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Is a DVD player in the car a must for you?

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I know that it shouldn't be, but we had one in our last car and it was nice to have on longer trips.


We do drive a lot. We move every 2-3 years and drive. We drive to see family several states away.


I just don't know if I should put it on my must have list for the next car we're buying or not. I probably wouldn't want it on a day to day basis, but as I've said above, they are worth gold on road trips.


What do you all think?

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Nope. We take 1 or 2 18-hour-1-way car trips to see family each year and some smaller trips in between, and have never had a DVD player in the van. We listen to audio books, talk, etc, and enjoy it. All of my boys are fabulous car travelers, though, so I might change my mind if they weren't.

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I will not allow DVDs to be played while I drive.


1. I do not think that earphones are good for children, they tend to turn the volume up too high.

2. If earphones are not used I find the audio portion distracting (in a way that an audio book or the radio is not)

3. Long drives are wonderful opportunities to discuss things with the children. I relish these opportunities and would never allow a DVD to intrude. For extremely long drives the CD and audiobook is a wonderful chance to listen (with the kids) to that classic that you have never found the time to read.

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Is a DVD player in the car a must for you?


For us....absolutely not. I hate them in vehicles. I think most kids watch too much tv at home as it is....now they gotta watch it in the car?? No thanks. This is my opinion, of course.


FWIW....my son had drivers ed this fall and the instructor said they are so amazed at how many kids start behind-the-wheel and don't know diddley. They don't even know which is the brake, which is the gas, etc. She said when she was a kid (like us) when you drove with your parents you looked out the window.....or played games like looking at license plates, or tallying how many cows you see, or counting all the red cars, or whatever. Now she said kids have their faces buried in handheld games, texting on phones, or watching dvd's....; they aren't watching, paying attention, and learning.

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For longer trips, we occasionally take a portable and plug it in, but when I bought my last two cars, I absolutely refused to consider one with a built-in DVD player. I did not want to have to say "no" every time we got into the car.


It was hard to find a car with the options we wanted (mostly just leather seats) and not a DVD player, but we worked it out.



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I'd love to have one for long trips, but we don't. The kids do all have itouches, though. We drive 40 hours roundtrip to MA every year and then 16 hours round trip to Disney. We do listen to a lot of audiobooks, but they only hold my attention for a couple of hours at a time, so I think 8 hour stretches would be a bit much for the kids. My oldest and I can read in the car no problem, but Dh and the younger boys all get carsick if they try it. So I'd love to have a DVD player whenever our current car finally gives out on us, but it won't be a dealbreaker if we find a car without one.

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I know that it shouldn't be, but we had one in our last car and it was nice to have on longer trips.


We do drive a lot. We move every 2-3 years and drive. We drive to see family several states away.


I just don't know if I should put it on my must have list for the next car we're buying or not. I probably wouldn't want it on a day to day basis, but as I've said above, they are worth gold on road trips.


What do you all think?


At your kids' ages, yes. Ar my kids' ages, no. :)


I remember a time when my kids were happily watching Pocahontas on the DVD player in the car. We went 10 miles in an hour. They never noticed. It was great!!


Let me restate that. I would have a dvd player but maybe not one installed in the car.

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I don't think we are disciplined enough to not use it except for long trips so I don't have and won't get one.

Of course, I could be wrong. We have three tvs in the house and none are used daily. The kids watch less than three hours per week.


That's us, though when we were looking for our van the only one in the color I wanted had the DVD package... So we got the other color. Because I don't think it would pan out like the tv at home.


We listen to audio books on car trips to Maine, so about 12 hours each way.

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No. We've never had it and probably never will. For long trips, we use audio books, even when the kids were little. On another note, I can't stand driving behind a car with high mounted DVD players, especially at night. It is hard to pay attention on the road when that is the brightest thing in the field of vision. I find my self drawn to it, even when it is something I would never watch, like an Adam Sandler movie. I need to concentrate really hard to not look at it.

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On another note, I can't stand driving behind a car with high mounted DVD players, especially at night. It is hard to pay attention on the road when that is the brightest thing in the field of vision. I find my self drawn to it, even when it is something I would never watch, like an Adam Sandler movie. I need to concentrate really hard to not look at it.


That, too. I think they are a hazard for other drivers.

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NO. You don't want one installed in the car. Repairs will be a Big Hairy Deal. Get a portable one for a couple of hundred dollars. You only need to put it in the car for long trips, and if it breaks and you have to replace it, you just pay $100-200, not all of the effort of replacing it (with newer technology that may or may not fit, etc, etc).

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We had one for a while (removable). We only used it on trips that were 6 hours or more. At the time, most of our road trips were 4 hours to dh's parents' and the dc could entertain themselves well for that amount of time (maybe with an audio book), but for the 30+ hours to my parents (especially with a demanding toddler), they were definitely worth it. The dc got two or three movies per 15 - 17 hour driving day. Our car DVD player broke before our last road trip (16 hours each way, broken into 2 days), and the kids did fine without it, even when we just had the younger two (10 and 6) on the way home. They've also done fine on the way to see my extended family (8 hours), though if I ever decide to drive the 17 hours to my parents without dh, I might consider getting an inexpensive replacement. I wouldn't bother with a built-in one, as we wouldn't use it enough to justify that much of an expense, not only initially, but to repair. I'd much prefer something I can just put in when warranted.

Edited by higginszoo
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Nope, I force them to look out the window and observe nature, share the back seat peacably, play the ABC and license plate games, have converation with their parents, practice the art of silence, and occasionally on a really long trip - listen to a story on tape. I'm a mean Mom. :D


Same here. Plus, we think it's important for children to learn to entertain themselves in a small space on long drives. Those are really valuable skills they'll use later in life.


Maybe I shouldn't be posting on this thread, though, because we are a TV-free household.

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I don't see the need - DS is an incredible road tripper (we do 2-5 12-18 hour round trips a year)....and we spend hours singing, making up silly stories, playing games, etc. -- this past trip to FL, I did take my iPad and had a few movies loaded if DS wanted to watch while we were on the road. On the way down he didn't even turn it on! On the way back he did watch one movie though....but still, I just don't see the need for a DVD player, especially a dedicated one installed in the car!

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Don't you think they'll be obsolete soon? So, I guess the question is, how long do you usually keep a vehicle?


My dh and I were discussing it the other day that by the time we need a new van, dvd players will likely be a thing of the past. With iPad/Tablet ubiquity in the next few years, I just see them fading away. Like 8 Track players. :lol:

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Yes, yes and more yes.


We don't have a fancy car with a built in one -we bought the ones you just strap to the front seats.


3 kids under 5 in a small cramped car and living in the country where the nearest town is a 30 minute drive and the city is over an hour -it's a must have.


I don't turn it on for short trips around the local area -but for longer ones -absolutely.


I would so much rather listen to Fireman Sam and Dora (I can easily block that out) then three little kids screaming, fighting and moaning about how long the trip is taking.


I get distracted by the kids -not the DVD player.


My kids don't watch much tv at home -in fact we don't even have a DVD player in the house so the only time they watch a DVD is in the car. I save tv for when it is much needed and appreciated :D

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Wouldn't make a difference to me either way.


We've taken long trips both with and without DVD players. We're fine without one, and on the couple of occasions we've borrowed one it's been a welcome distraction as well. FWIW, I'm talking 1000+ miles each way road trips.


We're taking a trip next month and while we won't have a DVD player I will make sure that each kid has their iPod touch loaded with a couple of movies and some games. Despite that, I'm sure that in our 2500 mile trip (1500 miles of which I'll be driving alone with the kids, no dh) we'll still somehow manage to find more than enough time to also listen to audiobooks, talk to each other, gaze out the window, and even tally cows.

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Installed = not a must Portable = we have one and love it. It only gets put in the van when we go on longer trips.


My kids have a bigger screen one they share. It works really good to sit a tot spot chair in the van floor and sit the dvd player on it. It is down low so the light bothers no one at night. During the day there isn't as much glare.

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If one of your children gets extremely carsick and it is the only thing that keeps her from throwing up constantly on any length of car trip, then a dvd player in the car is worth its weight in gold. Ask me how I know.



My son gets car sick very very easily. We have a portable dvd player that is wonderful for car rides. We regularly take a ride down to my MIL's that is between 3 and 5 hours depending on traffic (Jersey shore traffic in the summer). He can not read, play hand held games or do anything else in the car without getting sick. Even playing the alphabet game requires looking down to mark answers and will make him sick. The dvd player sits between the front seats and keeps his focus up and forward. Looking down for too long or out the side windows gets him sick. He's very visual, not at all auditory (like me) and has a hard time listening to audio books.


As far as playing games or talking to my kids for 3 to 5 hours on a trip, entertaining them? Not going to work. If I'm driving I have to be paying attention to traffic - NJ is crazy to drive in. If I'm not driving, I can't turn around even for a few seconds at a time without getting sick myself. The kids wouldn't be able to hear me talk to them unless I yell.


Like someone else said, I can ignore the dvd soundtrack much better than I can ignore two fighting kids.


If I had one kid old enough to ride in the front seat it would certainly be easier but with two little ones riding in the back of a very large vehicle, it's not that easy.

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If one of your children gets extremely carsick and it is the only thing that keeps her from throwing up constantly on any length of car trip, then a dvd player in the car is worth its weight in gold. Ask me how I know.

It made one of my carsick kids even sicker. He's the oldest, and would sit up with us while his siblings watched.

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No. We live in a sprawling metroplex, it's huge, so my kids are just used to driving to the next city's science museum and it taking 45 minutes, or going to meet up with friends who live an hour away, or it taking an hour to drive to Nana and Papa's house. They don't really have any portable electronic devices. My three youngest are into making their own comic books, and they take pens and a composition book with them and stay entertained passing it back and forth and each adding a panel to the comic strip. Or they daydream or read.

Edited by Annie Laurie
edited for clarity
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I will not allow DVDs to be played while I drive.


1. I do not think that earphones are good for children, they tend to turn the volume up too high.

2. If earphones are not used I find the audio portion distracting (in a way that an audio book or the radio is not)

3. Long drives are wonderful opportunities to discuss things with the children. I relish these opportunities and would never allow a DVD to intrude. For extremely long drives the CD and audiobook is a wonderful chance to listen (with the kids) to that classic that you have never found the time to read.


:tongue_smilie:PQR, my hair is about to light on fire, but I"m going to type this anyway.....:eek:


I AGREE COMPLETELY WITH EVERY WORD YOU WROTE!!! :tongue_smilie: And in fact, I probably am more vehemently against DVD players in cars than you are!


astrid :leaving:

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If one of your children gets extremely carsick and it is the only thing that keeps her from throwing up constantly on any length of car trip, then a dvd player in the car is worth its weight in gold. Ask me how I know.


With my youngest over 20 minutes is pushing our luck. If we are going to be in the car that long he gets gravel before hand. In which case he lasts an hour.


Good thing we live a life that requires very little to no day to day driving.


If something worked for him I would do it.

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Nope. I will not have tv in our vehicle, period. I wouldn't even have it in the house, if I had a choice, but dh watches at night, and dd is in love with her morning episode of Little Einsteins. :rolleyes:


We don't even have a radio in our car. Dd and I sing and talk and look at the scenery. We just drove four hours both ways for Thanksgiving, and didn't have any problems.

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