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Who were you most attracted to age wise?

Who were you more attracted to?  

  1. 1. Who were you more attracted to?

    • Much older men (over 5 years)
    • Slightly older men (under 5 years)
    • About the same age, give or take a year or two
    • Somewhat younger men (2-4 years)
    • Much younger men (over 4 years)
    • Age was never a factor in my attraction to any man
    • Other

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Poll coming.


Just curious. Not a "who are you hot for now" poll, just when you were dating, who were you more attracted to?


I was always attracted to younger guys.....not too much younger, but a couple of years.


My Dh is 6 months younger than I am, which really is the same age, but still.....I know most women say they prefer older men.

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Older. Always.


My dh is significantly older than I am. His family said it would never last. (That was almost 20 years ago...)


At this point in my life, I don't think age would make much of a difference to me, but I would still choose someone who was at least my own age or older.

Edited by Catwoman
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In my 20s I married a man in his 30s. In my 30s, I married a man in his 30s. I'm in my later 40s, and I still like men in their 30s. It has nothing to do with how old I am. I simply like men at that point in their lives. ;) Oh. And they should have a 33" waists.

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well, I wasn't quite sure what people would consider much older....so I guessed.....I could have ended up with 10 options I suppose.




I'm surprised that 5+ years is considered much older.

I think it'd have to be at LEAST double digits to count as "much."


Well, I guess I outed myself :)

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So that's why you carry a tape measure around with you! ;) And here I thought it was because I thought you wanted to measure.... well, never mind about that....:blush:




Heh, I can spot a 33" waist at 40 paces. ;) (Even at my age!)

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I didn't date a whole lot in my youth, but most of the fellows I dated were somewhat older. I tended to be most attracted to men who were much older, and I did once date a fellow who was 23 years older. My husband is four years older than I am.


I've found I'm a bit more likely these days to be attracted to men in their 30s, which is a new thing, but overall it still tends to be older men.

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When I was in my teens I was OBSESSED with Richard Dean Anderson (AKA MacGyver) I have always been crazy about him! It didn't matter that he was old enough to be my dad. :D Now in my mid 30's I'm attracted to men in their late 30-40's. So, I voted quite a bit older. DH is 6 years older than me and we've been married for 16 years now so I guess I really do like older men. :lol:

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Well, my "dating" period only lasted about 5 years, since we were married at 20. My DH is just three months older than I am.


As far as attraction, though, I've always been most attracted to (as a group) much older men. Old enough to be my father. Usually the professor type. Since, as I said, my "dating" period was from 15 to 20, I didn't actually date any of those type! Especially since I look a lot younger than my actual age. When I was 15 I probably looked 12. At 26 I still get carded to buy M-rated video games for my DH. :lol: So all those older men were thinking, "Red alert! Jail bait! Jail bait! Stay away!"

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Poll coming.


Just curious. Not a "who are you hot for now" poll, just when you were dating, who were you more attracted to?


I was always attracted to younger guys.....not too much younger, but a couple of years.


My Dh is 6 months younger than I am, which really is the same age, but still.....I know most women say they prefer older men.


I was always attracted to guys within a few years of me. When I met dh, I thought he was quite a bit younger than me- so I almost didn't date him at all. Turned out he was 4 years older than me.

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I said slightly older, but I haven't been on the market since my late teens. The reality is that teen boys can be idiots and much older is creepy old man territory. I mean, what respectable 28 year old dates a young-looking 18-year old, and you certainly can't go the Demi-Ashton route when Ashton is still in grammar school. I'm sure the acceptable age span widens as you get older.

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Everyone I ever dated was born in the same year. Apparently I really liked guys who were two years older than me. Either that, or I was searching for my soul mate and subconsciously (intuitively) knew he had been born in 1978. As a romantic, I prefer the latter theory. :)

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I never dated anyone besides my dh, and never really had a crush on anyone in particular, so I'll say that I like a guy who is 22 mo. younger than me :D. However, I thought he was "really mature for a guy my age." Then I found out he was barely 17 and I was almost 19. There was one guy I thought I could see myself dating when I was 17, but he moved away shortly thereafter. He was 16, so apparently I do like slightly younger guys.

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When I was a teen the only tv guy who I thought was real nice was James Burke from the orginal Connections TV show.


So for me it has always been guys about 40 years old. So as I age the difference between my age and 40 keeps getting smaller. (And give it 8 years at it will match up perfectly)

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Well because I always knew I wanted to be a wife and mother guys my own age did not appeal to me much. I dated one guy who was 3 years younger than me and that lasted about a minute. I could not handle his immaturity and lack of commitment. I was pretty clear up front with guys what my goals for a relationship were so that cut the pack real quick. The only ones who stuck around were the ones who were ready to settle down and have a family. My DH is 8 years older than me and we met not too long after I'd turned 20. We married a few days short of my 22nd birthday.

LOL, when I first saw Secret Life of an American Teenager I was like, "Man, where was Ben when I was in highschool?!" He was always asking some chick to marry him. :)

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Over 5 is "much older?" :lol:


I was thinking the same thing. I've always liked men much older than me. They seemed to be the only ones I could have an intelligent conversation with.


My husband is only 18 months older than me, though. (We do have some real dumba$$ conversations, too. :001_huh::lol:)

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When I was in my teens I was OBSESSED with Richard Dean Anderson (AKA MacGyver) I have always been crazy about him! It didn't matter that he was old enough to be my dad. :D Now in my mid 30's I'm attracted to men in their late 30-40's. So, I voted quite a bit older. DH is 6 years older than me and we've been married for 16 years now so I guess I really do like older men. :lol:




And I still love Richard Dean Anderson. :blushing:

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I was always most attracted to men older than me by a good chunk of years. I think my "record" was a 15-year age difference.


Funnily enough, the man I actually married is slightly less than two months older than I am. We "dated" on and off in junior high and high school, drifted apart and then came back together in our mid-20s. We've been married now for almost 18 years.

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