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When do you put up your Christmas tree?

When do you put up your Christmas tree?  

  1. 1. When do you put up your Christmas tree?

    • Before Thanksgiving day
    • On Thanksgiving day
    • After Thanksgiving but before December
    • December 1-23
    • Christmas eve
    • Other

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Dd asked this morning if we could put up our Christmas stockings. She'd been to the neighbor's house yesterday so neighbor boy could show her their Christmas tree, which they'd put up the day before. They always put their tree up before Thanksgiving.


Where I grew up, if you didn't get your tree early (all imported) or have an artificial one, you might not get a tree that year. For dh, they always went to the backyard to cut down a tree and decorate it on Christmas eve. Then they'd keep it up for the 12 days of Christmas. When we got married we adopted dh's tradition. As our kids got older we started getting the tree a couple weeks before Christmas. Now that dd has come along with a mid-December birthday we try to get the tree after her birthday. But with her excitement about the neighbor's tradition, maybe we should reconsider ours.


So, for fun, when do you put up your tree?


ETA: I was going to include a poll, but I just realized I don't know how. :tongue_smilie:


ETA2: I added a poll! And realized some answers are biased toward US residents.

Edited by Cinder
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We put it up the weekend before Christmas, with just the lights and no creche. Then the creche and ornaments go up on Christmas Eve. But there is Advent decorating throughout the season--at least 2-3 Advent calendars, a wicker ornament tree, angels, candles, garlands, wreaths, bells, greenery. Harvest gives way to the Church Year over Thanksgiving weekend, every year.


The tree stays up through Twelfth Night, and it's fresh on Christmas this way.

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I voted after Thanksgiving but before December because we ususally put it up the day after Thanksgiving. However, this year and last year the tree will be going up later than usual. My twins are 2 and will be 3 December 19th, which means the less time the tree is up the better! I'm planning on putting it up on Dec 9th, which is our last day of school before Christmas break. We will get pizza for dinner and turn on Christmas music and decorate the tree and the house. Hopefully when we are finished we will sit down and watch The Santa Clause!!

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We put up decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. We usually get the tree up around the 10th or 12th depending on what evening we have time to go out as a family to get it. We have been getting a real tree, and if we get it too early it will dry out by Christmas. This year we may buy an artifical tree. I told dh, if we do, that I would put it up the same weekend as the decorations.

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I used to put it up Thanksgiving weekend, but I found that I was feeling too stressed trying to get the meal prepared, and then cleaned up, making turkey soup, plus going to our town tree-lighting and everything else that weekend. So, last year, I put it up the weekend before, and I loved it! It's so nice to have the lights on during our Thanksgiving meal, and even nicer not to have one more thing to do after Thanksgiving. We don't put the ornaments on until the week after Thanksgiving, though--until then, it's just the pretty lights. :)

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Normally Thanksgiving night, but it's been up for a week already.











And....there's presents underneath it already.




Same for us. We usually do it Thanksgiving night with family and friends, but this year we'll be out of town, and Hubby will be traveling during December for work, so we did it Veterans day weekend (when he had a 4 day weekend/holiday and could help.)


We also already have presents under it.....:tongue_smilie:

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My daughter's birthday is in December, and we decided when she was little that we would wait to put up the tree until she'd had a chance to have her birthday. It's kind of articificial, since we usually start putting up other decorations on or right after Thanksgiving, but it's our tradition.


Also, we have real trees. So, they can't stay up for six weeks like an artificial one can. We take our tree down on January 1, and it's usually very dry by then, anyway.

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My brother and I are born on Dec 5th (not twins - three years apart) so my mum always put off decorating for Christmas until the weekend after our birthday. DS6 is born on December 6th, so I maintain the tradition. However, my mum would completely disassemble Christmas on Boxing Day while we were out shopping and I hated that so I leave it up until Epiphany.

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I think we are going to try the traditional Christmas Eve tree trimming and then keep it up until Epiphany (January 6).


One year when I was a kid, I insisted we wait until Christmas Eve to put up the tree. I had been reading lots of old, English children's books, I guess, and I loved the idea.


So, on 12/24, my parents and I headed out to buy a tree . . . only to discover that all of the lots had closed already. We found a stash of trees one lot had discarded and ended up scavenging one of those to take home.


Now, as an adult, I have to wonder why my parents didn't at least BUY the tree in advance? But I guess none of us considered the possibility that the lots would just close. (Of course, it makes sense. I'm sure they all wanted to get home to their families, and I'm sure it didn't occur to them that anyone would be crazy enough to wait until the last second like that.)


Needless to say, we didn't do that again the following year.

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One year when I was a kid, I insisted we wait until Christmas Eve to put up the tree. I had been reading lots of old, English children's books, I guess, and I loved the idea.


So, on 12/24, my parents and I headed out to buy a tree . . . only to discover that all of the lots had closed already. We found a stash of trees one lot had discarded and ended up scavenging one of those to take home.


Now, as an adult, I have to wonder why my parents didn't at least BUY the tree in advance? But I guess none of us considered the possibility that the lots would just close. (Of course, it makes sense. I'm sure they all wanted to get home to their families, and I'm sure it didn't occur to them that anyone would be crazy enough to wait until the last second like that.)


Needless to say, we didn't do that again the following year.


Aw, but you saved that discarded Charlie Brown tree that nobody else wanted!

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The German tradition is to put it up on Christmas Eve before celebrating that same evening - that was too much even for my mom. We still celebrate Christmas Eve, but put the tree up a week or two before, depending on what we've got going on over the weekends that year.


We keep it up through the 12 days of Christmas (so at least till Jan. 6), and have a live tree.

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Normally I would say early-mid December. I answered for this year only, as this time we're putting the tree up on Thanksgiving Day. Cause other family will be out of town and ex will be here and I just wanted things to do! Plus, we have a new tree that I bought after Christmas last year, which makes it more exciting. :)

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Normally I do it during the 2nd week of December but this year I'm so ready for Christmas that I decided to do it on Thanksgiving day after we eat. My mom and stepdad will be here and we've never had anyone help us decorate before so it will be a good day. It will be fun for my mom and I to reminisce over the old decorations. I still have some things from when I was a kid.


But we take everything down the day after Christmas. And I mean EVERYTHING. My birthday is early January and my mom used to keep the tree up with my birthday presents underneath. I hated it. As an adult, I told her how much I disliked that and she was very surprised. She thought it was neat that my birthday could be so special as to be near Christmas. But family often sent me presents at the same time, and some even said Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday as a combo present. I thought that was very unfair. I never said anything though. I know it sounds ungrateful but it was really hard being able to open some presents while having others just sit there that I couldn't touch.

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and some even said Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday as a combo present. I thought that was very unfair. I never said anything though. I know it sounds ungrateful but it was really hard being able to open some presents while having others just sit there that I couldn't touch.


That must have been tough as a kid. My nephew was born on Christmas Day and my sister made a point since then to celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve and to dedicate Christmas day solely to his birthday. She felt that doing it any other way would have been unfair to him.

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I grew up putting it up the weekend after Thanksgiving (obviously artificial), but my husband has an early December birthday. As part of his birthday present, I agree not to put up the tree until after that. He really dislikes the "holiday creep" of earlier and earlier Christmas merchandising, etc.

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Well we don't have Thanksgiving here ;) so all the shops whip out their Christmas goodies in September - which I hate.


We put up our tree about 2 days before Christmas


1. I'm just lazy and wait till I can't put it off anymore

2. The kids pull all the decorations off and I get sick of having them scattered all over the house.


Our town and city have already had their annual Christmas parades though so my kids are antsy about putting it up.


But I make em wait cause I don't want to spend an entire month stepping on decorations and cleaning up the one's they have broken :glare:


And I never, ever put presents under the tree early - they wouldn't last 2 seconds before being ripped open by either the 2yo without a clue or the 5 yo who has impulse issues.

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I should've voted "other." We do all the decorating on Thanksgiving weekend. My house looks like an explosion in a Christmas factory when we're finished.


Since it's all going to be here until January 1, I don't want it up before Thanksgiving. And I don't want to put up the tree Thanksgiving Day. That's just not right. :001_huh:


FTR, I have cleaned up from Thanksgiving, the guests have gone home, and I've watched "It's a Wonderful Life," our Tday tradition. Actually, I slept through most of it because I woke up this morning at 4:30. :001_huh: I didn't even make it to little brother coming home with the new wife.:001_smile:

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We usually put ours up the weekend after Thanksgiving. This is because we go and cut a fresh tree down as a family event. But now that we moved to Colorado I am not sure if this is going to happen. We have not found any local tree farms and neighbors have told us with how dry the climate is here you have to be really careful about how fast your tree dries out. So, we are still in limbo ;)

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