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A few weeks ago I tried to express an issue I, and a few others, had with the General Board. Though I worked with some friends on what I initially posted here my message was poorly received. The thread was reported and deleted.


I was very hurt and angry at that turn of events and went against board rules (unknowingly) and posted a second thread calling out whomever reported the thread. That thread got deleted too. Really unreasonably enraged I created a third thread. It got deleted and I got banned. No, I never received a warning from the moderators.


In the last thread I expressed a suicidal thought I had. Yes, I was serious. The pressures from the Christmas holiday season and the fighting on the board were almost more than I could handle. What kept me from killing myself was the memory of a friend who had a mother kill herself at the same time of year over the same issue. Yes, I have mental health issues - Depression, PTSD, Agoraphobia, and Anxiety.


SWB contacted me privately to make sure I was okay. I had managed to cry out what I felt and was in a better place. She went over and beyond the call of duty in contacting me and conversing with me.


To sum it up - I am sorry I lost my temper and caused worry. I'm not sure I'll be on the board much here anymore. However, I couldn't not try and make things right.

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I never saw those threads, and have no idea what was discussed, but I just wanted to say you are brave to apologize and say what you did, and I am sending hugs and prayers because one thing we ALL have in common is the ability to feel hurt. The boards can be a rough place...anywhere that people are posting and not actually interacting face to face, people are tempted to be much less tactful and much less kind. It is becoming more and more of a problem as our society moves away from personal interactions. I just want to reach out and say, We love you, we value you! You have worth and beauty. We all do, whether we agree with one another or not. Don't lose sight of that! May whatever was hurtful be healed, and may love fill in everywhere.

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I am sorry things have been so hard for you! And I have to say that I am now even more impressed with Mrs. Wise Bauer!

I am glad you were able to express things to her.

You may want reconsider staying with "us". There are a lot of people here who may have "walked in your shoes" and can relate and encourage you. :grouphug:

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SWB contacted me privately to make sure I was okay. I had managed to cry out what I felt and was in a better place. She went over and beyond the call of duty in contacting me and conversing with me.


To sum it up - I am sorry I lost my temper and caused worry. I'm not sure I'll be on the board much here anymore. However, I couldn't not try and make things right.




No apologies are necessary, Elizabeth, and I hope you won't leave the forum. I didn't see the deleted threads (and yes, this is a hint to get someone to PM me with the details,) but it's obvious that you were very upset by a series of things that happened, and I'm so sorry that happened to you.


You're such a nice person, and I would hate to think you would leave the forum. My best advice is that if you see a thread that you know is going to get heated, or if there are particular people who you feel are mean to you, please try to avoid them. Remember that you can always turn off the computer and go have a cup of coffee, or that you can even just click to a different (and happier) thread. It's so easy to get caught up in negative stuff or in certain types of discussions that always seem to end badly, but it's probably a good idea for most of us to walk away from those threads, because sometimes things can be pretty upsetting.


I think it's wonderful that SWB took the time to check on you and make sure that you were OK. That says so much about the type of person she is, and I applaud her for being so thoughtful.

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No apologies are necessary, Elizabeth, and I hope you won't leave the forum. I didn't see the deleted threads (and yes, this is a hint to get someone to PM me with the details,) but it's obvious that you were very upset by a series of things that happened, and I'm so sorry that happened to you.


You're such a nice person, and I would hate to think you would leave the forum. My best advice is that if you see a thread that you know is going to get heated, or if there are particular people who you feel are mean to you, please try to avoid them. Remember that you can always turn off the computer and go have a cup of coffee, or that you can even just click to a different (and happier) thread. It's so easy to get caught up in negative stuff or in certain types of discussions that always seem to end badly, but it's probably a good idea for most of us to walk away from those threads, because sometimes things can be pretty upsetting.


I think it's wonderful that SWB took the time to check on you and make sure that you were OK. That says so much about the type of person she is, and I applaud her for being so thoughtful.


:iagree: All of this. (says Scarlett who probably holds the record for DELETED threads.) And someone pm me if they want. Hint hint.

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I did see the threads you mentioned, and I knew you must be hurting. I have wondered how you were doing. I'm glad to hear from you that you're working things out. Praying you will find healing and peace.


Yes. I replied to your first thread before I knew the depth of your pain. I apologize for not recognizing a thread that needed hugs instead of rebuttal. When I saw the second thread, I began to understand that the issue meant so much more to you. The third had me worried and I have hoped for you to be well and have peace, so thank you for letting us know you're OK.


You are very brave, in so many ways. Don't stay away from the boards, unless you feel they're not good for you.



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If you're leaving the board because you're finding it's just not a good thing for you, then you have my :grouphug::grouphug:, and please know that you have my prayers on your behalf.


If you're leaving the board because of embarrassment, or because of past hard feelings, please reconsider. Though many people here feel that at one time or another they've received a reprimand from either their fellow boardies or from the moderators, one thing I have noticed is that hard feelings for things posted in the past fall by the wayside quickly here.


It's possible to disagree very strenuously here, and think it's "terminal". Really though, then you end up chatting easily about vacuum cleaners the next week, or even the next day. :001_smile:

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I never saw those threads... I personally think you're welcome here as I treasure all thoughts about a subject. Knowing how others think - especially when different than what I think - helps me understand the world out there.


We're all in this world together.


Luv ya!



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