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When do you shower?

When do you shower?  

  1. 1. When do you shower?

    • First thing in the morning.
    • Right before bed.
    • A consistent time in the middle of the day.
    • A random time daily.
    • Other.

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Every other Thursday in months with an e in them.


I'm just happy when I can fit in an uninterrupted 20 minutes and indulge in shaving my legs. :tongue_smilie:


Yep, Yep!!! :D

But really, I usually end up showering before we go out, which is just about every day. If we actually have a day at home, I try to shower before bed, mostly because DH is home and I can have that highly-sought-after uninterrupted shower time!!!

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Totally random times. Sometimes it's first thing in the morning, but usually it's later in the day. Today, for example, I'll be showering later on as I have some heavy duty cleaning to do today, so I figure I might as well wait and shower after I'm done with the cleaning.


I never get a shower squeezed in early on school days. I'm almost always giving the kids their lunch and then hopping into the shower for a quick one.

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Can I just say how validated I feel that so many of you responded with "random time during the day?" My dh thinks I'm nuts that I don't take a shower immediately upon waking, but sometimes I don't get a shower until 2 or 3 in the afternoon!




Also validated (point of poll); my mother "yells" at me because dd and I do not take a shower right before bed. It's always been an issue with her, but then again, both of my parents have been bugging me lately! LOL.

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I put other. Most of the time it's in the morning, but there are days when I dance that I need two showers and that can throw off the normal schedule. Also, the colder it is, the more I prefer to NOT get wet in the morning because I'm a wimp like that. I tend towards hot, evening baths in the winter. On heavy cleaning days, I shower when I'm finished and hat can be 2-3 in the afternoon.

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Random, but I don't shower daily. This is going to sound insane, but I feel like optimally for my hair to look decent and myself to feel comfortable, I shower every 36 hours - so morning on the first day, evening on the second, not on the third, morning on the fourth... and so on. I know, bizarre.

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We all bath/shower right before bed. I've gotten to the point that it feels gross to me to get in a bed without showering (nor do I want anyone else getting in my bed without being clean, hehe). I only wash my hair every other day though and use a shower cap on the other days.

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I wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen. :-)


I do that too! I just wet my hair in the kitchen sink so I can crunch it up with some gel before I go to work. (I leave for work at 5, work out after, come home and, ideally, shower and nap. Sometimes, it's just straight to napping :) )

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We all bath/shower right before bed. I've gotten to the point that it feels gross to me to get in a bed without showering (nor do I want anyone else getting in my bed without being clean, hehe). I only wash my hair every other day though and use a shower cap on the other days.


:iagree: This is EXACTLY what I do. It feels SO nice getting into bed all clean. And I think it keeps the sheets nice and clean too. (We know folks who let their kids go to bed after a dusty, sweaty sports event without showering -- ewww!) In winter if I'm really tired and haven't exercised all day, and it's not hair-washing day (score!), I go to bed without showering.



See, if I take my shower at night, I can get dressed right away in the morning, regardless of what the dc are doing.


I wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen. :-)


I wet down my hair in the kitchen in the morning if I've gone to bed with wet hair (the one drawback to my system -- my hair can look pretty crazy the next morning!). It looks great when I do this -- better than if I'd let it dry the night before. :001_smile:

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It depends:


Do I need a shower? Is it summer or winter? How cold is that shower going to be? :001_huh: Is that a good thing?


Are we going anywhere today? Will we mostly be in the house, or are we going out to work in the garden or mow the lawn? Are we going to the park or my parents' house? Are we going to a store? We always shower or bathe after going to the stores. :tongue_smilie:


Did hubby already take his usual 30 minute HOT shower? Do the kids also need baths? Did I put in a load or two of laundry? There's only so much hot water in the tank. :toetap05:


If I can be and feel and look clean with a "bird bath" (i.e., washing up), then in the winter I might settle for that. After yard work, never. Oh, and even if I've had a shower in the morning or afternoon, I always wash up before bedtime. Use a warm, soapy washcloth on face, neck, feet, and all the "warm places." ;)

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It depends:


Do I need a shower? Is it summer or winter? How cold is that shower going to be? :001_huh: Is that a good thing?


Are we going anywhere today? Will we mostly be in the house, or are we going out to work in the garden or mow the lawn? Are we going to the park or my parents' house? Are we going to a store? We always shower or bathe after going to the stores. :tongue_smilie:


Did hubby already take his usual 30 minute HOT shower? Do the kids also need baths? Did I put in a load or two of laundry? There's only so much hot water in the tank. :toetap05:


If I can be and feel and look clean with a "bird bath" (i.e., washing up), then in the winter I might settle for that. After yard work, never. Oh, and even if I've had a shower in the morning or afternoon, I always wash up before bedtime. Use a warm, soapy washcloth on face, neck, feet, and all the "warm places." ;)


:iagree::iagree: That's me. Just add in, not too early because the house is cold (in winter). Not too close to bedtime, because I don't like to go to bed with wet hair. Recently, it seems to be either because we're going somewhere and I want to look ok, or because I cannot remember the last time I managed to get a real shower. :D Prekids I liked to take a bath every 5 days (plus quick showers after I was working out or sweating).

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Usually 45 minutes to an hour before I'm due to go somewhere. I go somewhere almost every day. And it could be at all different times of day. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes an evening thing. If I'm not due to go somewhere, but someone is due to be coming to my house, it'll be 45 minutes to an hour before those people are due to come over lol. And on the rare days I have nowhere to go and no-one coming over, it's quite possible I'll just stay in the sweats and teeshirt I slept in and skip it for the day. :P In that case, I'd be more likely to do it first thing the next morning regardless of that day's plans.

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