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S/O .. so what DOES your kid know?

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I don't have a third-grader :D but my kindergartener knows how to identify 13 types of aircraft by sight (six by sound alone) and my fifth grader knows how to recite all three (original, thankyouverymuch!) Star Wars movies in two languages.


It's not presidents and states/capitals, but it's what I've got!


And you? What random things do your kids know?

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Besides how to push my buttons, all of mine can recite some Shakesphere. (Even the 4yo.)


Also, thanks to SOTW audio being on almost every time we go anywhere in the van, they know a heck of a lot more about history than I did at their ages.




My kids are excellent button pushers too.


Okay, DS (4) can name each of the football teams in the NFL and know what divisions they are in. He can name *most* of the quarterbacks and can carry a conversation about what happened in Sundays games better than most men. Sea Bass is his hero.


DD (10) can recite her alphabet backwards just as quickly as she does forwards. It's silly, but I have always been so overly impressed by that.

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My 4yo has memorized the following in their entirety (or nearly so):


The Sound of Music

The Wizard of Oz

Cinderella (by Rogers & Hammerstein)

West Side Story

Jesus Christ Superstar

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

The Phantom of the Opera


My 4yo also knows quite a few factoids about different countries and the famous people of those countries. When she was 3 she had somewhat of an obsession with death, and also with Nazis.

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My nine year old knows every single Star Wars character in all the movies and Clone Wars. I'm pretty sure he could recite much of a few of the movies.


My seven year old can hear a piece of John Williams music and identify which movie it comes from (as long as it's a movie he knows), and if it is Star Wars, he can identify which episode and which scene it is from.

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My oldest knows everything about horses. She eats, lives, breathes horses.


My middle daughter knows the words to every Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift song and the words to tons of songs from all kinds of musicals. She also knows pretty much every word of The Wizard of Oz movie.


My little one knows and remembers everything you've ever told her and will not hesitate to bring it up even if you are in the grocery store and it's not a great time to talk about having diarrhea after eating dairy. :tongue_smilie:


All of them know a lot of scripture. :D

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Kiddo can hear 4 bars of a piece on the classical station and tell me where he was when he heard it last. In excruciating detail.


That is cool. My DD knows a lot of things. :glare: but as far as anything unusual, she can draw, describe, and tell you about every pokemon character EVER, oh and what they evolve into. I'm sure there will be a bonus question on the SAT's about it. :lol:

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Kiddo can hear 4 bars of a piece on the classical station and tell me where he was when he heard it last. In excruciating detail.



:lol: This is me, too. I can remember who I was with, what I was wearing, and anything any of my siblings did to wrong me that day.




The Hive has some seriously impressive, interesting spawn!

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My little one knows and remembers everything you've ever told her and will not hesitate to bring it up even if you are in the grocery store and it's not a great time to talk about having diarrhea after eating dairy



This. Plus the words to just about every movie she's seen or song she's heard. Since she spends a lot of time with my guitar playing dad this means she often walks around singing Beatles songs along with the mostly contemporary Christian music I listen to.


She's also somewhat of an expert on both Egyptian gods and Roman & Greek mythology. She has read every book we could find in the library. She knows the stories, what the Romans and Greeks called them, etc. This has made her quite popular during family game night when we play Jeopardy.

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My 2nd grader has memorized this song, which lists the kings and queens of England in order from William the Conquerer to present:




This will come in handy when we read Shakespeare and do English history.


And yes, I find it a little odd that my American kid knows the kings and queens of England before learning the presidents of the US. But, you give her a song, and she'll memorize it...

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That is cool. My DD knows a lot of things. :glare: but as far as anything unusual, she can draw, describe, and tell you about every pokemon character EVER, oh and what they evolve into. I'm sure there will be a bonus question on the SAT's about it. :lol:


That's mine... both boys know all of the pokemon characters, their HP, their special powers and their evolutions! The youngest (8) is a little scary when he can recall all of that. I told them if they can learn all of that, learning poems and parts of speech will seem like a piece of cake!



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My kids know some random stuff.


My 4th grader can label the world map with all 195/196 countries and can spell them all correctly. Yet somehow, we live in Canada and he still mixes up Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the map and consistently misspells Saskatchewan. :001_huh:


My 2nd grader can watch figure skating on TV with the sound off and tell you every move that they do. She's only been skating for a two years and can't do any of it herself, but she loves watching it.


My 1st grader knows how to tie his own skates for hockey. I see 12 year olds getting their dads to tie their skates, but he insists on doing it himself.


My kindergartener knows how to count to 20 in English, French, Spanish and Norwegian.

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My 4th grader can label the world map with all 195/196 countries and can spell them all correctly. Yet somehow, we live in Canada and he still mixes up Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the map and consistently misspells Saskatchewan. :001_huh:


:lol: I don't live in Canada, but every year I visit Saskatchewan (I fly into Calgary and drive.) I've done this for 12 years. And in between those visits I travel to Calgary for work, around 5-10 times per year.


I still can't tell you which one on the map is Sask. or Alberta, after years of following road maps and staring at the NA map in the back of the inflight magazine. I'm just glad I appear to be in such good company - that's seriously impressive to know and to spell that many countries, wow!

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My kids know the sound an alligator makes.


They can identify The Beatles, Johnny Cash, Green Day, Beethoven, and many, many other bands/music groups/composers by sound.


My son (3rd grade) knows the names of and can locate the majority of the world's deserts, mountain ranges, and rivers.


Both of them can count to 10, say basic greetings and niceties (please, thank you, you're welcome), and tell their name and age in three languages (English, German, Spanish).


My daughter knows how to burp the alphabet.


DS can kick my booty on Mario Galaxy 2.


Both kids can identify multiple wizards on sight - Gandalf, Harry Potter, Merlin, etc., and tell you what makes them all different.


I love my munchkins :)

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My third grader knows how to do product research. She will not purchase anything without first checking its reviews online. :D
Oh my word, mine too! She even made a Christmas wish list, complete with pictures from Rainbow Resource catalog, prices and star rating. :tongue_smilie:
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My ds knows all the lyrics to the song So Long and thanks for all the fish.


He can do a pretty good Obi-Wan Kenobi saying These aren't the droids you're looking for.


He also identifies weapons in movies. He can tell you if it's the right era for the weapon and will complain if it doesn't. We don't own a gun.


He can do an awesome Vulcan Live Long and Prosper hand sign.


He can recreate the poker tournament scene from Casino Royale complete with voices and expressions.

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My oldest knows everything about horses. She eats, lives, breathes horses.


Mine too!


She rides with a Boerperd (a South African breed similar to a saddle horse) team and can tell you the pedigree of most of the horses that compete and discusses their strengths and weaknesses in excruciating detail.

I can hardly tell two horses apart....


Younger dd has an interest in dogs and can name most breeds.

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My 4yo has memorized the following in their entirety (or nearly so):


The Sound of Music

The Wizard of Oz

Cinderella (by Rogers & Hammerstein)

West Side Story

Jesus Christ Superstar

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

The Phantom of the Opera


My 4yo also knows quite a few factoids about different countries and the famous people of those countries. When she was 3 she had somewhat of an obsession with death, and also with Nazis.


My dd had memorized Phantom of the Opera when she was 3, almost 4yo, too! (and Sound of Music)


Now she knows how to haggle over prices and find the lowest price on anything she wants to buy. She also knows over 300 Irish fiddle tunes and all the bartenders and waitresses by name in the Irish pubs in Philly. LOL

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DS1 has expertise in the following areas:



Star Wars




and any other boy type thing where you can collect 8 million cards to scatter all over the house.


DS2 used to be a dinosaur expert when he was 3, but now he can tell you the storyline and describe every single character in the BeastQuest book series.

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My 2 boys and eldest daughter can identify any car on the road, and are able to tell you the horsepower and engine type of the fastest 10 cars in the world. They can also recount every episode of Top Gear they've ever watched.

My 2 boys can also give you the up to the minute NHL standings upon request.

My eldest daughter can also tell you anything you ever wanted to know about horses. ANYTHING.

My 7 and 4 yr old daughters can sing the "Heat Miser/ Cold Miser" song until they're blue in the face.

My 2 yr old daughter can and does point out every Target store we ever pass along the road.:001_smile:

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My fifth grader is freakishly AMAZING with an Etch-a-Sketch. She writes me notes in cursive. It's unreal.


My fourth grader knows the name of every person he's ever met. Doesn't matter if he met them once two years earlier, he knows. I wish I could do that!


One of my dogs knows sit, stay, come. The other is unschooled and will learn them when she's ready.

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Mine know way too much about every random character from anything in the Star Wars Universe. Before that, it was every obscure Hobbit and Elf (DD scoured websites about LOTR until she discovered that there was, in fact, a relative of Bilbo's with her name). Before that, it was every character and detail from Oz. I think there is a theme there. :) They also randomly quote from those books/movies, as well a strange collection of other books and movies -- everything from Winnie the Pooh to Monty Python (they've only seen a handful of Python clips, just the clean ones). Every time the 6yo leaves the door open, which is often, the 3yo goes, "Frodo, the door," a la Bilbo in Jackson's Fellowship.


They also know a fair amount of Scripture and a reasonable amount of classical music, and the Kings and Queens of England (thank you, Beethoven's Wig CDs!). DD is also halfway decent at identifying birds, reptiles, plants, and trees, and she could also write an accurate book on natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and babywearing. They know a lot of random stuff. :P


Multiplication tables, OTOH, not so much yet. :)

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My son has a natural sense of direction, can figure out any computer or Wii game and figured out every single obscure function on our dvr/satellite dish.


Oldest dd has known every word to Grease since she was 6 or 7 and now knows every word to Rent and Wicked.


Little dd doesn't seem to have any odd skills yet. Does not wearing clothes and running through the house screaming like a banshee count?

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My 2nd grader has memorized this song, which lists the kings and queens of England in order from William the Conquerer to present:




This will come in handy when we read Shakespeare and do English history.


And yes, I find it a little odd that my American kid knows the kings and queens of England before learning the presidents of the US. But, you give her a song, and she'll memorize it...



This is a fabulous link! Thankyou!

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My fifth grader is freakishly AMAZING with an Etch-a-Sketch. She writes me notes in cursive. It's unreal.


My fourth grader knows the name of every person he's ever met. Doesn't matter if he met them once two years earlier, he knows. I wish I could do that!


One of my dogs knows sit, stay, come. The other is unschooled and will learn them when she's ready.



Her dog is unschooled :lol::lol::lol:


I'm glad I'm not the only one guilty of saying 'unschooled' when I mean 'feral.'

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Unschooled dog!!! :lol::lol: I am soooooo using that....


Let's see...

My sons know how to procrastinate like it's going out of style.

They know how to clog the vacuum cleaner and the toilets.

They know how to do a load of dishes so poorly that the dishes come out of the dishwasher worse than they went in.

The have developed an amazing sense of "selective vision" in addition to the long ago perfected "selected hearing".


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