to let a cuss slip out.

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Sometimes cr@p, unless the boys are around.


Sometime cra@p when the boys are around and they chide me for saying a bad word. Note: They think "God Bless America" is a swear word, because that's what I say instead of the other one that starts with God when I do something really stupid.


Often, if I'm in a really bad mood, I will say bad words in French. Only my sister understands those in my house. My boys know they are bad, but don't know what they mean.


:lol: Oh my that is funny.

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My son once said "Mom, how come when you drop things you always say, 'Oh SHHHHH'?"



I've found myself slipping back into that a little bit again - ok, more than a little bit :leaving: . Does it never go away? I hadn't cursed at all for years...then one day I drop something and bam! :001_huh:


You mean like when I dropped the uncooked pizza upside down on the opened oven door?


"Oh, cr@p! Cr@p cr@p cr@p cr@p!"


I'm still cleaning up the melted cheese.

Yeah. I would be yelling. I would be yelling that, actually.

Sometimes cr@p, unless the boys are around.


Sometime cra@p when the boys are around and they chide me for saying a bad word. Note: They think "God Bless America" is a swear word, because that's what I say instead of the other one that starts with God when I do something really stupid.


Often, if I'm in a really bad mood, I will say bad words in French. Only my sister understands those in my house. My boys know they are bad, but don't know what they mean.

DH says God Bless America, too! He also says things like you stupid mother loving idiot! :lol: It has occurred to me how strange he would sound...

This is unrelated, but if something is hot (say he grabs the pan out of the oven and it burns him just a little) he says 'hot chihuahua!' :001_huh: :lol:

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Sometimes I surprise myself.


I have never been a fan of cursing--I'm agin' it. Sometimes when I wack my toe on the corner of the bed (there is an infamous tight corner in my bedroom), I just hop around, silently grimacing. Sometimes it's "Cr@p!" But very occasionally I find myself mouthing, "Sh--!" or even "F---!"


In general, "cr@p" is my most-used expletive. My children will gently chide me, "Mom, you shouldn't have said that; you said it's crass."

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I usually say



  • Pooey
  • Ooooo!
  • Grrrr! (really)
  • No Fair!
  • Stupid ___________ (name of whatever I dropped/bumped into/etc)
  • No Good ________(same as above)
  • Oh, butterscotch (I like the sound of the word butterscotch and the way it feels in my mouth. Sometimes it cheers me up.)


I often go into a long boring rant about why it's no fair, or how stupid I was or whatever, too. I tend to ramble and grumble when I'm annoyed. Much of this consists of repeating combinations of the above.

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Thankfully, I never started the cursing habit, so at least I don't have any bad words to eliminate from my vocabulary.


My generic exclamation when something goes wrong is: Stupid!, Stupid thing!, Stupid idiotic thing! and, for the worst offenders, Stupid idiotic piece of cr@p!


When it is more of a circumstantial annoyance, I use "Oh, for heaven's sake!"


BTW, we use "cr@p" shamelessly in our house. It's somewhat of an inside joke between ds and I. It's always used with a chuckle and a wink, such as "Put away your soccer cr@p!", "Who left this cr@p on the table?", and ds's favorite from years ago, when he asked me what "politics" means. I didn't have time to give an appropriate answer, so I hastily shouted, "Umm, ohh, government cr@p!" (Isn't that the official WTM definition? :tongue_smilie:) I guess we use it interchangeably with "junk", but cr@p is so much funnier. :lol:

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It depends upon whose foot it lands :001_smile:


But I definitely don't say "jeez" :tongue_smilie:

I'm not ashamed to admit that I say much worse. At least I think it's much worse. YMMV :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Stephen Fry on the joy of swearing (not for the overly sensitive)



Edited by nmoira
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Crap is the one most frequently used.


Jiminy Crispies comes next.


I'm trying to get out of the habit of saying, "Stupid whore." :glare: Pigby thinks "stupid" is the bad part of that phrase and I'd hate to hear him repeat the other part. True story: (Pigby and I driving down the road, cut off by some idiot Utah driver) Me: Watch the road, you stupid whore (may have been a man)!!


Pigby: Mommy, we don't say stupid in this family.


Me: :blushing:

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If my kids are around:





Whatever other random syllables come out as I'm trying not to use swear words - think "shuckalockamockafffoolish mommy!"


If I'm by myself:


You dumb sh-t (to myself)

you son-of-a-poopy

shyyy-mo-nelly (if it hurts really bad)

f--- (if it feels like a big catastrophe, like spilling a lot of coffee all over my work papers - which did happen once as my boss was walking through the door at my first job)

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Thankfully, I never started the cursing habit, so at least I don't have any bad words to eliminate from my vocabulary.


My generic exclamation when something goes wrong is: Stupid!, Stupid thing!, Stupid idiotic thing! and, for the worst offenders, Stupid idiotic piece of cr@p!


When it is more of a circumstantial annoyance, I use "Oh, for heaven's sake!"


BTW, we use "cr@p" shamelessly in our house. It's somewhat of an inside joke between ds and I. It's always used with a chuckle and a wink, such as "Put away your soccer cr@p!", "Who left this cr@p on the table?", and ds's favorite from years ago, when he asked me what "politics" means. I didn't have time to give an appropriate answer, so I hastily shouted, "Umm, ohh, government cr@p!" (Isn't that the official WTM definition? :tongue_smilie:) I guess we use it interchangeably with "junk", but cr@p is so much funnier. :lol:


Here too. When we were growing up my mom told my sister that other cuss words were not on her "word list" but when sister asked about crap mom said yes that is on your word list. SO that is what we say here too. When my kids say something wrong I ask them if it is on their word list and if in a jovial mood will even pretend to check the list. However crap is on their list and okay to use.

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Oopsie daisey!


I got it from my Mom, and now that I think about it (and with 4 pages of replies, apparently no one else says it), it sounds pretty silly. :lol:


If the kids aren't around, and I actually broke or hurt something, my initial reaction is much different. :D


I say this too! My DS picked it up, but he puts his own spin on things(being 3) and says, "Oop A Daisy" and laughs. He says it when I drop things which diffuses my tension.


I'm a pain wimp so if hurt myself I usually just groan. I let loose if glass breaks or water spills near something that can be ruined.

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Does anyone else plead to young onlookers, "Don't look at me!" when grimmacing in pain? I don't know why I say it. I just don't like being watched when I'm trying to deal with pain!


Well, sort of. I'll go into another room alone and sit down for a minute until the pain subsides. I like a little privacy at that point. :001_smile:

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That depends I try hard to never say a cuss when I have kids around, but I can say when the art cart came crashing down today I said "oh, sh*t" and when I burned my arm I said the F word, and you don't want to know what came out of my mouth the day I screamed at the man driving the semi that hit my ds8. I didn't even know that I knew that many bad words.


I say other things like "son of a biscuit", "flipping faddle fiddlesticks", "crap on a cracker", "good gravy" "Mother Farmer" and a few others that I come up with in a the moment of trying not to let a cuss slip out.


:lol::lol::lol: all of it. :lol::lol::lol:


I tend to be more like your first paragraph when I am alone. :blushing:

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I rarely say anything out loud in those moments, but what is being said in my head is really bad.:tongue_smilie: I've always mostly kept it to myself. If it's so bad I speak out loud, it's usually some cleaned up version of what I'm thinking and comes out as, "Flippin', flappin', something or other...!".

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