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When will your Christmas tree come down?

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It's coming down tonight. As much as I hate to be so Scrooge-ish, it must because we need to completely rearrange the living room. We need to set up the play pen so baby girl has a safe place to crawl around and play when I can't keep an eye on her. The corner where we need to put it is how we access the under stairs storage and that's where all the decorations go, so I figure we might as well do it now. Hopefully next year it can stay out longer. I'm hoping the crawling baby and curious toddler will have outgrown their desires for pulling on the ornaments.

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I don't want it to come down until after January 2nd because we are having friends over that night whom we haven't exchanged gifts with yet. It won't feel like Christmas if the decorations aren't up. I'm hoping we can leave them up until that Wednesday the 4th or better yet, that next Saturday, the 7th.


I love them being up and feel sad when we put them away!

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If the tree got up when I want it, soon after Thanksgiving, I'd go on and take it down on New Year's Day, but depending on when kids get home, and we can all go get the tree, it might stay up till second week of January....total about a month. Its so cheering to have, I don't feel like clearing it away too quickly, want to enjoy it. Got it up late this year, so I reckon we'll have it till after the second week of January...ha!

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I was actually contemplating taking ornaments off tonight, but will probably do that tomorrow. It might stay up a day or two after that with just the lights. Our living room is fairly small though, and we rearrange everything to put the tree in, so I'm usually quite ready for it to go. We put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving.


I'll admit that this one will be hard to take down. It is probably the prettiest tree we have ever had, and it still smells amazing!

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Ours went up a few days before Christmas and always stays until at least Epiphany. This year all the decorations will stay up so dd can have a Christmas party with her friends when they come back to college. They were all too busy with finals but drew names for gifts, then complained that the dorm wouldn't be decorated when they got back. Dd told them our house would be. :D We love our Christmas decorations!

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Ours always comes down when dh is off for New Year's, so this year it will be this next weekend. If I could take it down myself, I am ready, but I tend to make a bigger mess of things, so I will refrain. :D

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