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  1. Google "ADHD overdiagnosed" and you'll get a clearer picture of what I was SAYING, not what others are presuming I'm saying.
  2. Okay, that may be the case. I'm referring generally to the overdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD and the subsequent medication. I'm not sure I mentioned those children as "Special Needs", or violent/dangerous...and if I did and was confused, I apologize for that. But again, I certainly never meant an autistic child, etc. was the result of poor parenting. I don't think I said that either. I also never, EVER said "all" or "most"...of anything. My son (now 21) was one of those overdiagnosed. I was a single mother at the time working full time, and was relieved to think that the pill would fix him. It didn't - boundaries and discipline did, later in his life, when I was able to spend the time required. Whatever - I disagree strongly with using isolation rooms and some of the other desperate methods that public schools are using to keep the kids under control.
  3. Wait. What? It's gotten off track a bit, so I can see why you're having trouble keeping up. Another poster asked (paraphrased): "At the same time, how does a teacher handle disruptive kids in the classroom, and still teach the others?" And I stated my opinion on why there are so many disruptive kids. I NEVER remotely said I agree with putting a child in an isolation closet. Please.
  4. No, as I've stated multiple times now and will rephrase again: It's my opinion, and I've read many times, that a lot of kids are diagnosed and given medication when proper discipline/parenting would have taken care of the problem. Is that clearer? Or still "offensive" and "rude"?
  5. As I said, a simple google search bears it out. Overdiagnosed, greatly.
  6. If she's anything like our Sharona, you'll know before you even hear the thunder - you'll be able to tell it's coming from her behavior lol. Good luck!
  7. If it matters, IMO there's nothing wrong with "Go to your room!" - it hardly holds a candle to locking a kid in a scary place alone in an unfamiliar environment. But then I've been accused of being "a big meany" to my son as well.
  8. Our great dane is scared of thunder too - she found a cozy spot in one of our closets, where she feels secure. It seems like our dog likes the fact that she's surrounded by the clothes. At our place in TN, she runs into the room where the big rolls of insulation are stored and lays in there if it's thundering. Maybe yours hasn't found her "safe place" yet? Perhaps you could put a dog bed in a similar tight, cozy spot, or if you crate her, surround her crate with sound-dampening items (cushions, pillows, etc. maybe?) Good luck! I agree, trying to "comfort" your dog might make it think, "OMG even Mom says I'm right to be scared right now!" I think a firm command, guiding the dog, will comfort it because it knows you're in charge and have things under control.
  9. I think Lemishine is citric acid, isn't it? If so, it can be bought MUCH cheaper on ebay. I use it in the dishwasher - a half-teaspoon makes a huge difference. Never occurred to me to try it in the washer - thanks!
  10. In addition, is disagreeing not permitted on this board? I didn't say anyone was wrong in THEIR opinions. I said I disagree.
  11. Whatever. Sorry to offend you. No generalization was made. I specifically stated that it's certainly not all cases. I believe that many parents not being able/willing to effectively raise a child is a trend that's gone on for decades. Probably since both parents began working and leaving their kids in daycare in the morning to catch the bus to school, then go back to daycare until brought home for supper - then bed. When those kids became parents, they didn't know anything different. They come home exhausted from work to a bad-news note in a backpack and don't know what to do. In my [offensive] opinion, this is a trend that is just now starting to bear fruit. But, okay, if my opinion offends, I'll try to be more politically correct in the future.
  12. Let's also not forget the potential funding motivation on the part of the school. Schools get plenty of extra funding for each classified child. At our local public elementary there are more special needs teachers than "regular" teachers. As for "my experience" - perfectly normal kids act out in class. The overextended teacher suggests perhaps add/adhd. School recommends a psych evaluation (paid for by the school), parent is relieved that there's a pill to take care of the child's behavior, then the rest is history. Under no circumstances did I ever suggest that parents of autistic children are drugging their kids so they don't have to take care of them. Good grief. The FACT is (not dictated by "my vast experience") that ADD/ADHD is greatly overdiagnosed in this country. A simple google search bears that out.
  13. Well I disagree, I was referring to the many MANY kids that are diagnosed for convenience' sake, not kids that are legitimately disabled. And most rationally, not homeschooled kids; homeschooling parents would seem to me, to be people who are MOST willing to put extra effort into their kids' educations. But there I go generalizing again.
  14. I had flu-like symptoms (everything BUT congestion/respiratory) and was miserable about 3 weeks ago. TERRIBLE headache. It was erlichiosis, a tick-borne disease. Doc said it's possible it's lyme, though I didn't have any deer ticks that I noticed, so he treated for lyme. The treatment is the same (3 weeks on doxy for lyme, 2 weeks for erlichiosis). Energy level isn't back where it should be, but the other symptoms are gone, thank God. It felt a lot like I remember mono feeling back when I was a teen. If your child doesn't have respiratory symptoms but the rest of the symptoms are flu-like, I'd ask about tick-borne diseases.
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