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What sides do you serve the most for dinner?

What side you serve most at dinner?  

  1. 1. What side you serve most at dinner?

    • Rice
    • Pasta
    • Potatoe
    • Other

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Well we rotate though all the options pretty equally. Although I will change how they are presented. For instance pasta might be spaghetti, it might be pesto noodles, it might be alfredo on noodles, it might be garlic butter, or it might be in the noodles in the soup. Potatoes might be mashed, baked, piorogies (okay that's technically pasta and potatoes), Rice might be a side of plain baked rice, fried rice, the base for fish with sauce, or an herb rice. So it doesn't feel like we are eating the exact same thing every day. We also eat a lot of quesadillas, taco, burrito, wraps etc so those days we don't have sides at all.


We will also occasionally have couscous but I haven't found a recipe everyone loves yet.


We also have 1-2 veggies with every meal and homemade bread probably about once a week.

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Dh doesn't eat potatoes, rice (occasionally brown rice), or pasta.


Sometimes I'll cook some white potatoes and some sweet potatoes, and everyone takes whichever they prefer.


Over summer we ate boatloads of zucchini -- grilled, sauteed, raw, spiral-cut with tomato sauce, or whatever else I could think of.


In fall we moved to collard greens and bok choy. Two or 3 avocados per day. I happen to like quinoa, so that's what I'd choose for a grain, but we don't eat much grain at family meals.


Also, lots of salads and raw vegetables.

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We rarely have any of those. If I had to choose one of those, it'd be potatoes.


Generally, sides at home are veggies such as green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and spinach. The last three are our faves. GB are just cheap and easy. Sometimes we have beans of some sort (but usually those are a main dish themselves if we have them).

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I picked other. I don't serve starches with our dinner very often.


It is usually 2-3 vegetables and a fruit.




Especially now - we are moving towards a more low-carb lifestyle & will be trying much harder to avoid starches.


Up to this point, the most common side was probably rice and veggies.

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We aim for 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein/meat/fish/legume and 1/4 starch. Popular starches (all of your side items fall into that category) for us are potatoes and rice. Pasta tends to be the base of the main dish (covered with a lot of veggies) when we have it and not a side to meat or fish.


Our fave veggies are:


Brussels sprouts



greens (collards, kale)


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We're vegetarian/vegan. So, the traditional meat-starch-two-vegetables thing isn't in our vocabulary.


Most of our meals are made up of lots of different components, none of which is necessarily identifiable as a "main dish" or "side."


The one exception is when I make Indian-inspired stuff. In that case, the main dish will be either dal or channa, and I serve a variety of sides including rice, samosas, a couple of chutneys and some kind of bread.


Otherwise, though, I serve things like burritos with seasoned black beans, rice, onion, peppers, corn, tomatoes all wrapped up together in a tortilla.


I guess I'm an "other."

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Potatoes, kumera (sweet potatoes). & rice for dinner. Pasta we usually will only serve at lunch as dh isn't keen on pasta. Dh isn't really keen on rice as a side either (too many years in the islands), but the rest of us prefer rice & dh will eat rice as a dessert with custard & fruit on those nights. My kids aren't too keen on white potatoes & all prefer kumera if given a choice. I grew up with beef & potatoes at least 6 mights a week (steak & baked potato, hamburgers & fries, pot roast & mashed potatoes, etc.) I now much prefer rice if given a choice. I cook Jasmine rice most times, not the horrible minute rice that my mother cooked.


Rice = Asian, Indian, or Mexican meals

Potatoes & kumera = traditional NZ meals

Potatoes = traditional American meals

Rice, kumera, &/or cassava = Pacific Island meals


Pasta = occasional lunches


We are a bi-cultural family who lived overseas for a number of years, so our diet is quite varied with the flavours of where we have lived.

Edited by Deb in NZ
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Ok, I feel much better now. My dh seems to think if a meal isn't made up of a meat, starch, veggies ANA a roll, it's not a meal. It's because of his mother who is obsessed with food. Good for her, not good for me. I'm a keep it simple kind of girl and I don't like to sit around at lunch thinking " Now what's gonna be for dinner?!?"


Anyway, I'm feeling burnt out on coming up with different foods in different ways all the time.

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My personal favorite is potatoes, although the quickest is rice or pasta, so those often win out. However, since three of my five children are presently on the paleo diet (meat, eggs, and veggies), we usually have an extra serving of veggies instead.

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We try to keep the carbs down at supper time since the pop up in breakfast and lunch enough. I usually do 2 vegetable dishes and a salad to accompany a protein. Seasonality tends to dictate what veggies those are. At the moment carrots, parsnips and squashes are frequent, as is broccoli.

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