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Would you let them paint their room like this?

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dd14 & dd13 are moving into our finished attic as their bedroom so my dss12 can have his own room and dss9 & 7 can share. We told them they could paint and they've been brainstorming idea's sense.


Their current idea is to paint half of the room turquoise and have hot pink with a black stripe down the middle :ohmy: I told them that i'd have to think about that one and they insisted that it would look so cool and no one would ever see it except for their friends and us.


I'm so not sure! I had a hard time letting dd14 have one hot pink wall and the others light pink.


So, should I let them paint their room this way?

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I would let them paint it whatever they want. But maybe add that if they hate it, they have to buy the next batch of paint?


I would also look carefully at the shades and consult someone in the paint department to pick the shades that would complement each other. Unusual colors like that can look good together if the shades are right.

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I would let them paint it whatever they want. But maybe add that if they hate it, they have to buy the next batch of paint?



And also the primer that will be required to cover it :)


One thing to note is that for a bright, strong color like that - you're looking at MANY coats of paint. Usually they have to thin the paint down considerably with the amount of pigment they use to get the color right. The paint goes on very thing :)

A good primer helps - and have the store tint the primer pink as well to get a good start.

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YES!!! It is only paint, you can paint over it easy enough someday. My dd went with a solid black wall and three deep purple walls, so it could be worse (I talked her down from all black - her room is off the dining room and we can see into it when the door is open. Her actual first choice was red - she painted a sample on the wall - the shade she had picked...her room would have looked like a sanitary napkin! She agreed and dropped the red like a hot potato!)

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I've been thinking more about this. I think they should paint their room whatever way they want at their ages. If you paint your house like this when you're 40, you will either have people think you're nuts or on drugs or you will have a very hard time furnishing your house because everything will clash.


This is the age to do it. :001_smile:

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Most certainly I would let them paint it that way. And be enthusiastic about it, too! My mom let me paint my room neon green when I was a teenager. She couldn't have really liked it, but she made me feel great by being supportive about my crazy choice of color.

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several years ago my daughter wanted to paint her room to have 1 black wall and the other 3 pink. I didn't want her to but my husband convinced me to let her because it was only paint.


once it was done it actually looked very nice.


When she moved out my son moved into her room and we painted the pink walls grey. so now it is 3 grey walls and 1 black and it still looks very nice.


I say, Go for it. if you don't like it just re-paint it.

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IMHO, paint is easily changed. I've had some crazy colors in my kids rooms. One of the best was dd19's room was 3 walls red and 1 wall black. That was when she was 16 yrs. old. Primer painted right over it when she was ready to do something different.


The killer for me is that with every paint color change, new matching beddings & curtains are needed!

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I would. It's just paint.


Yup. I painted my eldest daughter's room bright white with stripes in pink, turquoise, orange and chartreuse on one wall and randomly sized squares in the same colors on the opposite. Not a color combination I would want to live in, but she loved it.

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I've been thinking more about this. I think they should paint their room whatever way they want at their ages. If you paint your house like this when you're 40, you will either have people think you're nuts or on drugs or you will have a very hard time furnishing your house because everything will clash.


This is the age to do it. :001_smile:



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Another yes vote. We let the dc choose how their rooms would be painted. The each chose a solid color but ds1 chose a dark forest green. I love green but it's not the shade I would have chosen. Still, he likes it and that's ok.


Just a small reminder to do the stripes right--you know, taping off the sections and all, just like they do on HGTV. :D I like a pp's idea of using vinyl tape for the black stripe. Anyway, when we were looking at houses we saw a house where they divided one bedroom wall into square sections and painted each square a different color (but with only a handful of colors all together). It probably would have looked nice if it had been done properly, but it wasn't and it looked terrible. And there was still tape on the wall. :001_rolleyes:

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As long as it is paint, yes! It is very cheap and easy to paint over.


I agree.


If I had a room to let my kids paint, and they were old enough to do it themselves then I would let them do it in any way they wanted. The only limit would be on how much I would spend on paint and supplies.


Long, Long ago we had a room- mate who choose to paint his room pee yellow with a brown stripe down the middle. He wasn't a good painter so the brown strip didn't have straight lines and kind of leaked and dripped onto the pee yellow.

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let them paint the room how they want. then put on sunglasses when you go to their room. letting them get this type of stuff out of their system when they are still under your roof is a good thing.


besides, if they have to live with that paint scheme, they may tire of it really fast and want something more normal. but they will also understand why you are cringing at the thought of it.;)

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For my girls, we painted two adjacent walls turquoise and two hot pink. The plan was to add huge black silhouette orchids, but we never got to that.


....So, obviously yes! I'd let them.


ETA: They have black and white and black and hot pink bedding sets. Their furniture is all painted metallic silver in an oil-based paint. It looks adorable!

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dd14 & dd13 are moving into our finished attic as their bedroom so my dss12 can have his own room and dss9 & 7 can share. We told them they could paint and they've been brainstorming idea's sense.


Their current idea is to paint half of the room turquoise and have hot pink with a black stripe down the middle :ohmy: I told them that i'd have to think about that one and they insisted that it would look so cool and no one would ever see it except for their friends and us.


I'm so not sure! I had a hard time letting dd14 have one hot pink wall and the others light pink.


So, should I let them paint their room this way?


Yep. Let 'em. It's just paint. I let my little sister and dsd paint their room dark purple. :D (at our old house.)

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I vote yes. Of course we let the 6 yo pick pink and periwinkle for her walls and we have one boys' room with grey and black walls so YMMV.


I definitely agree that you should make them live with some sample patches for a week or two. You should also have an understanding that they will help re-paint when the time comes, no matter how many coats of primer it takes.

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